IS IT TRUE County Commissioner Marsha Abell stated in a speech to a Republican breakfast on Saturday morning that she thinks an incentive from the county for the IU Medical School on an east side location would not be a prudent investment?…Abell also stated that if the IU Med School ends up in the health park just into Warrick County that eastern Vanderburgh will benefit anyway so an incentive should not be given to that location?…she did not close the door to downtown Evansville in stating that is a different case?…the Promenade site on the east side was annexed into the City of Evansville by the Weinzapfel administration several years ago anyway so the county has little to say about any incentive that the city may offer?…the other potential site out at USI however is in the county and seems to have been ignored by Commissioner Abell?…we wonder if Commissioner Abell would support incentives by the county for a Westside campus in competition with the City of Evansville’s preferred downtown location?…we also wonder if Ms. Abell is floating a trial balloon to see if using non-existent county money to help the City of Evansville incentivize a downtown location would be palatable to Vanderburgh County voters?
IS IT TRUE while the reality is that the IU Medical School will pay no taxes, the spin-off businesses will and the employees of the school will too if they choose to live in Vanderburgh County or the City of Evansville?…medical schools have lots of spin off business and we hope that Ms. Abell sits down and has a face to face meeting with Steve Martin of the Promenade to hear what he has to say about new taxpaying developments in his plans for the Eastside location?…we also want to thank Bruce Ungenthiem for his  a position paper on this subject he submitted to us yesterday? …Mr. Ungebnthiem is the Republican primary opponent to Ms. Abell for the nomination for the County Commissioners seat she currently occupies?
IS IT TRUE the water main breaks in the City of Evansville that number more than 100 so far for the month of January have created expenses that have not even been tallied?…what we do know is that the water distribution system operated by the City of Evansville is more antiquated than the sewers that are under EPA mandate for at least a $540 Million upgrade?…every dollar spent to duct tape these old lines back together is a dollar wasted due to the legacy of negligence perpetrated on the citizens of Evansville by the Mayors of the last half century?…duct taping these pipes together that really need to be replaces makes about as much sense as a terminal cancer patient in their last week of life paying for Botox injections or putting a $4,000 set of spinner rims on a $500 POS car that won’t start?…we would rather see an aggressive lasting solution to Evansville’s legacy problems like the water pipes, the sewer, the roads, and the sidewalks that to continue torching good money to keep bad infrastructure puttering along?…in spite of this rational wish the fun and games projects continue and the DUCT DYNASTY politics of infrastructure barrels on toward a date with a failing destiny?
IS IT TRUE the Obama administration is delaying enforcement of another provision of the new health care law, one that prohibits employers from providing better health benefits to top executives than to other employees?…tax officials said THEY WOULD NOT ENFORCE THE PROVISION THIS YEAR BECAUSE THEY HAD YET TO ISSUE REGULATIONS FOR EMPLOYERS TO FOLLOW?…the Affordable Care Act, adopted nearly four years ago, says employer-sponsored health plans MUST NOT DISCRIMINATE “in favor of highly compensated individuals†with respect to either eligibility or benefits?… the government provides a substantial tax break for employer-sponsored insurance, and, as a matter of equity and fairness, lawmakers said employers should not provide more generous coverage to a select group of high-paid employees?…this latest selective enforcement and delay because of the failure to sit down and do the WORK involved in crafting a competent regulatory document serves to emphasize the oft asserted opinion that the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION IS BIG WITH WORDS BUT A BIG ZERO WITH DEEDS?…as with the crowdfunding provision in the politically motivated Jobs Act of 2012, the ACA website, and the ability to count paid enrollment it seems as though when the time comes to actually do something this cast of characters is no more effective than a kindergarten class?
IS IT TRUE that the second paragraph is unintelligible, and should be edited/rewritten ??
Removed. Thank you
Duck Dynasty politics? Huh?
Duct Tape Dynasty. Love it!
Watch what you hope for. I’m in lamp-genie mode today and can impose upon you a mouth full of eider down with a simple chant or westward sweep of my arm.
I was hoping you would join a poetry club.
the hickory dickory dock fest seems to have been removed.
Looks like I wrote too soon. Nevermore, quoth the ravenous Bandana.
Good. It wasn’t offensive, but bad rhyming gives me a headache.
By the time I saw that last night I had rendered myself unable to rhyme.
Glad to see things like that break out here without the participants having to wonder if their comments will be taken down. Also, allowing mild to moderate cursing adds a proper dose of reality to the comments and is much to CCO’s credit.
Thank you, we like to push the edge without going over it.
@editor so were all the rhymes offensive? A couple may have played at the line or crossed it, but what was offensive about my old woman lives in a shoe one or most most of the humpty dumpty ones? I started it as a way of expressing views without ripping one another’s throats out and calling each other names.
I didn’t take them down. Heck, I even played along and made up a rhyme. My guess would be the owner got some calls complaining about some of the hickory dickory stuff and just took it all down.
Didn’t suspect you did Joe, but I don’t know who all the players/editors are. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Guess we’ll have to go back to the old fashioned way of making our points.
Ah fellow! “Eider down…”fishy duck feathers”….ahahahahah!
However,” but with which arm will thy westin wind be so,dolefully, created upon,thou sweep?
Bandana: Your “dastardly” applied westward sweep of the arm of demise and nemesis are one thing,however your water and transportation infrastructures are beginning to look as if another hit from the planets polar regional climate incursion might be knocking at the side doors. [Northwestern faced entryways]
I,ll begotten winds gonna blow for sure,and expect the single digit lows again. Looks like snow,as well.
I think the the eider down doesn’t look so bad after all,and don’t “Cedar the wool” yet,might come in handy later this week. 😉
Usual, bread,milk,eggs….And! More bottled or filtered water……
“the faster you go,the shorter you are.” (Albert Einstein)
Bandana: Your “dastardly” applied westward sweep of the arm of demise and nemesis are one thing,however your water and transportation infrastructures are beginning to look as if another hit from the planets polar regional climate incursion might be knocking at the side doors. [Northwestern faced entryways]
((Ill)) begotten winds gonna blow for sure,and expect the single digit lows again. Looks like snow,as well.
I think the the eider down doesn’t look so bad after all,and don’t “Cedar the wool” yet,might come in handy later this week. 😉
Usual, bread,milk,eggs….And! More bottled or filtered water……
“the faster you go,the shorter you are.” (Albert Einstein)
Re: the pipes.
If the main breaks shouldn’t be temporarily fixed, how do you recommend the folks living near the main breaks get their water while waiting on the project needed to put in a permanent replacement?
Our position is that all of this patching would not have been necessary if an ongoing replacement program had been in place for the last 50+ years. Of course they have to duct tape them now and it is a bunch of money that would have been better spent in a replacement program. These duct taped pipes still need replacement.
Exactly! The replacement of water mains should have been going on for a long, long, time. The problem with projects like that is that they aren’t “sexy.” Arenas, ball fields, and dog parks are better issues for politicians than the good sense of spending money maintaining necessary services.
I expect the increased cost of delivering the basic services may just be a serious “turn off” to any of the businesses looking at the area to create some jobs here. The outlying counties will look better, Vanderburgh will look worse.
Marsha Abell will probably be okay with it, as long as they look at some of her listings for a location. I am starting to think there is an innate conflict of interest for realtor/office holders.
Where is cry baby cry Wayne Parke ,must be time for his nappy nap
So we have a countless amount of water main breaks and our solution is to keep sprawling with the med school so that when the next round of infrastructure gets old we have an even bigger mess to deal with?
That just doesn’t make sense to me.
They have been eliminating jobs at the water dept for decades. They have about half the workers they had in the eightys. They have four times the management. When you people want government cut that what they did. Now that it is an emergency they will hire contractors who give donations for there campaigns.
crooked then and crooked now. only the methodology has changed
For the past three days I have had an Taguchi DOE going on the chemical slug traces hitting the ORB. The preliminary results are indicating the high water levels and increased flow are working to help dilute the slug traces.
However the four separate data streams I’m going over have 40 access points at the proper variations, per location. The traces are thermodynamically and hydrologically diverse due to mixing at different temperature spans, river currents, flows and eddies. Some points show higher numbers per/Mil than others regardless of actual mile mark designation.
Thermalling,and,hydrological layering,such as tight radius bends and bottom structures seem to drive that affect.
The point monitoring contacts as supplied are random however diversely distributed,as well
Pre completion,the results variables are somewhat beginning to show a disturbing indication.
The Chemical MCHM isn’t the only thing being detected,they’re are some other data spikes,as well.
My testing should also relatively show what has been released back into the basin after full on system intake treatments applied,which is also again, a variation.
I took in some of your local news broadcasts this evening through their IT sites,looks like they made Mr. Mounts the “mud canary” for the camera.
The variations in the traces per the actual rivers flow is actually the strongest in the area just downstream and across the river from the LST there at your location,the high water and the eddy back current hydrology most likely accounts for that conditional. Its not close enough to your system intake to affect it.
Thats not the condition up river,those sighted some higher levels of the trace chemical in concern.
One other tid-bit,someone should inspect the supply mains along and south of Covert avenue,east Kentucky ave. and to Green river road south to Riverside,and the Pollack area.
Methodology is finding some consistent hydrocarbons presence that did spike and back away somewhat “fuel” most probably,someones storage in ground tank is leaking where low pressure due to an water main break might have caused some into line depredation. Maybe, a sectional boil order was issued,I didn’t have that information at this variation point.
Did also see some hydrocarbons numbers go up around Morgan and Green River during the first applied Taguchi point. That was on the outgoing to the basin side,that could have been the EFD washing down some fuel after an accident close by.
What goes in vs,what comes out,research in data indications for a viable system, balanced for sustainability*
“absus non tollit us um”
wrong use does not,preclude proper use.
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