IS IT TRUE we are waiting for the 2015 City Audit conducted by the State Board of Accounts to be made public any day now?  …this audit shall prove if past City Councilmen and Finance Chairmen John Friend, CPA was correct about the City having a $6 million dollar deficit in 2015?

IS IT TRUE in case you haven’t been paying attention we would like to point out that Vanderburgh County Sheriff Dave Wedding is doing one heck of a job?  …Sheriff Wedding is considered to be a blue collar and hands on Sheriff?  …he is extremely well thought of by the rank and file of the Sheriffs Office?  …we also are very pleased with the professional way the men and women of the Vanderburgh County Sheriff Office conduct themselves?

IS IT TRUE the city razed a house in the 1200 block of South Bedford?  …that several of the neighboring residents made a special effort to thank “Let’s Fix That” proprietor George Lumley in his arm-twisting effort to get this house taken out?  … Mr. Lumley attributed the success to the Evansville Citizen Concern mobile app?  … by generating multiple concerns on the app to the mayor’s office has proven to be an effective Blight Fighting tool?

IS IT TRUE it was suggested that Mr. Lumley thank the city for taking this house out?  …that he should apologize for giving the city a hard time about the methods they use to address blight?  ..  Mr. Lumley responded that he thought an apology was indeed in order?  …that every city official should apologize to each and every resident living in a neighborhood containing one of these Zombie Houses that has not yet been taken out or otherwise remediated?

IS IT TRUE that Michelle Peterlin has been painting at her Kasson Studio with Acrylic on Canvas and using local models?  …her printings are titled “Spirit Within Conflict”?  …today we had the honor to get a sneak preview of her masterful work?  …its with pleasure that we proudly announce that Michelle Peterlin has agreed to share her paintings with the CCO readers in the near future?  …we guarantee that you shall be extremely impressed with her outstandings paintings once you view them?

IS IT TRUE that today “READERS POLL” ask; Do you feel that John Friend CPA statement that the 2015 City Budget had a $6 million deficit is accurate?

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


    • Thanks Terry We have taken your suggestion and it has just been added. Thanks for reading the CCO

      • Since I already checked ‘yes’–consider that one a ‘probably’. Thanks for adding that option.

  1. Editor:
    Thanks for providing immediate posting of reader comments.
    Daring….and excellent, E.
    (You want to be daring…it’s a great quality.)
    Will stay on topic. Will be polite and not bite (too hard).
    Good job Editor. DB

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