IS TRUE that the annual salary paid to the EVSC Superintendent of Schools in 2014 was 196,077?  …in 2015 he was paid a whooping $226,0777 per year?  …we wonder what he is being paid in 2016? …his counter part in Warrick County made $141,528 in 2015?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the Vanderburgh County Commissioners recently changed vendors to manage County employees retirement funds? …we were told that the old vendor insured County employees they shall receive 3 1/2% return on investment each year but the new vendor doesn’t?

IS IT TRUE the Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission recently selected 15 people as semifinalists to replace retiring Indiana Supreme Court Justice Brent Dickson?  …we predict  that State Rep. Thomas W. Washburn, Old National Bancorp, Evansville will be selected as one of the top 3 finalists?  …if this happens we expect to see one heck of political battle over his nomination because of his extreme right wing core values?

IS IT TRUE it looks like that City Council legal advisor Josh Claybourn may have given some bad advise to his bosses?  …is appears that Claybourn may have redrafted an ordinance passed by other cities that strengthen the anti-discrimination protections for lesbian, gay and transgendered people that may have legal problems?  …if City Council passes the Claybourn ordinance tonight they can expect major legal challenges by many religious groups?  … that Weaver and Mosby attempt to amend the current ordinance concerning this issue doesn’t go unnoticed but we feel it should be tabled for further legal review by the Mayors attorney Ted Ziemer?

IS IT TRUE on Feb 18, 2016, at 6:17 PM, Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra  wrote: “Please join: Bishop Charles Thompson, Catholic Diocese of Evansville, Rabbi Gary Mazo, Temple Adath B’Nai, Imam Omar Atia, Islamic Center of Evansville, Pastor Jeff Kinkade, City Church of Evansville and Maestro Alfred Savia, Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra?  …the message stated that “Leading ministers and scholars of faith in our community will participate in a panel discussion about the dramatic events in the life of the prophet Elijah? … the e-mail also stated that: “What impact does Elijah’s teaching have on their faith communities today and how are the faiths unified by the prophet’s teaching?  …it was finally stated that “What lessons can we take away from Elijah? Maestro Alfred Savia will discuss the composer Felix Mendelssohn’s oratorio, “Elijah,” and the upcoming presentation of the work by the Evansville.?

IS IT TRUE Rev Adrian Brooks pastor of Memorial Baptist church posted this comment on the CCO last week-end concerning the above Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra e-mail sent to him on Feb 18, 2016?   …Rev Brooks stated: “I am a former member of the Board of Directors of the Evansville Philharmonic and a supporter of some of their events. I just offered my perspective and concern. I certainly was not suggesting that I was being overlooked. I am not a scholar. There are African American scholars in our community who could offer a theological perspective on Elijah that the others might miss. I stand by my concern. I received this invitation and responded.”  …we agree with Rev Brooks that there are African American scholars in our community who could offer a theological perspective on Elijah?  …it looks like the leadership of Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra made a major public relations mistake and should quickly move to correct it?

IS IT TRUE in case you haven’t noticed we think it time to we point out that our local men and women dressed in blue are doing one hell of a job protecting us from bad people?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that the local and state wide union leadership are gearing up to elect John Gregg as the next Governor of Indiana?  …we predict that the election between Governor Pence and John Gregg will be one heck of a knock and in your face political battle held in years?

IS IT TRUE that we encourage our readers to either attend tonights City Council meeting in person or watch it on television?  …don’t be surprised to see a lot of 9-0 votes cast this evening by Mayor Winnecke’s “puppet City Council”?

IS IT TRUE last week we had a short telephone conversation with the new owner of the Evansville Hockey team? …Mr. Mike Hall indicated that he has investor/partner in this business venture? …he said that the management of the Ford Center, VenueWorks, is partnering with him in this venture? …Mr. Hall promises to get back with us and give more detailed information about his business arrangement with VenueWorks? …we are still waiting for Mr. Hall to send us a detailed information explaining this agreement between him and VenueWorks?

IS IT TRUE last week DMD Director Kelly Coures hit the airwaves declaring that tonight City Council will vote 9-0 to approve his ill-advised $18 million dollars North Main street “Bike Trail” (political pork barrel) project in the seedy part of town? …if City Council members agreed to support this project by a 9-0 margin without open public discussion this should be considered a breach of the public trust?  …all we have to say is so much for transparency in local government?

IS IT TRUE our next “IS IT TRUE” will be posted on this coming Wednesday?

If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County

Todays “Readers Poll”: Do you feel that Rev Brooks should be upset that African-American Clergy was not included in a Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra event?

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed



  1. Naturally with IN-BED Ed (Ed Hafer) fingerprints on the North Main folly one could only expect the project’s cost going from 13 mil to 18 mil. Remember the Robert’s Stadium rehab in 1989. Started at 4.5 mil and landed in at 18.5 mil that we know about. Of course old Ed must have failed to core down into the sub-floor because why would he tap into virtually the Ohio River. Like the water issue at Roberts we now have the trolly tracks on North Main. Where in the hell is Steven Spielburg when you need him. Only he could write this script. If this passes in it’s current form we truly have morons on this council.

    • I happened to overhear Hafer selling the bike lanes to a business person while having lunch at an eatery in the area last summer. He kept saying how great Bob’s Bikes was going to be for the businesses thete. He said bike riders would be stopping for lunch and dinnet and how the lady at the cake shop would sell dozens of box lunches to riders. At that time, I understand the bike shop was already out of business.

      • Of course he failed to disclose his 1.5 million he was receiving for this folly. When the hell are the people of this damned community will wake up is see what the hell is going on around them!!!!

  2. Interesting question about the high salary of EVSC Superintendent David Smith! On reading Sundays paper I observe that our State Auditor Susanne Crouch receives $78,000 and I believe our mayor is at $100,000. I question why David Smith and our elected school board consider he is worth such a high salary when our EVSC School corporation only received a C grade. I think our students deserve better for the money being spent on Mr. Smith and his administration team.

    • Perhaps his salary should be hinged on student performance? If that would be the case probably would coincide with our Mayor’s salary level performance.

    • Doesn’t it seem that performance and salary levels are in many aspects inverted? Sport figures who are millionaires working for billionaires. Heard that one of our CEO’s of one of our hospitals earns nearly 2 mil per year. The CEO of Vectren earnings millions. But it is sure nice to know that our average household income in Evansville trails the state by nearly 6 k per year. And we wonder why old Bernie is getting traction?

    • Most Hoosier’s don’t realize that the two (2) highest paid public officials (and not necessarily elected ones) in any Indiana County are the Sheriff and Superintendant of the local school system.

      • Actually check out what the coaches at public division 1 schools make (i.e. IU and Purdue)

  3. Well, it’s great to hear that Labor Bosses are rallying around Mr. Gregg. Once told that if any local gave money to Riecken it would be considered labor money fighting labor money. Must be totally confused. In review of Winnecke’s campaign donor’s list our local union bosses gave generously and in review of Winnecke’s donation to other officeholders you will discover that Mr. Pence received money from our old Mayor. Well, let’s review the prior comment, Labor money fighting labor money???? uhh?

    • Winnecke has somehow managed to get into bed with just about everybody. I really don’t understand how people can be so stupid.

      • Bob, it is simple . . when you deal with people with limited talent, it is easy to cast a few dollars their way and they will stand up and bark like the dogs they are . . that simple!!!!

    • I doubt there is going to be much of a battle for governor. I hope I’m wrong but don’t see Gregg putting up much of a.battle.

  4. Why don’t we just put the antidiscrimination ordiance on hold and let other cities defend it? We don’t need to pay the bill on this. Claybourn is such a right wing nut, he couldn’t do much to defend it.

  5. Rep. Washburn would make an excellent Indiana Supreme Court Judge. He is a solid conservative. Let’s hope he makes it to the final 3 and that Southwest Indiana is again represented on the Indiana Supreme Court.

  6. I hear from somebody I trust that the CEO of Deaconess made a million and a half in 2013 and 1.8 million dollars in 2014. Can anybody verify that? That’s a nonprofit, and it makes Smith look like a bargain. I wonder what the CEO at St. Mary’s made.

    • Lord help you it you have a bill with Deaconess . . you will find yourself in the courts in flash. Guess Deaconess need the money to paid its CEO. Pitiful, just Pitiful.

  7. We have the greatest group of clowns any city could ask for,the Mayor,city council ,can’t forget the idiot at DMD,and Ol’e Snuffy Smith with the corp. Blame yourself people ,you voted them in office.

  8. Is it true that Connie Robinson is now Friend and Brinkerhoff/Riley’s new puppet! Is Connie Robinson will now over run the NEW council members with OLD ISSUES.

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