IS IT TRUE JULY 10, 2015


IS IT TRUE the Evansville’s taxpayers share for the Downtown Convention Hotel project is now up to $28.5 million dollars from the original $20 million dollars?

IS IT TRUE the taxpayers of this community have No Equity position in our $28.5 investment of the Downtown Convention Hotel project?

IS IT TRUE the Hotel is a now a $60 plus million dollar project? …private investors have little if anything invested.? …the City taxpayers invest $28.5 million dollars, $12 million dollars is invested by Old National Bank and $20 million dollars from a bank loan? …where is the private contribution?

IS IT TRUE we wonder how much did the taxpayers invest in the building of the two hotels at Tropicana-Evansville?

IS IT TRUE we wonder what the status of the old McCurdy Hotel is?

 IS IT TRUE we wonder what the status of the old Riverhouse Hotel is?

IS IT TRUE we wonder how many Facade Grants did DMD give to start up businesses during the last two years?  …we wonder how many Facade Grants did the DMD give to startup businesses located on the far Westside, Eastside and Northside of town? …we wonder how many Facade Grants were giving to start up and established businesses located downtown,  North Main and Haynie’s Corner?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if “Preacher Steve'” will show up at Mondays City Council meeting to get answers to the 16 questions he submitted to the Mayor Chief of Staff at the last City Council meeting?  …we bet the Mayors Chief of Staff and the City Controller will be lawyer up to stop the real truth to “Preacher Steve” 16 questions from being answered?

IS IT TRUE posted below is an e-mail from DMD Director Kelley Coures to the City Council? …please note the arrogant tone of Mr. Coures email to City Council?

From: “Coures, Kelley” <>

Date: July 9, 2015 at 12:23:47 PM EDT

Subject: Vann Pollack Park

Good morning.

I am very pleased that several city councilmembers are so keenly interested in our proposed allocation for Vann Pollack Park! I do not ever remember so many individual inquiries about HUD policy, data research, funding and other facets. Sounds like someone wants to work in DMD!

Since there have been so many, I thought I would just address them together in summary form:

Our search for unused CDBG continues, and when I find additional money I immediately bring it to council if I have a project in mind, like the funds for sidewalks and now Vann Pollack Park. I do not, at this time, have a complete count as it is ongoing and requires quite a bit of time. We will find it all, however I am sure.

Our Coordinator Josh Calhoun completed the survey data of census tract 36 within HUD requirements at the block level from the HUD website itself, and determined its qualification as a QCT. In fact, we were able to add Census tracts 8, 10 and 37.02 to our list.

We are, and will continue to be, in 100% compliance with HUD policies as long as I am director. Someone else may come in later and do things against policy but I won’t.
HUD allows improvements to parks as long as they are open to everyone in the census tract and the area is low/mod (i.e. we couldn’t improve a private golf course or Country Club)

We have done several of these projects in cooperation with the Parks Foundation such as Howell Park parking lot, Jacobsville Park playground, and upcoming Tepe Park’s new basketball court (you all approved those funds earlier)
I have met with the neighborhood and they approve of the plan
We are not leaving out any other project

No, we cannot put those funds into one of the agencies we serve through Public Service as that would violate the 15% cap HUD establishes for Public Services
Yes, the Mayor is aware and supports the project
Yes, the Parks department is aware of the project and helped secure estimates for the materials

Yes, we can pay for the project with Federal funds
No, I don’t think this is an exorbitant amount to pay for a park improvement our basketball court at Tepe is $25,000.

And finally why am I pursuing this at all: because I believe the children of the 2nd ward are as important as the children in every other ward. As the Obama administration states so eloquently “No child’s future should depend on his or her zip code”.

If I have left any individual question unanswered please let me know. Again, I am so pleased you all are interested in how we do what we do. Who would have thought some park equipment would make such a difference? Not me! If any of you are interested in light reading, I sent the entire state’s roster of census blocks to Councilman Friend. Its interesting reading even little rural counties have some poverty.

Have an excellent day!!! As always, thanks for all you do and your unwavering support to Evansville’s neighborhoods!

Kelley M Coures
Executive Director
Department of Metropolitan Development
1 NW MLK Jr. Blvd
Evansville IN, 47708


    • It always seems to start in Room 302 Civic Center commonly referred as Santa’s Workshop. Proceeds from the workshop over to Quality Control or should we say Quantity out of Control, Christmas Carol then the final toys and stuff to Elf Kelley . .those raindeer have to be wore out!!!

    • As well as poor grammar & punctuation on his part… I hate to sound like a dick myself but to the good or bad, Kelley represents this administration. At least ANY message put forth by same or by a spokesperson should at least adhere to proper grammar & spelling in order to be taken seriously. Otherwise, that spokesperson might appear something akin to a wannabe big frog in Bee Slough. Wow…

    • Devastation? How about the Obama regime’s plan to give Iran a 50 billion dollar signing bonus. Barry can channel Jimmy Carter when he says, “I can’t believe they lied to me”.

    • Façades R Them. Perfect metaphor for the failed Winnecke administration. All window dressing.

  1. ATTENTION PLEASE: I have been corresponding with Dan Adams, Pres. of out City Council. He has just emailed that he would like to contact George Lumley to have lunch with him and also discuss the blight that is around Evansville. Please help me contact Mr. Lumley.

  2. The arrogant and smart alecky Coures becomes the perfect embodiment of Winnecke’s Imeperial, albeit accidental, Mayoralty.

    Let’s show these clowns the door in November. Both of them.

    • Snarky, yes…but I don’t think is near the level of making drunken voicemail threats.

  3. The price to the taxpayer increases by $8.5 Million and the City Council sits there like 9 bumps on a log a takes it.

    • All that and them knowing the sites logistical analysis provides very little valuation even with the deflated design plan. They have now produced yet another abstract construction drawing, yet no designed plan to improve the archaic utilities base or even maybe as important a workable logistical access plan designed and built to this centuries expected and predictable demands.
      The four/six blocks surrounding the place is remarkably lacking in any productive aspect relative to modern throughput commerce. The “tree high double wide motel” will fail due to that very reason, any more than likely the success of a IU Medical extension school will be an overall foot shoot’in as well, if that site continues to be placed into those very poor logistical balances offered in the old downtown Evansville locations. In the long run the medical school site should be either on the USI campus itself or on both sides of the presently growing medical balance along both sides of the I-69 gateway along Vanderburgh and Warrick counties.
      Anyone who can’t see the logistical valuation given by the I-69 gateway is simply showing a lacking profile in predictable horizons, or they are blinded by the backside of the cronies pocket directly in front of them at a noses length.

      “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”
      (Steve Jobs)

    • What will they do when we install someone as the first woman mayor of Evansville who has the same agenda Winnecke and the same political stripe as the Council? Tax money will gush from the sewers of Downtown Evansville.

  4. $28.5 MILLION,–and NO Equity? Nada? Nothing?
    Evansville’s Infamous Politicos–definitely see the Citizens as,– Chickens to be Plucked.
    The universal support by all the Scheming Foxes in the “coop”,
    and the lack of outrage from the “Chickens”,
    — indicates that they are correct in that analysis.

    • Crash. If $28.5 million and no equity for the hotel constitutes a “plucking”, what does $60+ million and no equity for the Med School constitute?

      • At least the hotel will pay property taxes and the economic impact should be substantial.

      • Commonsense, the alternatives offered by the Promenade, that would cost the Taxpayers substantially less, and cost the Evansville taxpayers nothing with the Warrick offer, tells everyone with a brain “The fix” was/is in. So what does the $60+ MILLION deal constitute? The answer is too obscene to post.
        By the way, in no reflection on your screen name, – Commonsense is without a doubt the Commodity in the shortest supply in Evansville, but after all is said and done locally,– it’s Irrelevant to the “Scheme”.

    • BALOONPILOT – RE: Removal of the rebel flag

      …..your comment is highly illustrative of the content of the Rush Limbaugh show these days, and is a perfect example that the redneck, southern male is reduced to:
      1. Whining
      2. Vengeance
      3. Plan? No. No plan to retake anything.
      ….Only whining and vengeance. This is what people on the losers bench do. That’s all they have to do.

        • This is all whining. It’s hilarious.
          Your expectation is “don’t take it down unless it immediately ends racism?”
          Isn’t that kind of like a fat person saying, “I can’t have the twinkie? What? So, I guess no twinkie then. Cause we all know I won’t be fat anymore if I don’t eat this damn twinkie!!”

          BALOONPILOT, I would engage in a dialogue w/ you on this, but the delay put in place by the CCO has totally stopped that dynamic here. I do NOT get it. It is totally screwed up…what is the purpose of the delay?

          • As always I am more concerned about how we resolve issues. The approach of the ever offended left has empowered racism rather than uniting us. The democrat’s efforts to absolve themselves of their racial guilt by castigating southern culture once again deepens wounds and widens rifts why they deny the sheets in their own closet.

            Lincoln or any who followed him did not see the necessity of striping the south of the banners and memorials which represented those who fought the war as Confederates. Those who lived the Civil war did not see it expedient to tear down the banners and overturn the graves of their enemies to eradicate the good of their culture along with the bad. Yet by the actions of these late to the plate liberators who co-opted a great tragedy as the catalyst by which they seek absolution for their racism so aptly demonstrated in their venerated racist saints like Byrd and LBJ by confessing racism in others, they endeavor upon a trek that wiser men of the times rejected.

            Yes, it is right that only the national and state flags which unite us should be flown over public houses, but do we need to destroy ourselves in the process? If the Southern Cross and the Christian flag are to repugnant for public display, then how does the White House bath itself in the gay flag?

            You may have a new name, but you still follow the baaing of emotions rather than clear headed logic.

          • I-E,
            1. I don’t think you’ve made the case at all. It reads more like, “We want to keep some of these symbols because we LOST trying to preserve slavery and the law allowing us to own black people as property. We do that in order to save face and give ourselves some facade of glory when it is obvious now our cause was humiliatingly wrong.”
            2. Indiana Enoch, even Robert E Lee advocated the total elimination of all confederate symbols from any kind of public display after the war. Even he acknowledged keeping them was wrong.
            3. Last, some on the rebel right of the GOP who want to keep the confederate flag flying on public property, they like to point out, “Well, the Dems put the damn thing up! This shows what hypocrites they are.” In fact, YOU are doing it by calling them, “late to the plate liberators.” SO WE CAN INFER then that the GOP, the party that defeated the south and its racist flag and freed the slaves, is gonna finish this job and step forward and ban the rebel flag from public display including removing it from the Mississippi State Flag. Right? Is your point about the “late to the plate liberators” AUTHENTIC or not?

            The confederate flag represents racism. Everyone knows it. You too. Stop the pretense I-E, you are demeaning your respected intelligence.

          • 1) no where did I say that our imply it. That strawman like especially in your mind.

            2) Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet. Lee like Lincoln did not want to inflame old wounds and grievances, but never did he talk about destroying and removing memorials or banners of Southern heritage.

            3) the only hypocrisy are Democrats who want to deny the racism of Democrats and ignore how many of their saints identified with the Southern Cross and racist organizations. Suddenly they have a pang of conscience, hence they come late to the plate.

            The confederate flag represents racism if you are harboring racism.

  5. AND IS IT TRUE The liberal left is coming for Cracker Barrel for using the word ‘Cracker’ in their name? And IS IT TRUE The left is going to try to ban the words ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’ because it may offend the gay community?

  6. Mayor Winnecke, I realize that you don’t control the city council however you do control the Evansville Water Dept. Is it your intent to once again allow the water dept. to present before city council a resolution to raise the county residents water bill? (Please see the attached email) Also why isn’t there a County Commissioner appointed to the Water Dept.? Isn’t this taxation without representation?

  7. One more thing – IS IT TRUE West Virginia will have to re-name dozens of highways, streets, bridges, buildings, parks, etc that were named in honor of Robert W. (KKK} Byrd if they are serious about removing symbols of racism in the south? Maybe, too, they should disinter his remains and move them to a non-descript location.

    • Just stop. You’re beating a dead horse and thankfully you’re in the minority.

      • So, you’re quite happy about naming tax funded infrastructure, government buildings, and federal highways after klansmen, then?

          • Yep. Byrd repented. Then, on the Senate floor be began talking about, “White niggers.”

          • I can’t say for Byrd repented, that’s between him and God, but he never apologized and neither have the Democrats. All they do is deny it was their party and accuse Republicans.

          • The parties switched. Only liars and fools try to claim Lincoln would be a Republican today. Johnson even said he was turning over the south to the Republicans with his fight for civil rights. Lincoln was a liberal.

      • Ahh, so majority rules. I’m sorry, but it wasn’t the minority of balloon pilots who began beating dead confederates. Yeah, we progressives need to do away the Southern obstacle.

        • This is silly. Removing the confederate flag has nothing to do with GOP or DEM, and you are promoting a distraction Indiana Enoch. The notion that today’s Democrats need to apologize? That today’s Republican’s need to apologize? Neither would be authentic if it were offered because neither is responsible for the atrocities of trying to protect laws that allowed human beings to own other human beings as property. You can discard property, burn it, trade it, kill it, rape it, torture it…anything that comes to the mind of a sociopath.

          Those responsible were the confederates, and their confederate flag represents their cause – and should be relegated AWAY from any and all public/government property and placed in a museum that records history.

          • You’re forgetting racists like IE and balloon pilot lie and say the civil war was about taxes or states rights or something, not slavery. Southern states even teach that in schools. “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

  8. English Bob a/k/a The Ghost of Tom Joad a/k/a Michael Williams. I’d recognize that fullness anywhere. It seeps through the keyboard.

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