IS IT TRUE? January 13, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? January 13, 2012

IS IT TRUE that as there have been many newsworthy events being announced by Mayor Winnecke’s office during the last week we at the City County Observer are wondering why it is that we have not been on the distribution list of media outlets that have received these notices?…that we have been having to rely on other publications to learn about things like appointments to the Evansville Redevelopment Commission, appointments to important City of Evansville department head positions, and even Mayor Winnecke’s stance on Evansville’s distinction as the “Obesity Capital of America” as being memorialized in celluloid (was very tempted to write cellulite)?…that we are accustomed to being left out of the exclusive club of favored media by the Old Boss’s minister of propaganda but were assured that the New Boss would include the CCO in all Mayoral press releases and announcements?…that we are counting on the Winnecke administration to get the CCO on it’s distribution list as the Winnecke campaign was both prompt and excellent about?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin was the feature attraction in the USA Today on Tuesday under the section where the biggest news of the day in each state is profiled?…that Chief Bolin’s decision to allow police officers to take their cruisers home for the evening was deemed by USA Today to be the most newsworthy snippet of information in Indiana on that particular day?…that this decision was a good one and that visible police presence in any neighborhood serves to keep crime down?…that Chief Bolin will be in a rocking chair someday telling his grandkids about the day he made the national news for being smart in his new position?

IS IT TRUE that the Indiana State Legislature is gearing up to have a vote on a statewide smoking ban in the next couple of sessions?…that it appears as though the number of exemptions this year is being reduced to a level that cancer advocates will support it?…that last year there were enough exemptions that anyone with a pulse and two brain cells could have found a way around the proposed law?…that thus far this year’s bills are only exempting things that are truly debatable as opposed to last year’s?…that 2012 may just be the year that the State of Indiana takes the first step to catch up to what much of the country did as much as 25 years ago?…that the City of Evansville is doing the same thing and the first reading according to Mole #1 will be happening on January 23rd?…that it would have been on the 16th except for the fact that the 16th is a paid holiday and the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?…that we are eager to see what the details of the City of Evansville resolution to strengthen the smoking ordinance will be as 6 of the members of the Evansville City Council have expressed a willingness to support a strengthening of the smoking ordinance?…that the only real debatable issue appears to be Casino Aztar?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #3 was tracking Joe Wallace in his trek across the United States to his new home in California and once called him on the road and missed his whereabouts by less than 10 miles?…that Joe has no idea how Mole #3 was tracking him so well from the barstool in South Florida?…that Mr. Wallace reports that there have been more venture deals seriously discussed in his first 3 days on the job in California than were discussed in his three years as the president and CEO of Gage?…that he sends the message that it is not a chicken and egg proposition as many locals assert when it comes to making angel and venture funding available?…that angel and venture funding (the egg) have to be in place and announced to inspire entrepreneurs to give it a try in any location and that venture money attracts entrepreneurs like a flame attracts a moth or even as a tax abatement or corporate welfare from the government attracts a hotel developer or a big factory?…that he also hopes to see the Evansville area solve this major shortcoming some day in the future?


  1. You can’t be serious. You cannot honestly be surprised that you’re not on Winnecke’s distribution list, can you?
    How many times do we have to say it?
    New boss = old boss = Weinzapfel = Winnecke

    Evansville elected more of the same. We should all be scared.

  2. He’s elected…the whims & wants of the CCO are no longer as much a concern…

  3. I think, if you will check, there is a state law requiring the media to send a letters of request, prior to January 1 of each year, if they wish to receive information from public organizations or government bodies.

    Perhaps with all the changes going on at th CCO, someone forgot to send the renewal requests. Hopefully, your status will be renewed and you can continue to purvey the true facts about activities in the public arena.

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