IS IT TRUE JULY 16, 2015


IS IT TRUE we wonder why benches with advertising are located on city bus stop locations and are now being placed throughout city on major high traffic area without city bus service? …we wonder if these bus stop benches are subsidized by City, State or Federal funding? …if so, are RFP sent out to allow competitive bidding on the City Bus stop benches contract?

IS IT TRUE we hear that the Mayor’s political spin doctors are telling the Fireman and City bus drivers that Mayoral candidate Gail Riecken isn’t for giving them a pay raise this year?  ..Mrs. Riecken has nothing to with giving City employees pay raises because this is a function of  the present City Council and the Mayor? …we predict this kind of silly politics will back fire on the Mayor?

IS IT TRUE a couple of the Mayor’s male supporters were overheard saying that Mayoral Candidate Gail Riecken should stay home an bake cookies and let the men run the city? …we heard that a few females the told men at this social event that for 200 hundred years the City of Evansville has had male Mayors and it’s time for the men to bake some cookies? …one of the more outspoken women said she’s for giving Gail a broom and let her sweep City Hall clean?

IS IT TRUE we hear that the City of Evansville Firefighter’s Union shall be making an official announcement whom they are supporting as the next Mayor of Evansville today at 3:30 pm? …all eyes are on todays Firefighters political endorsement announcement? …we say let the drama begin?

IS IT TRUE the Evansville Firefighters L357 PAC  recently voted to endorse  City Council President Dr. Dan Adams for re-election in the the upcoming City election?  …we can’t wait to find out what other City Council candidates that are going to endorse?

IS IT TRUE we had a couple of CCO readers inquire how they can contact the HUD Office of the Inspector General Fraud Hotline? …they may do so by calling – 1-800-347-3735 or email them at: or

IS IT TRUE we would like to repeat the post that two of our readers posted in yesterdays CCO article about our free obit offer?

Jul 14, 2015 at 8:50 am
C-CO has embarked on a mission of unselfish Public Service
To offer free publication of obituaries and cause of death information sets them apart from the rest.
Without naming names or making this personal – those who would exploit death by charging exorbitant fees for funeral services or blocking free publication of information about the deceased – his family – accomplishments and tribulations – are among the lowest among us.
This reader is hard-pressed to imagine a time frame or circumstance within which compassion and fairness – are more indicated.
Let those who would resist this opportunity to participate in true sympathy and service to the public – be judged and rewarded accordingly.
You know – and we know – who you are – What Would Jesus Do? …

Crash LaRue
Jul 14, 2015 at 9:37 am
+1 Bubba.
What is revealed here in this article, is Loads of Pious phoneys who worship at the alter of the Almighty Dollar, while greeting the face of the bereaved with shallow smiles of “understanding”.
I hope that families from here forward, consider putting their loved one’s Obituary, in the CCO , or anywhere else for that matter,– at their own Discretion,– and as a statement of Principal.



  1. The police, firefighters, bus drivers and the majority of other city employees have collective bargaining agreements that dictate whether they get a raise for next year. The only employees who may not get a raise are non bargaining unit employees, and there aren’t that many of them. They are management employees who work for Winnecke, Winnecke’s immediate staff and elected City officials.

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