We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUEâ€Â will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
IS IT TRUE that Evansville, Indiana has always been accepting of a practice known as “political patronage†when it comes to jobs that are financed fully or partially by public dollars?…it has been so entrenched that a former Evansville Mayor whom we shall not name has been quoted as saying “I get all of the credit and they take all of the blame†to justify appointing his political supporters to jobs under his control?…”political patronage” came about at about the same time that the Tammany Hall shake down tactics in New York City were being used to drain the public coffers to enrich the politically connected?… the one thing that “political patronage“ staffing never seems to require is any expertise at all with respect to the job that one is being appointed to?  …”political patronage” staffing is a dangerous artifact of the past and has no reason to exist in the present?…the need for competence as opposed to loyalty will someday drive ‘political patronage” staffing from local government, but until then shenanigans like putting campaign managers and workers into well-paid positions that are out of their league will continue?
IS IT TRUEÂ at 9:00 am today Evansville City Clerk Laura Brown Windhorst, 6th Ward City Councilman James Brinkmeyer, City Council Candidates Kaitlin Moore Morley, and Zac Heronemus are going to officially declare their intent to run in the 2019 City election?
IS IT TRUE that we are told that the At- Large City Councilmen Jonathan Weaver is still considering running for Mayor? …we are hearing that many people are encouraging him to run for Mayor?
IS IT TRUEÂ that 2nd Ward City Councilwoman Missy Mosby wii announce that she will run for re-election in a couple of weeks? …that on January 14, 2019 Dr. D’Angelo S. Taylor will announce that he will be a City Council candidate in the 2nd Ward primary?
IS IT TRUE that Ben Trockman won’t be a candidate for the 1st Ward City Council seat? …Alex Burton is postured to announce that he will be a candidate for the City Council 4th Ward once Connie Robinson declares she’s retiring from politics?
IS IT TRUE that the State of Indiana is considering a whopping $2 per pack tax on cigarettes?…some may attribute this to some mental enlightenment in Indianapolis but other more astute people will see this for what it is which is a tax grab on Hoosiers who are addicted to smoking?…that the tobacco dependent State of Kentucky raised the taxes on cigarettes by 50 cents a pack last year and saw a measurable decrease in smoking across the river?…years and decades of ads targeting smokers across the river had little impact but 50 cents a pack got them to cut back?…economic penalties always seem to be the most impactful way to curb destructive behavior whether it is fastening seat belts, wearing a helmet while driving a motorcycle or cutting out the tobacco?…human nature is fearful of losing and losing 50 cents has motivated many Kentuckians to stop smoking in the Bluegrass State?…this will work in the Hoosier state too if the state legislature puts on their big boy pants and votes this tax in?
IS IT TRUE that after all of these years that started with the admonition by Evansville City Councilman Dr. Dan Adams at the downtown Evansville Rotary Club, Evansville is still one of the only medium sized cities in the nation not to have imposed a smoking ban indoors?…that was cowardice of the highest order and showed a government addiction to tax money from places where smokers gather?…several City Council members over the years have called upon the State of Indiana to bail them out from the albatross of a smoking ban and it has never happened?…perhaps this $2 tax will help?…high taxes on cigarettes have helped reduce smoking everywhere with or without bans and it is about time that Indiana joined the modern world?…both the Weinzapfel and Winnecke Administrations have hid from this like a child hides from a ghost?…the option to save ourselves has been squandered time and time again in the name of keeping the tax dollars flowing and the graveyards growing?
IS IT TRUE we wonder what the status of the multi-million dollars “Johnson Control Smart Meter” project that was started right after Mayor Winnecke  took office?
IS IT TRUE Its time that our City officials take a serious look at both the Veterans Memorial Coliseum and Mesker Amphitheater and see how we make them once again a major part of our social, cultural and entertainment offerings?
IS IT TRUE the most effective members of the Evansville City Council Finance Committee were John Friend, CPA and Curt John?
IS IT TRUE that Willy Taylor did an outstanding job when he served as a Vanderburgh County Councilmen? …James Raben is also doing a creditable job as a member of the Vanderburgh County Council?
IS IT TRUE that the most effective Vanderburgh City Tax Assessors were Jim Angermier and Cheryl Musgrave?
IS IT TRUE that Tom Ossenburg and Dave Mosby were very good County Commissioners? …That both Ben Shoulders and Cheryl Musgrave are making good decisions for the taxpayers of Vanderburgh County?
IS IT TRUE that Betty Knight Smith, Marsha Abell Barnhart and Shirley Cox did a great job in the Vanderburgh County Clerks office? …current County Clerk Carla Hayden is doing a bang up job?
IS IT TRUE that Rick Davis was an outstanding Vanderburgh County Treasurer? Â …that Susan Kirk is doing a great job in that office?
IS IT TRUE that Eric Williams, Brad Ellsworth and Jim DeGroote were outstanding Vanderburgh County Sheriffs? …that current Sheriff Dave Wedding is doing a great job?
Todays“Readers Poll†question is: Who was the most effective President of the Evansville City Council?
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I know how to get the $ to renovate the Mesker Amphitheater.
JoeBiden will love it, cause he’s pushing the exact same plan right now on another project.
Get the Mayor to stand up and tell a bold-faced lie to the local taxpayers that “Mesker Amphitheater will be rebuilt, greater than ever, and MEXICO WILL PAY FOR IT!”
Get the Mayor to promise that, and then put the actual cost of that in the budget and soak the local taxpayers for the freight. I can hear the Mayor now, “We’re gonna have a new Mesker Amphitheater, and it will all be paid for with PESOS!”
Flashback 2016: Trump Says Mexico Will Pay for the Wall “Through Money We Save on Trade Negotiationsâ€
In March 2016 Candidate Trump explained to Sean Hannity how Mexico will pay for the wall.
Trump told Sean Mexico will pay for the wall through “the money we save on trade negotiations.â€
Right. Who pays on your plan? US Taxpayer, that’s who. Cram it buddy.
Lies. Damn lies. Exactly what you would expect from lyin’ trash.
Joe! Where are the pesos to pay for the wall? Where are the pesos?
Weinzapfel and his cronies told us that the Ford Center would pay for itself. It has been over 7 years and it still loses $10 million per year when all things are considered. Isn’t that the same thing as saying Mexico would pay?
Weinzapfel also told us if we build the Ford Center (aka john) we will get a
**** 4 star hotel at no cost to the taxpayers,,,,,that was also a lie
Indeed he did. I had forgotten. He is paying the price though. He will never be elected to anything again for all of the damage he did with arrogance and blind ambition.
You’re talking about Trump. Right?
Ready for Hillary 2020: Philippe Reines Says She May Run Again
Weaver for Mayor? That is funny. Thanks for the laugh.
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