IS IT TRUE February 8, 2013


The Mole #??
The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE February 8, 2013

IS IT TRUE that yesterday afternoon just before the City County Observer published a second daily IS IT TRUE addressing some of the details regarding the recent parting of ways between an experienced member of the Vanderburgh Sheriff’s department and his employer that News25 broke a nearly identical story?…as the CCO did not get any advanced information from the EPD or the Sheriff’s Department about this and our mole network tells us that News25 did not either the only logical conclusion is that at least one member of the CCO Mole Nation is acting as a “double agent” and whispering information to News25 as well?…to have beaten us to the punch on that story News25 had to have gotten their tip at near the same time as we did AND had the staff on hand to move about 20 minutes faster?…there are those in the Mole Nation that are somewhat miffed that one of the CCO Moles is playing “double agent”?…we do not find any problem in this at all as what the CCO is all about is to make Evansville a better place by exposing otherwise hidden or squelched information in hopes that someone in government will do their job and right the situation?…if News25, Local 7, 14WFIE, and even the CP got the information and had the courage to publish it then the CCO is pleased to be a part of the chain that cleans up “good old boy” poisons from Evansville?…we congratulate News25 on moving faster than us and welcome them to the fraternity of those who care more about future of Evansville than about keeping their cronies in the halls of government happy?…we welcome the rest of the local media to “stop the cheerleading and start the old boy bleeding”?

IS IT TRUE that of all of the airlines that Evansville could have and maybe should have we want the ones that treat their customers the way customers should be treated and not like a defenseless ATM?…given some of the happenings of last night with respect to a flight from Chicago to Los Angeles that United Airlines is not an airline that fits the description of having good customer relations?…that airlines and other businesses should have the good sense to know that today’s young person who is treated poorly may just have a parent the makes lots of decisions on their products or services?…United Airlines can kiss two flights to Europe, two to Hawaii, one to the Middle East, and maybe one to Asia just in the next year good bye for their unfriendly skies policies that played out last night?…that we do often give our preferred Evansville Airport grief over pricing in this column but whatever the price there has never been a rude or usury moment of any kind occur?…we usually even cough up the premium and “Fly EVV” and will continue to do so?…the new jet ways are a great addition and those of us who fly look forward to a growing complement of flights so the prices are more competitive but certainly realize the importance of EVV to the local economy?…we recognize the importance of friendliness and convenience too and EVV has both in spades?

IS IT TRUE that the last thing any college basketball team should want right now is to be ranked #1 or #2 in the national polls?…for the sixth week in a row the #1 ranked team lost during the week after climbing to #1?…this time it was the Indiana Hoosiers who just Saturday knocked off #1 Michigan after #2 Kansas lost to assume the #1 ranking for the second time this year?…again this week the #1 Hoosiers and the #2 Florida Gators have lost leaving it probable that the top 3 if no other upsets happen to be Michigan, Duke, and Gonzaga?…the CCO hopes to see Gonzaga to climb to #1 this year to show the world that the smaller schools like Butler and our own University of Evansville Purple Aces really can climb that mountain when the stars align?

IS IT TRUE that many Hoosiers from front porch swings to the halls of the state legislature are wasting their precious time trying to rationalize perpetuating a system that does not grant human beings equal rights under the law?…this is a senseless argument that should have left the minds of human beings many centuries ago?…the CCO supports equal rights for every person in every endeavor of their choosing but has the good sense to also realize that equal rights do not guarantee equal outcomes?…that while the pursuit of happiness is guaranteed by the US Constitution there are still many pockets of resistance where that is not practiced?…we encourage the lawmakers of the great State of Indiana to stop this madness and embrace equal rights at all levels with no exceptions?


  1. Is it true in today’s last paragraph your referring to same sex marriage ? If it is I could care less what gais or listsy do behind closed doors ,,but don’t call it marriage , marriage is only between man and woman , don’t cheapen it. What’s next humans marrying animals…CCO you are freaking me out please stop it

    • With the current divorce rates in the U.S.,it is too late to make an argument of “cheapening” marriage. According to, “50% of all marriages in America end in divorce.” It breaks down to the following age at marriage categories:
      Age Women Men Under 20 years old 27.6% 11.7% 20 to 24 years old 36.6% 38.8% 25 to 29 years old 16.4% 22.3% 30 to 34 years old 8.5% 11.6% 35 to 39 years old 5.1% 6.5%

    • I hope you realize its legal to marry your first cousin in 19 states, I hope that did not cheapen marriage for you.

  2. You may be right. But my dog would never force me into a divorce an then take my house.

  3. Class act that CCO gave Channel 25 credit for the excellent reporting job concerning the loss of temporary of funding of the DUI program.

    Instead of Sheriff Williams running up and down the road telling us to vote “YES” for unified county government,he should have been running his department. 10 to 1 odds when all said and done he shall blame Dave Wedding for the funding problem with this grant.

    What a self serving jerk.

  4. Just want till all the facts are out concerning Williams reducing the rank of Sheriff Deputy, Mosby. People in the know tell me that Williams should had handed Mosby’s file over to the County Procecuting Attorney, Nick Hermann for review.

    In fact, once this file is made public Eric Williams future political career is over

    • If the truth be known they are all just revenue officers. But Nick Herman has done some very good things to try and clean up the mess left by Levco. The extra metal detector that Ellesworth got installed by getting the grant money is gone and the wall has been torn down and a nice and pleasant lobby now awaits you. Thanks Nick.

  5. Is it true that mothers should be allowed to marry sons, sisters should have the right to marry sisters, anyone should have the right to marry how ever many they wish, and all should have the legal sanctioning of the state?

    Is it true that a line defining marriage will be drawn somewhere by the state and love and affection alone is not the place to draw it?

  6. In the history of humanity the perversions of man and beast have come and gone, and come back again. This era of perversion (gay marriage, men and women marrying dogs and cats) will pass away in due time.

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