IS IT TRUE the Evansville City Council voted last night to support the retention of the LST in Evansville as a tourist attraction?…the vote was 9 – 0?…the LST has been the subject of some speculation recently with most of it being that the World War II vessel is heading elsewhere?…these naval vessels that served the United States admirably were for the most part made in Evansville?…some locals have been critical of the LST for being a money sink and even for taking up free storage space in a building the City of Evansville just purchased for $170,000 from Gage located on Riverside Drive?…we do not know the financial performance of the LST since it came to Evansville but we do hope some vetting has been done before voting 9 – 0 to support retention efforts that may keep a good financial gig going or may need continuous supplements?
IS IT TRUE the City County Observer would like to commend the Evansville Police Department, Chief Billy Bolin, and Mayor Winnecke on swearing in four African-American police officers?…the sparseness of diversity has been a point of criticism within the EPD for many years and this is a big step forward in building a police force that reflects our community?…this may just be the planting of a seed that will lead to reduced crime in Evansville?
IS IT TRUE Mole #44 tell the CCO that the nearly new ethanol plant known as Aventine that set up shop in Mount Vernon has ceased operations?…that and the departure of Global Blade Technology that got some significant public subsidies does not seem worthy of reporting in local main stream media?
IS IT TRUE the CCO is hearing many complaints directed at the Ford Center for how a promotion to attract more fans to the Aces game Sunday was handled?…the Ford Center had a promotion for $1 hot dogs, soft drinks, and popcorn?…many people reportedly stood in line from pre-game until after halftime trying to get promotional food?… people left the line angry and others waited only to be told they were out of popcorn?…it was observed that not all the concession stands were open and one Mole was told that the concession management didn’t know about the promotion or they would’ve scheduled more staff?…the good news is that the Aces won?…the bad news is that many casual or 1st-time fans were turned off by their experience and may never come back?…advanced planning is a good thing and it is obvious that proper planning did not happen for this $1 promotion?
IS IT TRUE our section on the malaise of the economy in advance of the State of the Union address seems to have tweaked a few of our commenters?…we stand beside our opinion that the “STATE†of our union is by definition where we stand today and that “STATE†is not flattering?…it is quite easy to whip up a crowd by fanning the fires of envy among the masses directing them to a few evil rich folk who obviously do not give a rat’s behind about poverty?…such boisterous pandering does not get one person out of poverty but does create a false discontentment and hateful thoughts toward people who quite frankly do not understand why they are hated?…a recent article pointed out that the 85 richest people in the world have more wealth than the 3.5 Billion poorest?…the tongue in cheek message is that those 85 people are greedy jackasses and that something needs to be done about this injustice and inequality?
IS IT TRUE that 75 Million Americans and some 2 Billion people in this world have a net worth of ZERO or LESS?…every reader or commentor of the CCO who has any net worth at all even if it is $1 has more wealth than 75 Million Americans and 2 Billion people in the world?…some charlatan could easily use that information to make 75 Million people think that each of us are individually a greedy jackass and that our assets however meager sets us apart as one of the unjust?…they could even call for raising taxes on YOU or I because we are not paying our fair share?…the government could take everything we have and distribute it to the 75 Million Americans with nothing and not get even one of them out of poverty?…please think about this when you listen to the State of the Union address tonight?…most of this rhetoric is coming from an organization that routinely spends $700 on hammers?…we wonder just how ironic that is?
The promotion was $3 for a small paper cup of a drink and a hot dog and a popcorn. A drink alone was 3.50. It was a first class clusterfu.. As to wealth inequality, graph union busting efforts and decline in wages. The correlation is pretty astounding. The French eventually had to start chopping off heads. Will Americans have the balls the French did?
As I recall the ingredients that led to the days of the guillotine were as follows:
A king sat on a thrown and presided over the financial ruin of the treasury for failing to tax the nobles. The Bastille was stormed and the royal family was decapitated by what was essentially a mob in the street. Afterward the Rights of Man was adopted and the revolutionary Robespierre took over. Robespierre attempted to fix the financial issues and failed but remained in power by murdering more than 15,000 at the guillotine out of paranoia and a need for control. That led to the return of a new king named Napolean. The rest as they say is modern French history.
I hope that the USA can avoid such a fate, but who knows what an angry envious mob can be whipped up to do. Before we all start chanting “vive le guillotine” lets try one more time to govern as centrists and forsake the right and left corners that most of our citizens have been herded into by the chattering class.
“Let them eat $3 hot dogs”
You left out the crippling inflation that struck after the French Revolution. Everything the serial egalitarians did was the worst thing they could have possibly done.
For a detailed play by play on this economic disaster, read this book:
That would be modern French history. I also left out the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of peasants in the countryside who did not march with the proletariat holding severed heads aloft to show support. There are many volumes on the abject failures of those who stormed the Bastille when they came face to face with governance.
And! French modern history,ack!
The older guys always said french army rifles and carbines were determined to be a NRA grade “good condition” buy or trade,so to speak. Kinda a use affected conditional.
It was more than likely, the weapon had only been dropped once.as well…
I always wondered if the bills/loans for liberation X two,and a few “minor” military “bail outs” along the present perceived pathway are due. If,so, whether,or not its still owed,or the United States might of had interest attached,if so, maybe,it would be an cool objective if we could liberate some of that in those balanced euros,and such.
Never was to clear on the French aspect of concern with that,heck,that was the only place in Europe I observed complete utter snobbery and disrespect to an American service fella on the scale of wanting to liberate myself unto the other side of anybodies elses border close by,asap.
BTW Paris France along its water course, absolutely smelled no better than your own “Bee slough.”. Even Venice had a better aromatic presentation,geez, thats not saying much either. So.
bon sang!;nom de dieu!
holy crap!
arrete tes conneries
cut the crap!
One of Toad’s revolutionary French heroes (F-J Westermann) reporting on his destruction of 100,000+ French peasants in the Vendée for the crime of not supporting the revolutionary government:
“There is no more Vendée… According to the orders that you gave me, I crushed the children under the feet of the horses, massacred the women who, at least for these, will not give birth to any more brigands. I do not have a prisoner to reproach me. I have exterminated all.”
Yes, indeed. It is certainly instructive when Emperor No-Hopey’s minions discuss their heroes and what they fantasize about doing to their fellow citizens.
It was PROMOTED as a $3 deal – but after running out of either hotdogs or popcorn numerous times – holding up the lines 30+ minutes – the staff at the counter made an executive decision and started charging a buck apiece. “We are out of popcorn, we will sell you a soda and a hotdog for $2 so you can get the hell out of our line.” It was a cluster. As for folks waiting in line – the game was at 1. If you were busy Sunday and barely made it to the game on time and planned on eating a quick lunch there while watching the game – well – waiting until 3:30 for lunch would have been difficult. I can’t watch a movie or a sporting event without eating popcorn. Habit I guess.
‘…many people reportedly stood in line from pre-game until after halftime trying to get promotional food…people left the line angry and others waited only to be told they were out of popcorn…’ ~~~ CCO
Those people are fools. The Ford Center and the Aces basketball fortunes will not rise or fall on their line standing backs. If it was a CP promotion they should have taken steps to see that their coupon clippers would be properly serviced with popcorn and soft drinks. If it was a ploy to temporarily spike the giveaway rate of that paper they should have thrown in rain checks. It’d look like a Zombie Apocalypse with the popcorn deprived waving their vouchers and pecking on the windows and doors in the days following the promotion.
There aren’t many places in the US where such line-standing stupidity would happen. Of course, there aren’t many venues in the US that are so poorly operated that such a situation would happen, either.
Subject of concern per todays CCO, Is it true:
Environmental voracities and geopolitical locations,per actual cost due whole social economic units,as applied,thereof.
Why doesn’t someone at the CCO find the information to estimate what the actual utilities alone cost’um for the “said to be” unwise [c&p] promotion with the poor locational sourcing with supply vs customer contact planning?.
That per and including customer commute to venue as applied from perceived start points to or surrounding the centers location in the small current arena in your downtowns outdated throughput infrastructure.
Per location/with its timing/ per each carbon footprint/per those customers/per distance traveled/per how many in each vehicle/per each that became frustrated and split/on the way seeking more comfortable or affordable entertainment locations/ per the trip home/per your metro.
First step,solutions to move forward with any “smart city” application,due actual costing,total revenues,and perceived pathways to evolve infrastructure needed to apply or create a needed actual metro climate change plan/per infrastructure,due location.
“Thank you,so much.”
The real social economic picture,and the current state of the Union,as a whole unit. Less all the political bantering this is todays core issue “inching” forward.
Don’t believe it? Turn on the network news,any “network”,Sum of estimate,140 million people affected in some way by the planets weather just that way the planet presents it,”to start,this week alone “,with,or,without the human races influences.
Government services, your personal income infrastructures,you’re families well being and safety,supply logistics,travel for that,basic utilities,and the worst loss of timing is to education infrastructures that should be preparing America for the adjustments to be made,as well.
I guess,we can leave them all at home,to play in the ice and snow,maybe then the talents learned might support your local hockey team and the losing revenue per the newer arena location.
Your ,Icemen might make enough to cover the hot dogs and popcorn,and drinks as long as the ice machine uses a viable water filter,the popcorn actually pops,and the “wieners” stay warm enough,long enough,for someone,to serve them.
Balance infrastructures,for Sustainability*
look ahead.
“tua toga suspina est”
“your toga is backwards” 😉
With all due respect, that post made no sense at all.
Why should the EPD, Chief Bolin or the mayor do to be commended for.
I would like to commend the four new police officers for their persistence in working their way through the hiring process.
They were not given a free ride. They made it on their own.
Good luck and Godspeed to all of them. May they have a safe journey as police officers.
Why should the mayor, the police chief, or the EPD be commended for adding four new African-American to the police department.
All four of them, plus the other new police officers, made it on their own through the process.
We wish all of the new officers Godspeed and a safe journey through their life as police officers.
We wish them well.
So GAGE owned the City of Evansville $170,000 for a past loan. Gage had a delapdated building on the edge of the toxic Bee Slough property. GAGE give the City of Evansville this building in lieu of this $170,000 debt. The City of Evansville turns around and allowed the LST committee to use building for storage for free.
Let’s see members of the Gage Executive Committee who made this decision are Mayor Winnenke, John Friend, Steve Melcher and Tom Shelter, Jr. Nothing like our elected officials protecting the coffers of the public trust. Wonder why the main stream media hasn’t reported this bad business deal made by the city on behalf of the taxpayers.
The ethanol plant in Mt. Vernon has been shut down for close to 2 years. My understanding is they had to produce for a certain period of time to collect federal subsidies. After they got the cash, they split…
Just Goggle the building that Gage gave to the city in lieu of $150,000 plus debt. This building is located next to the old TRI STATE Painting building which sold for around $50,000 a couple of years ago. The address this building that the City of Evansville now owns is 5 Riverside, Evansville. My question is how can this building have a market valued of $150,000 plus? If your out and about today please drive by and look at this dilapidated building located on this property.
Is it true another person showed up at the ER last night with gunshot wounds? Info seems to be not available. My count may be off but this is seven since the first of the month. We going for another #1
Somehow Buffalo Wild Wings survives when there is a huge line as a result of a promotion. People wait in line for Black Friday, sometimes for hours, year after year. I have waited an hour or more to ride a water slide at Holiday World. Put something desirable on sale cheap enough and you will get more demand than you can handle.
Get a grip people.
Chief Bolin:
What’s the news on the personal cameras all officers are going to be wearing?
I’m more concerned with how the officers treat me than their skin color.
Regarding state of the union tonight, I heard Nancy Pelosi had a spring put in her butt so she could jump up faster than last years ovations.
I went to the council meeting last night in full support of the LST and was very excited to see the vote 9-0. I am at a complete loss for words as to why some look at this ship from a strictly dollars and cents perspective. I’m so glad this ship and the men who were on it didn’t have this same mindset when they stormed the beaches of Normandy.
The ship needs to be moved to the other side of downtown where it would have a proper docking place surrounded by the proper amenities. Both the city and private sector need to be willing to contribute to it. That’s the price you pay for both being free and having a respectable city.
As for the Aces, even with the five buck coupon gimmick, they still only pulled in 5885 which means they still didn’t need the upper level bowl at all. I still say UE isn’t playing downtown in 15 years.
I disagree. If the LST is a loser, cut it loose. The residents of this area who wanted to see the LST have probably seen it. Let another community learn its history for a while.
While its the clear politically correct thing to evoke Normandy and throw subsidies at this thing, I say even a great band can’t play the same venue every night without over saturation.
Rails&RobertsStadium: I agree on the LST comment (is this a first).
Within reason, it is important to do what it takes to keep the LST in Evansville. It has significant historical ties to our City and a tribute to the workers who built them and even more for our arm forces who fought and died to win the war.
The casino gambling activities should be allowed to move to shore to help them and the LST should be moved to casino’s position. That is a win/win.
Another comment from Weenie that I agree with!
Damn Wayne…..I have a agree also, your batting average is improving! 😉
@ Wayne, excellent post on the LST and glad to hear you support it.
I agree with everything other than the location. Placing the LST in the Trop dock would mean the loss of the riverboat which itself could be a nice dinner cruise tourist amenity. Plus, there is no room for construction of a memorial as the surrounding dockside building would contain the casino.
This is the proper location…
It’s one of the last remnants of WWII, it has a canopy to house the LST and it’s just one ballpark/ballpark village on Mulzer Stone away from connecting of all the downtown riverfront.
Most importantly, it would allow us to expand our greenway westward.
I diagrammed all of that on the above image to illustrate how it would work…
It must really hurt at the C&P now that they have unequivocal evidence that not even the management of the Farce Center bothers to look at their paper.
Why should anyone get special recognition on the swearing in four African-American police officers? They were the best candidates-RIGHT??? Damn sure better have been.
We both know better than that.
people standing in line for over an hour for dried up hot dogs left over from a icemens game says a lot for the entertainment value of aces basketball…………
Well, the legislature passed HJR-3 this afternoon. Not one Democrat voted for it, I’m proud to say. Unless SCOTUS saves his butt, Pence is going to have to tote this stinking, rotting, albatross around with him for two years and then campaign to be re-elected with it around his neck. I expect that SCOTUS will take it off his hands, first. Holli Sullivan is not so lucky. She’ll be wearing it while trying to legitimately earn the seat Wayne handed her.
His smelly dead bird may stand our governor in good stead with the RGA if Chris Christie has to resign, though. There are more Republicans wanting Christie to step down everyday.
Christie has always been a “Snake in the Grass”. Evansville’s former King, Weinzapfel “The Worst”, is one, as is his clone Winnecke “The Boob”.
Looks like the Naming Rights issue has validated that We have a Nest of them in Our political leadership swamp(pool)..
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