Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE February 9, 2015

IS IT TRUE February 9, 2015


IS IT TRUE the increased bill from the Evansville Water and Sewer Department to the people of Evansville and Vanderburgh County showed up in the most recent bill and boy does it have some people hopping mad?…one county dweller advised the City County Observer that his bill for 8,000 gallons of water was $129.92 for the month?…this writer who lives in the California drought zone used 3,500 gallons last month and had a bill of exactly $11.00 so one has to ask Evansville, “what the heck is going on?”…the EPA mandated repairs for the Combined Sewer Overflow problem haven’t even been defined yet so it can’t be blamed on that?…the tab for that legacy of neglect is expected to be at least $650 Million and may run over a Billion Dollars if the powers that be continue to procrastinate?…as we have pointed out before, every year that the City of Evansville waits to tackle this monster is going to add at least $20 Million to the eventual cost assuming a modest increase in construction costs of 3% per annum?…there will be a point in Evansville’s future where people like the poor soul with the $129 water bill will be paying nearly $500 per month?…it is entirely feasible for a future in Evansville to include a minimum of $1,000 per month for power, water, and sewer effectively erasing every low cost advantage that low housing cost may offer?

IS IT TRUE there will be a seminar put on by the Evansville Sewer and Water Utility on February 18th to tell us all how to save money on the water bill?…this has got to be one of the most common sense solution sets known to man that will have an end result of “don’t use so much water”?…the usual recommendations like flushing less, taking shorter showers, don’t water the plants, don’t wash the car, maybe even shower with a friend, and repair the leaks are things that an educated populace will have already figured out, but we do encourage any of our readers who are lacking in common sense or resolve to go get yourselves educated by the utility?

IS IT TRUE it seems as though the refrigeration business that gained Evansville the title “the refrigerator capital of the world” back in the day of big manufacturing is having it’s business model copied by the meth makers?…the recent news that even though meth lab busts are down that Evansville has transitioned from being a maker of meth to a customer of Mexican based meth manufacturers?…this revelation that has been verified by law enforcement that meth is at an all time high in Vanderburgh County even though less is being made locally makes every politician that hang his hat on the lower level of meth lab busts look hopelessly lost?…the reality is that the volume of meth confiscated by law enforcement has doubled since 2012 even with the lower number of local labs being busted?…it is the refrigerator story all over again?

IS IT TRUE another big retail outlet has filed for bankruptcy and this time it is the legacy supplier of electronics known as Radio Shack?…this is going to mean perhaps as many as 5 store closures in Evansville?…with all of the retail stores tossing in the towel after the Christmas shopping season one has to wonder just how can this happen in a country that touts an “official” unemployment rate of 5.6% which is about half of what it was 5 years ago?…the reality is that the algorithm that is used by our government to calculate unemployment has become obsolete with the drop in labor participation rate?…if the labor participation rate were to return to historical levels of 67% the “official” unemployment rate would be more like 11%, and that is why the activities in the consumer marketplace are counter to what would be expected with such a low real unemployment rate?

IS IT TRUE the good news on the jobs front is that there are 5 Million jobs openly advertised in the United States right now and for the first time in a long time, wages saw an uptick in January?…the bad news for many of the 8 Million “official” job seekers, is that most of these 5 Million jobs require advanced skills that the job seekers do not have?…the types of skills being sought are also not the kind of skills that are taught quickly to people without a prerequisite knowledge base to build upon?…it is nice that there are nearly a million openings for advanced programmers but that is of little solace to middle aged factory workers who have seen the demand for their skills exported to other countries where the jobs are done effectively for as little as $3 a day?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”
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  1. “IS IT TRUE-this writer who lives in the California drought zone used 3,500 gallons last month and had a bill of exactly $11.00 so one has to ask Evansville, “what the heck is going on?””

    pretty well summarizes the results of our SBOA audits over the recent several years. The practice of co-mingling revenues such as those from the Water/Sewer Department with General Funds and other Sources of Public Treasure has led to wide spread and deep abuse. We are facing a nearly 20% hike in Water/Sewer rates and as far as this reader knows … the revenues may funnel to Convention Hotel developers … local Banks Labor Unions and other well connected gluttons at the trough.

    “IS IT TRUE-the usual recommendations like flushing less, taking shorter showers, don’t water the plants, don’t wash the car, maybe even shower with a friend, and repair the leaks are things that an educated populace will have already figured out”

    The above recommendations … when taken … will set Evansvillians on a level of miserableness that makes the current malaise seem like the good old days. Toilets full … pits reeking … dead plants and lawns … filthy cars and communal showering will put us over the top.

    “IS IT TRUE-the recent news that even though meth lab busts are down that Evansville has transitioned from being a maker of meth to a customer of Mexican based meth manufacturers?”

    Next our thugs … whores … embezzlers and money launderers will find their jobs outsourced … to more efficient and imaginative non-local entrepreneurs. Evansville … where even the local criminals have become


  2. Yep, it’s Obama’s fault stone age era store Radio Shack went under. I heard he was responsible for the Kennedy assassination too. Come on CCO, radio shack? That old dog was going to die some day, with or without your boogeyman.

    • Radio Shack, in fact, is a name pulled from the early 1900’s….the products sold by the company are sold by everyone else, especially Amazon, Best Buy and Walmart. Nothing unique about Radio Shack…their niched died in the 1970’s (and Editor knows that, but Editor is not being authentic today, instead, Editor is being a HACK.)

    • I’ve accused the editors of Obama derangement syndrome plenty of times but they don’t mention Obama this time, although it does seem that it is implied.

      What would editors suggest to do with the number of people who say they’re no longer looking for work when surveyed?

      • For starters, they should be counted as unemployed. Failing to count them may contribute to their disenfranchisement and thus encourage whatever mental states preventing them from seeking work. And no, the obsolete algorithm is not President Obama’s fault. He does contribute to the ruse that unemployment really is 5.6%.

          • Editor is going to fringe news sites to justify his points. Not the Wall Street Journal. How soon until Editor begins calling Rupert Murdoch and Fox News RINO’s?

          • Went to that editors site and noticed the quick headline bashing.
            Dropped that like a hot potato and went to the Forbes site instead.

            Which ever type of unemployment scale was used these past 20
            years, should still be continued to be used. Switching now shows
            partisanship. That’s not to say that the true number is not correct.
            Apples must be compared to apples!

          • Yep. They were just fine with how it was measured until Obama came along.

          • If Editor wants to Obama-bash, God bless him. It’ s a free country. But he should at least sign on w/ a screen name other than Editor. The latest comments are infantile thin-skinned stuff and demean what most here think is the CCO mission….objective analysis.

          • River

            May had hit on something there. I’m guessing there are at
            least four or more that use that name. I have names three for

      • What they are not saying.

        The number of workers oversea that corporate America has direct/indirect employed.
        Wall Street and CEO earnings at a all time high, but does not trickle down to employment.
        Percentage of unemployed don’t mean squat. What matters is a count of the part time jobs,
        min. wage full time jobs, etc. that gives a exact picture of what type of jobs are being
        offered/worked in the current economy.

  3. The city using water/sewer billings as the source for CSO fix is bogus!
    How many times has there been overflow of the sewers when there was no rainfall involved? None!
    How many times has there been overflow of the sewers when there was rainfall involved? All!
    10 houses on a block will pay over $1000 in water/sewer fees.
    The next block is a parking lot and will pay “0” in water/sewer fees.
    Both blocks dumping equal rain water into the sewer system.

    We county only residents pay ditch assessment on our property taxes for upkeep so that our rainfall is carried away in a timely fashion. At least 2/3 of the CSO fix should be on the city property owners and paid through
    their property tax bills! This will never happen because of politics!

    • Editor, You left some things out of your first ITT. The person paying $120+, is that water and sewer ? If that is a home using 8000 gals per month he needs to really take a look at how to reduce that. Your $11.00. Is that water and sewer ? No way does that cover the cost of the systems. How else are they getting money ? For months there has been wailing on here and the C&P about the cost of water and sewer without anyone running a comparison to other cities and towns planned rates. It would be interesting to see.

    • I am sure they have maps of the surface water inflow. I would like to see them posted. Who is it that wants everyone in the county to pay the cost of improving their property?

      • The old down towns combined sewer infrastructure is the problem, everybody knows that. ……. “Wu’ll did you know the newer sections, and the county doesn’t apply they’re storm water to the sanitary sewers?” The old downtown zombie infrastructure political cronies bailout is what’s in your mailbox, driveways, and family budget plan, the way they present it.
        Even that has no viable solution at hand yet seen from anyone there.
        We as a group based in pure science have the solutions and the sustainable balance for that, in place now. Heck being one of the worse examples in the U.S.A. or the planet for the actual incursions , we’ve modeled “you” as a worse case fix scenario. That’s right you’ve been sampled and scored.
        Guess what? We have the answer and you still do not. So.
        With all the political bailout BS sported for that “old gold” input to the balance of the clean water valuation of the entire north American balance…..All those schemes including the bailout on the short value stadium stuff, entertainment districts and its connected live fire zone are weak, and failing miserably as seen daily. What do you have to show otherwise?

        Come on cowpoke give’um a answer. All those other “zag’ nut screen names” chime in as well ………… Cowpoke, Dagney , and his tagged art. The others…………… he, heh.

        Don’t leave out Coddington the wussy fake Feltlock either.


        • When do we get a look at the model? Is the solution/fix cheaper, or more expensive, than the currently proposed program?

          • Not before your damned to the core elections. We’ve seen and experienced enough of that bull squat. press. Its time those idiots are fronted. So.

  4. The Amount of Money already wasted on the Debacle surrounding the “Hotel/Motel”,
    — portrayed as desperately(?) needed to help slow the flow of Red ink from the Centre, and “The John”,
    — is Huge,– coupled with their unabated drag on the City’s finances now in the multimillions,–with more to come, –brings the Old West term “Tin-Horn” to mind.
    Double down is always Evansville’s Elitist’s Politicos answer, to their failures, AND– defended as progress(?) in “Saving Old Downtown”. The continued draw down of The Public Treasury to provide these “Tin-Horns” with “gambling” Money,
    — is breaking Evansville’s Back.

  5. C’mon. This is stupid, ignorant crap from the CCO

    EDITOR is making several misguided comments in today’s IIT on the economy and employment including growth in wages. The source?…the WSJ owned by none other than Rupert Murdoch, owner of FOX NEWS. Editor is trying to bang a drum for political reasons….THIS IS FROM SAT’s FRONT PAGE:

    WALL STREET JOURNAL, Front Page, Saturday, February 7, 2015
    Best Stretch of Hiring Since 1997 – Stronger Wage Growth Ahead

    The best three-month stretch of hiring since 1997 has positioned the U.S. labor market to start delivering stronger wage growth for a wider swath of Americans after more than five years of sluggish recovery from a deep recession.
    The economy created more than a million jobs over the past three months, with a steady gain of 257,000 in January and sizable upward revisions to prior months’ figures. The hiring spree prompted many previously sidelined American workers to begin the job search, causing the unemployment rate to tick up a tenth of a percentage point to 5.7%.

    The report offered a continued sign that U.S. workers are starting to extract higher wages from their employers. Average hourly earnings climbed 0.5% last month—up 12 cents to $24.75—and 2.2% over the past year. More and more workers are quitting jobs for better ones, after years in which they settled for anything they could find, forcing companies to boost compensation.

    The continued job growth appears to be spreading across a wide range of industries. Nearly all sectors with higher-paying jobs also ramped up hiring, including construction, manufacturing, retailing and health care.

    The labor force expanded by more than 700,000 last month as the number of job seekers rose. That pushed up the nation’s labor force participation rate by two-tenths of a point to 62.9%, still near a three-decade low. Participation had been falling long before the recession due largely to the aging population.

    • Shem
      Thanks for your comment.
      We REALLY enjoy your too funny … whiffle-bat swings at Joe and Ron. Reminds me of a little Chihuahua nervously barking at a Rottweiler stalking through it’s yard. Funny stuff … you.
      Your cut & paste smear campaign is laughable and quite entertaining.

      Anyway … thanks for filling the job of Village Idiot for us.
      Someone reliable … to laugh at on a regular basis … is priceless. …

      • Bubba: Riverside shemmin’s post surely is just a fools bane try at diversion from the subject of the problems with old Evansville downtown’s rotten infrastructure core.
        In order to fix that mess so it can sport the projected fluff for the cronies valuation in downtown, its apparently being set up to be on the total customer base of the EVSD.
        Typical bailout, I’d say every body should take your bicycle mount a couple of 5 gallon buckets on it, and ride down the new proposed bike path down walnut street straight to the new high profile D- Patrick car lot and conveniently draw 2.5 gallons per bucket.
        “Consider that as an water and sewer abatement.”
        The half full system on the buckets is a precautionary measure due conservation. This also leaves room for some innovation and thought through pathway development as well. (sic)
        You see, with the condition of the rest of the streets and sidewalks in your cities core you know , where people actually still live and pay into the revenue base, the actual pathways taken are directly proportional to the spillage rate of the sum available
        in the buckets .
        Also, additionally if the trek is attempted after daylight hours further requirements for ones personal water abatement allowance is recommended for safeties sake. Donning a Kevlar helmet, and torso flak jacket during the excursion would be highly recommended.
        In the case of the buckets themselves being hit in the crossfire, just be sure you do pay your sewer fees proportional to exactly where the level of the hole in the bucket was. 🙂

        • You may be right V. However, Editor included the poorly informed and misguided comments today on “the diversion” you mention.

          • We’ve seen your siding to a point, however with your stinking CSO downtown politics we take difference, in pathways.
            You see, we are about true science and recovered values. The extreme left or right political drivers mean absolutely zip to the solutions of the capable.
            Moved forward, we’d hope most of the really astute would actually follow the science, only because in actuality, the science will in fact lead the felt affects . That’s per the unit, and you people in Evansville have forgotten what those units are in the total footprints, and, actual valuations as really given.
            Its a different world today, that keeps’ em in the dark, and mushroomed in the bull shit doesn’t fly too high anymore. Not so much.

            In order to observe ones horizon, the more altitude one can achieve will in fact load the advantage to those with the lightest load to carry any thing too altitude.
            The CSO has to go. And in order to do that it takes the guts of a politician as seen by anyone to accept the science ,quit fighting the failures and move with science to just solve the damned problem.
            That’ll hurt those stinking inset political cronies , {{{{{{and they know it,}}}}}} } but its the only pathway to recovery that small and getting smaller geophysical location has ever had on mankind’s real living value.
            You all need to focus, and that old downtown BS needs to become the tagged solution to the inset problem. Big time, real time fast, we’re on the verge of sporting the individual overhead clean water balance due discharges and Combined events positioning directly too the national media. Those are some of the only business locations in you neglected infrastructure that can actually supply any revenue into your sinking cities funding. Stupid!
            But that only after the pure science is directly addressed by the United states EPA with a “straight no chaser” valuation of what you really have.

            Knowing what you fools are doing to the Ohio river drainage basin is almost enough to make us “cry you a river”.


          • Also really we as a social economic environmental consortium really doubt anyone in your short value local political bents could or would try to understand or stance.
            r/. 1. a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.
            “some doubt has been cast upon the authenticity of this account”
            synonyms: uncertainty, unsureness, indecision, hesitation, dubiousness, suspicion, confusion; More
            antonyms: certainty, confidence, conviction, trust
            verb: doubt; 3rd person present: doubts; past tense: doubted; past participle: doubted; gerund or present participle: doubting
            feel uncertain about.
            “I doubt my ability to do the job”
            question the truth or fact of (something).
            “who can doubt the value of these services?”
            synonyms: think something unlikely, have (one’s) doubts about, question, query, be dubious
            “I doubt whether he will come”
            disbelieve (a person or their word).
            “I have no reason to doubt him”
            synonyms: disbelieve, distrust, mistrust, suspect, have doubts about, be suspicious of, have misgivings about, have qualms about, feel uneasy about, feel apprehensive about, query, question, challenge
            “they doubted my story”
            feel uncertain, especially about one’s religious beliefs.
            synonyms: be undecided, have doubts, be irresolute, be ambivalent, be doubtful, be unsure, be uncertain, be of two minds, hesitate, shilly-shally, waver, vacillate
            “stop doubting and believe!”
            r/. 2. archaic
            fear; be afraid of.
            “I doubt not your contradictions”


  6. Shower with a friend ? I’ve been doing that for the last two years. No one can afford to shower alone in this town

  7. I am offended by the word ‘Mandate’ on the EWS billings. I only date ladies, thank you very much.

    • Careful there, Shem is gonna call you a bigot and homophobe. Then he will tie you into the Tea Party and religion and start calling you names. We try not to rile him up before he has done his cruising on the riverfront. He likes to fine him some fine”mandates” along the walkway.

      • I’m a lot older than you w/ grandkids, Brandon. I take it, a LOT older as you write, think and respond like an adolescent. That may be too much of a compliment on the age front. I forgot to mention you’re paranoid, by the way. Win with arguments, kid.

        • Nah, shem. If you aren’t a crazy right wing Christian you are automatically labeled as a gay pot smoking hippie welfare recipient around these parts.

    • All kidding aside re: Mandate, these questions are essential:

      1) How much has been billed to date under the label of (CSO) ‘Mandate’ ?; and

      2) What safeguards do we, as customers of the utility, have to ensure that our monies designated ‘Mandate’ are in fact escrowed or segregated such that they cannot be used for an alternate purpose ?

  8. Skills not available.

    Granted that new technology does require new skills. But are those skills that much different from those previous
    associated technology jobs. We once had a system where the school graduated, worked along side of seasoned workers to hone their skills required. There was night school at North High School also to update the knowledge
    Today the employer expects a new hire to be trained 100% to their liking, but on someone else’s dime.

    job done effectively at $3 a day

    Who pockets that extra profit when that certain item is sold here at the same price when it was made here?
    Who pays for the displaced worker needs as they still need eat and sleep?
    Who pays for the lost taxes associated with that lost factory job?
    Who pays for the added trade deficit?

    We do!

    We pay that artificial higher price that equals to the domestic made price.
    We pay extra/or it’s added to that government deficit, all lost government revenue associated.
    We see money that was once taxed at 15%, now taxed at 5% for stock dividends.

  9. Will the city of Evansville set the example of water conservation? No more wet roadway along the riverfront
    in the early morning as one? Does a person remember during the energy shortage of early 70’s? We were asked to conserve electric usage, only to have our rates increased to make up lost revenue!

    • Arm, I bet you felt better because the power plants were running less causing pollution. See, there is a pony in every pile.

        • Yes, be he’d be even more glad if he could hurt the earth less AND save that money. He’s basically pointing out the fact that we’re screwed no matter what with Vectren. It would be like you deciding to lose weight so you decided to get a single cheeseburger rather than a double cheeseburger and them charging you for a double anyway.

      • Not really, we just had stopped burning coal for heat a couple winters before.
        Coal was as common as those cow pies in the cattle lot/pastures around here.
        Smells that one never pays attention to.
        I believe AB Brown and Duke’s Mt Carmel plant was not running yet.
        AEP Rockport and Petersburg maybe not? These last three dirty
        our air for the convenience up state.

        For your info, we are having to add sulfur to our farm fertilizer program now
        because of those newer scrubbers. It is a good trade off! As far as ponies,
        we have no “dog and pony” shows out here!

  10. Mr. Brinkmeyer,

    I know you personally from Reitz. I was told that you and your supporters read this website so I wanted to repost my thoughts here to avoid embarrassing the both of us by confronting you face to face. The buzz going around is about some unwelcome and inappropriate words you sent different women. I was told that in addition to the messages being sexually disgusting in nature that the time stamps on those messages were during school hours. I have known you close to 5 years and hope its not true. It would be embarrassing and damaging to Reitz athletics and the faculty’s reputation. Many parents and teachers work hard to make a Reitz a proud and respectful school and this will not help the image of Reitz or its faculty. This is very concerning if it is true. I was surprised you were getting into politics to begin with but wished you the best anyway. I didn’t know there was a possibility you would embarrass yourself and all the Reitz Nation or I would have refrained from congratulating you on running.

    • Wow …
      toothy little personal attack there Mom.
      while in fact … this may be true …
      if you can’t prove it …
      it could … bite you. …

        • I’ve seen the screen shots as well. Unless Mr. Brinkmeyer wanted someone to come over and play with his chicken, I think he as talking about his &@!#.

          • LOL! I like the chicken imagery.
            On the other hand, I really don’t think this man should be teaching in a public school, much less running for office. I never cease to be amazed at the stupidity people post on Facebook and then expect to run for public office.

          • @Reitz Mom: Yes, indeed. I hope he’s not addressing a minor. That would compare with the news the ex-Harrison teacher has been making.

      • I am not going to tread lightly and do not appreciate the threat. I have something more important here than politics and thats the reputation of the hard working faculty of Reitz High. Up until now I have only been told of the screenshots. I have not seen them for myself. I honestly don’t care about the politics of this. I care about the fallout if its true. Reitz has a proud history in academics, sports and community involvement. You political minded people only care about winning on election day.

        • Threat? No one made a threat. I gave you some good advice. You yourself said you have no proof and basically said that it’s hearsay at this point in time. Don’t get so defensive mom.

          So to sum this up. Someone told you something and showed you NO proof yet you run off to the CCO ( a public forum) and libel the guy in public. Therefore the advice to thread lightly.

          And I for one don’t buy your comment that you don’t care about the politics of this. That’s Total BS. You bring this up on a online open forum that’s subject matter covers local politics almost all the time. Busted!

          I’m sure that Mr Brinkmeyer doesn’t appreciate your threats in here either. I hope for your sake that you have proof of what you claim about the man. You should not let your emotions get the better of you dear. That can come back to bite you in the butt.

          • Reitz Mom don’t worry because I too have seen the screenshot. Its real. Whether someone thinks its appropriate or not really depends on their occupation. I could see this being no big deal if it were someone in the adult entertainment industry but him being a teacher and asking for votes from a predominantly religious town might complicate the issue. Nothing illegal but very awkward and hard to read without cringing and asking yoursrelf…Who says that?

        • If you don’t care about politics why are you stirring the public pot without having seen the pictures ? Why didn’t you handle it with school administration ?

    • Is that you Al? What is your motivation for doing this? This sounds like the old democrat machine doing smear that it’s so good at. Keep the new blood out and keep the old corrupt trough feeders in. I’m sure the machine is already at work attempting to damage Mr. Ballard and keep that old trough feeder Connie in office. This city deserves better than our local historically corrupt democrat party. I’m sure in the near future Connie will insist that pictures of candidates be placed besides names on the voting machines. It’s going to be hard for her voters to choose when both candidates have a D beside their name.

      • Nice post you must live in the county you sure know a lot about swine. Tell Messy and Beaver the real Democrats say hi. What is your favorite flavor of kool aid?

      • I am not Al Lindsey. While I understand the political differences between office holders I only care about the damage done to bystanders who have no allegiance to either party. This is more than Republican vs Democrat.

  11. IS IT TRUE there will be a seminar put on by the Evansville Sewer and Water Utility on February 18th to tell us all how to save money on the water bill?…this has got to be one of the most common sense solution sets known to man that will have an end result of “don’t use so much water”?…the usual recommendations like flushing less, taking shorter showers, don’t water the plants, don’t wash the car, maybe even shower with a friend, and repair the leaks are things that an educated populace will have already figured out, but we do encourage any of our readers who are lacking in common sense or resolve to go get yourselves educated by the utility?

    The above is crazy talk. We have plenty of water. What we have it too much rain water to handle. Water and sewer bills should be totally separate from each other. What the EPA is telling us is to control our Sewage. We need to charge more for sewage and less for water supplied to homes. It’s cheap to supply water but expensive to control the rainwater and sewages from people.

    • See my above post. Storm water CSO repair should be handle thru mostly property taxes.
      It is fair that sanitary sewers should bare some cost though.

      • The main problem is with the rain water that flows into the sewers. During drought the sewers work fine. So that tells me that the sewers can handle ordinary sewage discharges and threat them before pumping the cleaned water back into the River.

        But when it rains the water is too much to handle and the city bypasses the excessive water with sewage in it into the Ohio River. This tells me that the system can’t handle all the excess rain and storm water.

        So the main problem is too much storm water. These is very little storm water entering the sewers in the county. They don’t have sewers out in the country like they do in the city. City streets collect all the rain water and dump the water into the open drains and then into the sewer system.

        So why should the county out people be paying more for their water to help pay for the city’s control of the city’s storm water problems?

        We need to catch the rain water and divert it out of the sanitary sewers. The sanitary sewers should never have been combined with the storm water.

    • Reposted from:

      Feb 9, 2015 at 9:19 am

      Bubba: Riverside shemmin’s post surely is just a fools bane try at diversion from the subject of the problems with old Evansville downtown’s rotten infrastructure core.
      In order to fix that mess so it can sport the projected fluff for the cronies valuation in downtown, its apparently being set up to be on the total customer base of the EVSD.
      Typical bailout, I’d say every body should take your bicycle mount a couple of 5 gallon buckets on it, and ride down the new proposed bike path down walnut street straight to the new high profile D- Patrick car lot and conveniently draw 2.5 gallons per bucket.
      “Consider that as an water and sewer abatement.”
      The half full system on the buckets is a precautionary measure due conservation. This also leaves room for some innovation and thought through pathway development as well. (sic)
      You see, with the condition of the rest of the streets and sidewalks in your cities core you know , where people actually still live and pay into the revenue base, the actual pathways taken are directly proportional to the spillage rate of the sum available
      in the buckets .
      Also, additionally if the trek is attempted after daylight hours further requirements for ones personal water abatement allowance is recommended for safeties sake. Donning a Kevlar helmet, and torso flak jacket during the excursion would be highly recommended.
      In the case of the buckets themselves being hit in the crossfire, just be sure you do pay your sewer fees proportional to exactly where the level of the hole in the bucket was. 🙂 😉

    • Agree completely that water and sewer should be separately metered. That would solve problems for those residents with pools and lawn irrigation systems and also provide a means for properly charging those who have well systems but are charged a flat rate instead of a volume rate for waste disposal (connection to sewer). Yes, there are still many residential units within Evansville proper that are connected to well water systems for both potable water and heat rejection systems (air conditioning). But for the EWSU it’s too easy to meter water only and charge for water and sewer combined together.

      • Metering for both is impractical. I believe there are steps to take to subtract for pools, irrigation, etc. I couldn’t say for sure as I don’t have either and I don’t work for the water dept.

        • Done several jobs where there were two meters. One for the building, and one for landscape.
          Landscape meter did not have sewage charge.

          • Right, but I think there’s even a way to fill out an affadavit and get some relief for filling a pool even if you don’t have two meters. I could be wrong.


    Gay Marriage Cleared by U.S. Supreme Court to Start in Alabama
    — The U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for same-sex weddings to start in Alabama, letting the number of gay-marriage states climb in advance of a constitutional showdown that may mean legalization nationwide. In a 7-2 order, the justices rejected Alabama’s bid to stop a federal trial judge’s legalization order from taking effect Monday. The state now will become the 37th where gays can marry.

    (In spite of POV, Cowboy and Pressanykey’s ideas…The Supreme Court is throwing away far-right extreme Christian beliefs that same-sex marriage is wrong in the eyes of the US Constitution.)

    • ….why would Matt Drudge put this news as his top headline today? Why would Drudge do that? Is it because even the Drudge Report, as GOP conservative as anyone can get, realizes the extreme Christian right is too far gone?

    • You’re making stuff again. Never heard that Christians thought gay marriage was wrong in the eyes of the constitution. It’s wrong according to their beliefs and bible. I really don’t care about who marries who or what. I do believe that the marriage between a man and a woman is the real thing, like fine wine. The marriage between gays is like none alcoholic beer, regardless of how much you drink, you’ll never get that sense of well being provided by that magic elixir. Gays will never be happy because it’s not the marriage certificate it’s the recognition that goes along with things that are real, authentic and genuine.

          • HEY EDITOR……this post from JOHN….

            Is it acceptable for the CCO to approve, or perhaps allow, JOHN’s post wholesale damning of a class of US citizens?

            It’s not like he’s making a political statement. There is no philosophical argument being made here. JOHN’s statement is about hate, pure and simple. …and is the kind of thing that used to be said about African Americans and Jews.

      • POV…if your point in disagreeing with my comment….is to say YOUR religious beliefs should be the law, and not the United States Constitution, that makes YOU THE SAME as an “ISIS Sharia law should rule the State” follower. Move to Saudi Arabia.

        And so much for you believing we should preserve the US Constitution. That was BS.

        • Another situational constitutionalist, a picker and chooser. They get themselves twisted into very odd shapes trying to articulate their personal beliefs and make them comport with something more mainstream, like the Bible or the constitution.

        • Typical liberal response, make the truth sound like a lie and a lie sound like the truth. Straight from the Obama playbook. The law is the law. I’m not religious and religion shouldn’t be the law. Gays will be allowed to marry because of the constitution. But if it was voted on and it was in California, the most liberal state in the Union, it was voted down. Gays will never be happy without the approval and affirmation of the general public. Gender Identity Disorder is in the DSM because it is a disorder, get that, a disorder. Something in their brain is not firing right. Their body and brain are not Congruent and when you are not congruent, that means you don’t have it together. It’s a possibility that you are incongruent. The only ones I see cozying up to ISIS is liberals. As far as moving to Saudi Arabia, I could get the same feeling of dread on the SE side of Evansville, your home turf.

          • POV…I think you got your ass handed to you and you’re whining while backing out of the room. (I live on the westside, have a big Catholic family, a farming family and business owner…so give it up…you don’t have to be gay to recognize bigotry.)

            POV….this is a loser issue for you. Only bigots want to sit at the table you insist sidling up to. (And the legal argument is LOST….Mr. Strict Constitutionalist.)

      • Thoughts of the day from the Far Right Wings Party via POV . Tune in tomorrow for more thoughts of the day from the Far Right Wing Party via POV.

        • At what point did adherence to traditional values become extreme, radical and “far right wing”. Seems as though the left has so skewed the language that the perception of beliefs that were very much the norm not so many years ago are now deemed to be almost militant.

          With regard to public funds, I am very much a conservative. Socially, I don’t care what people do but I will defend the rights of people with traditional core values to express them. So many who post here vehemently uphold the “rights” of murderous Islamic terrorists while practically calling for the extermination of their fellow countrymen that lean to the right and hold Christian beliefs. We are fair game with you folks but heaven forbid you say something insulting about the Islamic terrorists who would kill you with no provocation regardless of your enlightened, open minds.

          • Who the hell is calling for extermination of Christians? Your constant victim mentality is getting old. Nobody wants to exterminate Christians we just want them to leave other people alone and mind their own damn business.

          • HEY DAGNY TAGGART….you know Ayn Rand believe in full blown abortion rights for women. In fact…HERE is Ayn Rand’s exact thoughts:

            “Abortion is a moral right—which should be left to the sole discretion of the woman involved; morally, nothing other than her wish in the matter is to be considered.”

            How about you….Dagny Taggart?

          • Ghost, you missed the word “practically”. Also, I just began posting here so how is that you are getting so tired of my victim mentality? Ironically, the left loves to create victims.

            I could say the same about those on the left just leaving us alone and minding their own business. We’ve been told what to feed our children, what type of light bulbs to use, how much toilet paper we should use per bathroom visit. The former mayor of New York had salt shakers removed from restaurant tables and tried pass an ordinance regarding how large of a soda could be purchased in the City.

          • One big crybaby post. How many straw men and misrepresentions can you make in one post?

          • Ghost it seems to me that you are one who believes your progressive utopia will be established once Christianity is extinct.

        • Shem, did I not just say I’m not concerned with what people do in their personal life? My concerns are with how tax payer dollars are spent, a strong national defense, and secured borders. I saw your post yesterday. How long are you going to milk that cow?

          • As long as you PRETEND you’re a disciple of Ayn Rand. D.T…..You’re not authentic, and you’re a lie. That lie blows all credibility with ANYTHING you write here.

          • Oh really Shem? Other than Jesus Christ, I am not in complete agreement with any other person. You folks never find anything credible about concepts even remotely resembling conservatism anyway so it is of no concern to me that you don’t find me credible. I know who I am and what I know to be true.

          • DAGNY…I’m ok with that.

            I am just pointing out that it is PREPOSTEROUS for you to name yourself after an Ayn Rand book character when what you write here has no resemblance to Ayn Rand’s philosophy. DAGNY T…..your comments are simply not believable with this contradiction. Your credibility is lost as you try to make any point because of it.

          • Shem – did you not read Atlas Shrugged? She was saying ENOUGH government intervention in private enterprise. Nothing I have ever typed is contradictory to that in anyway. Don’t tell me the left is now trying to commandeer her writing to fit into your agenda.

          • Somebody just told us Dagny,s Taggarts in actuality couldn’t knock a piece of slag off a bee slough frogs dick.
            Not only that! They’ve just sported the fools junk postings and why those are. You really should find an different avenue to sport that bullshit fake ass “Taggart.” Or else it’s bout time somebody sports “you” and why you’d post such bullshit. Replies are ok , and they also continue to sport your webbed bullshit.
            So. Go for it ” Dagny” bullshit.
            Come on, Just one more complete bullshit post, go on you know you just have to do it. God the political BS stuff makes the real working people sick. Go away creep, or.

      • Terminology

        Civil union- A legally recognized marriage-like union of same-sex partners.

        Marriage-relation between spouses, any close intimate union. (does not spell out man/woman)

        Matrimony- the act, rite, or SACRAMENT of marriage. the state of being man and wife.

        Sacrament- Christianity, any of certain rites instituted by Jesus and believed to……………….

        The government may have a say in the first two words, the last two they can not touch!

        I think a judge/minister etc. should not be forced to go against their beliefs in performing
        the marriage of same sex, for there will be others that will fill the void!

      • Sueing for wedding cakes and photographs is evidence that those supporting homosexuality marriage will not be happy until all are made to pay homage to homosexuality. We will see the federal inaction of marriage via the judicial branch and churches losing tax exempent status for declining same sex weddings.

        • Well, it IS against the law to have a “whites-only” business practice…EVEN IF….the owner swears his religion forbids him to serve black Americans.

          • Yes, it is, but homosexuality is not a race and I am unaware of any deeply held religious conviction that blacks at a lunch counter is not the biblical pattern for eating.

          • The best solution will be for the government to get out of the marriage business and offer domestic partnerships no matter relationship or number.

        • I love watching you twist and squirm, and try to rationalize away your hateful bigotry,

          My Schadenfreude is bad I know, but then I think about how many gay teens have committed suicide because of people like you.

  13. They can’t raise enough taxes ,they pound the water/sewer bill cross mingle accounts and ….walla, more money in the general fund to pillage.

  14. This board is getting nuttier and loonier every day. I think Poe’s law has been confirmed many times here.

    For the uneducated here Poe said you soon won’t be able to tell the difference between comments by RW extremists and religious fundamentalists and satire of the same, without it being explicitly mentioned,

    • explicitly Oh ! that’s a good one BB. But then who’d a have to mention that in the first place?
      Good grief Evansdoltville. “Here it tis” Ahahahhahhahahhaha!

  15. Based upon my recent water meter readings compared to past readings, I am considering having my own water meter installed. I hope the books are not being cooked like the 2012 audit.

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