IS IT TRUE just before Mondays nights City Council meeting a Democratic member of Council received unexpected phone call from Council President Missy Mosby?  …its alleged that Ms. Mosby asked the Democratic member of Council to run for Vice President of Council since it was obvious that At-Large Councilman Jonathan Weaver didn’t have the votes to win re-election as Vice President?  …its alleged the main reason why Ms. Mosby wanted the Democratic member of Council to run for Vice President was to stop 5th Ward City Councilman Justin Elpers (R) from being elected as the next Vice President of City Council?  …the rest is history?  …we are extremely pleased that Justin Elpers was elected Vice President of the Evansville City Council because he is honest, intelligent, conservative and an all around good person?

IS IT TRUE that a female entrepreneur is reported to have expressed an intention to lease a building to start a business in Evansville and was denied an opportunity to sign the lease unless her husband was also willing to sign?…the landlord in this particular case was to have been the West Side Nut Club, that has been known for fairness, competence, and civic pride for many decades?…if this female had the qualifications to be approved for a lease and was denied the opportunity because of her gender then this issue needs to be revisited by the Nut Club?…if she lacked the qualifications then the City County Observer would like to offer a representative of the West Side Nut Club an opportunity to clear this issue up as gender discrimination is no way to conduct business in this United States?…we await a comprehensive explanation for this situation and hope that the West Side Nut Club is being fair but will not hesitate to condemn such an action if the entrepreneur’s allegations are grounded in truth?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville City Councilman Jonathan Weaver was passed over for the prestigious position of Vice President of the City Council for 2017?…the other members of the City Council elected Councilman Justin Elpers to serve in the leadership role over Councilman Weaver?…that Mole #3 tells the City County Observer that many members of the City Council are tired of being embarrassed by the extracurricular activities that Councilman Weaver has a knack for getting himself into?…these extracurricular activities have included alleged violation of a restraining order, excessive partying, and being generally disrespectful of other?…that it is time that Councilman Weaver learned what behavior is expected of public officials and start ,to live that way?..if he can’t do that, he should never run for office again?

IS IT TRUE plans are being hatched to finally move the LST to a more accessible location near the new downtown on land Tropicana Casino Complex?…we certainly hope this will give LST related tourism a boost?…having toured the LST on several occasions we can all attest to the historical learning opportunity it offers about Evansville’s role in World War II?  …we also recommend that the City review the legal contracts between them and the”Riecken Family” so their won’t be any financial conflicts between both parties once the boat moves?

IS IT TRUE there are some students of the now defunct ITT Technical Institute who are taking their grievances to court in hopes of having their student loans forgiven?…ITT has filed bankruptcy so the entity that received the money is not going to be capable of offering any refunds or assuming the debt?…if these debts are forgiven it will be the taxpayers of the USA who eat the costs?…ITT was known for high prices and credentials of marginal value?…all of that aside there are many former ITT students who did learn a skill and are gainfully employed earning more than they were before they attended ITT?…ITT is not alone among higher education institutions to have debt laden graduates flipping burgers for a living because they pursued a degree with limited commercial value?…whatever standards that ITT is held to, should be enforced on all colleges who are paid but deliver little value?…if these students are granted relief it will open the floodgates and the US taxpayer will be the losers?…we wonder whatever happened to letting the buyer beware (caveat emptor) and letting each person be responsible for their own decisions both good and bad?

FOOTNOTE:  Todays “Readers Poll” question is: are you pleased that City Council elected 5th Ward Council member Justin Elpers as the Vice President of that body?


  1. A landlord seeking to inhibit liability by asking a tenant’s spouse to co-sign a lease, is not gender discrimination.

    Just an FYI.

    If there is some evidence of gender discrimination, Editor needs to specify that. Especially now the accusation has been leveled.

    • Well stated. Spreading the risk of a loan or lease by requiring a co-signer is pretty standard, methinks.

  2. WALL STREET JOURNAL…..Today, December 11, 2017:

    “The FBI memos include claims that Russian officials have evidence of Mr. Trump engaging in sexual acts with prostitutes at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Moscow, and have held the information in reserve as potential blackmail.”

    The Commies/Russians put out a statement that said, “We never collect and distribute incriminating information on other politicians.” (That’s a true statement, right?)

    This is the hazard of voting for a reality TV star for President of the United States.

    You guys voted for this Trash. C’mon, scurry like rats and make your accusations that the Wall Street Journal is liberals guys! Whine that the WSJ is being unfair! Then run back under the woodwork you rats!!!

    • Hmmmmm. I’ve been wondering what kind of idiots swallow the fake news emminating from the fake news networks. It’s pretty clear now DB.
      If sexual acts with a prostitute (or in Clinton’s case, just about everyone) is blackmail material, there is a treasure trove of potential blackmailing of Bill Clinton.
      BTW. Why do you “think” the Russians preferred Trump over Clinton?

    • Today, Tramp put to rest idiots who believe this fake BS ..come on Decker get real!!!!

  3. Doesn’t the City Council have five dems? How can five dems allow Mr. Elpers, (R) to take a leadership position. Now, Ms Mosby has a dilemma on her hands. Is she going to appoint Butterfly McGinn chairman of the most important committee, i.e. Finance. If she does this, the dem loyalist should consider her actions absolute evidence she is a republican (DINO democrat in name only) !

  4. In regards to Mosby’s selection of the Finance Chair, IS IT TRUE that if she selects a Dem her success as a realtor may be in the balance?

  5. If the LST replaces the Tropicana’s boat at the plaza it would free up its current anchorage built with tax dollars. The city should be looking to get one of the many excursion boats, like the American Queen, etc., to commit to making that anchorage an embarkation/debarkation point open to all passenger craft plying the rivers.

    I can remember as a young boy when you would hear the steam calliope music you knew a paddle boat was at the plaza, and made a bee-line there to see it. It certainly did not happen with the frequency it did in my father’s or grandfather’s day, but it did happen many times.

    • (…this RINO thing is old. You’re just mad McCain has the goods on the guy Communist Russia tried to help get into Office! Besides Press, you are naked, bony and a fool to even use the RINO term. Your reality TV star Trump is the biggest RINO in America. We laugh at the insignificance.)

    • McCain is simply being his normal, deplorable self Press. What’s scary is how the FBI has been politicised under Comey.

  6. ms mosby & mr weaver take orders from their boss the mayor, in reality they are neither democrat nor republican,just a politician

  7. Anyone see the C&P this morning regarding yet another FLASH BANG grenade incident ? This one caused a drug case conviction to be reversed.

  8. Why is it that Americans believe that as humans we have basic rights. Based on the world standards, we have no rights. As such, the American Bill of Rights are not rights, but a gift from God and as such when those gifts are abused, i.e. fake news …lies…lies…lies…our gift from God could vary well be removed. Beware, the wolf could very well be at the threshold?

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