IS IT TRUE we are hearing that our extremely popular State Auditor Suzanne Crouch may be selected as Governor Pence new running mate when his Lt. Government resigns to accept the President of IVY TECH position?  …if this happens Democratic candidate for Governor John Gregg should forget trying to win Vanderburgh County?

IS IT TRUE every now and than our posters make allegations that local elected officials allegedly accepts free services, bribes or special favors, bribes, conflict of interest that get our attention?  …we asked our #1 poster Pressanykey to do research on the procedure for recalling elected officials who misuse their office for self gain?

IS IT TRUE Pressanykey research cane up with;  “Indiana does not have a procedure for recalling elected officials, but it does have a statutory method for initiating impeachment proceedings against local officials?  …the County grand jury and court system can conducts the proceedings and subsequent removal. {IC 5-8-1 and IC 35-50-5-1.1} of elected official who accept bribes or special favors?  …any official convicted of official misconduct, bribery, or conflict of interest may be removed from office by a court?  …the court may also issue an order rendering the person ineligible from holding public office for a period of up to ten years. {IC 35-50-5-1-1}”?

IS IT TRUE if anyone have allegations of misconduct, bribery, or conflict of interest concerning any elected or appointed official they would have to contact the local County Prosecutor first?  … he would decide whether to present the information to the County Grand Jury, and things would proceed from there depending on the Grand Jury’s return on the issue?

IS IT TRUE yesterday one of our readers also made an allegation against a local law enforcement officer that he alleges have been taken on several free paid vacation trips?  …our reader also alleged that the person providing the free vacation trip to a local law enforcement official does business with the city?  …after reading the State Guide To County Government it looks like the allegation against  law enforcement official can be proven he may have broken State Law?

IS IT TRUE  the link to the GUIDE TO INDIANA COUNTY GOVERNMENT concerning Official Misconduct, Conflict of Interest, Ghost Employment and Removal from office published on page 12 -14 posted below so you can file your complaint with the right authority?

IS IT TRUE if you feel that Evansville Brownfield Corp. meetings should be opened to the public please contact the following individuals in change of ruining this taxpayer funded program?  …attached are their e-mail addresses so you can tell them how you feel? …they are: Carolyn []  Brad Ellsworth <>; Connie Robinson <>; Coures, Kelley <>; Joshua Armstrong ( <>; Kevin Axsom ( <>;; Nick Cirignano ( <>;

IS IT TRUE that Martin Luther King Day is officially the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.?  …Martin Luther King is an American Federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.? … It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around the time of King’s birthday, January 15?

IS IT TRUE that our current “Readers Poll” ask; Should Evansville Brownfield Corp meetings be held in public?


  1. Democrats like Connie Robinson and Brad Ellsworth should know the importance of open door meetings and not let themselves be bullied by Republican Kelley Coures.

    • MainSD, Field Marshall Winnecke outflanked the Brownfield Corporation. They will follow his command without opposition.

  2. Suzanne has done great in everything she does. She would also be wonderful ay his job

  3. Did I miss something yesterday. I read all of the “Is It True” comments and I didn’t see anything about a law enforcement official being taken on free trips. Can somebody fill me in??

  4. Would the listings the Mayors wife gave Missy be a conflict of interest? There was a story about it in the newspaper and nobody denied it.

  5. How is that McCurdy Hotel refurbishment going? It has only been about 2,800 days since the first triumphant announcement was made that a contributor to the Weinzapfel campaign was going to take care of that.

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