IS IT TRUE the skateboard park at the Swonder Ice Rink is being closed and that Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke thinks it should be?…the reasons for closing the skateboard park are the facts that it sees minimal use from anyone at all AND that it is thought to be dangerous?…this sounds like code for neglect, disinterest, and lack of maintenance which seems to be the destroyer of all that was once decent and beautiful in the City of Evansville?…the closing of one skateboard park so another one can be built (and yes Mayor Winnecke still thinks a new skateboard park at Roberts is a good idea) is a play straight out of the playbook that was used to destroy Roberts Stadium and spend $127 Million on Ford Center?…this is the same one trick pony routine that lead to demolishing the Executive Inn before a new hotel was secured or even studied?…the skateboard park on the beach in Venice, CA typically has a dozen or so skateboarders using it on weekends with a couple of hundred people watching them?…at times when the crowd is not watching even this sterling example of a skateboard park in a beautiful beach setting is empty?…skateboarders like an audience and if there is no audience there will be no skateboarders at any skateboard park for long?…the other things that are at Venice Beach to bring the audience in are hundreds of unique retail outlets, every kind of restaurant imaginable, and even a couple of dozen medical marijuana dispensaries?…if Evansville is willing to reproduce Venice Beach minus the Pacific Ocean and marijuana dispensaries there may, and we must say may be enough of an audience to interest skateboarders in doing their thing where Roberts Stadium once stood?…that is a very long shot with a high entry fee?
IS IT TRUE the one-on-one meetings with the Mayor for his singular explanations of just what he has decided on for a downtown hotel continue on a daily basis?…our Civic Center Moles tell us that there is a team of 4 or 5 proponents of the Mayor’s desires who are there to reinforce its benefits on the outgunned and outmanned members of the City Council who dare enter the chamber?…it takes a very strong person with knowledge to stand up to a gang of experts?…the City Council members were deprived of that knowledge by not having seen the presentations beforehand so what is needed in each is the strength to resist the sales pitch and the resolve to go home and think for a good long time?…this is nearly as bad as the Earthcare Energy deal except that time the Mayor didn’t tell the City Council at all?…there were then as there are now two members of the council who were enlisted early yet sworn to secrecy?…that even when the Mayor’s staff was demanding the $200,000 check be written to Earthcare Energy there were two City Council members who knew?…the rest were in the dark until it came time to vote on another loan of over $4 Million?…this is the same play from the same playbook that brought us the Earthcare secret?…secrets in government do not stay secret so the best course of action is continuous transparency?…candidate Winnecke seemed to have known that?
IS IT TRUE that there are some commercial businesses that President Barack Obama really likes and has a history of showering with public money?…among these are solar power, windmills, and General Motors cars?…these particular businesses were handed out stimulus money as if it were Halloween and they were children screaming “trick or treatâ€?…that handguns and automatic weapons were not showered with taxpayer dollars and these businesses seem to be out of favor with the President?…gun company stocks are soaring and their products are on backorder across the country?…even in the deep blue City of Los Angeles that lines several blocks long form everyday to purchase any guns and ammo that are delivered to the merchants?…it is curious that the very businesses that the President does not favor have thrived under his administration yet the businesses that have been showered with tax dollars have performed poorly to the point of multiple bankruptcies?…what President Obama needs to do if he really wants to see solar on every roof, a windmill in every backyard and a GM product is every driveway is clear?…Mr. President the best thing you could possibly do for solar, wind, and GM is threaten to ban them from existence by executive order?
Government meetings cannot be held, with certain exceptions, without adequate public notice.
Councilman Friend has stated that the information gleaned from these private meetings with “hizzonor, da mayor” could be taken back to their homes and offices and studied to get a better idea of what is being proposed.
Winnecke has the imnformation. Why could he not put it in a package of information and send it to all members of Council seven to ten days in advance of any normal council meeting? That would seem to satisfy Friend’s objection. Would that be too much of an imposition?
CITIES IN THE RED: Austerity hits America
This should be required reading for the City Council and the Mayor’s Office!
?…that handguns and automatic weapons were not showered with taxpayer dollars and these businesses seem to be out of favor with the President?…gun company stocks are soaring and their products are on backorder across the country?…
I’d like to point out a error in the above statement, first the government does spend millions every year on automatic weapons for the military, second it is and has been illegal for private citizens to purchase or own an automatic rifle AKA a machine gun (other than the guns that were grandfathered) since they were banned in the USA in 1986, you can read the full text here.
and here.
Notice that the only way a private citizen of the USA can legally own a “automatic weapon” is if that weapon was grandfathered and registered which required a background check, the firearm entered into a database including pictures, and the purchase of a Federally issued nontransferable license (tax stamp).
Being critical it is a disservice to the readers to use the term “automatic weapons” when what I believe you really meant was “semi-automatic weapons” to use the incorrect term only serves to further confuse the general public and further the agenda of liberal media which I’m assuming the CCO doesn’t want to be associated with in any stretch of the imagination.
I’ll post this video again for the folks that don’t understand the difference between a “automatic” and “semi-automatic” rifle which encompass rifles from 22 caliber up depending on the “style or design” of the rifle.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Blanger for supplying us with acurate information, over and over again.
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