IS IT TRUE that Tuesday morning,  January 21, 2014  the City County Observer will be posting an article written by Zach Stuard analyzing the fiscal contributions made to Mayor Winnecke campaign during the 2011 year.  … Tuesday’s  article shall be the first of several detailing the contributions and expenditures found within Mayor’s financial records reviewed by the staff of the City-County Observer. …we hope our readers take a moment to both read and discuss our findings.
This ought to be interesting
Can’t wait to see if anybody tried to juggle figures. I hope the Mayor didn’t use the City Controller to file his financial reports.
I love it and can’t wait to see it. Glad the CCO is leading the way on this. The report from the past election just makes my stomach sick.
Bravo, CCO!!
Now, if we could just get the SBOA to release its audit findings for the City of Evansville too we could possible get some idea of what the hell is really going on in this city!
The Weinzapfel Administration developed the Power of Snegal and Obfuscation to an “Art Form”.–I think the delay points to “Politics as it’s played in Evansville” and the success of their game plan. The conclusion of the SBOA will be:
“We can’t get a clear picture of what happened!” and/or
“We may never know!”
Take your pick.
Y’all do know this info is readily available on the state election website, doancha?
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