IS IT TRUE January 22, 2014
IS IT TRUE that the powers that be from the IU Medical School will be making themselves available for questions this morning at 11 am on the 4th Floor of the Old National Bank headquarters?…it is now only 9 days until the bell will toll for those who do not have a proposal in for consideration for their location?…the expected contenders are the City of Evansville who is “all in†for downtown Evansville, Warrick County just over the border near the eastside medical campus, the Martin Group for the Promenade that was in the county when conceived by has now been annexed by the City, and maybe the University of Southern Indiana that is in Vanderburgh County but learned last week that County Commissioner Marsha Abell does not support subsidizing a county based proposal for the medical school?…it will be interesting to see who shows up at today’s meeting and what kinds of questions are asked?
IS IT TRUE the City County Observer’s readers are ticked off again at the entities responsible for pre-treating and clearing the roads when a winter storm comes calling?…while this has been a lion of a winter it seems as though the road crews have gone back to the stone age?…while it is not certain whether there are sufficient supplies and funding in place to respond to inclement weather, it is for certain that the performance of this vital service is not being done in an acceptable manner?…Evansville in particular seems to have stashes of money all over for fun and games but can’t or won’t do the basics they are hired to do?…dog parks be damned, it is time to fix the infrastructure and establish the capacity to perform basic services?
IS IT TRUE the crowdfunding provision of the Jobs Act of 2012 passed strategically during a presidential election year is still not ready?…it has been 20 months since this bill passed with an 8 month window to do the required work to launch this entrepreneur friendly program?…it is now 150% late because the regulations just aren’t written?…we guess the dog ate the homework?…today one has to earn over $200,000 per year or have $1 Million of liquid assets to legally invest in any start up business that is not owned by friends and family?…anyone with a dollar in their pocket on the other hand can buy lottery tickets which enrich the government or gamble in state licensed venues?…it is really hard to grasp the logic of a government that allows anyone to play games of chance with their entire paycheck but forbids them from making a $500 investment in a business that may be the next Apple Computer?…this is idiotic?
IS IT TRUE that Cathedral City, CA just approved their first dog park?…this dog park will be completed in 6 weeks for a budget of $12,000 (not $12 Million)?…it will be in an existing park and will be roughly 1/3 of an acre?…neighborhood dog parks are the affordable way to get into the dog park business and Cathedral City seems to have this figured out from the first dog park?…also from the left coast the Mayor of the City of Palm Springs has moved to take a hotel proposal to the people in a referendum?…it seems as though a group of citizens opposed to the hotel fought for a referendum and they shall have one in 90 days?…the referendum is not even over a government handout as Evansville is accustomed to, it is about the height of the hotel and someone’s view of the San Jacinto mountains?…Evansville could take an lesson from both of these cities in dog parks and the will of the people?…you can stay tuned on the outcome of the referendum?
IS IT TRUE Wichita State has moved up to #4 with a February 19th date with the UE Aces at Ford Center looming?…the CCO is hoping for a #1 ranked team to come to Evansville so the Ford Center will sell out and maybe just maybe the Aces can pull a shocker (pun intended)?…we also congratulate the USI Screaming Eagles on defeating #2 ranked Bellarmine in their house?…taking down a #2 ranked college division team on the road is a major achievement?.
Out of the current proposals, I’ll be rooting for the Promenade. If Martin can make that happen, they will be doing us all a favor, sparing us the expense of acquiring the land downtown, demolishing any structures, and whatever they plan to chip in subsidies.
I agree,.. I too like the Promenade by Martin Plan for so many reasons!
There’s also a much better chance that the soil on the Promenade site is not loaded with toxins. There just can’t be a good, legitimate argument for plopping it downtown that I can think of.
EKB,Well,so far I haven’t seen or heard anything on a site available in your county that,I have to say,looking in from afar,is the most viable place to start a campus development that truly meets the reasonable point contact needs required for such a place.
Right now with what’s been offered though,the west or east looks to meet the specifications I’d recommend for the overall cost balanced for sustainability.*
Still cannot believe! No on has even “eye-balled it”.
The thing [ground] I’m thinking off there,is a jump start regional asset,its a blend,and goes a long way towards finding some balance in some long overdue planned and effective regional logistics, and all the other business infrastructures involved.
Actually,with the concepts of the blending I have in mind one could make any proposed site work,some the costing is just astronomically more for the viability of a working “mean overall value,per student population.”
The aged and neglected infrastructure in Evansville’s utilities and CSO problem combined systems really are not really a local treasure to try to build a new health related learning complex over. Clean that up.
Extreme weaknesses in standing infrastructure focus over the last 4-5 decades probably affects Evansville’s outcome with that. If it doesn’t it should,believe me. whew.
Hopefully the boards and committees that do select the future campus location have eyes to the future,as well.
Its not unknown in any viable scientific endeavour today that Global Climate Change is rewriting the Thesaurus on evolving geographical locations,and those infrastructures affected.
Every standing infrastructure fail now is only a minor projection to what very well might be the evolving normal for the rest of the century.
Step outside there,how warm was it 48 hours ago,yup rapid thermodynamic change,and,more failing infrastructures thermal effect,this will further lower the mean temperature of the intake at the basin along the Ohio river,tough timing for the ESWU guys,not only the old sewers and water mains take the affected conditionals The ability for them to provide clean water becomes more of an extended process,and the requires time and cost to factors rise.
Expect more overall fails,road surfaces,and water mains,customer freeze ups,Vectren is holding their own against the weather challenged power supplies there,thats,”real good…..”
Evansville and other infrastructures along the ORVDB all have the problem.
The increments add up,thats why I”m working to create a solution. CSO into the river is just plain bad,chemical spills compound that,and real bad givin your location is downstream from that stuff from others sewers,as well.
Its really shocking,and a huge problem any metro area anyplace has no more reserve clean water system balance than they actually do. Gotta fix that,and that means having a environmentally acceptable supply in the first place,thus more focus on what we put back after the primary use.
Evansville is practically an perfect location to implement the plan I have designed,however, many other areas meet that specification,so much so equally.
Actually the system by design pays for itself forward through surplus added benefits of conceptual design featuring.
The increased viability in Balanced Sustainability* through the working infrastructure blend does however lend itself to locations per distance from sea level. Coastal metros would see incrementally larger return benefits than the higher elevations,as would major waterway courses such as the Ohio and it drainage basin. Lower the main channel intersection,the more funding returns,incrementally.
Solves,issues we face today,Clean water,Balanced system reliability,increased sustainability in logistical transportation numbers across the board. Increased utility viabilities,better infrastructure embedded for climate change situations,overall better emergency management.
The transportation logistics can really find room grow,even in some older less focused systems.
Dreaming,however,with a scientific balance and a Plan,most of all sustainable good jobs and evolving careers that build and maintain the mixes balance.real gravity.
And your metro,EKB,with some “minor adjustments observed,” real stuff, viability for this could be “astronomically huge” if INDOT could see,what I see.
“vir prudens non contra ventum mingit”
“a wise man does not urinate against the wind” (Old Indiana Farmer,and Grandfather)
To the Editor on IU Medical School: Based on what she currently knows, Marsha Abell does not support using TIF money at the Promenade site on the East Side. To say she objects to the possibility of government financial help being used at other potential IU Medical sites is not a correct statement on your part.
Mr. Parke, can you tell us exactly what infrastructure priorities, in terms of what and where, Commissioner Abell has set for the use of Burkhardt Road TIF District funds and bonds?
Im not sure about the city,..but the Vanderburgh County Road Dept has done an amazing job with ALL of the county roads! Pretreating does no good at all when it’s rain first,.. which has been the case.
There isn’t anything on the table of only a dog park here for $12 Million. It’s much more than a dog park.
I would agree except in the case of the new sections of Green River Road, Millersburg Road, and Oak Hill Road from Millersburg north to Kansas Road.
Both the County and the City crews need to decide between themselves which sections of these roadways each department will treat, because the last two little bitty snowfalls have left all the new road surfaces a frigging ice rink.
Yesterday morning Green River Road from Millersburgh Road south to Lynch was completely iced over at 10:00 a.m. while Green River Road from Lynch south to Washington Ave. was completely thawed and cleared. Why?
Does the city not know they have annexed Green River Road from Lynch north to Hirsch Road?
Does the county crew still need Duckworth’s blessing before they can change their diapers and get the roadway pretreated and salted?
Three of the last four snow events did not have rain before the snow/ice. The only pre-treating I saw in the county was before the only time it rained before it snowed.
In my opinion, the county roads have been in pathetic shape this year after each winter storm, especially the big one.
Come on people, get with the pre-treatment program.
I’ll be very interested to hear what this meeting yields.
It does seem to me that the “deciders” must be wondering why the Mayor is keeping his plan so tightly under wraps, and out of the public eye. Could it be that Hizzoner, et al, doubts the plan would get widespread community support? I’d be wondering about that, if I sat on that committee.
It would seem that a great plan for the school and for Evansville would be being “hyped” to the heavens, instead of hidden in the failing sewers of the city.
Or maybe he just knows his plan is Sh–.
I just hope the committee doesn’t have to tell the panderers to “back off” again. That was embarrassing.
Hizzoner has the community support, remember that Mr Parke’s poll shows that 60% of us think he is doing all the right things. 😉
He has a 76% approval rating, doncha know.
It is probably up to 90% by now.
Mr. Editor why didn’t you do an IIT on newly appointed State Rep Holli Sullivan flip flop on the same marriage issue? Refer to the article you posted in yesterday CCO about House Speaker Bosma appointed new committee to handle this issue.
Last week the posted a comment that she told people at a luncheon and GOP breakfast she was going to vote to put this issue on the state ballot for a vote. This is not what she told the reporter who writes for TheStateHouseFiile news paper yesterday.
What did she tell to TheStateHouseFiile news paper yesterday?
Probably because there wasn’t any flip flop?
Things get rather, shall we say, complicated when a handful of people have their fingers in every pie in town.
One has to wonder why we have heard nothing from Mr. Ted Ziemer or the Administration at the University of Southern Indiana about locating the IU Med School at the USI campus.
Try as you might, you just can not get away from crony politics in this town, and that is why we seem to be circling the drain at the present time.
For once in your life people do something right for posterity and locate that school at USI!
Officers 2012-2013
Chair Ted C. Ziemer, Jr.
First Vice Chair/Chair of Finance/Audit Committee Jeffrey L. Knight
Second Vice Chair/Chair of Long-Range Planning Committee W. Harold Calloway
Secretary Amy W. MacDonell
And.Whose fault,is that? Like I said,work with real gravity. Like the environment on that planet,let go of a brick it falls doesn’t bounce,so much.
However,even a falling brick has some gravity driven assets,and thus capable of,work.
“simple as it is,but not simpler” (Albert Einstein)
Wichita State is at Fraud Center on 2/16 (not 2/19). 2/19 is Aces v. ISU in Terrible Haute.
Anyone notice the C&P listed the start time of Saturday’s Aces home game as 7:05 PM (vs. 1:05 PM actual start). It also listed the Icemen game as a 7:15 PM start (correct).
The Icemen set an attendance record Saturday night . . . how many of these were bewildered Aces fans, 6 hours late for the Aces game–with nothing else to do–who settled in for a little unplanned hockey ??
“County Commissioner Marsha Abell does not support subsidizing a county based proposal for the medical school”
This is just another example of how this vindictive shrew is not a suitable office holder in Vanderburgh County. If she is what Wayne Parke thinks is the best they have to offer for County Commission, then both of them need to go!
If USI comes up with a great proposal and she refuses to back it just because she is angry over how USI stands up to her BS, then I will cheer the loudest when she gets sent packing in November.
Good riddance to bad rubbish
I could not agree more!
I am in Marsha’s district. As a former westsider, she lost my vote over the University Parkway deal.
That’s good to hear. My opinion since day 1 has been that this city should be spending money on developing Mr Greg Stilwell’s business 41 district, building sidewalks in Mr Brent Jackson’s south 41, money on Mr cookes cemeteries, etc instead of expanding infrastructure and government services into areas that should be left alone for nature and wild life.
University Parkway TIF District funds can be used to incentivizing development of the USI Med Center adjacent to USI campus.
Burkhardt Road TIF District funds can be used to incentivize development of the USI Med Center at Martin Development’s Promenade.
And yes, Downtown TIF District TIF funds can be used to incentivize development of the med center at a downtown location.
Everyone with a scintilla of knowledge about TIF funds knows these things. That’s what TIF funds are for.
I guess Marsha wants to hold TIF funds only for “special” projects like the sewer pump station in the North 41 TIF District she funded for the benefit of a single piece of private property that will not land anywhere near as many jobs or as many spin-off ventures as the IU Med Center will create.
I too agree with you! Ms. Abell should endorse a USI Med Center adjacent to USI campus.
This is the ideal location as it is already sitting in an excellent existing infrastructure with so many current advantages and amenities! The cost savings for IU that could be realized with a cooperative agreement, allowing them to share resources such as library, bookstore, housing, classrooms, gym, etc, etc, with USI makes choosing this the leading location. This is just my opinion but it makes tremendous financial sense and as a Westsider I would love to see further expansion to a great asset to our city…USI!!
I’m an east sider, but USI sounds like a good site to me. I just want to see it in Vanderburgh County, just as a matter of pride. If there’s a good site downtown, I’d like to know the details.
Growth of USI, with the addition of the the new IU Med Center nearby,would be good for the whole City and attract more students and faculty besides the Physician field. Their dollars would be spent city wide too. USI already has so many other medical degrees being offered currently, it just makes sense to me.
I’m afraid having the Med school by USI would lead to tattoo parlors, drug dealers living on campus, unreported assaults, and generally bad people taking over Mud Center and Howell. Again.
Seems like the guy that owns all the property along the University Parkway would be making a proposal. What’s it called Majestic Place?
For those
There is only one good location for the IU Med center and that is the Promenade on the east side.That is the area between Cross Point and I-164. The ground is ready for building with all utilities in place and added expansion for later use. The city administration needs to take off the blinders and open their eyes. It will also have plenty of room for parking that we don’t have in the downtown area.
I think it and USI both have a lot more plusses than anyplace downtown. Being an east side person, I’d prefer the Promenade, but lets just get it in this county!
Road salt before dog parks!
Does anybody have any information on the meeting? I can’t find any coverage on it.
Wichita State is at Downtown Arena (53 Events Center ) on 2/16–not 2/19 as noted in IIT.
yes it is true that 1/22/14 is the 41st year that americans are allowed to kill their babies……..that 55-60 million babies have been slaughtered…….it is also true with improved technology that a ultra sound can now here a heart beat at 8 weeks but the actual heart beat starts at 6 weeks……it is true cco………sad but true……
If you know of any babies being killed you should call the police!!!! That is your solemn duty!
After you are arrested for filing a false police report maybe your defense attorney can get through to your thick head the difference between babies and fetuses and abortion and murder.
I know you would like the women of American to give up their right to privacy and due process so you and IE can get your jolly’s sitting as their arbitrary and capricious judge, jury and executioners for the women of America who dared to have sex for pleasure.
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