IS IT TRUE? January 3, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 3, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer’s First Annual Distinguished Public Servant Awards Luncheon today at noon in the Walnut Room at Casino Aztar is fully subscribed with all tables taken?…that there are 10 awards being granted for particularly outstanding public service that has been rendered to the Evansville community that is consistent with the spirit of the CCO?…that there are two other awards that have not yet been announced including both the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Public Servant of the Year?

IS IT TRUE that the winners of this year’s awards are Dr. Neil Troost, Jeff Kempf, the Evansville Convention and Visitors Board, Wayne Parke, Billy Bolin, John Friend, Steve Melcher, Gail Riecken, and the Winnecke for Mayor Campaign are all winners for their outstanding leadership in critical areas where living outside the box and taking action outside of one’s normal comfort zone were required to make things a little bit better in River City?

IS IT TRUE that in each and every case for our winner’s there was advanced planning, a willingness to take on an entrenched power, and the courage to call a skunk a skunk in a subtle but unmistakable way?…that the CCO is looking forward to more and more of the citizens of Evansville to feel the call of inspiration to get out of the box and do things that improve this place that we call home?…that it all starts with planning but some of our improvements will manifest themselves if more of our citizens will just start to exercise basic common sense?

IS IT TRUE that a comprehensive city plan has not been updated and captured the buy-in of elected officials or regular citizens in over 10 years?…that 2012 is the time to get the ball rolling with a comprehensive plan for the prosperity and livability of the City of Evansville and the Winnecke Administration is the group to spearhead this effort?…that it is clear when one is in a city that is planned as opposed to one that just happened in a haphazard manner that planning is the key to lifestyle, prosperity, and tranquility?…that the CCO hopes to see a kick off of a plan for the third century of Evansville during 2012?…that it will be our future that determines what this city becomes and that some parts of our past are worth repeating but others need to be abandoned?

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Winnecke during his campaign zeroed in very effectively on some of the key actions needed to make Evansville a prosperous and competitive city that outsiders will recognize as desirable?…that the easiest and cheapest improvement is picking up the litter?…that some of the more difficult but necessary none the less are the ability to establish a working and active Angel Investment Network along with a competent entity to further the technology transfer agreement that has been in place for over 3 years now?…that these things can be achieved if the leadership of the community will actually take the well defined steps that are needed to make these things happen?…that economic prospects and solid career paths are the real keys to solving problems like abandoned houses, crime, population shrinkage, and the scourge of meth?…that this is not rocket science, but it is not a quick fix and it will take more people than today’s winners being willing to live outside of the box?


  1. I think the CCO should have had a “Commentor of the Year” award. The problem with that there are so many good and knowledgeable commentors on this forum.

    • Agreed….but it would need to be someone who didn’t use a pseudonym and it would be a short list to choose from mostly republicans….we could just do the right thing and give it to the identity with the most screen names…which would be Mr Jarvis. lol!


      • That wouldn’t conform to the standard of intelligent, insightful commentary-and I don’t believe there is a category for baiting, snide, and smarmy-is there?
        You DO have a point. There are several posters who are always informative, even handed and concise-although I don’t always like what they have to say, I’d have to admit this has become one of my favorite places to visit.
        Thank you for your efforts, Editor.

        • Press on this (as well as many other topics) I do wholeheartedly agree with you, it is what has made the CCO a huge success….and hey without a lot of moderation by the editorial staff either. 😉


  2. Was sad to see Al Lindsey jump up and leave in the middle of the ceremony. At least Rick stayed and took a mental beating by sitting the next table over from Winnecke.

  3. The luncheon was well attended, well moderated and a good spirited, friendly event. The food was excellent, and the ceramic “Mole” awards were a touch of genius.
    This was a 1st annual event; one of many more to come.
    Viva C-CO! …

  4. The moles awards are not ceramic they are 100 % recycled plastic from the waste stream of local manufacturers and compounders, …the plastic was ground up in a machine bought on Ebay from a bankrupt company in Michigan, blended in a mixer from a out-of-business company in Wisconson, Extruder through a machine purchased from the landlord of a out-of-business master-batch company in conn, … shot into a cast aluminum mold that was bought from an out-of-business chocolate company in Georgia, … by a recovering Alcoholic operator in a building whose former occupant declared bankruptcy released their 40 plus employees and handed the building back to the seller… No the mole award is not ceramic… it is made out of the hope that from the ashes of our old economic we can build a new vibrant future for our community, our country and our kids…..

    • Grafton, man up and buy new Equipment ! You’re bottom feeder mentality (buying for pennies from bankrupt companies) isn’t helping the economy. I promise not to buy your junk when your ticket gets punched.

  5. I was not there, but heard it was a very enjoyable event. Kudos to the CCO for recognizing and encouraging good public stewardship.

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