IS IT TRUE July 16, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE July 16, 2012

IS IT TRUE the rest of the Evansville mainstream media was a couple of days late on publishing or broadcasting the fact that a closed door meeting was held by the Winnecke Administration’s hand-picked salary review committee to select 10 people to be recommended for some pretty hefty raises?…while this action may have some more information that has not been disclosed that may come out at the City Council meeting where the approval will be sought, the optics on this particular action are just terrible and send the wrong message?…that the judgment of handing roughly 1% of a workforce a big fat raise without considering any actions with respect to the overall competitiveness of the compensation package for the entire workforce is simply impaired?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing from reliable sources that the Vanderburgh County Commission is reneging on the commitment they made to Evansville City Councilman and Budget Chairman, John Friend, CPA to help fund the much needed Information Technology Assessment Audit?…several CCO Moles are telling us that the County Commissioners are now wanting to contribute about a mere $10,000 towards this audit?…the extent of political malfeasance that goes on so some people can continue to feed or protect their sacred cows can be absolutely disgusting at times?

IS IT TRUE Microsoft has announced that it is divesting and pulling out of the partnership that it has had for reporting the news with NBC for the last 16 years?…Microsoft has given one reason as having been handcuffed by the deliberate decision of MSNBC to present the news with a liberal bias?…this decision was made to counter the conservative reporting style of Fox News that dominates the ratings at the expense of MSNBC and CNN?…we can expect a new entry into the distribution of news coming from Microsoft in the near future that will be internet heavy but will take on the cable news services with hopefully two sided reporting that is both proportional and fair as opposed to pandering to either extreme?

IS IT TRUE that it was reported by the Evansville Police Department last week that the City of Evansville has had 6 murders so far in 2012?…the murder rate by that metric is exactly one murder per month?…the 10 year murder rate for the City of Evansville only averages 6 per year with a high of 12 per year in 2003 that was followed by ZERO in 2004?…the long term murder rate in Evansville is 5.1 murders per 100,000 people?…the short term murder rate in Evansville is now over 10 per 100,000 people?…that the murder rate for Los Angeles is most recent year is 7.6 per 100,000? ?…that the murder rate for New York City is most recent year is 6.4 per 100,000?…that the overall crime rate for Evansville’s most recent year is 343.6 which is 41% higher than the 243.6 in New York City for the same year?…the CCO is willing to bet that most people in Evansville would be shocked, amazed, and in major denial at the statistical fact that New York City is a much safer place to live than Evansville, IN?…at least we can take refuge in the fact that Gary, Indiana is much more lawless with a long term murder rate that is over 50 murders per year per 100,000 people?…we wonder where did our small town way of being go and when did it leave?…that our crime index and murder rates have been stable for well over 10 years so the whole small town image must either be a result of denial or just an urban myth?…that if Evansville wants to do something to be attractive to business that getting our crime rates reduced to be in line with New York City and our murder rates down to be in line with Los Angeles are a good place to start?


  1. Support our local police department!

    City Council needs to increase their budget so thay can do as better job fighting crime in this fair city.

    • I like Billy Bolin, but the EPD has made some major mistakes the last 6 months.
      More money is not going to stop someone in a violent rage from lashing out and killing someone.

    • Because throwing money at a problem always works. 😉

      People murder most commonly over drug dealing territory and for other economic reasons, i.e. robbery.

      The misguided war on drugs plays a huge role in keeping the cycle going. Unfortunately, most of any funding increases would likely go toward bolstering the drug war and worsen the problem long term.

  2. I hear the County Commission President, Marsha Abell is behind cutting the funds to audit the Information Technology Department.

    Another back room political deal by “Marsha the Great”. Remember the “Homestead Tax Credit” scam she was involved in a couple years back?
    History repeats itself.

    I wonder if it’s time to review her political contributions report to see why she is doing this kind of thing to Evansville City Councilman, John Friend? Dollars talk!

  3. Everbody knows that Abell runs the County Commission with an “Iron Fist.” Also, everybody knows that Joe Kiefer is her puppet boy!

    Thank god we have Steve Melcher to stand up and speak out against some of her bad back room political deals.

  4. I’m now hearing that the Evansville Fire Chief makes $91,260 per year and the Fire Chief in South Bend, Indiana gets $79,753 yearly. Maybe the reason why Evansvile Fire Chief gets more salary is because of his hero status while serving in the Navy.

    Also I been told that the Evansville Assistant Fire Chief makes $83,830 yearly and Assistant Fire Chief in South Bend makes $73,158. Maybe the reason why the the Assistant Fire Chief in Evansville is getting more is because he is alledgely is a big Democrat.

    • What was the previous Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chiefs salary before this new administration took over? Anyone know?

      • The same…essentially. Chief salary is as follows:

        2011: $89,471
        2010: $87,717
        2009: $87,717
        2008: $87,217

        • I think the difference might be the 2% raise all the city firefighters got…just guessin’ though. 😉


  5. Speaking of yearly salaries, I wonder how much Marsha Abell’s step son is making on his newly approved job with Vanderburgh County? I also wonder if this executive position with the County was publically advertised?

  6. Come on Tea, dumbing ourselves down to the level of South Bend is not going to help anything. Please choose something that is better than Evansville to copy. South Bend is a crap hole. Why would we want to copy a crap hole.

  7. Lucklady

    You need to ask the “Evanssville Salary Review ” committe members because they compared Evansville salaries positions with the following cities–South Bend, Fort Wayne, Terra Haute and Hammond Indiana.

  8. LadyLuck

    What is Evansville “Heaven”?

    Once again, why would the “Salary Review Committee” compare the wages of Evansville city employees with your alledged “Crap Hole” cities?

  9. This is a load of bull crap . Hopefully this will cause a few more NO votes in the NOvember vote on city/county theft (merger)

  10. If Microsoft does anything else with news, they should partner with Hulu and Netflix and make it available online. Either way, I have little faith any news agency they are a part of could report without bias.

  11. Just exactly what kind of “burden” does the Fire chief carry(tongue-in-cheek) to warrent this Big Salary? This is a Political Position Folks.

  12. “That’s not your house you are living in. You didn’t build that house. It took a village to build that house, pave the streets and bring the utilities to that house.

    And while we are at it, that house is much bigger than you need. We estimate that 3 more people could easily live in that house. Therefor, starting next Monday 3 people from the homeless shelter will be assigned to your house. If you refuse, your property taxes will go up accordingly until you see the error in your thinking.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    What is the difference between the above and Obama’s “You didn’t build that business” speech that has gone viral on video?


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