IS IT TRUE that last nights City Council meeting was a major public relations disaster?  …in our 15 years of following City Council meetings we never seen anything like this before?  …City Council President Missy Mosby allowed the organizational meeting of the newly elected City Council to turn into a three ring political circus from the onset?  …we are ashamed that seemly intelligent newly elected City Council members would sit and allow their first City Council meeting to turn into full blown political and public relations disaster without asking one question?

IS IT TRUE we agree with 4th Ward City Council member Connie Robinson comments that Police Merit Commission appointment vote was rigged from the start?

IS IT TRUE we also agree with Rev. Brooks statement that “the relationship between the poor and minority community with the City Administration will suffer because of the actions taken at last night City Council meeting”?

IS IT TRUE when local race relations go South we hope the citizens of Evansville will give proper credit to the FOP and some of our our newly elected City Council members for allowing this to happen?  …in fact, we were told by friends of the black community what happened at last nights City Council meeting has set race relations in Evansville back 20 years?

IS IT TRUE City Councilwoman Robinson said that she’s concerned that members of the FOP and the EPD  may try to cause her future problems?  …she also stated if the FOP and EPD try to cause her problems she shall contact the United States Civil Rights Commission signal a new low for race relations in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE we have no idea who the newly elected Police Merit Commissioner Brandon Scott is?   … that its alleged that Brandon Scott works for 10 Adams advertising agency? …it was reported when Mr. Scott was asked to comment on his appointment  by a Courier & Press reporter he declined to comment?  …it was reported that he also declined to allow a reporter to take his photo?  … he allegedly said he wouldn’t be willing to talk to reporters about his appointment to the Evansville Police Merit Commission?  …all we can say is we believe that local main stream media will dog Mr. Scott for answers about his background until they get answers?  …this is definitely a developing story?

IS IT TRUE we were told that a newly elected City Council member told Rev Brooks they felt that a younger person should serve on the Evansville Police Merit Commission is an insult to every Senior Citizens of this community?

IS IT TRUE does anyone know anything about the background of Dave Clark the newly appointed member of the ERC?

IS IT TRUE we hear other Federal agencies may take an interest in how Indiana expends it’s Federal Tax dollars on  the “Blighted Property” program?  …we hear that a public hearing will be held to discuss how cities shouldn’t spend Federal Tax dollars on “Blighted Property” program?….that just because someone at the Indiana Housing and Community Development Agency (State Level) approves an expenditure does not mean it is acceptable?

IS IT TRUE there will be a Congressional Hearing on January 8th in Washington, D C concerning the United States Treasury Department Oversight of the Hardest Hit Funds?….that these funds include the Blight Elimination Program?…..we won’t be surprised if Indiana or possibly Evansville will be mentioned at this hearing?

IS IT TRUE the Congressional Hearing will be conducted by the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee?  …that no members of the committee are from Indiana?  …that this committee claims to exist because Americans deserve an efficient, effective government that works for them?

IS IT TRUE the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee’s responsibility is to hold government accountable to the taxpayers?  …this hearing is a long time coming?

IS IT TRUE todays “Readers Poll” question question is; Are you pleased with the way Monday night City Council meeting was conducted?


  1. The only thing I will say about Ms. Robinson’s problems with the things went is that she supported Winnecke the first time around. Like the old adage, when you lay with dogs you will probably get fleas!

    • The message that comes from your statement is quite evident. Why would anybody with a lick of Sense ever trust Winnie and his sidekick Christmas Carol?

  2. Sources indicate that Weaver approached Scott asking him if he would be interesting in filling a vacant seat on the merit commission . . . Did Weaver the Wessel set up Scott?? Sources also indicate that Scott has fear concerning his own people and this is why he refused to have a photo take by the CP . . Why would anyone expect the Wessel to be honest and forthright???

    • Since when does an appointee to the Police Merit Board bring an “agent” to answer questions.

      • Perhaps he knew he would be subject to the wrath of the politically entrenched (aka, Brooks and Robinson) and the sycophants they told to be there to make noise for them? Smart move on his part.

        Mr. Scott ‘s corporate bio says he spent at least 5 years working as an entrepeneur in Philadelphia, a city with a long history of policing issues and problematic crime. Rev. Brooks has never lived more than 10 miles from where he was born (Henderson, KY). A younger guy (also a black guy, in case the folks howling about injustice didn’t notice), with education, business, and life experience in a large urban area? Yeah, what a horrible thing to have on our police merit commission… Not

    • It looks like Scott is a Philadelphia transplant to Evansville. Despite him having been here for awhile, he has not registered to vote. Weaver and Scott apparently became friendly at a local watering hole, and Weaver decided that his pal would be a good member of the Police Merit Commission. I have a lot of questions about why someone who doesn’t even bother to vote would accept such an appointment, but hesitate to have his picture in the paper. Did Weaver even get a resume from Mr. Scott? If he did, was it properly “vetted” and verified. Why didn’t the other CC members ask for a resume before they decided to vote him in? Was any due diligence done in this matter?

      The C&P said that little was known about the other Weaver selection for ERC, Dave Clark. It appears Weaver has been well-acquainted with Mr. Clark since back in his days as County Assessor. Clark has rental property, and has been a generous donor to Weaver beginning when he was assessor and right up to the last election. It would be interesting to see what kind of assessments the Clark property received under Weaver.

      Why weren’t both of these men vetted before the Council vetted the virtual unknowns?

      In the matter of the other Weaver-selected appointee to the ERC, Dave Clark, it appears Weaver is

  3. Of course, the Wessel set him up. Who in the hell would in their right mind being an African-American go against one of the icons of promoting concerns and rights of the poor and disadvantaged.

  4. Why would anyone not expect a FUBAR when Messy Mosby is involved. Remember four years ago after the first meeting of the new council when Mosby tried her playground tactics at the now failed Maingate Bar involving Al Lindsey. Of course, Al Lindsey probably was in violation but this is not the issue . . Mosby’s take – no – prisoner approach placed every council member at that table in an embarrassing situation. I have never seen anyone so self-center then this woman . . .

  5. Last evening’s tweeties by the renown editor of the CP hit the nail squarely on it’s head when he said, “where is the transparency”? Your basis moron can clearly see that Connie Robinson was correct in her statements. We have a Chief of Police allegedly manipulating electronic documents in the Milan Case and allegedly having a indirect financial interest in the acquisition of the Spotter-Shooter technology. If so, don’t be surprise to see Belly Bolin in a condo in Disney World . . . What a police state we have. The Rev’s statement about Ferguson should be noted. Let’s pray that our city is not one bullet away from the Ferguson incident.

  6. 17 years isn’t enough time to spend in a political appointment? And if Brother Brooks has been that functional on the board, why would he think we’re close to being another Ferguson? Or, was he merely fear mongering and playing the race card like Ms. Robinson did?

  7. Adrian Brooks has actually done positive things for Evansville, it is understandable that a failed administration’s toadies, Mosby et al., would want him off the Police Merit Commission as punishment for his good works. I mean, really, no telling what that guy’s liable to do next. They get a two-fer by doing a favor for an unappreciative FOP. Good people will have trouble thriving around here now, Adrian Brooks is one of the first to feel the heavy hand, and it is a shame.

    Look at our city council, it would embarrass most cities. Winnecke has given new meaning to the power of accidental incumbency. Blighty be thy name.

    • If Bolin covered for the sexual predator Winnecke wanted on City Council, there isn’t anything he won’t do. I think the new guy is the same one who had a coke conviction that he paid to get expunged.

      • WAIT A MINUTE!
        Elections have consequences.
        The arguments made by Bandana and others LOST in the last election by a whopping 62%.
        You behaved like an ingrate B, and now you’re upset with the future? You don’t like these changes? You should have thought about that when it was time to change voters minds before the election. You think that pablum you spewed before the election would not have consequences? They did. This is deserved.
        Elections have consequences.

        • Here you are with your regular election recap, Don. You’re absolutely right, elections have consequences and the pathetic turnout in 2015 will have long term negative consequences for Evansville. If 16 fewer Southsiders had only failed to show up to vote for Mosby, the Bobsey twins would not be running the City Council into the ditch.

          • You’re right of course LKB. It is time for new material, and I will do that.
            But B’s bombastic scorched earth posts during the pre-election run-up…..he earned this humiliation. Utter failure and humiliation: Bandana. (smile)

        • Quit lying about me you little troll.

          You are a filthy lying little punk Becker. Something that simply never came together, something that never gelled. You’re typing about 3 octaves higher than you usually do. Everything OK?

          That too is deserved.

          • BANDANA:
            That’s funny. Good job.
            But let’s be clear….I am typing the same stuff I always type about you B.
            The difference this time?
            It has sunk in for you what a failure you created. And you are gonna whine about this crap for four years. Four! Elections have consequences alright.

        • Democrats had an oppertunity to change things, but they choose to run a politically wounded candidate who can not beat her own shadow in an election. Even she has enough sense to know that her brand is spoiled.
          Your two antagonist are the social media version of Weaver and Mosby. Ever notice how they attack in pairs?

  8. To the victor goes the spoils. Special interest won the election. It always works that way. There will soon be another election. Just 4 years away. It is time to start the Campaign. What is your special interest?

    • You’re right about victors getting the spoils, and the spoils here in E-town are really, really rotten.

  9. Never forget that Vice-Chair Robinson was on the ground floor of the Central Committee backstabbing of Rick Davis and openly supporting Mayor Winnecke. She and co-conspirator Chairman Mark Owen resigned from the Central Committee just before incurring the wrath of the State Party and 8th District Representative Anthony Long. Reverend Brooks even stood up for her as set forth in the link to the C&P article. The disloyal backstabbing of Mr. Davis destroyed the local Democrat party forever, and spawned Mosby/Weaver Democrats that are sock puppets for the Mayor. Mayor Winnecke now is boldly exercising and consolidating his power for all to see. The Mayor’s political ruthlessness and cunning has been greatly underestimated. Mayor Winnecke can play hardball and he is here to stay Mayor as long as he wants. Finally, it is beyond belief that Ms. Robinson was the only person that didn’t know the FOP wished the removal of Reverend Brooks for their support of the Mayor last election.–poll-ep-444878359-326685921.html

  10. Was I the only one who noticed the large Tucker Realty cup and the Tucker uniform Missy Mosby was wearing are we going to allow advertising at all Council meetings ?

  11. Common guys. This is simple and not unprecedented. The council change hands and with that comes changes….wether you like them or not. Brooks knew he was going to be replaced under a new council. It is normal in all politics. That is why he had his faithful there to root for him. Brooks track record speaks for itself. He voted three times to disband the police department and put it under control of the sheriff. He also had a rally against the police on the steps of the civic center. How can Brooks or any person with that record be impartial to police and be on its merit board? Would you want that person representing you? If you say yes, then do a reality check. Brooks is a good guy and has done a lot for the community. I don’t see that changing. He played the politics game and was replaced when the council changed……as was numerous other political appointed positions.

  12. Pretty obvious that Mr.Scott was unprepared for the onslaught last night but why not give him a chance? We bitch and moan about the same people keeping this town in a quagmire yet when some new blood is attempted to be infused, we complain as well. 17 years of service is commendable but bringing in new perspectives should not be looked upon as a negative. Pastor Brooks should step aside with character and wish this young man the best while fully offering his support. The statement “the relationship between the poor and minority community with the City Administration will suffer because of the actions taken at last night City Council meeting”? issued sounds more like a threat than it does a person willing to do what it takes to strengthen those relationships he’s attempted to build over the past years.

  13. Had Missy not scored her 15 vote “victory for Winnecke” in the Second Ward primary things would probably be going more smoothly. I suspect the new members of CC are wondering what the hell they have gotten into. What a mess we’re in!

  14. Sounds like it won’t be long before our dirty EPD starts targeting Robinson. It’s her own fault, though. She stabbed Rick Davis in the back along with the rest of them.

  15. If you haven’t had a chance, watch this meeting on the ECP website. This is hilarious.

    • As soon as it hits youtube it will probably go viral, and Indiana can add another feather to its cap.

  16. There’s all kinds of news in Eville politics today. Mary Hart, has been vice chairlady of the Democrat party for a long time, but she resigned this morning because she is disgusted with what it is going on. I look for Missy to want to replace her. That can get ugly. Too bad that the best official the Demos had couldn’t stand it any longer.

    The word is out that Suzanne Crouch is going to be running for Lt. Governor with Pence instead of Winny. If it isn’t her, then it will be a tper from the north end of the state.

  17. 17 yrs on same board wasn’t it time for a change? We are going to be like Ferguson? He is a direct link to the poor and disadvantaged? He drives a Jaguar?
    If Mr Brooks was on the Human Relations commission and held an anti- gay rally would be have been removed from board?
    He has been on Police merit commission for 17 yrs. He has held anti police rally. He was in part of a 3 ring circus at a City Council meeting where people were not conforming to the rules and etiquette. He did not stop them. Connie Robinson was berating Chief Bolin and he did stop her or defend the chief or the police department.
    He has never held a rally outside a drug house (which brings more pain and suffering to his community than the police department).
    People shooting people in his community. I have NEVER seen him on TV or social media asking for it to stop or asking witnesses to come forward to assist in solving the crimes.
    But when a off duty fireman is involved in a confrontation with police officers. You saw him everywhere.
    Last night why did he say this is part of God’s plan. One door closed and another door opens.
    Why didn’t he say I something more statesman like?

  18. That CC meeting was actually hilarious while being conducted like a three ring circus clown act with a farting rodeo mule center stage. I’ve got to double my efforts to get my people the hell out of the stinking city.

  19. So, Rev. Brooks appointment to the Police Merit Commission was supposed to be for Life?

  20. Winnie/Christmas Carol, ex tv weather did, and dem political royalty Messy. Why Evansville is dying. Despite other Metros around it growing. Indy, Lousville, Nashville, and Clarksville TN.

  21. Test.

  22. Test 2

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