IS IT TRUE? January 2, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 2, 2012

IS IT TRUE that we are sharply reminded of the lawlessness in society by the first EPD Activity Report for the year of 2012?…that yesterday the Evansville Police Department filled a full 14 pages including a story about the New Year’s Day celebrating that including shooting randomly into a crowd in the parking lot of Score’s Gentleman’s Club in the wee hours of the morning?…that this was the second run to “The District” on New Year’s as there was an earlier altercation (sounded like a fight) in the parking lot that required intervention by the EPD?…that with the new year we would like to see less criminal activity in the City of Evansville for our police to have to deal with?…that this is no way to start a rebuilding year and that it is time to stop all of this violent behavior?

IS IT TRUE that the Winnecke Administration is talking about hitting the ground running and getting on about the business of executing some of the agendas that were talked about during the campaign?…that it is pretty cold to be out there picking up litter today but that it is never too cold to not throw anything down so come on Evansville let this be the first no littering work day and pick up three pieces of litter today as you each go about you first day’s business of the new year?…that Mayor Winnecke is a skinny guy, will be setting a healthy living example for us but will not last long if he has to pick all of the garbage up himself so all you folks get busy and clean something up?

IS IT TRUE that meth making never sleeps and that the CCO encourages our new Evansville Police Chief to get a head start on implementing whatever innovative plans that he and his department have to clean the scourge form our streets?…that the CCO encourages the Indiana State Legislature to open the assault on meth by getting busy passing a law that makes pseudoephedrine based medicines prescription based?…that this is one of those laws that we hate yet submit to for the greater good?

IS IT TRUE that one of the first things that the Winnecke Administration, the new ERC (who we are very interested to learn the identity of), and the Evansville City Council need to burn some brainpower developing is a basic framework for a VETTING POLICY?…that it is not asking too much for the taxpayers of Evansville to expect that the stewards of their money?…that it can start out with a simple qualification like a pulse, a minimum credit score for the principal owners, a cursory checking of local trade references, and a relevant D & B report and increase in complexity from there?…that the McCurdy Project is swinging completely in the breeze in need of a cleanup and the downtown Convention Hotel is about to enter the critical planning phase and a basic VETTING CRITERIA is needed desperately?…that we all know that if the former custodians of the taxpayer’s money would have had even a basic VETTING PROCESS in place that neither of these fiascos would have ever become a fiasco?


  1. Is it true that Whiny-zappel reports to his new boss at Vectren today? Is it true that the task of screwing the people of Evansville will be a lot easier now that he works for the electric utility that screws its customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year? Is it true that no ethically sound organization, public or private (including law firms in the tri-state area), would have anything to do with him? So what else could happen to Whiny-boy? Carl Chapman discovers that he has a conscience and fires him?

    • he isn’t reporting to Vectren today, we are observing New Year’s Day today. Only the essential peons are working

      • Seriously doubt he’d work someplace where he’d have to punch a clock and keep track of sick days and vacation time, etc. He’s a king for goodness sakes. He’s better than that. And us.

        • While I do not support or agree with everything he did as mayor, I can tell you from personal observation over the past several years that Jonathan Weinzapfel arrived at his office in a timely fashion and on most days that he was in town, and left most workdays after 5:00 p.m. and many days between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m.

      • That’s handy. Accuse someone of something but don’t want to tell their name. Who would have thought that would ever happen on this site.
        Jack Waldroup

    • Are we sure the “people spoken too inappropriately” were plural or singular? Are we sure the “people spoken to inappropriately” actually were city council members at the time they were “cussed out?” Are we sure exactly what constitutes “cussing out” in the mind of the “people (or single person) spoken to inappropriately” and what constitutes “inappropriate speach” in the mind of the editor? Are we sure what the “cussed out” member or not-yet-member of the city council told the editor is true, since he or she is unwilling to go public with the facts?

      All these issues are in question when something as vague as the poll question is posed. And the validity of such reporting is questionable too when given without naming the source and when a confidential source is not backed up by at least a second reliable source.

      • I agree. That’s B.S. and does nothing but fuel a rumor mill. This person is not a source, but the subject of the story. As a result, if they are casting stones to media sources they should not hide but face the public ad an accuser.

  2. With regard to the 2012 Redevelopment Commission membership, I believe 3 members will be appointed by Winnecke and 2 by the City Council, so the composition of the commission remains to be seen.

    I also believe that by state law (IC 36-7-14-8) the Evansville Redevelopment Commission, as it is comprised today, must hold a reorganizational meeting tomorrow for the purpose of electing one of their members as president, another as vice president, and another as secretary to serve until their successors are appointed by the new mayor and city council and qualified to take office.

    Is there an ERC meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 3, with an agenda ready to post on the door of their hearing room minutes before they convene?

  3. Just a note:
    May the New Year bring continued success to Ron, Joe and the crew at C-CO. They have made a huge positive impact on our community.
    Best Wishes

  4. Bubba,…I couldn’t agree with you more!!! Thanks Ron, Joe, and the C-CO staff for bringing a little more transparency to our government by covering the stories that the traditional media sources are too afraid of!

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