IS IT TRUE? July 12, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? July 12, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the construction company that has been removing the debris from the pile of rubble at the former Executive Inn site has pulled off of the job?…that last week when the Evansville Redevelopment Commission terminated the contract with Woodruff Hospitality LLC to develop a Hyatt Place hotel in adjacent to the Arena and the Centre that the responsibility for payment for demolition services was removed from Woodruff Hospitality LLC, who said it was already going to be paid by Kunkel who was not at the meeting?…that the responsibility at this point in the absence of a future deal will fall flat on the shoulders of the taxpayers of Evansville, Indiana?…that now famous modus operandi of READY, FIRE, AIM seems to have really resulted in a bullet through the foot for the Weinzapfel Administration and the Evansville Redevelopment Commission AND a kick in the butt for the people of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that there are exactly 20 days remaining until we know whether the McCurdy Hotel will follow the Executive Inn down the primrose path of failure?…that unless this can gets kicked down the road with yet another extension on the already 4 year saga to start doing something that we will have another project that has fallen on the sword of NO VETTING and NO DUE DILIGENCE WHATSOEVER?…that if this was not a costly debacle that the people of Evansville will have to BAIL OUT that this would be a comedy of errors deserving of a top award for fiction in the comedy category?

IS IT TRUE that just today that the Wall Street Journal profiled the government of Hamilton County, Ohio and the City of Cincinnati as having made the worst deal ever that resulted in building two riverfront temples to sport?…that the Cincinnati Bengals home Paul Brown Stadium is already in need of over $40 Million dollars of deferred maintenance?…that the people of Hamilton County will also have their property taxes raised to cover the shortfall created because the stadium funding sources have not performed up to projections?

IS IT TRUE that much scrutiny is about to be focused on the remainder of the projects at the MLK Entertainment Complex?…that maybe, just maybe some of the members of the Evansville City Council will show up for next week’s meeting of the ERC and demand some real accountability for the expensive ‘Fling at Walnut and King”?


  1. can Evansville afford 5 more months or Weinzapel and his cronies? Could we just pay him a bonus to resign now?

  2. Rubble, Rubble . . . Toil and Trouble . . . ; we should replace John Kish with Barney Rubble, and pay the moving expenses for he and Betty.

    A self inflicted cancer, characterized by a grand tumor surrounded by insidious dysfunction and malaise. …

  4. “IS IT TRUE that much scrutiny is about to be focused on the remainder of the projects at the MLK Entertainment Complex?…that maybe, just maybe some of the members of the Evansville City Council will show up for next week’s meeting of the ERC and demand some real accountability for the expensive ‘Fling at Walnut and King”?” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    And just who voted for those resolutions after the Evansville Redevelopment Commission passed them, giving them the force of law and binding the local taxpayers to the debt service?

    City Council members, that’s who! Will we now be forced to witness the false indignation of those who never asked a question, who never did their homework, who never understood who they were working for, or the importance of their positions?

    Where are the real PUBLIC SERVANTS in this community? Now is the time for them to step forward.

  5. Is Rick Davis still running for Mayor? Why isn’t he doing press conferences upon the bombed out looking Executive Hotel rubble with his solutions?

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