IS IT TRUE its time that Evansville City Council, County Commission and County Council stop playing political games concerning the possible funding for the renovation plans for the Vanderburgh County jail? …its time for members of all three elected bodies to sit down like reasonable adults and address the overcrowding issues concerning the jail and to come up with reasonable solutions to how to correct the problems? …if they agree that building an addition to the jail is the answer then they should build for future needs of the jail and not for the current needs?

IS IT TRUE we hear that newly elected Council President Missy Mosby was so pleased with the work of her Finance Chairman (Dan McGinn (R)) she has re-appointed him to serve in that position for another year? …right after his re-appointment McGinn announced that he going to push to get Council to approve tax credit to developers that renovate shopping center with vacant store fronts? …McGinn states that “giving tax credits to shopping mall developers will not cost the tax payers any money”? …all we can say is “really”?

IS IT TRUE that we have been informed by creditable sources that the Zoo really loses several millions of dollars per year (more than previously reported)? …we wonder why in the world would the Mayor want to invest another million dollars in a “penguin” exhibit this year? …Its important to remind the Mayor, its one thing to build something but another to maintain it?

IS IT TRUE we hope that Vanderburgh County Commissioner President Bruce Ungethiem and City Council President Missy Mosby will provide the media with a detailed breakdown concerning board appointments listed on future agendas?  …we would like to know what boards are up for appointments and who are the Commissioners and City Council members recommending for these appointments?

IS IT TRUE the discussion to combined the offices of the County Commission and the County Council into one business pod is slowing moving forward?  …we would appreciate that the powers that be give us details (time frame, costs and office layout and reason for the expansion) concerning this capital project?  …we would like to know who is pushing this idea?

IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased with the way that newly elected State Representative Ryan Hatfield (D) is conducting himself in that office?  …it looks like Vanderburgh County might have a political star in the making?

IS IT TRUE that the citizens against Trump had the opportunity to voice their displeasure against him last week in a series of peaceful protests?  …beginning this Friday the Pro-Life groups shall stage a peaceful protests throughout America?  …we wish them a peaceful and successful event?

IS IT TRUE that whether we like or dislike Mr. Trump he is now President Trump with all of the power and responsibility reserved for that office alone?…as with all of our Presidents, when they do a good job, the American people are better off?…the time is now to face that reality and to encourage our new president to make things happen that will benefit us all?…tipping points are sometimes beneficial and sometimes lead chaos like we have seen in Venezuela during 2016?…we hope to see a better America in 2020 from both an economic and freedom perspective?

FOOTNOTE: Today “Readers Poll” question is: Was State Senator Veneta Becker was out of bounds when she quietly wrote the law  to increase the local income tax from the current 1% to 1.25% without City Council knowledge?



  1. Could admin explain it’s reason for the poll question about Senator Becker? Is there anything “out of bounds” about a legislator writing a bill for submission and what is the “quietly” inference? I’m not even a little fan of Senator Becker’s, but your poll question almost seems to be trolling for controversy and there’s enough of that here on a daily basis. Trolling, that is.

    • If the City of Evansville, or the Evansville Common Council have no idea of what is going on in the Indiana Legislature in the way of proposed legislation, then we are in even more trouble here in river city than I have ever imagined. I doubt that to be the case. But, is it possible that such information was being deliberately flown below the public’s radar until it was a done deal? How many times have we seen that!

      • Face it we are broke. Can not pay our medical bills. Accounts payable over 8 million. We owe 281 million on retiree health care unfunded 12.5 million stolen from the Riverboat is GONE. Money allocated to n Main Street project diverted to paying operational costs. But we should feel at ease. Why because we have Butterfly McGinn at the helm. We are just SCREWED

  2. How much tax is being collected on the vacant storefronts vs. what would be collected if the vacancies were filled due to the tax credit incentive? I understand that if the vacancies were filled without an incentive more tax dollars would be collected, but businesses are obviously not beating the doors down to get into these properties. Brick and mortar retail stores are going the way of the dinosaur.

  3. No one cares about penguins! Still waiting on our Uber Mayor’s plan to repair and reopen Mesker Amphitheater!

  4. Just when you thought Barack Hussein Obama had done all the damage he could to America, here’s his final parting shot to radically transform America. Just plain crazy:
    Legal immigrants can now change the sex on their official U.S. documents by showing statements from foreign doctors, says a last-minute transgender memo issued on President Barack Obama’s last full day in office.

    “Individuals may request a change in the gender reflected on a USCIS-issued document … [and] USCIS will issue an initial or amended document reflecting the changed gender designation,” said the Jan. 19 transgender-related document for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services unit in the Department of Homeland Security.

    The memo reinforces the claim by progressives that every person should be allowed to easily change their legal sex even without changing their biology or appearance.

    If established nationwide, the “gender fluid” transgender policy would effectively eliminate the ability of American men and women to preserve single-sex institutions, such as single-sex sports leagues, scholarships, locker rooms and shelters.

    • Here’s another one of Big O’s parting shots before flying off to California where he can dye his hair back to black again;

      In the mean time, I watched Goldilocks bitching about crowd size at his swearing in standing in front of the 117 stars at CIA headquarters, then making the statement about maybe having a chance of “taking” Iraq’s oil again.

      First thing I thought of when I heard that Joe was how our forces embedded with the Iraqis fighting ISIS now, were going to explain why they were going to have to start killing the Iraqis next because Trump had another brainfart.

      With any luck, maybe he’ll have Saudi Arabia nuke them first….

  5. The tax increase is not only for the jail. The way the bill is worded they can spend the money any way they choose, making a bad bill worse. Perhaps that’s the reason City Council is so upset. They have visions of solving their self inflicted financial woes with some of the revenue.

    • Face it we are broke. Can not pay our medical bills. Accounts payable over 8 million. We owe 281 million on retiree health care unfunded 12.5 million stolen from the Riverboat is GONE. Money allocated to n Main Street project diverted to paying operational costs. But we should feel at ease. Why because we have Butterfly McGinn at the helm. We are just SCREWED

  6. On the proposed ten cents a gallon tax increase on gasoline, if it is dedicated to roads and highways, is someone being penalized? There is a huge difference between the amount of wear and tear and destruction done to a road between a passenger car, average weight of 4,000 pounds, and a 90,000 pound eighteen wheeled tractor-trailer. Yet that passenger car pays the same amount as the commercial semi truck. Are passenger car drivers subsidizing the commercial trucking industry?

  7. Wonder what they are going to do with the Evansville Courier & Press property on walnut? The print operation is moving to Louisville.

    • As if the news is not stale enough by the time you get it now, you can now add in travel time from Louisville.

    • Illegal alien sanctuary? The current occupants of the building seem to be very supportive of illegal aliens.

    • Third nail in a five nail coffin. Writers (a term I use loosely because I don’t think any are there) and editorial will be next. With printing in Louisville, they’ll print late afternoon/early evening so they won’t even be able to provide high school sport scores from the previous evening. If you are silly enough to still subscribe, don’t pay more than thirty days in advance. Then when the fifth nail is in, you won’t lose much.

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