IS IT TRUE? January 23, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 23, 2012

IS IT TRUE that today is a busy day in Evansville and that the time to put some serious thought into some of the legacy problems that were dumped into the lap of the Winnecke Administration is now?

IS IT TRUE that with respect to the chest pounding, grandstanding, and lack of funding that the last month announcement of “Centennial Park” in the entire block occupied by emptiness and an old Greyhound Bus station some new proposals that were ignored and preempted by smiles and bull are becoming known?…that this block has been the subject of many nice renderings of combination space with retail, housing, and even at one point a grocery store that have in recent memory run into red tape and an uncooperative City Administration?…that Mole #21 tells the City County Observer that there was another project in the advanced planning stages that was just about to be announced when the former Mayor of Evansville exercised fiat zoning and declared the block to be “Centennial Park”?…that if the former Mayor indeed was aware that there was an effort underway that would be entirely funded with private dollars that would eliminate blight and add to the business and housing base of downtown Evansville that such a project should certainly take priority over an unfunded public park in a city that has not even demonstrated its ability to mow the parks it already has?

IS IT TRUE that renaming and cleaning up an existing park in a non-commercial location such as the field of grass between the Evansville Museum and the tennis courts would be more practical, would cost less, and would not add to the acreage that the Parks Department already has the responsibility to clean and mow?…that the CCO is hoping to see foresight and practicality from the Winnecke Administration?…that it has been so long since Evansville has seen planning and practicality in practice that many people will not even recognize it when it happens?

IS IT TRUE that we are hearing from Mole #12 and a couple of other informants that the committee to decide the fate of Roberts Stadium is not making much progress on grasping some detailed ideas to keep Roberts from having a date with a wrecking ball?…that some are even saying that there are some obstructionist types on the committee that seem determined to scuttle any ideas that are brought forward?…that unless some good ideas are followed by some good investment dollars that Roberts will most certainly meet its demise?…that perhaps the Roberts Stadium site would make a good place for a “Centennial Park”?…that it would of course not be allowed to cost anymore than $400,000 per year to be consistent with the criteria set for Roberts?

IS IT TRUE that some of the local knuckleheads with spray paint have been accelerating the demise of Roberts and making it look blighted by putting graffiti on the exterior walls?…that whether the wrecking ball is coming or not these graffiti artists need to meet up with some Singapore style justice?…that for those who have forgotten an American punk who put graffiti on a car in Singapore got his bare rear end stroked 3 times with a cane for his idiocy?…that stooges with paint cans are the kind of fools that do make Evansville look like Detroit and that it would be a good thing if a good butt whipping could be administered to the inconsiderate fools who do such things?…that there are very few second time offenders in Singapore?

IS IT TRUE that tonight will be the first reading of an Evansville City Council resolution to pass a comprehensive smoking ban just like Vanderburgh County already has?…that during the 2011 election cycle it was clear that there were 6 votes that were committed to support such a resolution?…that there is one game changing thing that has come up since then that bears some real analysis?…that new issue to consider is the possibility that Ellis Park will be granted authority by the State of Kentucky to install electronic gaming equipment?…that this possibility is a game changer as the closest casinos to Evansville have been more than an hour’s drive in every direction?…that Ellis Park is essentially part of Evansville from a driving perspective?


  1. Does the Stadium committee announce its meetings? Is there an agenda? Where do they meet? Generally what day and what time of day?

    • We know that there will be 3 public meetings. I will have exact dates for readers soon. One of the public meetings will include a tour of Roberts. Rest assured that we will post more details as soon as we receive them.

      • From:

        “In the next two weeks, you will have 3 opportunities to express your idea(s), comments, opinions, suggestions, etc, etc. These dates will be…

        Thursday January 26th- 5:30 pm @ The Centre

        Saturday January 28th- 10:00 am @ Roberts Stadium

        Wednesday February 1st- 5:30 pm @ The Centre

        At these three meetings, the public will come forward, one-by-one, to speak. These ideas will be recorded into a data bank and then put together by the task force. If you can’t make it to one of the meetings, there will be an online website established for you to record your idea(s).”

        • Thank you for the information regarding upcoming meetings of the committee.

          The reason I asked if the meetings were public is because the article makes it sound like discussions between committee members already have occurred, and I’m sure we all want those discussions held in public.

          “… we are hearing from Mole #12 and a couple of other informants that the committee to decide the fate of Roberts Stadium is not making much progress on grasping some detailed ideas to keep Roberts from having a date with a wrecking ball? …that some are even saying that there are some obstructionist types on the committee that seem determined to scuttle any ideas that are brought forward?”

          • The committee had their first meeting this past Thursday evening. It was at the Centre and it was open to the public. The time and date was included in one of Joe’s “Is It True” columns early last week.

          • I’m sorry I missed the meeting. I’ll try to make a couple of the upcomming dates.

            In the meanwhile, was there a news report in the C&P or on the CCO that details the lack of progress on grasping detailed ideas to prevent demolition of Roberts or shows who are the “obstructionist types on the committee that seem determined to scuttle any ideas?”

          • The task force has only met once (the 19th). This was strictly an organizational meeting and nothing regarding ideas for Roberts Stadium specifically was addressed.

            The above times for the public to speak are correct. At these meetings members of the public will be broken down into different groups depending on their ideas.

            These three sessions are where the official ideas for Roberts Stadium will be storied into a database by Leadership Evansville.

            Since obviously none of these ideas have been copied into the database yet, it’s a little hard for there to be people obstructing theses ideas wouldn’t you say?

            Furthermore, remember the task force DOES NOT make a recommendation. Therefore any opinion by any member on the task force has no bearing on the final decision making it impossible for there to be “obstructionist.” This rumor, from head to toe, is false.

            So, please come to one or all of the meetings and give your ideas.

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