IS IT TRUE  we hear that “Blight Fighter” George Lumley was disappointed in the response from the County Council after addressing them last month?  …that although a couple of Council members have expressed an interest to Mr. Lumley in maximizing much needed revenue from tax delinquent properties, the president of that body has not?  …that tax sale reform passed in the last couple of years should be pushed by the County Commissioners and a fiscally responsible County Council members to preserve the financial resources due the various County taxing districts including local Schools?

IS IT TRUE a “Notice of Federal Tax Lien” was recently filed with County Officials against a local business involving a member of the Vanderburgh County Council?  …that the notice showing an unpaid balance of $17,531.58 was signed in Chicago Il on November 25, 2015 by Revenue Officer Stephanie R Needham?  … that enquiries of the County Clerk’s Office revealed other liens filed over ten years ago but no record of them ever being satisfied?  …that liens are normally re-certified after ten years but these were not?  …that we question why these liens were not re-certified and why they were filed against the Corporate name rather than the norm of filing against the individual owners.

IS IT TRUE that according to their Facebook pages, Missy Mosby and Michelle Mercer are having a great time at the ICAT “boot camp” held for newly elected office holders in Indy?  …we wonder if the ICAT seminars is covered by State laws concerning public officials accepting food and drinks from vendors that they do business with?

IS IT TRUE  that CCO poster “Mel” made a good point about how the event could be held as a webinar?  …”Mel” wondered  why Missy Mosby attended this event since she isn’t a newly-elected officeholder?  …we wonder if Council persons Dan McGinn, Connie Robinson or Dr. Dan Adams attended this event that was paid by our hard earned tax dollars?

IS IT TRUE that we were surprised that State Representative Ron Bacon questions the need for collaboration between area city and county officials to replace the jobs being lost because of ALCOA closing its smelter?   ….that the fiscal damages for lost jobs do not stop at county lines and we are suprized  that  State Rep. Bacon isn’t aware of that?

IS IT TRUE as of yesterday the State Board of Accounts still hasn’t released the City of Evansville 2015 Audit? …we can’t wait see if SBA will address the alleged $6 million deficit that City of Evansville had at the end of 2015? …we look forward to see if City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr or former Councilman John Friend was right about this issue?

IS IT TRUE we are still told that DMD Director Kelley Coures is still keeping the time and place of the 29th Brownfield meeting secret? …the only thing he is telling his board is to put on their calendar that the time and place of the meeting is be “TBA”?

IS IT TRUE that today “READERS POLL” ask;

IS IT TRUE that today “READERS POLL” ask; Do you feel its ethical for elected officials to allow themselves to be wined and dined by vendors who conducts business with the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE starting Monday January 25, 2016 the IS IT TRUE articles shall be posted on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays?

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.




  1. The ICAT “boot camp.” Criticizing officials for attending an event that “was paid by our hard earned tax dollars.”
    Isn’t this criticism, like, wildly WRONG.
    Wouldn’t the criticism be accurate if they DID NOT attend an educational, preparation event that was “was paid by our hard earned tax dollars.”
    THAT would be the waste, right? If they DIDN’T attend?

    • D.B. is absolutely right. And the County Council Person should not be singled out for not paying the money their company withheld from its employees checks to the government. The CCO should have reported about all the years (if any) the amounts due the government were paid. This paper need to be more positive. News tends to be negative – I suggest the CCO focus on fiction – maybe nursery rhymes or bedtime stories.

    • The Facebook posts of Mosby and Mercer indicate they were enjoying being wined and dined by one of the vendors that does business with the City. I haven’t seen any evidence that other newly-elected Councilors attended. If the ICAT purpose is orientation for new officials, wouldn’t it be better if the new ones attended and Mosby stayed home? How about accepting gifts and meals from vendors? Don’t you think new officials should be cautioned against doing that? PAK posted the law concerning that just a few days ago!

      • LKB…….Is there evidence Mosby and Mercer are accepting illegal gifts?
        Or is that spaghetti you are throwing to promote a narrative?
        ….just sayin.

        (All politicians, Dems, Repubs, The Green Party and the Urban American Liberal Party accepts meals from vendors.)

    • Easy there, Don. If you spin too hard and fast you wind up with your head stuck in your anus. I bet that already happened to you. Mel has the right idea. Make it a webinar, so more people can attend.

      • PORK CHOP…..What spin?
        You demand tax dollars spent on education should be wasted?
        Your comments are infantile.

    • Before you get too misty eyed about the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns Foundation, Inc. (EIN: 35-1907089), You might want to know about who they are:

      Thomas K. “Buddy” Downs is President of the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns Foundation, Inc.

      Ice Miller is most known for their involvement in the financing, i.e. bond issues, for government projects. Do you think Ice Miller might have any ulterior motive in meeting these newly elected PUBLIC officials and presenting their story to them? Quit being so damned naive. Its all about money and access and the ability to levy taxes.

      • Press, You got it. And there is an association for every elected office with the same purpose behind it. An opportunity for special interest to control government and contracts at the local level. At one time locals went to Indy to take ideas from the people to the state. Now they go there with blank memory drives to be filled with crap to bring back. Maybe some one can write the positive side to this phenomena.

      • I’ve gone up against Ice Miller (w/ Baker at my side) in the past…and I thought my guys were the deep guys in relationships. It was shocking. I got cleaned that time…over, before it was over.

      • Thanks for the information. At least the taxpayers aren’t paying for the goodie-fest, or did we furnish transportation and rooms for the party?

        • …..there’s like 20% of the population clueless about all things strategic and procedural. Totally, TOTALLY incapable of long-term anything. AO seems like one of those.

  2. I hear the DMD owned and operated private club is “going public” by order of the mayor. I bet the mayors idea and my idea of the term “going public” are entirely different. I have been requesting information for months and received nothing. I suspect the “going public” will simply consist of an orchestrated Brownfields meeting, open for public view. The business will still be conducted behind closed doors. That is what you can expect when Board members have a pact to not discuss any thing about the organization.

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