IS IT TRUE? July 14, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? July 14, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville under EMERGENCY ORDER of Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel has thrown the Pile of Rubble that used to be the Executive Inn down the hall to the rock busting division of Tom Barnett and the Department of Metropolitan Development?…that this will get the ball rolling on cleaning up the Pile of Rubble (there are actually 2 piles) in the fastest and most expensive way that local government can move?…that the construction company that was originally hired to do this job, Klenk Construction, pulled off of the job on Tuesday because they had not been paid for their work?…that even if Klenk is hired to finish the job that the PRICE IS GOING UP due to the EMERGENCY ORDER that was issued by the Mayor?…that there reason given for the EMERGENCY ORDER is that the two Piles of Rubble are now declared to be a PUBLIC HAZARD?…that we have not seen or heard of anyone being injured or even being cited for trespassing on that site?…that there are Piles of Rubble, houses falling down, roads collapsing, etc. all over Evansville that escape the clutches of an expensive EMERGENCY ORDER for years?

IS IT TRUE that this decision was more about protecting the ego of the fellow who issued the EMERGENCY ORDER than it was about keeping a young version of Tom Barnett from climbing the fence to play on the Pile of Rubble?…that the mental picture of a young Tom climbing a chain link fence to break rocks is quite funny?…that this EMERGENCY ORDER will have some people working on the ROCK PILE pretty soon?

Malibu on Fire
IS IT TRUE that once there was a young man from Los Angeles who wanted very badly to be a Fireman?…time and time again his application to become a member of the LAFD was passed over?…that this young man devised a scheme to start a fire and then extinguish the fire in a very public way gaining publicity and valor in hopes that he would finally be hired as a Fireman?…that this young man did indeed start a fire in the mountains behind Calabasas?…that during the time that he was waiting for the LAFD and media to arrive, that the fire got too big for him to handle?…that he could not put it out and neither could all of the fire crews that were sent to the West LA area under Emergency Order…that this fire became one of the largest fires in the history of California and destroyed $375 Million DOLLARS of property as it raged to the Pacific Ocean through Malibu Canyon and Sycamore Canyon?…that three people died and many homes were destroyed?…that the young man who devised the scheme to become a Fireman by starting a fire and putting it out was convicted of multiple charges?…that he never became a Fireman?

IS IT TRUE that the Malibu fire of 1994 was rooted in ambition?…that it was intentional and self serving?…that it backfired?…that the City County Observer DOES NOT BELIEVE that the chaos of the “Fling at Walnut and King” that has led to yesterdays ENERGENCY ORDER was intentional?…that quite frankly it was a failure to plan, a failure to follow up, a process that was dysfunctional, a complete lack of understanding of the value proposition, a prolonged period of hard headed denial, and finally the chickens coming home to roost with the cancellation of the contract with Woodruff Hospitality LLC that made this EMERGENCY ORDER necessary?…that this is no way to run a city?…that we will be glad when this is over?…that just when one thinks that it cannot possibly get more bizarre, it does?…that neither Hollywood nor Malibu could have ever come up with all of the twists and turns that the “Fling at Walnut and King” have delivered?


  1. CCO: think outside the box. Bring out a line of ‘The Fling at Walnut & King’ T-Shirts, Coffee Mugs, Mouse Pads, etc. Merchandise is where it’s at, baby ! $$$$$$$. Maybe 5% of each sale donated to the “Save Us All” fund ?

  2. At some point in time in the last four years it became apparent to a critical mass of adults in the City of Evansville that the Democrats running this town are not only corrupt, but incompetent as well. More recently it has dawned on a critical mass of the Democrats who run Our Fair City that they are truly corrupt and incompetent, and at this point it is highly unlikely that any reputable business would be willing to obligate itself to conduct business with the City of Evansville. Why, you might ask? Well, who wants to be associated with an incompetent gang of crooks?

    What makes this mess even worse is that the presumptive Mayor-in-Waiting has been repeatedly been trashed in the press by newspaper readers, making intelligent adults wonder whether any adult in his/her right mind would want to run this sorry dump of a town. If there is no one running for mayor this year who is worthy of the job let’s task the City Council with shredding the charter of the City of Evansville, incinerating it, and FedEx-ing it to Governor Daniels. We can then consolidate local government in Vanderburgh County to two political entities: the County and the Village of Darmstadt.

      • Down that path, couldn’t we also look south? Would talking with Henderson be worth our while?

        They must have some very effective electric utility regulators down there, they could teach us a thing or two while we were discussing consolidation.

        • Henderson will be having a large series of electric rate increases in the next couple of years as they addd scrubbers and other pollution controls they have been avoiding for years, kinda like the water and sewer rates Evansville will be paying for 50 years of sewer work avoidance

  3. “Dangerous” he says… So that pile of rubble is dangerous, and the drinking fountains at Roberts are “atrocious”. (Quite a wide range of possibilities between those two harsh terms)

    But also, haven’t we witnessed other “dangerous” things in Evansville, directly under Johnny’s control? I sure don’t remember any emergency orders for this issue… (

  4. The City doesn’t pay Klenk and then declares an emergency when Klenk stops working. Genius.

    • Would it have been possible for the city to have obtained a completion bond from Woodruff?

      • The could have most certainly made that part of their due diligence (vetting) process. It is obvious that did not happen during the first two acts of the “Fling at Walnut and King”. Hopefully some vetting process will be put into place before Act Three starts.

  5. The real “PUBLIC HAZARD” resides in the corner office of the 3rd floor of the Civic Center.

    The corrupting influence of power is total when one’s power is total. That is precisely why the founders separated the powers of government. When PARTY becomes more important than the welfare of the citizens, then it is time to throw the rascals out!

    • LOL….couldn’t have said it better myself, the same reasoning is why the current plan for consolidation will never fly it gives even more power to the sitting mayor which is of course by design.

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