IS IT TRUE the County Commissioners are contemplating doing something to make Burdette Park become a “destinationâ€?…depending just what they mean by “destination†for 3 or 4 months a year this idea may just have some merit as the basics for family recreation seem to be in place and have been for years?…the pool at Burdette provides a favorable experience in so long as the babbling hoard that goes there keeps dirty diapers out of the water and the maintenance crew does their job?…maintenance and cleanliness have been a repellent to many to go to Burdette for many years now but much of that blame lies with a small number of slovenly people who are allowed by the staff to soil the place without consequence?…prior to spending $25,000 on a marketing campaign there needs to be some basic maintenance and upgrading done and a written operations plan to assure that the new visitors drawn to this “destination†by the marketing will have a favorable experience and come back?…the stewards of Burdette Park can take some lessons from Holiday World in keeping a park clean, being user friendly, and running a tight ship?…that Burdette Park will be competing with Holiday World for customers and will have to offer an equivalent experience per dollar to make any new promotion a success?…we wonder where the Evansville Convention and Visitor’s Bureau stands on Burdette Park as a tourist destination?…if it is so great and the ECVB has missed this hidden pearl there should be some discussion about that?…we also wonder how on earth there could possibly be any hope of success without a $40 Million hotel sitting right next to it?
IS IT TRUE the saga of the socialist regime that was voted to lead France just continues to get more amusing?…when newly elected President Francois Hollande ran on a platform of soaking the evil rich to the tune of a 75% marginal income tax rate he probably did not think that the incidence of out migration of wealthy French people would increase by 500% in the first year of his reign?…a very prominent actor named Gerard Depardieu is the latest defector to renounce his citizenship and leave France?…his choice of residence for tax purposes did indeed shock a few people when he chose to leave French soil for RUSSIA where he was embraced by President Vladimir Putin?…many will be surprised to learn that RUSSIA has apparently learned its lesson from its 70 year failed experiment with Communism and now has a 13% FLAT RATE for INCOME TAX?…if the Ruskies had a decent place from a weather perspective they may just be in a position to recruit many of the world’s best minds with earning capacity to their shores?…that while France does not have an EXIT FEE associated with leaving their country, the good old USA does indeed charge people of means a pretty stiff fee to leave as was shown when one of the Facebook founders did exactly that in moving to Singapore to minimize the future tax bite of selling his billion+ worth of shares?
IS IT TRUE the exodus to minimize taxes is happening with a select group in California too?…the lock up period for selling Facebook shares by employees has lapsed and the phenomena of “cashing out†as is a Silicon Valley tradition for stock option millionaires has begun?…there are perhaps thousands of every day workers at Facebook who have stock options worth millions of dollars?…California just passed a referendum to tax these evil performers at a 13% marginal rate on their state income tax?…most of these people have been earning below the $250,000 billionaire threshold set by the Obama Administration and have a “one time†event in the millions to deal with?…if they remain on their jobs in California and cash out a cool $10 Million in stock options the State of California will be standing there smiling to take $1.3 Million of those dollars?…if they rent an apartment, get a driver’s license, and register to vote in Nevada, Florida or 5 other states that have NO INCOME TAX before cashing out that tax burden goes to ZERO?…after a year on hiatus that paid them $1.3 Million they can then return to Silicon Valley and get a different job if they wish because jobs there for techies are plentiful and there is not a damn thing the California legislator can do about spending a year out of state on a tax vacation?
Maybe their plan is to build a hotel with an indoor water park? Ha! At least it would be a year-round destination.
Burdette needs to build back a state-of-the-art roller skating facility that would provide year around income. One that could host regional and national competitions.
Actually a hotel by the park would probably be a more practical investment then by the new stadium. There is supposedly eighteen million dollars for ballparks I have yet to find anybody wants. Could not some of this money be used? As for maintenance the jobs they cut to save money are the maintenance jobs. Not the desk jobs. Just saying….
The Vanderburgh County Board of County Commissioners should be commended for any actions that will promote tourism and greater local use of Burdette Park. The park is a jewel that just needs to be polished to a higher luster, and marketed more aggressively. That takes an investment of funds, mostly.
My experience with Burdette Park over many years is the staff is willing and able. They love the park, love working there, and they know its true value. They just need adequate funding, and professional guidance to brand and market the park more effectively.
100% Agree.
Russia’s Black Sea coast is probably their best candidate. It doesn’t have much infrastructure, but it’s beautiful and the weather isn’t unpleasant.
Why not sell the Centre to a hotel developer and turn it into a profit making building instead of a sink hole for taxes.
absolutely correct, jeffers. they always want to build new when they have a place that needs what you suggested.
I agree with Bill and I would also like to add that while I despise almost all of the actions of David Mosby I do give him credit for trying to build a lazy river at Burdette. He even had the funding and deals signed before losing office. If those plans are still in the cabinet down at the civic center, I would like to see them resurrected.
If the United States does indeed have an exit tax our Pres… err totalitarian dictator Barack Insane Obama is nothing more than a Third World tyrant. What comes next…re-education camps and euthanasia hospitals?
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