IS IT TRUE? January 22-23, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 22-23, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer article about the poor planning that led the City of Louisville to have to embark upon a $2 Million upgrade to assure that the new arena is capable of supporting the demand for cellular phone service during events has struck a sore nerve among our readers?….that several readers have let us know that during the world famous Westside Nut Club Fall Festival that it is near impossible to place calls or send text messages in a timely manner?…that on any given night the number of people attending the Fall Festival is roughly equivalent to the number of seats in the new Evansville Arena?…that during normal times that the cellular service along Franklin Street is better than the cellular service along Main Street?…that one reader also pointed out that Roberts Stadium did some retrofitting several years ago to correct a problem with limited cell phone service in the stadium?….that at least Roberts has the excuse that there were no cell phones when it was built and that cell phones were limited in use during the major remodeling?

IS IT TRUE that unless special provisions are already in the works to accommodate the simultaneous access to the internet and/or the cellular network for 10,000 fans, that Evansville is headed for a cost overrun and a cell phone limited venue?…that one of our readers called this yet another example of READY, FIRE, AIM?….that the City County Observer truly hopes that our reader that made that comment is wrong and that the design of the new Evansville Arena already has accounted for the 200 or so antennas and the bandwidth that will be required to enhance that arena experience with timely text messaging and handheld access?…that there will be no acceptable excuse if our reader is right about this one as nearly everyone has handheld devices now?

IS IT TRUE that the recent financial disclosure statement filed by the Weinzapfel for Mayor Committee has local Democrats scratching their heads in confusion?…that of the $367,930 that the Weinzapfel for Mayor Committee spent a whopping $194,214 (53% of all expenses) was turned over via contribution to the Indiana State Democratic Central Committee that is located in Indianapolis?….that another $23,250 was destined for the Indiana Senate Democratic Caucus that is also in Indianapolis?…that an eye popping $217,464 of the $367,930 spent under the guise of running for Mayor of Evansville ended up in the coffers of Indianapolis based Democratic political entities?

IS IT TRUE that the Weinzapfel for Mayor Committee did make some contributions to local candidates for office in 2010?….that the financial disclosure reports that 17 candidates received a total of $12,200 (3.32% of the total spent) from the Committee?…that the Vanderburgh Country Democratic Party was graced with a total contribution of $6,200 (1.69% of total spent) from the Weinzapfel for Mayor Committee?…that candidates for office that are in other parts of Indiana received contributions totaling $6,250 from the same committee?

IS IT TRUE that local Democratic candidates were challenged to raise contributions in 2010?…that it is difficult for a local candidate with a limited budget to compete for funds when one big solicitor is taking nearly all of the political contribution chips off of the table with a perpetual fundraising machine?…that the hard working loyal volunteers for the Democratic Party in Vanderburgh County are now without a place to volunteer?…that the party headquarters is now as deserted as the shell of the Executive Inn still standing across the street awaiting the wrecking ball?…that the foundation of the party is expressing confusion over the fund allocations of the Weinzapfel for Mayor Committee?… that some are expressing disbelief?…that some are beginning to express anger and ire?….that this sounds like a classic recovery process that will ultimately end with acceptance and moving on?…that the local Democratic Party is slowly but deliberately moving on into the arms of the campaign of Vanderburgh County Treasurer Rick Davis as he seeks his party’s nomination for Mayor of Evansville?…that the lopsided contribution pattern of the Weinzapfel for Mayor Committee has really let local Democrats know where his allegiance is?…that would be where the money went?…that is Indianapolis?


  1. Weinzapfel is a crook, pure and simple. How can anyone be surprised at anything he does?

    This is the same guy who got caught trying to STEAL taxpayer money via the homestead exemption just two years ago.

    • Winnecke now has a major conflict of interest since formally announcing his candidacy for mayor. Will he vote as a county commissioner or as a future mayor? He should be forced to abstain from participating in any votes or discussions regarding consolidation until after the mayoral election is decided.

  2. if the Democrats need a place to volunteer the Davis for Mayor campaign can put them to good use. Call 812-499-6312

  3. Is it possible that some Indianapolis bigwigs have been using the “Weinzapfel for Mayor” fund as a way to launder money and route it to local Indianapolis politicians for years?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    • doubtful, Weinzapfel is sending his graft to Indy so they will let him take a shot at governor, trying to buy his way into a job. What is really sad is the effect it has had on the local party. The lights are out and nobody’s home. JP Josie is out of work and I believe the secretary is drawing unemployment.

      • I would honestly like to see Weinzapfel run. It would be the ultimate comeuppance for him, Mark Owen, and all the local hangers-on…

        Weinzapfel would get absolutely destroyed by a professional campaign organization. He got caught stealing taxpayer money. He built a stadium nobody wanted in the middle of a recession. He screws up any project he touches because of his arrogance and poor planning. He uses his money and his thugs to intimidate anyone who doesn’t kowtow to him.

        He is a mediocre intellect who has gotten by on his good looks and the machinations of the corrupt local establishment in “Pocket City.”

        Too bad about JP Josey–he is a good guy. That’s the sad thing: there are some really good people in both political parties, but the establishment is corrupt to the core.

    • as corrupt as some of our local politicans are there is no way of knowing how much is actually put in the war chest vs how much goes in the other pocker

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