IS IT TRUE January 6, 2016


IS IT TRUE at Mondays night City Council meeting members of  City Council voted to oust community leader and political icon Rev Adrian Brooks from the Evansville Merit Commission by a vote of 7-2?

IS IT TRUE newly appointed City Attorney Josh Clayborn was asked by Rev Turner about the qualifications of people who wanted to serve on the Evansville Police Merit Commission during the Council meeting?

IS IT TRUE Rev Turner informed by City Council attorney Clayborn that one of the qualifications for being a member of the Evansville Police Merit Commission is that the appointee must  be a resident voters of the County?

IS IT TRUE yesterday we were informed that City Council appointee Brandon Scott to the Evansville Merit Commission isn’t a resident voters of the County?  …according to Tony Bushrod Co-Manager of the Vanderburgh County Voters Registration that Brandon Scott isn’t a resident voter of Vanderburgh County as of 4:30 P M January 5, 2016? .

IS IT TRUE  because Brandon Scott isn’t a resident voters of  Vanderburgh County does this disqualifies him from serving on the Evansville Police Merit Commission?

IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased with todays Editorial in todays Evansville Courier and Press?  …the Courier and Press Editorial states how the  first meeting of City Council, under the new leadership of Missy Mosby and Jonathan Weaver, damaged its credibility and the credibility of the Police Merit Commission”.   …we urge you to go todays Evansville Courier and Press and read rest of this spot on Editorial?

IS IT TRUE we also find City Council Attorney Clayborne , Missy Mosby and Jonathan Weavers behavior towards Rev Brooks and his supporters  at Mondays City Council meeting was totally insulting and rude ?

IS IT TRUE that City Council member Anne Hargis remarks towards Rev Brooks before voting on the Police Merit Commission appointment was mis-guilded?


Evansville Municipal Code

2.175.020 Membership of Commission.

(A) The Police Merit Commission shall consist of three members who shall be resident voters of the County. One member shall be appointed by the Mayor, one member shall be appointed by the Common Council, and one member shall be appointed by the Police Department.

IS IT TRUE that todays “Readers Poll” ask the question; Are you pleased with the way Monday night City Council meeting was conducted?


  1. Watched the video of this meeting….ugh… it just keeps getting worse…..this city needs a political enema..

    • They could start charging admission to their meetings. It could be called the Mesker Zoo annex. McGinn could manage it, as zoos appear to be his “thing.”

      • If McGinn manages it, our fine public servants at the Mesker Zoo Annex/ Civic Center Division must brace for a plague of butterflies.

      • Maybe they should make it like Royals Suits at the movies. Missy knows how to wait tables and mix drinks. I’d sure need an adult beverage or two to sit through that show.

    • Looks like he is a member of the ruling class – what is the problem? Maybe this guy was the only taker when they decided to find a replacement for Brooks? Or maybe the chosen replacement backed out under pressure at the last moment? This Scott guy is new in town maybe he met Weaver at a house showing and not a bar as everyone suspects? I think the replacement is more of an insult than the fact they wanted Brooks off the board. Two applications and they pick the unknown that weaver met somewhere over WELL KNOWN Brooks? Sending a message? Robinson will be next. The new council is going to be great. They will not be saying anything bad about people, per Hargus, just going to do bad things to people. Nothing in the open – just under the table, behind closed doors, and in the dark of the night. Real “nice, positive transparency”. Thanks team Mosby, Weaver, and Hargus.

      • Yep, passive aggressive council impaneled. Hargis does seem to be about a bead short in her abacus.

        Enoch must be forgiven for posting that air/nothing link. He was awed by the ‘Distinguished Lecture’ part at the top and thought it applied to his man Scott.

        • I had held out hope that Ms. Hargis would be an open-minded member of CC. Looks like I was wrong about that.

          Thanks for explaining IE’s post. I had wondered what he thought it had to do with the topic at hand.

          • Billdanna and LKB are the CCOs version of Weaver and Mosby. I know little about Scott, but found it interesting that this diversity group appears to be a collection of political favorites. My point is that Scott may not the new blood. He seems to have caught the attention of our courts, but they are not The confidence I have is in our ruling class to taint a good person.

    • The clear-eyed editorial makes me wonder if there is now a date-certain for the demise of the C&P. It is the first thing that was not written from the bottom of the Winnecke tank in a long time!

      • LKB, it does make you wonder is the apocalypse is near when a C&P editorial actually made sense.

  2. Watched available video yesterday. I will catch hell for this but considering the fire balls being thrown by the council I think Brooks supporters handled themselves very well and the council survived. Things could have been much worse. If this new guy is not a past voter or registered may they will call a special election so he can vote. I suggest a redo of the November election. Just kidding. The code does not say he has to be registered but he has to have voted. Sounds like he is disqualified until he votes in the up-coming election and Brooks was the only responsive applicant. Congratulations Rev. Brooks on your reappointment.

  3. Interesting article in the C&P regarding the Icemen lease negotiations. I thought this was done? Beer prices at the Ford Center went up 0.50 per beer in one week (btwn 12/22 & 12/30). I was told by VenueWorks employee, this was due to the Icemen contract. Something does not make sense, it is not even signed. This, combined with the new security checks, will nullify any steps in improving attendance this year. VenueWorks needs to realize this is not St. Louis, Indy, Nashville or Louisville.

      • I surround myself with winners not losers when looking for advice. So do you. The DMD would be wise to study Clarksville TN and learn how to build along with tearing down…if progress, not payoff, was their true agenda.

        • In regard to your prior post, when you whined about Bandana and me being the Mosby and Weaver of CCO, do you not realize that it is totally gibberish beyond the second sentence? Your little repair wasn’t enough to make sense, so I suppose it indicates that you had no rational thought to convey.

          • He can’t help making things up. He put that link up because he thought he’d found somthing to recommend Scott. Couldn’t wait to post it. As usual his unintelligible rewrite went to pieces on him. He is JerryEnochPinocchio, his friend calls him JEP..

            He surrounds himself with winners, you know.

  4. So Weaver recruited and appointed a non-voter to the City Police Merit Board? Absolute real man of genius! Is Weaver appointment void? Will Mr. Scott’s votes on the Police Board not count as there are only 2 qualified Board Members? Will there be an expensive Court fight that the taxpayers will end up paying? Will the Mayor next remove and replace democrat Mr. Hedgeman from the Police Board?

  5. This is what the City of Evansville wanted – – now they will live with it…. After the first meeting, they have made the old CC look good….

  6. I notice that Mr. Scott isn’t much of one for publicity. It appears he was blind-sided by all that happened here, and may have lost some trust in pal Weaver. I’m sure he was not prepared for what happened and may decide to resign after all the attention to his (lack of) voting record.

  7. I want to award a “Real Genius” award to whoever came up with that qualification aspect. Outstanding due diligence.

    Yes, I know, awarding an award for due diligence makes sure that pretty much nobody in office is eligible, but thankfully we have folks in the community and the CCO folks to keep things real & honest.

    Hey, when does County Commission hold their first meeting (or did I miss it)? I am wondering if their appointments are gonna have controversy

  8. Did Old National ever pay a dime for the naming rights to the Centre???? Why isn’t anyone being held accountable for that? Do we really just not give a damn about anything, period?

  9. The other guy that Weaver got put on the Redevelopment Commission is no prize, either. Dave Clark has a lot of rental property and a lot of it is pretty bad. I know people who live in some of his places and they call him a slumlord. Clark and Beave are buddies from when JW was the Assessor and Dave was a donor to his campaign. He had all that property he wanted good appraisals on.

  10. I have not seen any comments on what J. Weaver said to Rev. Brooks as Rev Brooks was giving his final thoughts to the council . It sounded to me to be disrespectful . Am I wrong on this

    What was it that J. Weaver yelled to Rev. Brooks as Rev. Brooks was giving his final thoughts to the council it seemed to be something very disrespectful . Please respond …


  11. IS IT TRUE at Mondays night City Council meeting members of City Council voted to oust community leader and political icon Rev Adrian Brooks from the Evansville Merit Commission by a vote of 7-2?

    Looks like somebody has displeased the Royal Court at 1 ML King Jr Blvd Palace.

  12. Dear CCO Editors

    One of my little birdies downtown has said the following:

    “You have to be a registered voter to serve on the merit board. But you only have to be registered before you get sworn in, which will be Monday, January 11. Apparently he’s registered to vote now”

    Can anyone confirm or deny that?

    • If you look at the code on the city site, it does not mention “registered”. It says “resident voter of the county”. I guess it hinges on the legal definition of “resident voter” VS “registered” voter. I prefer to think there is a difference. If the people had meant registered voter they should have specified “registered” voter. What is so difficult about that?

      • George, I agree and concur 100%.

        It might be interesting, since the definition may be left to legal counsel for the City Council to declare. I have no issues with Josh, the new attorney, but this may be a “sticky wicket” right out of the gates.

        I know Rev. Brooks very well, a man of immense integrity and leadership. I cannot see him asking for a challenge. It may fall to someone else to push the issues.

        But if someone does, I know I will not hesitate to stand behind the person making the challenge on behalf of Rev. Brooks.

      • My main point would be, do we want somebody in a position like that who doesn’t even give a shit enough to vote? Face it, this new guy is a yes man for Bolin. Did we ever figure out if he was the nose candy guy or not?

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