We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE we are told that the Vanderburgh County Library Board only keeps a summary report of their official meetings?  …this Board receives their funding from the City and County taxpayers? …the taxpayers of Vanderburgh County expect that this Board to be transparent when it comes to providing accurate and detailed minutes concerning the important decisions made by this publicly funded Board?

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Council meets next week?  …that the subject of appointing a new board member to the Vanderburgh County Library Board is on the agenda? …that a member of this board’s term ends this month?  …we have been told that the Vanderburgh County Council will not reappoint this Library Board member?

IS IT TRUE we are told that the potential Democrat candidate for Mayor of Evansville is a well-educated millennial with John F Kennedy good looks, great personality with some impressive professional achievements? …it could be possible that someone is trying to trick the CCO but Mole #3 tells us that there really is a person fitting this description who is pondering a run for the Mayor of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE we are told that in the event a challenger from the Democrat Party does come forward to oppose Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke there are hints that his opponent may allege that there are a couple of campaign contributions that has the smell of payola on them?

IS IT TRUE it is widely known that Mayor Winnecke is starting out with a $600,000 political war chest but what is not widely known is where the money is coming from?…in the most recent financial disclosure form there are 37 people or companies that made contributions of over $5,000 to the Friends of Winnecke fund and 30 of those generous fatcats were from other locations?…that means that only seven (7) local wealthy folks stroked the Mayor a check for $5,000 or more?…of those 30 out of town generous fatcats, many of them were listed as engineers or engineering companies?…engineering in the sense of political contributions almost always means construction contracts for civil engineering work?

IS IT TRUE that building projects that have been paid with public money it is a time-dishonored tradition for some of that money to go back to the politician’s re-election campaign coffers who made the contracts happen?

IS IT TRUE attached below is the link of  Mayor Winnecke’s 74-page political campaign finance report for 2018?  …we urge you to take your time to read and analyze this extremely interesting report?    Mayor Winnecke’s campaign finance report.

IS IT TRUE that Scott Massey, a Purdue University graduate and founder of Heliponix, a company that makes an appliance that fits under a kitchen counter and grows produce year-round, is hoping to change that by bringing sustainable agriculture methods in Cameroon?  …that Scott Massey has been selected for a second Mandela Washington Fellowship to lead educational workshops at Cameroonian universities this month?  …that  Approximately 200 million hectares of suitable land remain unfarmed across Africa, causing many observers to wonder how African nations can unlock their full agricultural potential?  …we hope that Scott Massey will lead the way in achieving this lofty goal for Cameroon?


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  1. Left wing Democrats in action:

    Democrats to strike ‘so help you God’ from the oath taken in front of key House committee.

    The House Committee on Natural Resources is reportedly seeking to have the words “so help you God” removed from the oath recited by witnesses who testify before the panel, according to a proposal obtained by Fox News. The “so help you God” phrasing is written in brackets in red in the draft which indicates the words are slated for removal….

    The draft rules also remove the phrase “his or her” throughout the document, changing those two pronouns to “their.”


  2. The Ford Center may never make a profit, and remember it was forced on us by Mayor Weinzapfel. Let’s see now, why not put the credit for the Ford Center where it belongs.

  3. New blood is desperately needed on the EVPL Board. I’m old enough to remember when our libraries loaned out books and movies. Now it promotes drag queen cross dressers to be with kids. What total horse hockey. Back to the basics. Leave the gender bending to the usual suspects, wacko democrat politicians.

    • Agree with you 100%. We need to take a long hard look at our local democrats, they may claim they are not like the west coast democrats but that is suspect. Democrats are sort of like a member of the KKK claiming she is not racist. If you support their policies you are one of them. An unanswered question is will the democrats become to Christians what the Nazi’s were to the Jews? Watching the exodus of Americans leaving liberal enclaves should be a warning to other Americans, the enemy is at your gate. There’s an exodus here in Evansville, especially from the southeast side, a major democrat voting bloc, this should be an early warning for some. Nice to not live on the southeast side.

    • When Trump is out of office there’ll be no economy. There’s never been a socialist economy that performed as advertised, but that pretty much defines democrats. The influx of illegals with democrat open border policy will teach the spoiled union members a lesson, the lesson is: you can be replaced by an illegal with a good work ethic who won’t use drugs and appreciates a good job.

      • straw man total bs
        really. just make sh-t up!
        but ignorance is n-s’ day to day

  4. It is so disgusting and depressing to see the same damn White Nationalist posts everyday from the most frequent CCO poster here.

    He shouldn’t be banned, it is his free speech right, no different than the right of those who point that out about him…should be stopped either.

    But the White Nationalists are pure, scum trash.

    • Maybe he’s nationalist who happens to be white. Racism could not and would not exist without liberal democrats.

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