Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE JANUARY 3 – 4, 2015 WEEKEND EDITION



IS IT TRUE our “Cost Savings Moles” tells us that two Evansville Dollar Tree discount stores located at 800 South Green River Road and Dollar Tree located at 4855 West Lloyd Expressway are selling the Sunday Evansville Courier and Press for exactly one ($1) American buck?  …we wonder if this information is true why  hasn’t  the Evansville Courier and Press made this major discount price available to all Sundays Courier and Press readers?

IS IT TRUE  that Tom Bozikis, Vice President of the Tri-State Better Business Bureau will  challenge City Councilman Dan McGinn for the 1st Ward seat?   …. we are very impressed with Mr. Bozikis political  stance that “the government that governs best governs least”?  … we find Mr. Bozikis’ political views are in line with traditional Conservative Republican values of governance?  … we totally agree with Mr. Bozikis statement that he believes “business should be less regulated by government so the free market can regulate itself”  …he believes that  “the free market can take care of itself through self regulation.  …”that 1st Ward City Council candidate Bozikis also plans to reduce city government spending and lower local taxes, where possible. Tax cuts would have to be done carefully, he said, so that all necessary services that protect the city and improve infrastructure would remain intact.

IS IT TRUE we are pleased that to hear that Mr. Tom Bozikis has decided to be a candidate for the 1st Ward seat in the upcoming Republican primary?  …Mr. Bazook will square off with incumbent  Dan McGinn who has a lack luster record at best for active persuading  a true Republican conservative agenda?  …we predict if Mr. Bozikis true conservative views and message get through to the voters of the 1st Ward City that Councilman Dan McGinn will be in the political battle of  his short career?

IS IT TRUE that in September 2014, Winnecke cashed in 2.2 million from the Police and Firefighters Pension investments and deposited into the same bank account that the General Fund operates out of helping to make the payroll checks good?  …if you don’t believe this statement please ask the City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. when you see him?

IS IT TRUE that the employees’ healthcare fund as of September 30, 2014 is overdrawn by 2.9 million. …if you don’t believe this statement please ask the City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. when you see him?
IS IT TRUE that the Master TIF fund, yes, the fund that supports the Hotel and IU Med projects declined by over 50% within one year, i.e. 3 million dollars. …if you don’t believe this statement please ask City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. when you see him?
IS IT TRUE we wonder when construction is going to starting on the McCurdy?
IS IT TRUE we wonder when Old National bank are going to pay the taxpayers of this community the $11 million dollar they now owe the Vanderburgh County taxpayers for naming right at the Centre?  …when Old National Bank does advertising with the local main stream media they must pay?  … we wonder why Old National Bank isn’t paying the taxpayers for advertising on taxpayer funded property?
IS IT TRUE the City County Observer have been tracking on who was the most effective Department Heads for the City of Evansville for 2014? …after long discussions and talking with many people in and out of Evansville City Government the CCO have selected Evansville  Parks Recreation Director Denise A. Johnson?  …we find Mrs. Johnson extremely intelligent, dedicated, personable and hard working?  …we consider the Evansville Parks and Recreation Department to be under funded year after year?   …we hope that in 2015 the Mayor will stop dumping his under qualified political patronage buddies to works for the Evansville Parks and Recreation Department so Mrs. Johnson can do her job without political interruptions?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”.

Copyright 2014 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. Is Mrs. Johnson still in charge of the Parks Dept?

    Yes. Denise A. Johnson is still in charge.


      • You can’t help yourself from afar you are still an absolute idiot. Please excuse the lack of unnecessary punctuation and gibberish passing for grammar. It is only board members–not employees.

    • She’s an employee of the Parks Dept, not on the board. The new ordinance applies only to board, commission, and committee members.

    • When Steve Bagbey got the corrections job with the sheriff’s department Brian Holtz the former occupant of that position was transferred to the Park Dept. Brian is the deputy, I thought maybe a place holder position.

  2. “IS IT TRUE that in September 2014, Winnecke cashed in 2.2 million from the Police and Firefighters Pension investments and deposited into the same bank account that the General Fund operates out of helping to make the payroll checks good? ”

    How in the @#$% is this legal? Or even financially possible? PERF funds are controlled (I thought…) by a state level oversight committee. Was the money taken out of a local fund which is used to pay for the City’s PERF committment to the state fund? Anybody know anything about the mechanics of this transaction?

    • I’m with you, DB. No wonder Missy and Beav put the “police appreciation rally together.” A better way to appreciate our first responders is to keep the Poop’s paws out of their retirement funds. This one act should get him and Carol chased all the way to Arizona by angry mobs.

    • If this is true, which I suspect it is, it indicates what a mess Weinzapfel and crew left this city in. I think Winnecke is just trying to do damage control which is effectively damaging him. The county is also having trouble making payroll but they don’t receive the same attention as Winnecke. Winnecke has tried to spend a lot of money but has been stopped at every turn. Except for a few million here and there he has been ineffective at securing big funding for his projects. The shortfall is paying for the Arena and other Weinzapfel follies.

  3. Was it Denise Johnson or Ella Johnson which said re: the Downtown Hotel: ” It’s not a matter of if . . . it’s a matter of when” ?

  4. If Tom Bozikis will campaign, he will may actually win the primary, because Dan McGinn refuses to campaign. The new boundaries of the First Ward would put it “in play” in the general election if Mr. Bozikis wins the primary, because the GOP powers that be would not be happy. I suspect Parke and friends will do what is necessary to keep him from being their candidate.

    • LKB
      The grammar police are now citing you !! What is your excuse, oh I remember, lack of caffeine 😉

      • Nope, was in a hurry and didn’t proofread. Lack of caffeine is usually to blame for typos.

  5. All of the “IIT…ask Russ Lloyd” questions listed above should have had front page coverage in the local newspaper. Is it true they were never exposed to the local population?….ask Russ Lloyd.

    A local grassroots effort to research and expose the reasons why so little information on city government financial matters is reported in the Evansville Courier&Press should be convened immediately. A panel should be chosen to oversee the investigation and report the findings to the general public.

    We do not have to sit back and take the crumbs that fall from their table. We can, and should, DEMAND better reporting!

    • That Lloyd name is a well deserved scourge there. Political butt suckers from birth . or marriage.
      r/. 1. historical
      a whip used as an instrument of punishment.
      synonyms: whip, horsewhip, lash, strap, birch, switch, bullwhip, rawhide; historicalcat-o’-nine-tails
      “he was beaten with a scourge”
      r/. 2. a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering.
      “the scourge of mass unemployment”
      synonyms: affliction, bane, curse, plague, menace, evil, misfortune, burden, cross to bear; More
      antonyms: blessing, godsend
      verb: scourge; 3rd person present: scourges; past tense: scourged; past participle: scourged; gerund or present participle: scourging
      r/. 1. historical
      whip (someone) as a punishment.
      synonyms: flog, whip, beat, horsewhip, lash, flagellate, strap, birch, cane, thrash, belt, leather; More
      r/. 2. cause great suffering to.
      “political methods used to scourge and oppress workers”
      synonyms: afflict, plague, torment, torture, curse, oppress, burden, bedevil, beset
      “a disease that scourged North America”

      • If the old adage is true that it “takes one to know one”–you must have breath that rivals your skill at written communication.

    • I think demanding better reporting from the C&P may be a lot like demanding that a hospice resident run a marathon. The public needs to realize that the rag is little more than an advertising circular.

    • I just refused to buy their crap paper. Today at the grocery store I almost picked up a copy of the Sunday Paper and then simply walked on by. The best decision I made today so far. LOL

    • Sounds good and I’d sure like to do it. The C&P is null and void, they are so uncontroversial that they don’t need protection under the first amendment. I think the only way to get their attention is to boycott their advertisers. I never open up their web page. The only way to get to the C&P is in their wallet.

      • Are you a deranged coprophile or what? You can’t go a day without mentioning a CO or shit. Dude, you got issues!

        • Are we to assume that you are simply here to attack “V” and you have no problem with Winnie raiding the pensions of our first responders?

          • That’s what we’d expect. When you buzz their strip close enough one of the idiots always pops up. Usually something that has no bearing anything relative to the conversation anyway.

        • Up late in defense? Fits you fitz. Insulting someone on a blog isn’t going to fix the problems that downtown has. Its more than likely some blogger will finally drop enough sunshine of you and yours the fix will be inevitable. Looks like Evansville’s primary issues start with the likes of you.

          BTW: Seems what or who they are looking for in the old evansville downtown might as well be deranged coprophiles. After yesterdays rain they ought to have plenty of target food sources left from the overflows.

          coprophile (plural coprophiles)
          Alternative spelling of coprophil
          A feces-loving organism.
          (biology) An organism (typically microorganisms and fungi) living off or growing in dung or other fecal matter.

          • Speaking of coprophiles, I have a great idea for a convention to be held when that “convention hotel” becomes a reality. Evansville could host an annual Christmas gathering of South Park fans, to hold a “Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo” watch. That way, Winnie and friends could argue to EPA that our CSOs have historical/tourism value. Maybe we could get our sewers put on the National Register.

          • Fitz has shit the Dollar Store so many times he’s become something of a legend in the business (‘watch that guy, he’ll buy a roll of sandpaper towels and a dollar newspaper and disappear for 5 minutes, give him plenty of room while he’s leaving’). Known throughout that little subculture for his signature spritz of seltzer water on the foul mess he leaves, hence the honorary title ‘Fitz’.

          • At times I repeat myself, it comes with Age,– an acceptable excuse.

            “I’m beginning to suspect that the build up of Toxic Waste in the 100yrs CSO system in Old Downtown, and the seeping gases it releases, is the culprit in the Delusional Downtown Psychosis that has played it’s self out thru the Elitist Politicos that savor it like glue sniffing addicts, and indulge until, –Reality fades away.”

            —V–I didn’t know the Psychosis had a name,–Coprophile,– seems appropriate!
            –thanks for the info—Crash.

      • Since ONB has free naming rights for the Center, it might be nice if the CCO ran a name the ONB building thread.

      • What ONB will really get for their stockholder’s money,–is the Right to name a “White Elephant”!
        After 10yrs of Red ink (-$9MILLION) for the Taxpayers, a name change IS probably appropriate.
        “Old Sinkhole” ?

  6. Could it be that the downsizing/rightsizing of Evansville is inevitable? This city gained about 60K people in the build up to, and during the war years. Much of the housing that was built during that time period were small less expensive low square footage, and quickly assembled to meet the needs of the war industry.

    It only stands to reason that after the government contracts dried up a lot of people would be thrown out of work. Chrysler left and Servel shut down. Bucyrus shut down and Whirlpool has moved, but a lot of the old war era homes have remained.

    What stands in the way of Evansville’s rightsizing is the amount of municipal debt the city has contracted at a time when it should have instead been making drastic reductions in the local government workforce. The math simply does not work for the city to keep spending and billing home owners for that spending, when the employment needed to support those property tax payments is not there. This city is not in same league as Indianapolis, or Nashville, or Louisville, and there is nothing on the horizon to suggest that we are even heading in that direction.

    We need local politicians who have their feet planted firmly in reality.

  7. I believe Shetler’s new plot to merge the city/county elections shows a fear that Winnecke is in even more trouble than we know and they desperately need to dilute the city vote. They will pull out all stops to keep him from being defeated, assuming he has a challenger. Probably scared to death if they don’t he’ll start talking.

    I’m not buying their current line that it is to increase turnout and save money. Those are two things they’ve not been interested in lately, if ever. They have a state law to overcome.

    • What we need are some conservative republicans to run for mayor in the coming May 5th primary election. Wayne Parke may throw a tantrum and jump up and down, if he is still in charge by that time, but at this point does anyone care what Mr. Parke thinks? The viability of the party is at stake and another 4 years of this would absolutely drive a stake through its heart!

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