IS IT TRUE the Evansville City Council wisely postured against the State of Indiana’s consideration to increase the local income tax from the current 1% to 1.25%?…such a move would cost the average Vanderburgh County family over $100 but could tap some families for up to $1,000 per year?…after the recent attempts to partially take away the Homestead Tax Credit after sneakily trying to remove the entire Homestead Tax Credit in 2009, this City Council must be feeling the fire on the backsides for being a bunch of tax and spend types?…the fact that all of the border counties have much lower tax,rates than Vanderburgh County already has will drive even more people out of the City and County?…we wonder what the heck we get for these high taxes as our sewers are still in need of $1Billion of improvements, out roads look like a wrecking ball was bounced through town, and the sidewalks are terrible?…when a good plan is in place, then and only then will it be appropriate to start discussing a tax increase?

IS IT TRUE Evansville will pass a milestone on Wednesday when Ãœber starts to recruit drivers to provide transportation services to the city residents?…this is sort of a right of passage that is coming along 5 years behind leading edge communities just like it was when the first Starbucks and Krispy Kreme Donuts came to town after blanketing the rest, of the country with their stores?…this is a small step as there are plenty of private cabs in town, but to get Uber does imply that Evansville is on the nations service industry radar?…it will also let some local people who qualify earn some extra income?

IS IT TRUE if the powers that be would had listened to former County Commissioner Dave Mosby and Vanderburgh County Sheriff Brad Ellsworth concerning building a larger jail this issue would not being be discussed today? …they were correct that the new jail should had been built on the future needs and not the present needs?

IS IT TRUE we are extremely disappointed that Vanderburgh County Commissioners Bruce Ungethiem and Cheryl Musgrave are using an Indianapolis based public relations/consultant firm to speak on their behalf concerning the funding and renovation of the Vanderburgh County jail? …we find this move not to be in the best interest of open government?  …we wonder who is paying for the services of Indianapolis based public relations/consultant firm? …we also wonder how much this service is costing?

IS IT TRUE we are also puzzled why the newly elected County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave has decided to stay mum about the jail issue?  …during the election Ms. Musgrave never shy away from the media in order to take advantage of a photo opt or the opportunity to give her opinions about any governmental issue that came before her?

IS IT TRUE Deputy Mayor Steve Schaefer acknowledged that Mayor Winnecke is aware of the bill to help fund the new addition on the Vanderburgh County jail? …Its common knowledge that that any State Representative would never submit a bill on behalf of the city without the knowledge or permission of the Mayor? …don’t tell us that the Mayor is involved in another back room political deal?

IS IT TRUE President Donald Trump started his term off with a flurry of activity by withdrawing the United States from the TPP trade agreement, declaring that NAFTA will be renegotiated, and by signing an executive order to encourage the regulatory agencies to roll back as much of the Affordable Care Act as possible to save people money?…it is about to get really interesting as President Trump goes about trying to do the things he said he would with respect to the economy?

FOOTNOTE: Todays “Readers Poll’ question is:  Do you feel that Mayor Winnecke quietly gave his permission to increase the local income tax from the current 1% to 1.25% to help fund the jail renovation?


  1. I heard City Councilman Justin Elpers on the radio this morning, and he made a reasonable case re: the citizens getting waxed all at once:

    1) CSO mandate + water rate increases courtesy of EWS;
    2) Recent move to diminish the Homestead Credit by 2 %;
    3) Likely increase in Gas Tax to maintain roads; and
    4) Possible Local Option Income Tax increase to expand the jail.

    I find it very humorous that all of the City Councilors have their feathers ruffled because the County Commissioners outflanked them–they have a vehicle for increasing the tax that doesn’t require approval by the City.
    I like that move, but I do think they could release a bunch of these minor drug offenders that they now house . . . and skip the jail expansion. House arrest/ wear an ankle bracelet, etc.

    • How did we get to this point, Press? This snowflake female Hillary voter cares not one whit about patrons lined up behind her being denied service as she rants her loony gobbledygook. Is she the exception for her age, or is she the rule?
      Hilarious comment though, below the video, that Starbucks needs to start stocking tranquilizer guns.

    • Press, Obama’s final anti-American act was to give terrorists $221 million on the day he left office. Worst President ever for Americans. Best President ever for middle east terrorists:

      The Associated Press reported Monday that former President Barack Obama released $221 million in U.S. funding for the Palestinian Authority on the morning of Friday, January 20 — just hours before he was to leave office….Republicans have increasingly called for blocking or canceling funding to the Palestinian Authority, not only because of unilateral diplomatic moves toward statehood, but also because of increasing evidence that funds are used to incite violence and provide financial rewards to terrorists.

      The Palestinian Authority reportedly provides compensation to the families of terrorist prisoners incarcerated in Israeli prisons, as well as to those who have killed themselves in attacks on Israeli civilians. The total amount allocated by the Palestinian Authority budget for “the Care for the Families of the Martyrs” was reportedly about $175 million in 2016, and an additional $140 million was reportedly allocated for payments to prisoners and former prisoners.

    • Press, maybe that hysterical liberal will be comforted that Obama’s final anti-American act was to give Palestinian terrorists $221 million on the day he left office. Worst President ever for Americans. Best President ever for middle east terrorists:

      The Associated Press reported Monday that former President Barack Obama released $221 million in U.S. funding for the Palestinian Authority on the morning of Friday, January 20 — just hours before he was to leave office….Republicans have increasingly called for blocking or canceling funding to the Palestinian Authority, not only because of unilateral diplomatic moves toward statehood, but also because of increasing evidence that funds are used to incite violence and provide financial rewards to terrorists.

      The Palestinian Authority reportedly provides compensation to the families of terrorist prisoners incarcerated in Israeli prisons, as well as to those who have killed themselves in attacks on Israeli civilians. The total amount allocated by the Palestinian Authority budget for “the Care for the Families of the Martyrs” was reportedly about $175 million in 2016, and an additional $140 million was reportedly allocated for payments to prisoners and former prisoners.

  2. “IS IT TRUE if the powers that be would had listened to former County Commissioner Dave Mosby and Vanderburgh County Sheriff Brad Ellsworth concerning building a larger jail this issue would not being be discussed today? …they were correct that the new jail should had been built on the future needs and not the present needs?”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Let me suggest a solution:

  3. Build it and they will fill it. There are 10,000 plus warrants outstanding right now.

  4. Effective January 1, 2017, the individual income tax rate for Hoosers went from 3.4% to, now these clowns and spenders ..are going to take away the tax break ..effectively increasing our overall income tax both state and local from 4.4% to 4.47% …and we wonder why industry is not coming our why ..this tax increase effects small business because the tax flows to the shareholders ..if it effects small business it effect economic growth and JOBS. Remember when Butterfly McGinn preached having an impact study performed when the Separation of Funds ordinance was being debated. Where is Butterfly on this???? High Vectren Bill ..High Water Bills, High Income taxes and High Property Taxes ..why in the hell would anybody choose Evansville to live???

  5. How compassionate of the City Council. They don’t care about increased costs to the taxpayers. They only care that they aren’t getting a “cut” from it.
    Just guessing that there are a lot more inmates at the jail from the city than from the county anyway.

    • What do we expect ..the President of the Council needs listings from her boss, i.e. Mrs Mayor ..of course, Weaver works for the same outfit ..the taxpayers are hosed!!!!

  6. I was also surprised to hear that the County Commissioners were using a public relations person. I don’t agree with that expense. If you are an elected official, you should speak for yourself.

  7. Fantastic move by president Trump in finally taking the cancer of Muslim Jihad seriously.

    Sebastian Gorka, the Breitbart national security editor and a Fox News contributor, is expected to join President Donald Trump’s White House, a source familiar with the matter told Business Insider…Gorka, who has written stories for Breitbart since early 2014, was a founding member of the Council for Emerging National Security Affairs and has been awarded the Joint Civilian Service Commendation, according to a bio on his website. (He recently made his website private.) The national-security analyst is the author of “Defeating Jihad,” a New York Times best-seller.


    June 21, 2016

    Dear Citizens:
    I’m pleased to present to you the 2015 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the City of Fort Wayne. This is an in-depth account of the financial status of the City. This report demonstrates our commitment to provide you with a full and detailed explanation of the use of your tax dollars.
    The City of Fort Wayne has a long tradition of prudent management of your tax dollars. We remain committed to responsible management of your tax dollars, while continuing to provide needed services to our citizens.
    If you have any suggestions for improving our Comprehensive Annual Financial Report or strategies for better managing your tax dollars, please contact the City Controller’s Office at (260) 427-1106.


    Thomas C. Henry

    • Perhaps Evansville’s Mayor Lloyd Winnecke, and Evansville’s City Controller Russell Lloyd Jr. may some day take an interest in compiling and publishing a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the City of Evansville. The City of Fort Wayne has been doing just that for many years, and as one can tell from the above letter, Fort Wayne’s Mayor feels he owes it to the citizens of his city to publish a CAFR every year.

  9. Wonder if the refusal of City Council to support the County Council initiative to raise the the local income tax (to fund the jail expansion) is tied in to the County’s rejection of consolidated government?

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