IS IT TRUE? January 20, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 20, 2011

IS IT TRUE that at the end of 2010 the race for Mayor of Evansville had three people already raising money to seek that office?…that the fundraising activity reports were released yesterday and are quite interesting?…that current Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel raised a total of $536,058 in 2010 for the stated purpose of seeking the office of Mayor of Evansville?….that the Weinzapfel for Mayor effort spent $367,930 in efforts to be re-elected in the 2011 campaign?…that the Weinzapfel for Mayor Committee is still sitting on a war chest of $774,905?…that Mayor Weinzapfel has recently announced that he will not be running for re-election?…that we wonder how he can possibly spend $774,905 seeking and office that he does not even want?…we are very curious about where that money goes now?

IS IT TRUE that County Commissioner Lloyd Winnecke is having his coming out party to announce his candidacy for Mayor of Evansville at his alma mater Central High School this Saturday?…that Commissioner Winnecke raised a total of $21,435 during 2010 through his “Winnecke for Mayor” committee?…that he spent $19,253 and has a whopping $9,495 on hand to spend seeking the Republican Party nomination?…that Commissioner Winnecke must have breathed a sigh of relief when Mayor Weinzapfel announced he no longer wants to be Mayor because $774,905 is enough to squash anyone that only has $9,495 of ammunition to fight with?

IS IT TRUE that the man who refused to show the commanded deference to Mayor Weinzapfel, Evansville’s own Rick Davis has also been raising money?…that Mr. Davis raised $12,283 and spent $19,253 in 2010 in his efforts to become Mayor of Evansville?…that at the end of 2010 Mr. Davis is sitting on a cigar box full of campaign funds amounting to $582?…that in nearly every poll that was taken matching Davis against Weinzapfel, Davis has either won or been very close?…that Rick Davis is positioned to run a campaign that makes up for a shortage of cash with a surplus of commitment, in-kind services, volunteer spirit, and a bit of old fashioned listening to the people of Evansville?…that we also expect his fundraising to pick up as more people get on the “Pick Rick” bandwagon?

IS IT TRUE that the Democratic Party political top head hunter is trying to convince any viable candidate to run for Mayor of Evansville? ….that he has not succeeded in convincing any of the obvious candidates to seek the office of Mayor? ….if the Democratic party Chairmen is so h— bent in finding someone to run against Rick Davis in the Democratic party primary for Mayor maybe he should run against him?

IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased with the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s office and the Evansville Police Department in the way they are nabbing burglars, apprehending fugitives, and keeping drunks off the highways and streets?…that the recent career burglar that has been caught took the cooperation of peace officers from both Vanderburgh and Warrick Counties?…that by working together these forces will make us all safer? ….that the City County Observer wants to say we are very proud of your police work?

IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased with the caliber of candidates coming forward to run for political offices in the city of Evansville? …that we feel the political change in the air?…it is our strong opinion that the “know it all attitude” at City Hall shall shall be no more the day after the election?

IS IT TRUE we want to thank the Vanderburgh County and the City Of Evansville street snow removal crews for doing an outstanding job so far this winter?…that we wish that the Weinzapfel Administration would turn these crews loose in Downtown Evansville that seems to be completely abandoned to the tyranny of the ABOMINABLE SNOW MAN every time we get a winter storm?…that the BUMBLE is rumored to be coming back today to terrorize the walkers on the streets and sidewalks of Downtown Evansville?…that Yukon Cornelius has said he won’t be coming back after his bacterial infection from sniffing and licking his prospectors pick after sinking it into the soil of Bee Slough? Pooey! Nuthin! Said Yukon as he mooshed his dogsled to the next town.


  1. Weinzapfel with 1MILLION behind him backed down to Rick Davis!

    Either Davis’s reputation is worth more than 1mil, or Weinzapfel has done 1mil worth of damage to his own rep during his time as mayor.

    Maybe a combination of the two.

  2. In King John’s case— The Fact that Money won’t buy you love stopped him in his “muddy” tracks.
    The momentum belongs to Rick Davis.

  3. Rick Davis is going to get smashed. All the times the JFK club went after different office holders, the celebration at Bar Louies on election night when Tornatta lost. Pay backs are hell.
    I’m sure the Mayor will put the money to good use.

    • You’re right. Pay backs are hell. Weinzapfel, Owen, and all their old-school methods (not to mention their blind followers) will be ousted on election day when they learn that their bullying and bribing only go so far.
      Out with the old – in with the NEW – and Evansville’s best days are ahead.

      PICK RICK!

    • The Darkside Democrats are being overthrown, and yes, celebration is in order. Their response is: Paybacks are Hell,–Out with these Thugs and Good Government is the Future.

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