IS IT TRUE JULY 11, 2017


IS IT TRUE that the whole dust up over the Reverend Adrian Brooks of the Memorial Baptist Church calling Evansville DMD Director Kelley Coures a liar over a $300,000 subsidy to purchase the building that the now shut down grocery store has taken an interesting turn?…that Reverend Brooks being the gentleman that he is has acknowledged that Director Coures was truthful with his statement?…that came after a document bearing both of their signatures was unearthed?…the whole sordid tale of the grocery building is a long and sad one where two banks and a couple of public agencies were owed nearly $1.2 Million on mortgages against the property?…it has been reported that the non-profit that Brooks heads bought the property for a total of $400,000 meaning that the lenders took it in the shorts to the tune of $800,000?…it also seems that the $300,000 plus an additional $150,000 for inventory at the store came from the taxpayers meaning that the Reverend Brooks leveraged the start-up of the grocery store in a manner that would have made President Trump blush back in his “Art of the Deal” days?

IS IT TRUE the list of losers is long on the failed grocery store venture and the least of the losers is the Memorial Community Development Corporation that came out better than the others by leveraging debt and negotiating like a pro to get the original lenders to take a short payoff?…seemly the biggest losers here are the taxpayers of Evansville who were unwillingly dragged to the table by the City of Evansville not once, not twice, but three times to subsidize a losing business?

IS IT TRUE that the news cycle has gone mute on who is responsible for the potential million dollars in expenses incurred by the City of Evansville because the North Main road was designed/installed six inches too narrow?…this is not a small cost to absorb by the taxpayers because someone failed to pay attention to things like the width of a bus and codes?…someone’s head ought to roll over this amateurish mistake that ranks up there with the truck that got stuck on Diamond Avenue in an overpass and the ballfields where the base paths were designed wrong?…there must be a ruler shortage in Evansville because this sort of thing seems to happen all of the time?

IS IT TRUE we highly recommend that members of the Evansville City Council do a financial assessment on how much of the taxpayer dollars did DMD Director Kelley Coures really spend to purchase the vacant and dilapidated CVS building located on North main?

IS IT TRUE its time for members of the Evansville City Council to conduct a financial assessment on how much money has DMD Director Kelley Coures give or loan to questionable for-profit and/or not-for-profit businesses without proper vetting since he was appointed to this position by Mayor Winnecke?

IS IT TRUE we wonder what committee, group or individuals gave DMD Director Kelley Coures permission to loan a not-for-profit organizations without proper vetting?

IS IT TRUE that for the first time in 3 years the State of Illinois has a budget that passed?…it is a terrible budget with deficit spending and most likely full of crony deals but it is a budget?…Illinois now has an approved plan to head down the highway to hell in a handbasket as opposed to recent history when they simple lived day to day like a coyote on the same highway?…we are sure they are high fiving from Springfield to Chicago for what will surely be called a milestone accomplishment?

Todays READERS POLL question is: Who has done a better job of handling our tax dollars?

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City County Observer has been serving our community for 15 years.


  1. When will Santa Coures finally disclose how much it will cost, and who will pay, to repair the new North Main Street shopping cart patch project that was built to narrow? Also, why in the world is the City of Evansville subsidizing a grocery store??

    • Why is the City of Evansville subsidizing a grocery store? It is because of the voting block of the south side. The nod and wink deal is “subsidize a grocery and we shall deliver the votes.” This isn’t rocket science. It is plane old cronyism.

      • There are two neighborhood grocery stores within walking distance of this store. Both were there before this store. Both seem to be doing OK without subsidies. I always wondered why those stores did not receive help before the new store was built. They could use some upgrades as far as fresh vegetables and fruits that it seems would have been more reasonable. But no kickbacks in that.

  2. Trying to create markets where no market exists only happens when taxpayer money is on the table. In private industry it is “root hog, or die”.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Corporation goes broke promoting Negro firms

    Date May 2 , 1973

    Publisher: Evansville Press


    Pride, Inc., the development corporation formed to promote Negro business enterprise in Evansville, has filed a petition for bankruptcy for the corporation and for its first business venture, Pride’s Penny Queen Restaurant at 700 Lincoln.

    • right on right on Press……………..if i might add……………………it takes zero intelligence to spend other peoples money………….and get a kickback to boot……………zero intelligence or down right Fraud…………………….

    • IE, great comment. If only Santa Coures and the City had one of those fancy new cutting edge tools known as a tape measure, they could have known the width of the road BEFORE building the road with weed infested shopping cart paths on North Main Street. Ready, fire, aim.
      How to Read a Tape Measure
      How to Measure Using a Tape Measure
      Tape Measure Test

  3. As it seems, the lack of leadership abounds . . .over the years, we experienced the Robert Stadium screw up and of course the same design and engineering outfit was responsible . .than Diamond Avenue . . than the Amazonian . . thanks to Butterfly McGinn . .the next is well underway and that will be the B Slough project and it will be millions . . . as far the North Main screw up one would think a call to the design/engineering’s malpractice carrier would be in order. but than again there are those nice mayoral contributions.

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