IS IT TRUE January 30, 2014
IS IT TRUE in a spat that never should have happened Mayoral Chief of Staff Steve Schaefer misinterpreted what was planned by City Council Attorney Scott Danks the principal investor for the old EVSC building behind the Civic Center?…Counselor Danks and his associates purchased that building with private funds, never asked for a government handout, and have openly discussed their plans for the building?…Mr. Schaefer went before the City Council to grandstand about whether or not Danks had sought out and received input on this private investment from the County and the Courts?…to any entrepreneur or investor such a question in a public forum is just mind boggling?…Danks and his investors have been clear about their purpose for the building from day one and it seems like Mr. Schaefer’s inquisition was either baseless, mindless or just plain ole political tamperming?  …if the City of Evansville is going to start acting like Little Ceasar toward unsubsidized private investment while channeling Sugar Daddy for out of town people who demand public subsidies then the downtown is going to be in serious trouble for longer than it already has been?…the City should be kissing the backside of private investors willing to try their luck in downtown real estate development even if they come from the opposing party? …we are extremely disappointed in the Mayors Chief of Staff Steve Schaefer treatment towards Mr. Danks and his associates considering his professional career began with the area Chamber of Commence?
IS IT TRUE Mayor Winnecke and other local elected leaders across the State of Indiana have been expressing their concerns about Governor Pence’s intentions to drop the annual assessment on business equipment?…this move while costing local governments a small amount of revenue relative to their overall budgets (about 1%) will bring Indiana into parity with most other states who do not collect annual taxes on in place equipment used by businesses who employ their residents?…in the case of Evansville the expected loss is only on the order of $3 Million?…it seems as though Mayor Winnecke does not want to give up his fun and games money to provide incentives for Indiana businesses to stay and grow in the state?…local governance has always had the POWER OF THE TAX ABATEMENT so they could pick and choose who gets tax advantages and who doesn’t?…this will eliminate that unfair and capricious piece of code?…the CCO does not say this often but Governor Pence is right on this as the other states that do not engage in selective tax abating are?…Indiana and its mayors needs to start valuing business climate over selective advantage and fun and games nonsense?
IS IT TRUE the ink was not dry on the transcript of President Obama’s State of the Union address before his old buddy and sometimes sycophant Senator Harry Reid stabbed him square in the back?…the President wisely proposed a bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority to fast track exports and protect American jobs that are currently in danger of being offshored?…the surprised Republicans applauded and supported this part of the speech?…much to the surprise of most it was Senator Reid who balked and stated that he was against fast tracking such a thing and that everyone would be well advised not to push the issue?…this sort of thing was done before in 2010 when President Obama claimed to support trade pacts with South Korea, Columbia, and Panama only to see then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refuse to allow a vote?…as with most Washington based games we should follow the money to see who increases contributions to Senator Reid for his obstruction of the President’s mission?
IS IT TRUE the Dow Jones average dropped over 200 points the day after the State of the Union address and is now down 5.1% in 2014?…contrary to popular belief this is not due to anything the President has said or done?…the reality behind the pullback is due to the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK’S deliberate reduction in propping up financial markets?…if that does not prove that the quantitative easing efforts of the Fed is nothing more than a money printing machine for the stockholder class nothing will?…it is very strange to see a government that prints money to prop up the wealth of the stockholder class while railing against the 1% and fanning the fires of envy with stump speeches on inequality?…the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK has fed wealth inequality for several years now and is substantially responsible for the growth of wealth inequality under President Obama?…we wonder how one could do both of these things with a straight face?
IS IT TRUE President Obama has been very candid with Congress and the American people that he intends to further his agenda by the use of executive order and badgering even threatening in a sort of cute way with his “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone†dialog?…while from time to time executive orders are appropriate and all Presidents have used them, using executive orders to do unpopular things does not resonate well?…a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll Tuesday found that 68 percent of Americans think they’re not better off than when Mr. Obama became president, and 63 percent say the country is on the wrong track?…those are numbers that can’t be changed with a phone and a pen.
Good for Scott Danks for actually doing something to better downtown. The old Vanderburgh school corporation building has sat unused for over 3 years. Danks will never be short of detrators around here, some folks hate a success.
Thanks to Mr. Danks for not using our hard tax money to help subsidize this impressive project.
Wonder why Mr. Schaefer is no longer working at the Chamber of Commence?
Because they don’t want idiots connected with the CC
As far as the “Trade Promotion Authority” goes, do you really think they planned it to go through. It’s my belief that it was all for show. To promote the dictator in chief to look like he’s really trying to be bi-partisan. When all along they have Harry sitting in the back ready to comply to the presidents wishes and ignore it. It’s all planned out and really sad when you think about how low the office has sunk in the last decade.
That thought has been written about today and we are as suspicious as you regarding the old good cop – bad cop pantomime that may just be going on.
It’s my opinion that Mr. Schaefer would not do this type of thing to Danks unless the Mayor and Ted Ziemer signed off on it. This is pity politics at it’s best.
Oh, I’m a new reader on this sight and must say that I’m extremely impressed with the job you’re doing. Glad I left the Courier and Press site because I’m now getting the truth about activities of local and state governments.
Let me be the first to welcome you to the CCO!
Hope you enjoy your stay, speak your mind, lots of very interesting people and opinion here and we even get posts from the celebrity side with comments from political leaders and politicians themselves. 😉
If your talking about Wayne , all he wants to yap about is I use a real name and you don’t have the balls to blah blah blah
Shhhhh! I wanted to break her into Wayne’s online persona gradually, notice her user name! 😉
…Editor is quite correct the market is correcting due to Fed moves. But this comment that smacks of populist ranting..
…”to prop up the wealth of the stockholder class…”
…it should be noted, fails to acknowledge the enormous wealth generated for American retirees, retirement accounts and the 401K accounts holding stock assets – meaning all of middle America. The asset value of middle America in their 401K and retirement accounts have not only returned to their pre-recession levels, they have exceeded them.
Those people are not some greedy, rotten Wall Street stereotype. It’s their biggest asset along with their home.
….and Editor should be commended for making money too, judging by all of the new ads and new constituencies advertising on the CCO web site these days.
Editor’s team has clearly taken that growth in hits for the CCO web site and trumpeted it all around town to sell a growing number of ads.
This is America after all. And America’s business IS business. Good for Editor.
Glad you recognized that. We were being a bit sarcastic about the habits of the political to treat the rich like pinatas. It seems as though the fed’s action insulated anyone with a 401k or a pension from reality. That is still not something that should have been done. Federal policies also created an illusion of home values that eventually blew up. The best thing the federal government can do for the private economy of stocks and homes is to leave them alone. Infrastructure that promotes commerce and the military are different. Those investments are too big and too important to be done effectively by a private entity.
Sounds like those stock market gains are really trickling down to the working class who actually save for their own future by putting money into their 401k plans or have professionally managed pensions. So much for the liberal view of trickle down. The only savings by tax plan that has not benefited from the stock run up is the government managed Social Security trust fund that is full of nothing but government paper.
Obama just started that MYRA thing so everyday working stiffs will start buying government paper. He is hoping to find another group of suckers to unload government debt on since the fed is winding down their money printing campaign. The working stiffs of America always are the last sucker in the line of suckers. Promise them 3% and shake them down. No real retirement plan could even function doing what MYRA is proposing. This is like the WWII war bonds peddling when the rest of the world wanted nothing to do with American debt.
So…just to acknowledge, Editor acknowledges that SOME involvement by the federal government (the aforementioned infrastructure related to commerce and military examples) makes sense. Just not over the line involvement. And therein lies the rub. It’s about where the line should be. The far left has their ideas about that we all know. But to listen to some extreme right Tea Party types, they want no line at all.
I like the pragmatism vs idealism being displayed here.
The next time you see a major industry consolidation in the headlines, I would enjoy a comment on its merits for the country. Such comments can be volatile I will acknowledge. But somewhere there is a balance between the free market and the growth of monopolies hopefully controlled by the Sherman Anti-trust Act. Free market taken to its logical end means loss of freedom. If we lose competition in the market, then it all fails. SAA is designed to help preserve that. But this is a subject for another day.
The Fed should be abolished.
With regard to the fluctuating (and possibly correcting) stock market, I think there are more factors at play than just the actions of the Fed.
For example, during the Chinese New Year, about 20% of the population of the Chinese Republic are mobile between locations which puts a strain on the Chinese monetary system.
There’s also the fear factor here at home with investors who have seen the stock market inflate for 12 straight months without any substantial changes in regulations after the 2008 bursting of the bubble.
But if one wishes to think simplistically and placed blame on a single entity, I suppose the Fed is a popular(ist) target.
In general I agree there is more to stock market fluctuations than just actions take by the Federal Reserve. Except in this case going back to the beginning of this quantitative easing non-sense. The bulk of that money from the onset has been going to artificially prop up the market. So any attempt to reduce the amount of quantitative easing will have a more profound effect. QE is just another example why a government’s involvement with any given sector of its economy will in the end have less than desirable results and those results from QE will be disastrous.
All true when viewed in black and white. However, quantitative easing (printing new money on top of old debt) certainly had some effect on inflating the market from post-crash 8,000 to current 16,000 + or -, right? So, backing off now would have to have the effect of deflating the bubble. But how much? And how much more effect is the result of other factors?
Long term stock levels for big companies like those that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average are fundamentally driven by earnings. The day to day gyrations are usually just fear, greed, and rumoring. The amount of deflation of the bubble from QE will depend on how strong the earnings and future prospects of the earnings of the chosen companies are. Most of what I have read points to a fundamental drop of 7% – 10%. We are already half way there. I don’t think we will see people jumping off of any buildings. Big American business for the most part is in good shape.
Fear drove stocks below 8,000 at the beginning of President Obama’s first term. Greed has them pumped up to where they were last week. Where ever this lands by the time QE has ended will reflect reality. There will be plenty of volatility between now and then.
Question: If backing off quantitative easing by the Fed were 100% responsible for the decline in the DOW, wouldn’t the U.S. Dollar show an equal percentage gain in value?
This is a real question. I have no idea as to the answer. It’s just a thought.
That is all relative Bill. Relative to the Dow this year the dollar has by definition increased by 4% (today’s close) relative to the price of the DOW. That is because the DOW is measured in dollars. What is really of interest to everyday people is how the dollar is performing against things like gasoline, food, etc. that we exchange our dollars for weekly. Other things that we spend for are regulated like our utility bills which do not fluctuate relative to the dollar until the appropriate commission changes the number (exchange rate). The only other times that we are concerned as citizens is when buying items that are priced in other currencies or when travelling abroad. The dollar floats freely against most currencies daily and the dynamics of why are dependent of politics, the weather, interest rates, stability, etc. I have traveled abroad quite allot and that is the only time I am even interested in how many euros, yen, or pounds that my dollar will buy. So the succinct answer to your exact question is that the dollar has appreciated relative to the DOW and the reason for the that is built into the definition of the DOW. My belief is that the 4% drop in the DOW this year is dominated by the easing of QE. If someone starts a war tonight and there is a flight to gold tomorrow that tanks the DOW it will not be due to the easing of QE, it will be fear driven flight to hard currency. That translates into more faith in the gold than the dollar due to international instability. It is enough to make your head explode.
I believe this article sheds some light.
I am not sure how the Fed will fare when it comes to walking the fine line of tapering off QE, but if the numbers in this article are to be believed, then some tapering off is in order.
One would hope that it would all lead to a stronger dollar eventually.
Thanks, guys. All something to think about, but very little we small fries can do about it.
Bubbles do not have the tendency to bust in a slow motion fashion.
Governor Pence,is spot on with this,like everything incremental balance starts action to steady the center.
I’m not sure who penned or stated the last sentence on the subject “Indiana and Its mayors (need) to start valuing business “climate” over selective advantage and fun and games nonsense.”
Well,fun and games are way more “game like” and “fun’ if one has a good income and a working basic infrastructure to support it. Ultimate sustainable balance*,as applied to that statement.
On the old EVSC gulag satellite building,good luck with that,even an building that qualified as a nuclear bomb shelter has some viable assets per structured construction, if its cleaned up, and restructured with an evolved thermodynamic balance due its environmental,and operational cost signature. Probably will be.
Reduced environmental impact,sequestered per building use,as applied per footprint designation. Wow,if private investors did this everywhere,infrastructure redo is a tag along per incremental increased revenue vs environmentally useless unoccupied buildings.
Something you seem to have an available supply of in your downtown district.
Actual value and assessments should reflect the conditionals straight up for open marketing for private investment and business “climate” improvements.
One reason,the offering CARFAX* is finding viable growth with,And why GIS systems and todays I.T. programs can offer historical and present FLY BY* cloud based,actual,real estate assessments. Balance box* something I’m collaborating and licensing with some others in the real estate information systems technology across the country.
Every Realtor across the nation already uses the GIS and their own effectively organized and offered listing sites to introduce the properties available for sale or rent.
We, use that, as well
We,can offer the actual recorded history of the actual listing per the list as offered for assistance in cost balance to carbon footprint sequestration sustainability.* Real stuff,facts no spin,anything out there,repaired,billed,charged enforcement actions,even,or put on GIS by any municipal site, or filed as a deduction per assessment,legally by public informational access .
Brings that spot or splotches historical informations balance* into view for projected sustained costing forward,”show me the,Balance box*” Quick look realtime fast.
Innovative smart city private investments look into sustainable urban renewal balances as offered,very soon.
BTW you guys do have some really nice listings about the metro,shows allot to the “interested consumer”. 😉
“a confusion of means,and a confusion of aims,seems to be our Main problem” (Albert Einstein)
“stockholder class” Put that one down in the CCO’s definitions of terms.
I’ll go with the long tradition Evansville has always used; “… plain ole political tampering…”
Steve Schaefer is a disgrace. The City Council should turn the tables and call for this asshole’s immediate firing !
Schaefer is the office bully. He will try to intimidate citizens, through the media, who disclose information or take actions which might be in any way “embarrassing” to the Administration. He is a hired character assassin. Fire him today, he is a Poli-Sci major who thinks he is an operative in Washington. Oh, and his go-to guy to go on TV and be his voicebox is the illustrious Jonathan Weaver. What a pair, Dumb and Dumber, indeed.
Also, CCO: why don’t you out him on his Chamber of Commerce tactics ? Why should he get a free pass ???
I agree, throw Schaefer into one of those CSO pipes. He will receive professional courtesy from the other sharks swimming in the Ohio.
Schaefer seems to be the biggest jerk ever to hold that position.
Back in the 1970’s we had guys like Randall Shepard (under Russell Lloyd, Sr), and he ended up being IN Supreme Court Justice. Mike Vandeveer had the highly likable Chris Weaver. Fast forward, and even a skunk like Weinzapfel had a classy lady in Rose Young.
Winnecke must be a real weakling if he needs a slasher like Schaefer to do his bidding . . .
C’mon guys saying stock market increases benefit the middle class/lower class is like saying Piegon Creek contributes to the Ohio river water volume.
I mean yes it is true but it hardly gives any sort of perspective.
Don’t get me wrong I mean I have a huge chunk in the my IRA and it is nearly 100% equities so I am tickled pink about the 2013 26% market gain. I may be wrong but I thing the average IRA/401k balance is like $25-50K, not exactly the stuff of retirment dreams. 80% of the stock markets values is prolly in the accounts of the top 10-20% of Americans
Yes something is certainly better than nothing but let’s have a little perpective here and not pretend the middle class will be rescued by a roaring stock market.
You are very close on your average 401k/IRA number. I think it is $60k but your point is still made. Here is a tidbit for consumption. Mitt Romney was estimated to have a net worth of $250 Million during the last election. If he simply performed at the market average last year his portfolio would have gained $65 Million. That is enough to pay the salary of the President of the United States for 162 years. Now I have nothing against Mitt making some money from his investments but when you compare that to schmucks like us that are sitting on $60k who made $15k in paper gains last year we poor folks are looking pretty light. Of course well over half of Americans have zero and benefited zero. It is better that a poke in the eye though.
I will add to the previous post that the only way Brains and I could have gotten our $15k is if a guy with Mitt’s assets can also make $65 Million. That is the fair American way. Brains, Mitt, and myself all made 26% and all became more wealthy at the expense of quantitative easing. It is possible that Brains and I could have even outperformed Mitt on a percentage basis if we were bold with our investment strategies last year.
No one is pretending the middle class is being SAVED by the stock market. (and actually, no one said that here, ‘cepting you).
But it is foolish to ignore the weight of the cumulative increase in national 401K balances. You’re looking only at the average balance and making slim assumptions. The balance sheet overall for the 401k account holders is considerably better (and that’s an understatement). In fact, consumer spending and home sales are significantly driven by the buyers comfort with his household asset balance.
I’m not tooting anyone’s horn for the increases nor trying to give credit. But dismissing it wholesale is a mistake.
Everytime Obama makes a speech it costs our 401K so what else is new?
Are you SURE about that? I mean since Obama’s been giving Presidential speeches, the Dow has gone from 8218…to just a few minutes ago, 15,860.
I voted for Romney. But Heis…You might want to choose a different metric. Cause if you choose 401K balances from when he started to where they are today…by that measure (You came up with this metric, not me), then you’re making the case he’s the best President ever.
Never thought about the business equipment/inventory tax in the way CCO presented it as arbitrary and capricious so thanks for the perspective. However, I’m afraid Pence and his gang are pulling a switcheroo on this one though.
Just like Hoosiers really got the ‘ol three card monte switcheroo when Not my man Mitch lowered the real estate taxes but increased the sales tax to 7%. We went from the frying pan to the fire with a regressive tax to an ultraregressive tax. Our tax system is one of the most regressive in the country. Of couuuuuurse its run by R’s.
Politicians from both parties like the sales tax because nobody gets a bill for it! Unlike the income and property tax. How many people know how much they pay in sales tax??
Further Vanderburgh County suffers because people all over the tri-state come to shop here and the money goes straight to Indy never to return!
I believe the state tax went up from 6% to 7% at the time when the state took the school districts over from local control. And I believe you meant the estate tax ( not real estate} changed just recently. The property taxes are soaring upward.
I feel if the state level government (republicans/chamber of commerce} want to eliminate this tax, they need to replace the lost funds from the state coffers and not past the buck and saddle the local government for their purpose.
Maybe a place to look is the lottery money that is being used to subsidize excise tax on new and almost new vehicles? (tongue in cheek)
Stock market up and earning double digits. In general,
hourly wages stagnant or being driven down while cost of living is rising. As a person who makes a living on wages, its hard to have sympathy for this sector of people asking for a break. I too, had pay some equipment taxes that tied into farming. I did not “boo hoo” about it for if I was fortunate to own this equipment to earn a profit, then I felt I owed it for that right.
Kudos to Scott Danks for his investment in the abandoned EVSC building.
Three cheers for Scott Danks and three boos for the Mayors Chief of Staff Steve Schaefer.
Bottom line what Mr. Schaefer did to Mr. Danks is shameful.
To those of you who think Obama is the one being hateful, obstructive and divisive you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY need to watch this video.
They used to heat the squatter mud brick grassland homestead’s with the “chips”.
With a endless supply like Stewart was relating to from both sides,they’res,you’re,energy crisis solved.
Bovine low mass Methane solids abundances converted for BTUs,clear though whole the century.
Looks sustainable enough,however the balance stinks.*
I hope they block this,
Before we become this,
Undeniably imаgine that whicһ you stated.
Your favourite justification appeared to be at the net the easiest thing to keep in mind
of. I say to you, I ceгtainly get irked at the same time as other
people think about issues that they just don’t know about.
You controlled to hit the nail upon the higÒ»est
aѕ well as defined out the wholе thing with no need side
effect , othеr folks couⅼd take a signal.
Will likely be again to É¡et more. Thanks
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