IS IT TRUE? February 8, 2012


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 8, 2012

IS IT TRUE that Al Lindsey’s date with the inquisition has been postponed until 10 am today?…that Mr. Lindsey’s inquisition will be entirely on the basis of what the Evansville Fire Department investigation has discovered in what seems to have been a pretty quick turnaround if statements have actually been taken from everyone who was in the Maingate that night?…that we hope that everyone in the place was questioned and that the statements do not contradict each other?…that for justice to be done this is what should have happened?…that all eyes and ears will be awaiting the results of this inquisition to see what the EFD decides to do with Mr. Lindsey?…that Mole #3 called in from the beach to advise us that Mr. Lindsey has secured the services of an expert attorney and that no stone will be left unturned with the other patrons sitting around table, their motives, and their own capacity to make unimpaired judgments at the time they were pointing the finger(s) at Al Lindsey?…that memories can be changed by agendas and vision can be blurred when consuming mass quantities?…that this may be this year’s version of a Bacchanalian Festival when all of the truths are revealed?

IS IT TRUE that Mole #12 tells us that the gathering at the Maingate may be child’s play for certain Democrat members of the Evansville City Council when compared to another not yet disclosed set of activities?…that as they said at Toyota yesterday, major announcements are coming so stay tuned?…that knowing something and having to hold onto it for approval is enough to drive a news organization crazy?

IS IT TRUE that Indiana’s Right to Work legislation has not taken long to start bearing fruit?…that one Ohio company near the border has advised the IEDC that they will be expanding and that their expansion will be in Indiana?…that just yesterday the Wall Street Journal ran an article on a Canadian locomotive manufacturer that is interviewing people in Muncie for those jobs and may just ship the entire operation to Muncie with 450 jobs that pay about $15 per hour each?…that there were many more applicants than there were jobs?…that this is the free market at work and that Muncie and anyone who is hired will be better off for it?…that the Canadian plant was unionized by the Canadian Auto Workers, had a bitter relationship with the company, but did pay $32 per hour?…that soon this rate will be ZERO and the jobs will be in Indiana?…that the first days of Right to Work have been quite good but that we will keep watching for any company that cuts wages or benefits because of RTW?…that we also anticipate a job creation announcement from Toyota’s Gibson County Plant today?

IS IT TRUE that the WalMart Corporation employs many people in greater Evansville?…that WalMart pays lots of real estate taxes, collects lots of sales taxes, pays income tax in the state, and has employees that pay tons of taxes too?…that if WalMart were exempted from minimum wage laws that they would pay even more taxes and may go forward with an new store on the north side?…that we wonder if there would be support for exempting WalMart from the minimum wage laws within the Evansville City Council if it would mean that WalMart would pay several million dollars in additional taxes?…that exemptions are quite different from one time exceptions in that with exemptions come disparities among competitors?

IS IT TRUE that economic prognosticators are saying that the average price of regular gas in the United States is about to make a 70 cent run up to $4.05?…that such a thing cannot be good for President Obama this election year on the heels of his decision to stop the job creating and oil delivering Keystone Pipeline?…that with all of the things in the economy that may bite the President’s re-election campaign on the backside a big run up in the price of gasoline may just be the worst one?…that of course diesel will do the same and will be reflected by the price of food rising?…that we hope that these economic prognosticators are wrong because the last thing the nation needs right now is inflation in energy and food which are both conveniently left out of the “official” cost of living calculation?…that by exempting these two items from the equation, our nations economists have actually created a propaganda tool to give bad information to the American people?…that a form of propaganda is telling people that things are great when things are really not so great?


  1. Whenever Walmart builds a building they should be required to set asside a certain amount of space for future expansion. This world doesn’t need any more empty former Walmart buildings with a new bigger Walmart store down the street or around the corner.

    • Yep…new sheriff at the helm of EFD, this is his first major altercation to come before him and will require him to set the stage/tone for the next 4 years….an example if you will.

      Prediction…..termination will be stayed, early retirement will be the punishment, termination would be messy requiring a verdict from the safety board…lawyers and union participation would be mandatory if contested. Even that seems extreme to me, loss of rank, unpaid suspension, would seem to be more in line with the offenses, there are others who have done worse and kept their jobs under other leadership.


  2. 400 jobs here (Toyota). 450 jobs added in Muncie. “Right to Work” legislation passes. Coincidence? NO WAY!

  3. Seriously? Exempt WalMart from paying minimum wage?

    At FULL time, which extremely few minimum wage jobs are, a minimum wage worker in Indiana could earn $290.00 per week, or $15,080.00 per year. Minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. Working full time for minimum wage will allow you to live at poverty level at best.

    A decision to allow WalMart to pay less than minimum wage may be great for WalMart — a corporation that is certainly not suffering financial problems in the least — but it would a knife in the back of hardworking Americans trying to simply make ends meet each month, and still have hope that they can better their situations.

    Why not also go ahead and allow WalMart and others to build dorms for workers and work them 12 hour shifts six days a week for a few bucks a day (after all, they get a dorm room to live in free) like the big electronics factory in China who makes Apple and other companies electronics. Servitude can be disguised in many forms.

    • We were just trying to give an example where an exemption for the purpose of collecting more taxes is utterly ridiculous. We agree with you that WalMart should be subject to the same laws of the land as everyone else on an equal basis.

  4. Have any of you ever run a food business that also sold alcoholic beverages? Are any of you familiar with a cash register set up to ring food and alcoholic beverages? Have any of you ever had to tell a drunk that when the menu says a coctail is $7.00, that he will have to pay $7.56 for that drink? Duh.

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