IS IT TRUE the City’s acquisition of the dilapidated and vacant CVS property located at the corner of Columbia and North Main street was purchased by the City DMD Department over 2 years ago for $525,000? …that the Director of the Evansville DMD Kelly Coures told City Council that this property would be able to rent for $18,000 per year? …if this property was rented for $18,000 a year the real value would be $180,000 not $525.000? …the value of this building should be lower because of the bad condition and the location of the building?

IS IT TRUE dilapidated and vacant CVS property located at the corner of Columbia and North Main street allegedly had many individuals that were going to lease their property from the City of Evansville DMD Department but all failed through? …the Director of the Evansville DMD now claims that Deaconess Hospital is interested in acquiring this property for a testing lab? …we hope that this property won’t be taking from the tax roll because of Deaconess Hospital not-for-profit status? …we hope that they pay at least $525,000 to acquire this property?

IS IT TRUE just right across the street from the vacant CVS Building 6 houses are now vacant and surrounded by a security fence for possible demolition to make way for another City of Evansville DMD or Evansville Land Bank project? …the properties addresses begin at 16 to 32 West Columbia Street just right off North Main Street? …we wonder who owned these properties and who bought them to demolish for how much per home? …we also wonder if people renting the above houses were abruptly forced to move elsewhere?

IS IT TRUE the Regents of the University of California need to take notice though, since when the faculty and student at the University of Missouri threw a free speech oppression tantrum a few years ago, the financial penalties came fast and hard?…the incoming freshman class at Missouri was so much smaller that two dorms had to be closed and the alumni giving declined by $30 Million?…President Trump’s threat to withhold federal dollars from UC Berkeley is much less of a threat to their coffers than the massive alumni base cutting off donations and sending their offspring elsewhere for an education?…several UC Berkeley alums including the creator of Dilbert have already stated their intention to cease their generosity?…this should be a theme going forward for universities who allow oppression of freedom of speech by cowering to the mob in the street?…if the faculties and administrations will no,correct this cowardly refusal to provide a place where freedom of speech is practiced, it is time for their generous alumni to take the bull by the horns and starve them into returning to places of knowledge, tolerance, and freedom?

FOOTNOTE:  Do you feel that the Evansville City Council should give a developer of an existing Eastside Shopping Mall a $80,000 tax credit phase-in so he can renovate it?



  1. That CVS building has a voracious appetite. Whatever happened to the dialysis shop that was (for sure) setting up there? It begins to look like another bad buy from an administration that simply can’t be believed. Dump another 15 million into that fine area, that’ll solve it. Another bike lane to nowhere wouldn’t hurt either.

    • This property is the poster child for what has become a standard operational procedure by this city administration since the train left the tracks in 2007-2008. If your name is on the right list, the city will pay you half a million dollars for a property that no one has any interest in owning, and would otherwise sit there until it rusted down, or the city condemned it.

      • The CVS building fiasco is Dumb, Dumber and Dumberest. Have they channeled the old ERC?

  2. Janet Napolitano, Democrat who enforced Obama’s open border policy as Secretary of the Department Of Homeland Security, thereby flooding the U S with illegal aliens, is U C Berkeley president. She is paid handsomely. She is presiding over rioting and destruction on campus in protest of the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos who is homosexual. Can anyone say homophobic? In California, Dem land of progressives?
    MSM (fake news) labeled those opposed to homosexual marriage as homophobes. Maybe they are not yet aware of Milo’s sexual preference.

    • (…the scale of ineptitude by the author of this post is stunning. Milo came to a campus known for demanding tolerance to announce the creation of a scholarship program limited “to white men.” The Milo guy, HE was trying to start a fire. He was successful. DannCoulter, for you to think this is about homophobia…shows us all, you’re dumb as a rock. It’s like you stopped school at the 5th grade.)

  3. Don’t confuse the California legislature with Californians. It is not always the will of the people that comes from Sacramento. See the link below. CA voted against gay marriage. It was the Supreme Court who granted that right to all states at the same time. I think it was in 2013.

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