IS IT TRUE that the EPD Activity Report for yesterday is a near record 21 pages long and apparently Evansville is being widely victimized by a most unusual fetish bandit?…there are a rash of garbage cans reported stolen in both yesterday and Monday’s reports?…we wonder exactly what in the daylights would possess someone to steal garbage cans which have miniscule value as a recyclable item?…hope fully the Oscar the Grouch imitators will be caught soon and this menace will be put to rest?
IS IT TRUE we encourage all of our readers to circle the date of February 16th on their calendar because that is the day that the soon to be 4th ranked Wichita State Shockers come to Ford Center to play the Evansville Purple Aces?…there is a reasonable probability that the Shockers will be ranked even higher by then and maybe even #1 if Arizona, Michigan State, and Syracuse each lose one game on their difficult schedules between now and then?…the home crowd needs to make an effort to attend this game and cheer the Aces who defeated the Final Four participant Shockers two times last year on against this highly ranked team?…this will be the highest ranked team in a long long time to come to Evansville where the Aces historically have fared well when seemingly outmatched?…this will be a rare treat that we hope the people of Evansville will not miss to sit home and watch the idiot box?
IS IT TRUE that the Democratic Central Committee met last night to discuss which candidates should file against the Republicans in upcoming County wide elections? …we hear that former City Councilman and Evansville Fire Chief Keith Jarboe is considering running for the County Commission seat held by Marsha Abell?
IS IT TRUE that we wonder why past Vanderburgh County Sheriff and 8th District Congressman Brad Ellsworth has been attending the last several Democratic Party Central Committee meetings? …that Mr. Ellsworth is the new Division President of Vectren which is well known as the most Republican based corporation in Indiana?…that the new Vectren Division President Brad Ellsworth’s involvement in local Democratic back room political decisions is extremely confusing? …we believe that Division President Ellsworth would better serve Vectren and it’s customers by staying politically neutral?
IS IT TRUE that Mike Duckworth’s newest political patronage job title with the City of Evansville is called Evansville Water Superintendent? …he was the field rep. for U S Senator Richard Lugar…Duckworth was a past Vanderburgh County Deputy, past Superintendent of the County Garage, past Superintendent of City of Evansville Department of Transportation Services and presently a member of the Vanderburgh County School Board?
IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Sheriff Eric Williams just selected Steve Bagby a retired City of Evansville police officer, past 2nd Ward City Councilman, present paid member of the Evansville Safety Board and presently employed as counselor for a company that receives some public funds that serves drug users? …Steve Bagby’s new political patronage job in the Vanderburgh County Sheriff Department is the Director of Community Corrections?
IS IT TRUE we hope that the voters will make political patronage and nepotism employment a major campaign issue in this coming County and City elections.
IS IT TRUE that late night satirist Bill Maher will be coming to town to do a show at the Victory Theater on March 29th at 8 PM?…this is the guy who openly makes fun of Christians and conservatives as mindless tools on a regular basis as the main part of his shtick?…we wonder if Mr. Maher has any idea what he is getting into with his upcoming trip to Evansville?
I like Bill Maher, He calls it like he sees it and better entertainment than an Aces game.
I’m certainly going to see Maher, but will be skipping the Aces. If this community is too thin-skinned to laugh at itself, that’s their loss.
I bet he makes fun of the crosses on the riverfront and jumps on the same sex marriage-go-round. We need a sign at the airport welcoming Maher to the Dark Ages.
Good idea!
Used to think Maher was a decent enough comedian/observer/commenter, before he sold out to CBS. Since then he’s gone downhill.
Wonder if he brings up the movie “Back in the Day” directed by a local SELLOUT. This will surely become a cult classic with todays local youth and will be forever etched into their minds (how classy we are around here)!!!!
Now that’s something I can agree with!
There is nothing mystifying about Vectren toadie Ellsworth’s attendance at Demo meetings.
Vectren sees that the GOP is in death throes, so they are “hedging their bets.”
Does anybody believe that Vectren hired Ellsworth for his managerial expertise? If so, there is some lovely beachfront property to be had in Warrick County that you may be interested in!
I agree on the toadie bit. The thing I remember most about ellsworth was when he was the chief duty for Hamner. He claimed he didn’t know that Ray stole $63,000 of drug buy money supplied by the county commissioners. Ray returned the money and was given probation.
That was a sad thing. I had always thought the world of Ray, and have never understood all of the details there. I think there was more to it than met the eye.
I know this will be hard for you to believe, but if Bettye Lou Jeryl had not of been a county commissioner this may well have been covered up. If Nick Herman instead of Let’em go Levco had of been the prosecutor Ray might have done a little time. Ray stated the money was for a gazebo for his wife. EKB, this is another case of men being lead astray by the wilish ways of women.
Betty Lou Jerrel is a lady I have respected for years, too. She could always be counted on to do the right thing.
Betty Lou lives in my neighborhood. She may not be around for much longer.
Ellsworth ran on being a fiscal conservative, pro-lifer who also supports traditional marriage. Democrat?
The police report query is for 51 hours rather than the usual 24 hour period.
Jarboe, Bagboy (liar & LAZY), Duckworth…when are these losers going to stop feeding at the public trough & get a REAL job? Answer: couldn’t cut it in the real world workplace! Why don’t we have term limits on political patronage jobs?
I’m sick & tired of seeing the same families making careers off taxpayers when we need qualified candidates, not friends of friends filling these positions.
No wonder we’re always paying outside consultants to tell us how to do everything-we hire THE WRONG UNQUALIFIED PEOPLE time & time again.
It’s a long-standing E’ville tradition, that has been going on for over a century. Why would we change things that are working so (ahem)well?
More like a family tradition. Someone recently told me that Bagby and former mayor McDonald were cousins, does anyone know if that’s true?
I don’t know about that, but the gene pool for local pols is getting awfully shallow. Everybody in the Civic Center seems to be related to somebody else in the building.
I had heard several years ago that bagby was jonathon weinzapfels uncle , However I don’t know if it is true or a joke
You may be thinking of McDonald II and the Shetler boys.
You forgot Ziemer.
No, I just try not to think about him! I should be so lucky as to forget him!
Duckworth made a very creepy Officer Friendly come to life…..
He was interesting in the duck costume, as “Deputy Duck.”
EKB,IE;Your local politics…With the last century those kind of political systems thrived through unseen or heard “stuff”,todays world is different communications and the available social media access will sink that old tied boat with the slingshot effect alone.
David, and Goliath of gath,young David and a well chucked rock as they say.
The social media,and IT today seems like the analogy of the many,each piece of pea gravel adds up,you can build a foundation with the stuff,enough chucked into a hull’s hold you can even sink a big armored ship. Tweet,not once but often my friends.
Ever see that Alfred Hitchcock movie “The birds”? Bing.com it, look at the pic.
“Snegols?” Birds and such, guess that takes off on another analogy in itself
“Gutta cavat lapidem,non vi sed saepe cadendo”
“The drop excavates the stone,not by force but by falling often.”(Ovid)
“its gonna be a mess” (Weather Channel guy,Al Roker)
Trust me on this, VR. E’ville is a really, really dirty town. I know where some of the bodies are buried, and it isn’t pretty.
EKB: Agreed, Sure isn’t, “maybe with some new focus applied, you all can improve that some.”
The focus to improve the living environments nationwide starts with something once observed about Copenhagen, Denmark.
Its called “Design Within Reach”*. It seems when that methodology is utilized there “the Design challenge somehow becomes a elegant,and balanced solution.” They use methods of environmental friendliness [miljevelig] that uses the direction of “its most sustainable,”to make” something useful.”
Its the contrast statement to our American Industries,instead of a continuous line of new products ignoring previous designs,solutions of design are found and rethought and presented unique to its designed purposed overall planning. However, an design tweak that’s a usable and sustainable improvement for balanced needs moved forward,elevated a rung or two incrementally forward,so to speak. (destination)
Actually when looking in on Evansville’s forward projection,with the right plan and the right coaching the plan could easily work for the whole metro area.(Good sustainable Jobs)
Especially in concern to the downtown commerce district,and the overall logistical commerce throughput signature.
Having major projects blended with a mind to finding sustainable balance* in the present and projected infrastructure must be a metro wide plan/per blending. (incremental planning)
That,Does then apply the ‘elegance,of design purpose” per each blended location. Really,the most apparent and soon felt CSO mandate should drive anything else that appears to be “Designed”, within the reach there.” (Must do,best sustainable costing balances)
“The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem,it merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one”….. (Albert Einstein)
You’re right on this town being dirty. Do you remember this? a couple of years ago money from the block grant targeted for the food bank ended up going to a political crony for a made up job. The crony was a weinzapel supporter for the arena.
The Dutiful Pollster – From the Continuing Adventures of Mayor Shinnicke
By: Brad Linzy
‘So what are your goals? What are you wanting to demonstrate?’ asked the voice on the phone.
The Mayor relaxed back in his seat and stared at the glass paperweight on his desk. He had already had this discussion with his campaign team and the Party’s Central Committee, but now he wondered again if he was taking the right approach. This side of politics just made him feel uneasy, like those dreams he used to have of showing up at school in only his underwear and bowtie. No one in class would notice at first, but invariably the teacher would call on him to come to the blackboard to balance an equation. That’s when everyone would laugh.
This wasnt supposed to be his style. He ran his campaign on transparency. Well, that, and the need for a new cloverleaf at that intersection near the classy Expressway titty bar and dirty book shop. He wasn’t sure why he thought of it as the ‘classy’ titty bar. Maybe because it was the only one where all the girls still had teeth. That reminded him, he had a Meth Task Force townhall meeting in Ward 3 this weekend. Mustn’t forget.
‘Hello? Mr. Shinnicke? You still there?’
He’d been drifting off again.
‘Yeah, sorry. Just pondering on your question.’ He went on to explain how the team had decided their best issue was parks improvement so he’d like to know more about what the public thought of certain specific planned projects. The reality was he had a couple friends in a local union who had helped in his last campaign and now they had the big idea they’d like to help build another park…or three. Thanks guys. Thanks a lot.
Luckily, most voters respond well to park improvements anyway and frankly any new project would draw attention away from the rest of his record – the perpetual motion machine subsidy, the convention hotel subsidy, the groundbreaking catastrophe, the failure to attract that new barber college downtown like he promised, and oh god, the exercise video. He made a mental note: call IT and ask again how to delete a video from YouTube.
That night the Mayor went home tired. He ate a microwavable pasta dish with what the box claimed was ‘Real Goat Cheese’ and passed out on the sofa. He awoke suddenly around 4:30 in a sweat. He’d had a nightmare of being eaten alive by Richard Simmons and a class of jazzercizers, or whatever sad people with eating disorders called themselves when they put on tights. Simmons had red eyes and wore a toga. He was lounging on his side, helping himself to slices of Mayoral flesh like some ravenous Caligula. It was terrifying. But at least he finally got some sleep…
About a week later the office phone rang. It was Shelley. ‘Huck Stern from Polling Operation Systems is on the line.’
‘Send him through.’
‘Well, I got good news, as promised,’ Stern said. ‘The poll is complete and your approval rating is 76%! Also, your idea of putting a park next to the Expressway garnered a 62% approval, and we even got 53% of female voters to say you are good-looking.’
Punch drunk, the Mayor stared blankly at the transparent glass paperweight on his desk for a moment, looking at the distorted text on the paper underneath, mouth agape… He recalled that part in the movie “Office Space” when the main character and his friends realized their penny-pinching scheme had worked too well, and instead of ripping off a little at a time, it had glitches and ripped off a large, noticeable amount.
‘Don’t you feel those figures sound a little…um…unrealistic?’ the Mayor asked.
‘Our philosophy here at POS is, the actual number isn’t what’s important, people generally don’t question or focus on numbers, they respond emotionally to a piece of information. What’s important are the terms you use in the press release and how positively or negatively it makes them feel. Our research shows that repeating positive phrases in conjunction with your name is what really matters. Get them to like YOU first, or at least think that a majority of their peers do, then you can lure them into liking your ideas. The other key is repetition. If you whip out the poll numbers often enough, they will become a self-fulfilling prophesy. The beauty of majorities is most people love being in them.’ Stern let out a healthy, self-satisfied chuckle at his own quip.
‘There were a few other questions you asked us to check on,’ he continued, ‘like the hotel issue, and the exercise video thing, but we strongly suggest you refrain from using that info in your press releases. Just stick to the stuff on the ‘Summary’ page. In fact, we find it best you don’t even mention anything but the summary.’
The text beneath his paperweight was popping out at him now like a sickly-shaped magnifying glass or carnival mirror. A flash of red-eyed Caligula snapped him back out of his brief daydream. ‘Ok, I see your email. I’ll forward all of this along to Laney.’ Layne Starke was the Party Chairman. The Mayor couldn’t stand the incompetent dumbass, and thought he behaved more like a needy, obsequious bungler than a real Party Chairman, but he did his best to not let his disdain show. Too few friends as it is, he reasoned. He only wished he had 76%. Hell, he’d settle for 36% at this point.
Let’s see what kind of deeper hole Layne can get me into with this one. He pressed the forward button in his email and picked up the phone. ‘Hey Shel, can you call the Meth Task Force people and tell them I’ll have to reschedule again…oh, and patch me through to IT please.’
Is it true a window was recently opened at the Democratic Headquarters in the Kunkle owned Walker Building that created some maintenance issues?
That’s what I hear. It was left open from the summer – no one had been in there since. Frozen pipes burst.
Maybe Mr. Duckworth could look into why the fee for the city water department to debit our checking account for the monthly water bill increased from $0.19 to $0.56 this month.
Vectren does this service for $0.00. Another utility service we use also does this for $0.00. Two cell phone carriers we use also debit our credit card for our monthly usage for $.0.00.
The fee is going to 75 cents in either February or March.
Dear City County Observer: What are the crime statistics for the ENTIRE YEAR of 2013? How do they compare to years earlier? Was last year the most violent year ever in the history of Evansville? Was last year the most ARRESTING year in the history of Evansville? The Evansville Courier hasn’t written that story yet. Probably protecting Chef Belly Bolin – I mean Chief Billy Bolin. Evansville was probably the least safe its ever been last year. And it’s getting worse.
Why don’t just call Duckworth and Bagby the Political patronage twins.
Biden, I heard the same remarks about the democratic headquarters water problems. My sources tell me that water damage has been done to Keith Wallace, Atty, Robert Musgrave, Atty, Evansville Bar Association and couple other offices located on the first floor of the Walker building.
Also hear that the water damages could be well over $100,00. It is being alleged that windows located in the democratic headquarters were let open overnight which caused the water pipes to break. Also heard a big debate is going on who is liable for the expenses of cleaning up this mess.
Come on CCO, this would make a great IIT.
Does anyone know if these were sliding glass doors to a balcony or any other details?
Do tell! We’ve got trouble in River City!
Kunkles appear to be between a rock and a hard place.
Sam,posted above they said that opening was left open since summer…I call load’a BS.
www nowdata.rcc-acis.org/PAH/
Min Temperature
A crime wave of stolen garbage cans: This may give Evansville the honor of being the “trash can crime capitol of the world”.
The theft of trash cans is a direct result of the Mayor’s trash pickup program (demand for trashcans far outpacing supply).
The other shoe will fall very soon–theft of chicken fat.
I asked around about the trash can thefts recently and the best guess from some on the EPD was some sort of inside job by those who distribute the cans in the first place. Getting paid twice for the same thing kind of thing. My original thought was that they were somehow being used in the making of the “single pot” method of meth making, keeping the fumes contained and whatnot.
They should have never put wheels on those things. They are racing on the old Roberts site after dark. Those trash containers lend themselves well to handicapping and therefore gambling. They just add sand or bricks to the the fleetest, the ones with the modified bearings and aerodynamic spoilers. Such changes appear on the racing form (free with a drink and pizza at Kiplee’s) in real time.
A crippled one-wheeled plastic cross, lugged martyristically by its tender, tried to enter a preliminary heat last night and was quickly and properly disqualified by the steward. Height and arrogance were cited but the local federal district court has been notified of a possible filing.
The betting is high and Tropicana won’t stand it for long. Get your money down while you can.
That Robert’s site is really becoming an unsavory locale, isn’t it?
I suspect many are used as compost bins.
They also make wonderful worm containers buried in the ground for those raising their own worms.
Then there’s the Racing @ Roberts possibility.
Evansville’s trash can crime spree…What would Bill Maher say?
As soon as the weather warms up, the homeless will return them.
The actual explanation for the garbage can thefts is that certain hate-choked liberals, two of them quite frequent posters here, are using them as portable hidey-holes to spy on Tea Partiers, other people who work for a living and pay taxes, and the new demons of the moment, the Little Sisters of the Poor. Names, photographs, and license plate numbers are submitted to Organizing For America, Emperor No-Hopey’s neo-brownshirt group. With only a nickel-per-denunciation payment from OFA, the liberals can’t afford to buy their own movable foxholes.
Wow, too clever.
He’s one sick puppy. Another one who can’t get over people taking pictures at a public demonstration.
You got yourself banned from the C&P for this kind of sickness. I do not hide in garbage cans, or anything else. If I want to take a picture, I take it. I wrote down no license numbers because it would be a stupid, paranoid thing to do.
I spent 40 years working for a living, and paid plenty of taxes. I am now retired, and live on pensions that I paid into.
The only thing I submit to OFA is a quarterly donation.
Like everyone else, I have been in situations that were not of my choosing. But, I have the courage to claim my identity and not hide behind a screen name.
I do hope the CCO realizes what a libelous troll you are and acts accordingly.
Well said elkaybee!
Dear CCO: It’s posters like this guy and there have been others, that have caused this page to lose readers and could cost you advertisers. I thought this was supposed to be a local forum for the exchange of ideas and opinions.
I’m really disappointed to see the the types of posts that are so off subject, personal essays, personal attacks and nasty name calling opportunities, crude and off color with rather filthy remarks, slights against women. New posters sometimes get ridiculed, as I have been too. Perhaps it’s time to revisit the rules for posting with a friendly reminder.
We just have to remember that this is a right-wing site, and therefore, tends not to be very woman-friendly. That goes double for LIBERAL women, but I do appreciate the fact that there is no claim of being “unbiased” here!
The CCO does lean RW/Libertarian but I give the editors credit for being open to posting any and all views.
Lets see, we have openly supported same sex marriage, legalization of marijuana, restrictions on public smoking, and accelerating vital infrastructure projects (SEWERS) while interest rates are favorable. Those are hardly RW positions. Of course we lampoon the President over the chaos his implementation of the ACA has created and for his failures to deliver on promises made to get ACA passed. Why wouldn’t both sides be concerned about his failure to perform?
I don’t really care if the page tends to be right or left, it has been going south with comments that remind me of some teenage boys gossipy facebook page rather than local news or the CCO Editors topic discussion.
I agree, Brains. I think they offer an excellent forum for ideas of all sorts to be exchanged, and can’t praise that enough.
The problem I have is with personal attacks when they have no relationship to any of the ideas being discussed.
This is out of order , d/t the lack of “reply” button.
Here we go, we got the victim card into the conversation. Because we all know how all conservatives/republicans hate their own mothers/wives/sisters/wives. That “war on women” thing that the liberals like to spread as if it had been proven.
Kudos to EDITOR. There is a clear expression of fiscal discipline while respecting the individual’s private rights…that must be acknowledged. That respect extends into abstaining from typical Tea Party and the extreme Christian right’s advocacy in the wobbly area of State and Federal dictated morality law (i.e., EDITOR does not advocate prohibiting same-sex marriage…which clearly violates a citizen’s civil rights and equal access to the law). You won’t find EDITOR using his Bible to make a legal argument. I don’t know if EDITOR’s respect for private rights extends to women on a woman’s right to control her own reproductive rights. Logic says he should because a person’s body is their own and not the governments in a world that respects personal privacy, but I don’t know where EDITOR falls on that issue.
This is Joe Wallace one of the editors of the CCO and I speak for myself with the following statement. I have always supported a woman’s right to control her own reproductive rights. I am personally sickened at the prospect of abortion but nevertheless respect the freedom of women to make that choice. The government has no place in such decisions.
agree editor……..anyone still defending barry after lie after lie with the aca being the biggest fraud in Americas history then they are truly sad people with not a ounce of self respect or dignity…………….
One more comment to you, “Howler”, and then I’m done. Since you are a paranoid sissy that hides his identity, I have no idea whether I ever did anything to make you the sicko you are. If I did, it was inadvertent, but I’m really, really glad I did it.
I didnts knows that howler I checks on mys trash cans theys was stills there mines is always weighed downs with empty ripple bottles little harders to takes
I think they are being stolen AFTER they’re emptied, genius.
yous should knows
Is it true Duckworth was a Sullivan County Deputy? No, Vanderburgh County Deputy.
Is it true Duckworth was Superintendent of the Evansville City street dept.? No, Superintendent of the Evansville Department of Transportation Services.
Is Duckworth a paid member of the school board? Yes just like all school board members.
Mike Duckworth is a helluva nice guy and very competent, probably a couple of the reasons he gets along so well across political lines and administrations. He has also been an excellent witness in court, truthfulness goes a long way in that department. I can see how he becomes a lightning rod, engendering jealousy where none is warranted.
I didn’t realize there was another mike duckworth in town
Thanks waitamin, so noted. We shall correct later on today.
So now we should support a univ that is struggling bc of bad decisions they made themselves but should not stick one penny into an iconic building on second and chestnut? Um no. I say go shox. I app those who have chosen not to support UE ball, voice, and this park that isn’t even a park.
Speaking of the shox. Their home city just built a brand new 15k seat arena. Of course that new arena wasn’t just named one of the highest selling ticket facilities and the shox didn’t just go to the final four. How will Wichita state survive?
Does anyone know the facts about the recent flooding in the Kunkle owned Walker Building supposedly caused by open windows in the Democrat Headquarters?
Oh boo hoo, snuffle, snuffle, sob.
Does anyone know if the floors above Dem. Hdqts. are vacant, and whether the Kunkle boys kept the thermostats set too low, resulting in the sprinkler system bursting?
Boo hoo boo hoo, snuffle, sob.
My, they do out themselves, don’t they?
Conservative, Liberal?
Posts from The Drivel Clones on either side are easily spotted, —ignored, or laughed at.
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