IS IT TRUE January 24, 2014
IS IT TRUE the Evansville-Vanderburgh County Temporary Sign Advisory Committee seems to be on track to recommend changes to existing City and County ordinances regulating signs that would make the bureaucratic nonsense recently profiled in the CCO and other publications more business friendly?…the committee is made up of small business owners, sign companies and representatives from Keep Evansville Beautiful and the Chamber of Commerce of Southwestern Indiana?…the members of this committee were appointed by Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and Vanderburgh County Commissioner Marsha Abell?…these recommendations that are aimed at the permitting process are intended to simplify some regulations and eliminate others?…this is a good first step to make Evansville a more retail friendly city and all involved deserve congratulations including Mayor Winnecke and Commissioner Abell?…let’s hope that this positive move forward that started with an angry business owner making a Facebook post is contagious and spills over into other areas where “sign police†and “permit police†have stifled business in the past?
IS IT TRUE that it is now only 5 weeks until the $200,000 loan that was underhandedly made to Earthcare Energy LLC is payable in full?…Earthcare has faithfully made the tiny interest payments as they were required to but has not set up shop in Evansville to do anything at all?…it will be interesting to see what happens when the note is due?…the correct course of action is of course for the City of Evansville to initiate the collection process but that may prompt Earthcare to allege that their contract was terminated illegally which would start one big finger pointing contest?…we do hope this turns out well for the City of Evansville as the citizens are already burdened with the debt of failure but having read the contract that the City crafted and signed Earthcare may well have some good points to be made?…if the City does not go after the $200,000 that will tell us all something?
IS IT TRUE if there had been proper and competent VETTING in place this debacle would not have happened?…the same goes for Global Blade Technology that former Mayor Weinzapfel funneled loans to, the McCurdy, and even the continuing saga of the downtown convention hotel?…the December 21st golden shovel date has come and gone and no new golden shovel date has been set down at hotel site?…between the problems with the lot and the fact that no approvals have been announced with respect to the financing some folks must be as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs with the March loan approval deadline approaching as fast as the Earthcare note’s maturity date?
IS IT TRUE across the Ohio River in Kentucky the ratepayers of Big Rivers are about to feel the sting of a rate increase of roughly $17 per month each?…200 employees and their families will feel an even nastier sting as Big Rivers has announced a power plant shut down that will result in that many jobs being eliminated?…the driving forces behind these undesirable actions are the closing of aluminum smelters in Hawesville and Sebree, Kentucky over electric rates that were too high to justify continuing these operations and to make a profit?…even with the 17% increase to the ratepayers, the electric rates across the river are substantially lower than what Vectren’s Southern Indiana customers have been paying for years?…Henderson residents still pay 4.34 cents per kilowatt hour in the winter and 5.49 cents in the summer compared to a rate of nearly 16 cents over here in Evansville?…if Kentucky lost major employers with the rates over there we must wonder just how on earth Evansville will ever attract an electron hungry major manufacturer to this side of the river?
IS IT TRUE that the Governor of New York and the Mayor of New York City agree that people who do not support same-sex marriage, a woman’s right to choose, and gun control can just leave?…if these two wannabe dictators over who can live where get their way there may just be a herd of New Yorkers headed our way?…these two elected officials look like buffoons with their statement?…those on the other side who would encourage those on the other sides of those issues to pack their bags and move to New York are just a guilty of buffoonery as these to hosers?…New York, Indiana, and every other state needs to put on a Tom Terrific thinking cap and adopt policies that are friendly to all Americans and American businesses?…trying to legislate morality is a fool’s errand and plenty of that is in the air in New York and Indiana these days?…we wonder where is Rodney King when we need to be asked once again, “can’t we all just get along?â€
Does anyone remember Winnecke thanking Alan Braun of Industrial Contactors and ONB’s Board, for making the 11th hour downtown hotel private financing possible?
This is the same contracting firm that was bought out and is now the “preferred”contractor on the IU deal downtown. One wonders if the money hasn’t turned up for the hotel yet because it’s being used as a guarantee the IU patronage job goes off without a hitch.
That makes perfect sense, Brad. I have thought all along that these two projects are somehow inter-dependent, and that the Mayor sees his political future hanging in the balance.
Disclaimer: What follows is speculation. I have no direct evidence of wrongdoing.
Braun, in addition to sitting on ONB’s Board, is still a “consultant” at Skanska, according to reports. This would set up a convenient laundering avenue wherein Skanska could pay Braun a ‘consulting fee’, which might then be invested by Braun in the Hotel, or ONB stock, which then gets invested by ONB.
Skanska gets a guaranteed project, Winnecke gets his missing hotel funding, Braun probably gets a cut and an accolade for saving two projects for downtown, the unions get contracts, everybody wins…right?
“This extraordinary commitment is a clear sign that this project has the confidence of our local business community,†Winnecke said of the private investment. The mayor said Old National CEO Bob Jones, Teamsters Local 215 President Chuck Whobrey, Evansville Redevelopment Commission President Ed Hafer, business executive Alan Braun and attorney Pat Shoulders were among those who were critical to securing the additional financing.
Brad after that post I would engage an lawyer for a possible libel suit. Even when you claim you are speculating without evidence, you still cannot make things up that are defamatory.
While those you libel probably are too classy to sue, don’t assume they won’t. I for one hope they do.
Nah. I didn’t say they are doing it. I said they could. I could be wrong.
Brad makes it crystal clear that his post is pure conjecture, and conjecture isn’t libel. Besides, lawyers don’t sue people unless there are significant assets to be had. I don’t know Brad’s finances, but I’m just sayin’…
Brad, you are writing checks you had better be able to afford.
Your assertions of libel are baseless. I am not intimidated.
Based upon the reaction you are getting, either you are engaging is wildless baseless, conspiracies and speculation OR you’re getting too close for comfort to the truth.
I’m don’t know much about these RFP’s, campaign finance, government contract etc. but I would guess the latter
ONB has just approved a stock buy-back program. They’ll be buying back 2 million shares.
“Old National also announced that its Board of Directors has approved a plan to repurchase, as conditions warrant, up to 2.0 million shares of Old National Bancorp common stock through January 31, 2015. These shares may be purchased from time to time in either the open market or in privately negotiated transactions, in accordance with SEC regulations.”
^not related to the previous discussion. Just caught my eye. I guess ONB is cash heavy. They’re buying up everything in sight, and overpaying for it too apparently.
Your political acumen just took a giant leap forward with that comment. Great insight.
Where does Pat Shoulders fit in with all of this intrigue? Surely Ted Ziemer has to appear to agree with the Mayor on Winnecke’s desired choice of locations.
Trying to keep all of this above board and on the up and up with this local cabal, if past experience is any indicator, is all but impossible.
Sholders is on the IU board, I’m sure he’s on the list of inversers on options the city has tied up through Marsha. The whole system is dirty and rotten to the core.
…allegedly. 😉
Brad, here’s a question for you. The centre has already changed its name when marketing itself. Have any naming rights payments been made? How has this passed the legal hurdles already?
No payments were required under the contract. That is the sad fact of the matter. It was a classic lawyer’s slight of hand that predictably got reported by the lazy (or complicit) local press as a selling of the naming rights for $14 million. It appears to me the naming rights, the $1 million worth of free tickets, and the 60 rent-free uses of the venue formerly known as ‘The Centre’ were simply thrown in to add more value for ONB (at the expense of taxpayers) for whatever deal the Mayor and his banker/ERBC buddies are cooking up.
It was reported by C&P that officials had tried for “years” to sell naming rights with “no takers. I challenge any County officer to produce a single invoice from an ad or show any meeting minutes or other records showing ANY concerted effort to sell naming rights to The Centre, which, by the way, will immediately gain in value if the hotel is built.
This obvious connection of Mr Alan Braun to both projects – the hotel and the IU Med School – is also intriguing and hard to ignore.
hey, keep in mind that the OCC is on the lookout, ONB,s investments are in the line of fire by the regulators and maybe injecting 14 million in as prepaid advertising will suffice. The investment will be worth only one half the day the hotel opens, so pay this prepaid adverting over this ridilous period of time amortizing the cost with little effect on the bottom line. Marsha now looks good when the county shows up to save the day with their 2.5 million plus an additional 12 million to inject into the hotel. Brilliant move by the powers to be. Of course the regulators wil have to suck up this crazy arrangement. Wonder what the shareholders of ONB think?
Shares have fallen since the Dec. 17th contract.
I said the samething weeks ago but you getting into the weeds here and people are not going to be able to follow. ONB can’t make a direct equity investment in a hotel period.
As far as making a loan for the hotel forget it; the size of loan required, given the reported lack of equity investors, would be nearing their in house limit, and a loan for a HOTEL of this size would cause a regulator to crap their self. There is another way ONB could invest, but ONB does not have the type of subsidiary setup to do it, and would have to go thru another entity, which would tarnish ONB’s Dudley Doright storyline.
If ONB pays millions for naming rights, any payment above the FMV of the rights gets expensed immediately.There goes the bottom line and investor trust.
The real reason for the buyback is because this bank is horribly inefficient, thinks risk management is simply saying “no”, then wonders why organic growth is so tough to come by, and attempts to make up for the lack of growth by buying banks you wouldn’t screw with your ex’s whatever. This bank can’t grow above $10 billion due to regulatory consrtaints, can’t grow top line revenues due to the markets it is located in, and is inefficient. The result is that no one really wants to buy this stock, so they will do it themselves. Maybe the buyback is a way to make all those options in the money again (just kidding, not even the Fed could print that much).
ONB is not a lost cause and is badly needed, because once you lose control of your financial capital, you lose control of your community. I just hope they have not bitten off more than can be chewed; don’t think for moment they are incapable of doing such a thing.
Wayne, how will you justify the reckless earthcare loan come election time? Also, the gay marriage ban along with the whole republican agenda is a petty waste of time.
The Ghost of Tom Joad: You sound like a closet Democrat commenting. “Ghost of Tom Joad” how about using your real name. What are you hiding? Be up front.
Your streak of total avoidance of the questions is still at 100%. Your repeated shrewish rantings about people and their screen names just proves how pathetic and afraid you are of answering the questions.
You are such a WOFAB as Chair. I cannot find a single instance where you ever answer the questions, just the huge number of times you always deflect things because someone does not wish to disclose their identity to your satisfaction.
Grow a pair and answer the questions.
Talking to Wayne is akin to asking a used car salesman for the Carfax on the cream puff he’s trying to sell you.
Like all politicians he is overly concern with peoples identity whether used as a diversion or just curious it gives him the ability to reply to a topic without adding anything of value to the conversation.
Have you not noticed the trend in government wanting to know everything about you? the first step is to identify who you are, then they can look for anything to discredit you, but without that name…they are lost, the concept of anonymity is totally foreign to politicians since everyone they deal with is trying to make a name for themselves.
Well stated and accurate. We all know Wayne is never accountable for questions that actually require an answer. He prefers his drive-by method of misdirection when asked for an answer or position. It takes guts to actually answer questions from people, and we can all easily see that he does not have them
Couldn’t have said it any better myself. Glad I’m not the only one noticing that.
Where are the local Republicans at on the gay marriage ban, the shuffling of bills from committee to committee in the State House, and the Earthcare loan coming to a closure in Evansville?
Brent Jackson
Great questions, Brent. I’d like to read Wayne’s answer.
I think a marriage should be between a man and a woman. I believe that is what the Bible says. We currently have such a law. The proposed amendment expands the definition and is not needed. I do not think this kind of thing needs to be a part of our Constitution and the Legislators are wasting a lot of time debating it.
Keep in mind the matter being debated lets the voters decide whether to make it a part of our State Constitution.
Thanks for that answer. Now what about his Earthcare question?
Brad Linzy: I am sure most people would like to have a “do over” on Earthcare. One most learn from things do not go well, and this issue in my opinion falls in that category. Some business people do not keep their promises and can make you look bad.
It appears that is the case with this matter, but I really have limited knowledge.
I support your opinion. I just don’t agree with government having any say whatsoever in marriages. The act of marrying has been around even before Biblical times. And it should not be in the purview of the government to dictate who ultimately benefits from being married or not.
Regarding the Earthcare. Yes, there may be regrets and consolations on this. But this begs the question of why do these things happen so often? Why don’t we even question the idea that government is not a bank that loans money to businesses?!? I thought Republicans were against subsidies, but again I must question each locale, each person, and each incumbent of where their views actually are anymore. I support having candidates with different opinions, but I see a breakdown of the Republican party from the national office down to the local offices.
I am not trying to cause commotion Wayne, I am trying to find information about my government and its leaders. And so far it has been a guessing game at best.
Thanks for your responses!
The subject sign skim is so close to extortion as to be indistinguishable, …to this reader.
As to the Earthcare loan: I expect a lawsuit and drawn-out litigation that will cost taxpayers more in the long run than just writing it off, … as the political buffoonery that it is.
The Downtown Convention Hotel project seems unlikely to manifest without substantial increases in taxpayer skin. ONB’s pledge to invest up-to $14,000 will not appear substantial in the eyes of savvy investors and collateral complications cannot be ignored forever.
Vectren’s death-grip is sure to choke-out businesses and residents alike as rates continue to increase exponentially with no resistance from City Fathers.
New York/New York City? Words fail. …
Don’t leave out the Water Department in that choking out of business and residents with high rates!
elkaybee : Our water rates are not high when compared to other Cities our size. We do have good clean water to drink.
Like our sewer system, the water system has been neglected by past city administration and needs to be addressed.
How long has the City Council been controlled by Democrats? 30 years plus??? We need a change here.
“…these two elected officials look like buffoons with their statement?…those on the other side who would encourage those on the other sides of those issues to pack their bags and move to New York are just a guilty of buffoonery as these to hosers?”
I agree, but why does the “right does it also” always come into play when the left is caught in its Tom-Foolery?
Because both the right and the left have more than their share of liars and clowns, that’s why.
Because it is true. Perhaps if we collectively send the message to both sides that this sort of bull is not acceptable they will start to work on things they can and should be working on like infrastructure and the economy.
From the poll question, I must be missing something Pence said.
I have no problem sending a message to both sides. But how it usually works is if the right errors it’s “look how horrible the right is”, but if the left errors it’s “the right does it also.”
That is because the left is better at drama and hype than the right is. They also have the ear of most media.
It’s not really that they have the ear. The left runs most of the media (TV networks and what’s left of the newspapers). Has the CCO ever considered a feature on how pathetic the local newscasts are in Evansville. It is sad how little journalism is actually used. They import stories from around the country that are not newsworthy in our area, but ignore anything that might be critical of the local government and established industries (Vectren etc…). There is no news just left talking points and mindless info about snow in NY, like we care about NY’s problems.
I have a theory on Wendy McNamara’s wish to strip the second sentence out of the first bill on marriage equality. I think there are plenty of moderate Republicans in the legislature that wouldn’t mind “monkeying” with the wording of the original bill. If they did that, it would make it a lot more likely that there would be an injunction issued to keep it off the ballot in November. I think that would “save their bacon” with the TPers, because it would be the courts, not them, keeping it off the ballot.
Our legislature is full of cowards and liars, and this is going to flush a lot of them into the open and down the drain.
I am for part B being removed and sent an E-Mail to Sullivan saying I questioned that part.
If seems unnecessary and could interfere with establishing domestic partnerships.
My prediction is that if the amendment passes with the part B, it will not stand a constitutional challenge on that part.
It won’t stand with or without it. If the original proposed ammendment is altered in any way, it will have to go back to “square 1”, I strongly suspect. I’m sure that any attempt to put an altered ammendment on the ballot this fall will meet with an injunction. If McNamara and her band can get the ammendment altered, it will not stand the Constitutional test.
She can help save her extreme right “bona fides” and still stop this travesty dead in its tracks. Basically, they’re doing their best to kill the monster in the crib!
Why are you so scared to have the people vote on the issue? Could it be you know that you don’t have the votes despite your sides claims that it’s wanted by everyone. It is not just “extreme right” people who want the vote. Everyday individuals should have a say in the matter.
Prepare for the name calling to start from the left again (homophobes…blah blah blah…..radicals blah blah blah……extremists blah blah blah…inbreds blah blah blah)
Because this is America. We don’t have “classes” of citizenship. We all have the same innate rights, and the Constitution protects the rights of the minority. I’m sure you can’t comprehend that, since I have answered the same question from you before. Just thought I’d try to get through to you one more time before giving up!
@LKB, the constitution protects the rights of the minority and the majority. Innate rights are not legal rights. You have an innate right to build a life and be happy with whomever you want. There is no legal right that says the state must license your happiness.
However, there is a legal constitutional right to put constitutional amendments to a referendum. That is the right being denied.
You’re never going to get wrong information through my head or Brandon’s head no matter how hard you try.
….totally foolish. This witless banter from you about “part B” being potentially unconstitutional is laughable. There’s nothing worse than a smart person who is dumb. (Your bigotry is due to ignorance and fear, but that’s a subject for another day.) I know you like to ignore it, but the whole thing will be unconstitutional based on the equal protection clause. The precedent has already been set by a Supreme Court ruling. States can’t vote to ban citizens from access to their Constitutional marriage law rights.
More low wattage hate from a CP superstar.
So Weizwest how do you like responding to IE?
When you point to the irrefutable fact that the SCOTUS(AND Other lower courts)used the due process and equal protection clauses to strike down federal gay marriage bans(DOMA) and the irrefutable fact that states cannot do likewise via the 14th amendment you’re the one accused of being “low wattage”.
Then he gets on here and tries to tell people that he was never for nor is now for a gay marriage ban despite LITERALLY 10’s of thousands CP posts to the contrary.
Only his logic and reasoning count, yours does not. His morals are superior to yours just ask the self-appointed arbiter of morality himself, IE. Only he defines the terms and conditions of every word, if he doesn’t like the meaning of a word he just changes the meaning right in front of everybody.
He’s wants to give schoolchrildren access to guns!!!
He’s loonier than an outhouse rat!! Ignore him!
Once you guys are able to actual join in a dialog rather than just yell bigot, then I won’t call your comments low wattage hate.
Twenty seven states have unchallenged constitutional amendments defining marriage, and only four do not. Utah’s is under review, and Oklahoma’s was rightfully struck down because it singled out a particular group for penalties if they violated the amendment.
The legal way to address this issue is by constitutional amendment and let the court rule constitutionality. But you’re afraid of that process and want to deny your all Hoosiers of their constitutional right.
That’s the facts Brains…unlike your LITERAL fact that I have”ten of thousands” of times called for a ban on gay marriage on the CP forums or that I want to give school children access to guns.
Those are just straw-men created because you can’t toe up man to man with me in a reasonable discussion and win.
When did SCOTUS do that name the case and don’t talk about California but that is not what they did.
elkaybee says: “..Our legislature is full of cowards and liars”
elkaybee: Are you a legislator?
That won her over to a more conservative point of view Wayne.
You’re quite a man, Weenie!
EBK, the more I read your stuff the more I believe Freud was right. Weenie, is that an envy thing. I know the left has tremendous envy of those who work hard and become successful and they try to take their hard earned wealth from them. I have no great wealth for them to take away, but this other thing is of great concern to me.
Wayne: Since we all know you fit both categories elkaybee mentions (coward and liar), we all wonder why you have never been elected to the legislature. You would be a natural.
Oh, wait, that would mean you actually had the guts to run for an office where you would have to get people to vote for you. I think we all know that beyond voting for yourself, the vote count would be pitifully low.
Concerning the silly trolling poll about the governors, who is not prejudiced against that which they disagree with?
Things like gay marriage serve politicians admirably as distractions from things like crumbling infrastructures and give aways to scam artists and friends. The folks so against same sex marriage really don’t have a case, morally anyway. It makes you wonder what else they’re against but afraid to bark out. They proudly self identify into a group not many people would want to associated with and do it at every opportunity.
The marriage amendment has had a tortured journey through the Indiana legislature. I’m sure once it lands in federal court it will be pointed out that Bathhouse Bosma had to step in to jerk it out of a committee that had already held hearings on it but wasn’t sending it to the floor. He then reassigned it, as is within his purview as speaker, to a committee guaranteed to report it out. Maybe not unprecedented, but damn near.
Such is the life of a bill dear to the past two Indiana governors and their House Speaker. Born of bigotry to appease all the wrong people and headed to the federal judiciary for a good gaveling.
Works both ways. The people for same sex marriage use it as a distraction also.
Has Pence said something on the order of what Cuomo said?
Did Pence say something on the order of what Huckabee said? Or is he just thinking it?
Gotta hand it to The Huck. Huck clucked:
Huckabee said: “If the Democrats want to insult women by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it.â€
Todd Akin must have passed him the baton. By God, the government will show these women how to control their libido if they can’t do it themselves. That’ll show ’em. We’ll make contraceptives harder for them to get. That’ll sate that libido.
That must be a “No, Pence has not said anything like Cuomo, but we will accuse him anyway.”
And Cuomo would never say anything like this:
‘Shut It Down!’ Mike Pence and AFP Tea Partiers leave little doubt …
In other news…… HEMP!
Hemp Good
Especially for Kentucky farmers
Why it isn’t legal to grow here is – not Good
If you don’t want to take my word for it,
Anybody else notice that Wayne Parke and his “drive by snide” is getting worse? He now only seems to come on here, make an asinine and insulting comment, and when questioned about it, he never answers.
What a leader! (Snark intended)
He seems to think I suffer from penis envy and that he has one!
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