IS IT TRUE we were sad to awaken today to the news of another shooting on Evansville’s southeast side?…this is a continuing trend that has not abated a bit in 2013?…we sincerely hope that this time some credible witnesses who are willing to testify will come forward so the shooter can be removed from the streets of Evansville?…the words heard so often by law enforcement officers “I didn’t see nothing†are the enemy of Evansville or any other city’s efforts to be a desirable place to raise a family?…it has only been a week since the non-witnesses came forth with the “I didn’t see nothing†and the “I don’t remember nothing†testimony which let at least one shooter live to shoot another day?…today may just be that day?…the “I didn’t see nothing†crowd bears some responsibility for the continued gunfire in southeast Evansville?
IS IT TRUE that your taxpayer dollars were at work yesterday financing a seminar to teach firefighters how to identify bed bugs?…it seems as though some of our brave firemen may have had a few of those little critters bury into their hide at work and end up getting taken home to Momma?…that makes Momma mad so the authorities decided to help Momma out a bit by teaching Pappa how to identify bed bugs?…the seminar series for 2013 should also include how to identify fire ants, chiggers, Molotov termites, and those rascal mason hornets?
IS IT TRUE that yet another “glitch†has been discovered in the Affordable Care Act that is commonly referred to as ObamaCare?…this is not the first negative surprise to be discovered after the fact about this bill that was sold to the public as broadening health care to all at a saving of $2,500 per family per year?…costs per family have already increased by $3,500 due to ObamaCare and that number keeps rising but the new “glitch†is one that will keep roughly 500,000 children of working people who cannot afford to pay for their part of the family premium that their employer does not have to pay?…the difference in the average individual policy and family policy premium is nearly $10,000 per year?…it seems as though the Congress that passed this monstrosity without reading it didn’t bother to add the numbers either?…of course the Obama Administration is shocked and disturbed that that wily irresponsible Congress did such a thing?…it is time for a competent commission to be tasked with cleaning up this turd of a piece of legislation before it wrecks the economy further?
IS IT TRUE in another cannot or will not add feature of ObamaCare our Congress decided that a family should pay no more than 9.5% of their income for health insurance?…the average family premium now according to the Kaiser Foundation is $15,700 per year and rising?…for that math to work the average family would need to earn $165,263 per year and rising which is knocking on the door of “millionaire and billionaire†status according to President Obama?…the reality is that the average family has an income of just over $50,000 per year and is falling?…the Congress then must think (no I doubt that they did) that the average health insurance premium is only $395 per month?…life on Planet Washington must be quite different than life in the United States of America for that cabal of genius to think such a thing?
IS IT TRUE that corporate America may have found a way to avoid ObamaCare?…the Wall Street Journal reported this week on a phenomena that is being called “going protean†is under consideration in large organizations?…to go protean one would break their company into 50 person or less separate companies and manage contracts instead of people?…this is an extension of the service industry practice of outsourcing tasks that are outside of their core competencies?…a 200 person company could easily be structured into 5 or 6 companies of less than 50 people each providing a specific service like human resources, engineering, maintenance, or accounting?…it is so easy that a company that wanted to “go protean†could do so in a couple of months?…expect to hear more about this in the near future?…if Congress would have actually read the bill and thought this through “going protean†would not have ever been conceived?
Did the Editor happen to see where Cabela’s hunting and fishing store stared itemizing the new costs of Obamacare on its receipts?
Sounds pretty lame. Code for we want to keep people in poverty and we’re mad anybody thinks that is wrong. I bet the amounts are bogus too.
Jeez, editor, why are you so pissed off about the bedbug training? What tax dollars are you talking about? In addition to his other duties, the District Chief who coordinated and conducted the training is the Health and Safety officer for the department. It’s kind of is job to conduct this type of training. The 45 minute training did cover identification, but largely covered measures we can take to keep from infesting our stations and homes with these nasty bugs.
We also recieve training on how to prevent dragging infected blood, shit, vomit, carcinogens from smoke, chemical hazardous materials, and a host of other vile things we get exposed to at work back to the fire stations and back to our friends, spouses, and kids. Does that training piss you off, too?
We are not pissed off at all. It was an attempt a humor.
Two days in a row? Alrighty then. Communicable diseases and parasite infestations aren’t particularly good comedic material IMHO, but I don’t write the editorials.
Carry on.
I don’t hear much laughing! NOT funny.
DeltaBravo, it would make better use of your time if you and your men spend more time fixing the interior and exterior problems at each fire house instead of reading porn and mad mag, posting on facebook 24-7, watching “Dog the Bounty Hunter” and sleeping for days at a time.
Oh, my brother-in-law is a firefighter, so don’t lecture me on how hard you’all work! Why don’t you get some real training by studying to pass your GED test.
You are ridiculous.
That post is so stupid is does not even deserve a response. Oh, man i just gave it one. Damn you watchdog. You are a tricky one.
Danny oh I mean DeltaBravo please calm down.
I am the very picture of Zen-like calm… 🙂
Glad you are Danny boy!
DeltaBravo since you know so much about the happenings and the people of the Evansville Fire Department, I have a Question.
What kind of military discharge did your Fire Chief receive during his short tour in the Navy? Was it Honorable or General? Look forward to your answer.
We have 273 sworn members on the EFD, many of them veterans. However, I only know the military discharge status of one of them – – me. Honorable discharge from the United States Marine Corps with the rank of Sergeant.
Congratulations and thank you for your service.
What is the heck is going on here. Why would someone post a question about the military discharge status of our Fire Chief?
In my strong opinion, the Mayor would not appoint anyone to a top leadership position if he or she received less than an honorable discharge from the military.
Anyway, I look forward to DeltaBravo answer to the above question about our Fire Chief.
Whats wrong DeltaBravo do you have to clear any future remarks concerning your Chief with your Union? Oh, excuse me, you are the Union.
Good night and please stop being two face.
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