IS IT TRUE? January 28, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 28, 2012

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Council didn’t directly include funds in their 2012 Budget so they can join the City of Evansville to pay for a much needed Information Technology Assessment Audit? …we are pleased that the City of Evansville directly put funds for this Audit in their 2012 Budget? ….we join 5th Ward City Councilmen and Budget Chairmen, John Friend-CPA call for this City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County funded department begin to do a long overdue and detailed financial assessment of this little known but important publically funded department? …we now are awaiting to see if the past Budget Chairmen and newly elected President of the Vanderburgh County Council, James Raben shall put the money on the table so this extremely important Assessment Audit can begin?

IS IT TRUE that it’s time for the Indiana State Board of Accounts to send their annual Audit Survey Questioners to each Evansville City Council members so they can express their option concerning the financial decisions and activities of the prior city administration?…that we can’t wait to get a copy of their responses?

IS IT TRUE that longtime friend of the City County Observer and radio host extraordinaire Les Shivley who shared his Thursday show on WGBF with the CCO publisher Joe Wallace is under consideration for appointment to the Indiana Supreme Court?…that we at the CCO of course support Mr. Shivley for this appointment if this is something that he wants out of life?…that while it is always positive for Evansville to have a presence in state affairs it is doubly positive when that presence is held by a person of knowledge and virtue?…that we congratulate Les on being a finalists for this opportunity?

IS IT TRUE that speaking of the Indiana Supreme Court that the authority of the Speaker of the House Brian Bosma to levy fines upon the Democrat members who willfully refused to show up for work is now going to be determined by the Supreme Court?…that we are sure if our friend Les were there that he would be casting his vote in favor of levying these fines?…that of all the disappointments that the CCO has had with Democrats that we consider to be friends that he flight to Illinois last year and the refusal to show up this year are absolutely the worst transgressions?…that we are proud that like it or not the Democrats did eventually show up and do their job of voting on the Right to Work bill that most of them opposed?…that we are also sure that the sentiment of the State of Indiana was with Right to Work and going to work or the Democrat contingent would have flea-bagged it to Illinois again?…that they took the pulse of the state and did what they knew that they had to do to have so much as a prayer at being re-elected in 2012?

IS IT TRUE that the State of Indiana is also considering making consolidation efforts to have the requirement of offering “threshold rejection” as many have been demanding in the case of Evansville-Vanderburgh?…that threshold rejection whether one likes it or not is the right thing to do because the consent of the governed should always be required when a big voting block attempts to use the ballot box to take over a smaller voting block?…that goes triple when the large voting block is dysfunctional and in need of the revenue from the small voting block that is for the most part doing just fine?…that if this passes at the state level that it will not affect the upcoming vote on consolidation?…that if the state passes this that Evansville-Vanderburgh should either postpone the vote or allow threshold election?…that if this does not happen that this will be the last place in Indiana to hold a consolidation election without threshold rejection?…that will make us the poster child for why annexation at the ballot box was outlawed?


  1. SB174 is progressing along, with the effective date of Dec 31, 2012. This bill does away with the option of a voters threshold, and makes it mandatory. Write Senators and Representatives and request they make the effective date July 1, 2012, which would require a threshold for Vanderburgh County. E-mail addresses are:, and Insert numbers 15,19,23,24,26,28,34,45,47,48, 49, 50 for Senators, and 75, 76, 77, 78 for Representatives.

  2. The Information Technology Assessment Audit and the Indiana State Board of Accounts Audit Survey are welcomed and much needed. Transparency and accountability are long overdue.

    The consideration of the colorful figure, Les Shivley for the Indiana Supreme court is a tribute to the City and a chance for true representation. Good Luck Les!

    Demos or Repubs; You were elected to do a job, not hide from it. Go to work like grown up men and women. …

    Threshold rejection is the only common sense, just way of deciding this “most important” issue of consolidation. …

    Press on!

  3. “IS IT TRUE that it’s time for the Indiana State Board of Accounts to send their annual Audit Survey Questioners to each Evansville City Council members so they can express their option concerning the financial decisions and activities of the prior city administration?…that we can’t wait to get a copy of their responses?” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    How about anything, and everything, associated with the building of the downtown arena?

    The problem is that the SBOA, as currently constituted, has shown that that they are not up to such audit tasks. Let us not forget that the SBOA seemed to be unaware of $300.million sitting in an electronic direct deposit account!

    There is nothing to stop the new mayor from conducting his own audits, and he has four years to get it done. If I were him I would do it as a defensive move to cover my own rear. I mean, without really drilling down into what has gone on with that arena deal, who knows what is going to jump up and bite him?


  4. Pappa….

    Still here, just been busy with work….and doing a little research on a on-going project at home, did I miss the discussion about Al Lindsey? LOL 😉


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