IS IT TRUE? January 21, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 21, 2011

Update: IS IT TRUE that the City of Louisville is having to spend $2 Million on boosting the cellular system in their new arena just two months after its opening?…that the CCO wonders if there has been any testing and planning for adequate bandwidth and signal in the Evansville Arena?…that cellular service in downtown Evansville has never been anything to brag about?…that we have an article up addressing that very issue?…that we would appreciate your readership and your willingness to ask questions of the “powers that be” as they are appropriate?

IS IT TRUE that the time spent on the City County Observer site has increased to 4 minutes and 30 seconds for all readers?…that when only Evansville readers are tabulated that the time on site per visit now exceeds 5 minutes?…that this is more than 100% more than our “peer” group of websites as defined by Google?

IS IT TRUE that panic seems to be setting in with certain members of the Evansville City Council who voted no on strengthening the smokefree workplace ordinance that was introduced by Dr. Dan Adams in 2010?…that with local surveys showing that 73% of the people of Evansville supporting such an ordinance that the members of the City Council who ignored that last year are having to face the reality of their choices?…that some are still clinging to the belief that this is a state decision and hoping to avoid having to vote on it this year?…that the best solution that may just recover some of the support that was squandered last year would be to ask Dr. Adams to re-introduce a smokefree workplace resolution as soon as possible so that the City of Evansville and its City Council can join the Vanderburgh County Commissioners in passing this before the “Big Brother” state legislature takes Evansville to the woodshed and forces laws on us?…that the City Council of Evansville will be adopting a smokefree workplace resolution and that the only variable is who the members of the City Council will be and when it will pass?…2011 or 2012? That is the question!

IS IT TRUE that yesterday the City County Observer provided a link to a public disclosure document that provided the details of the 2010 contributions received by and the expenses reported by the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee”…that the CCO internet traffic for the day was near record levels and well over 2,000 page views for the day?…that this was one of the quickest postings ever on the CCO for drawing comments, emails, and even phone calls?…that most of these phone calls were from Democrats?…that several of the past candidates for office on the Democratic ticket that were listed as recipients of contributions under the expense disclosures of the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee have informed the CCO that they did not receive any financial support as was reported in the disclosure documents?….that these candidates had to file disclosure documents as well?…that those disclosure documents are public record and will be cross referenced as soon as possible to see if they reported the contributions that the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee reports that they were given?…that as soon as that is complete (hopefully tomorrow) the CCO will post those disclosures and let our readers do the investigation work themselves?

IS IT TRUE that there were a number of expenditures in the disclosure document of the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee for 2010 that simply were attributed to “card services”?…that this typically means that a credit card was paid from the proceeds?…that we are very curious about the details of what that credit card expenditure break down actually is?…that many disclosures of this type go into deep detail with respect to the details of credit card use?…that disclosing the details of what that credit card was used for would go far to explain the uses as they pertain to doing things that would have helped Mayor Weinzapfel seek a third term as Mayor of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that it has now been 1,350 days since the announcement was made on May 14, 2007 that the McCurdy Hotel was to be refurbished into luxury apartments?…that it has now been 1,204 days since the Evansville Redevelopment Commission at the request of Mayor Weinzapfel approved the spending of $603,000 to purchase the parking lot?…that City Centre Properties and Scott Kosene the developers of the McCurdy project are both listed as contributors to the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee for 2010?

IS IT TRUE that there are now 660 days remaining in the two years that the EPA had given the City of Evansville to present an acceptable solution to the Combined Sewer Overflow problem?…..that this plan is an expensive and complex endeavor that needs immediate attention to avoid the embarrassment and expense of another round of fines?


  1. “that several of the past candidates for office on the Democratic ticket that were listed as recipients of contributions under the expense disclosures of the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee have informed the CCO that they did not receive any financial support as was reported in the disclosure documents?”

    Sounds like someone was trying to hide some campaign funds.

    Might want to get those records quick in case they become unavailable. Sounds like there could be some possible embezzlement/misappropriation if you’re able to dig deep enough.

      • I doubt it was outright embezzlement. More like money laundering.

        There are certain political operatives in Evansville who do thngs that are not exactly above board. They don’t want their names to appear in campaign finance reports, but they damn sure want to get paid.

        My guess is that at least some of these funds found their way to these operatives.

        Mr. Prosecutor: You know exactly who I’m talking about….

  2. Actually–this is incredibly easy to verify.

    Just check those other Democrats’ own campaign filings to see if the Weinzapfel “contributions” show up.

    If they appear, then this story probably isn’t going anywhere.

    If there is a discrepancy, then Weinzapfel and his backers might have a serious problem.

    Hmmmmm……wonder why the Courier hasn’t picked up on this story?

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