IS IT TRUE that Channel 25 TV reported last night that a highly respected employee of the Vanderburgh County Sheriff Department resigned because of an alleged “ghost employment” issue? …that we are extremely pleased that Channel 25 decided to break this important news item to the general public? …we also have learned that Channel 25 has filed several Freedom of Information Requests in order to find out why the above past employee of the Sheriff Department was reduced in rank concerning another alleged issue that may have broken the rules?…it is our guess after all the facts from this file are made public, people may wonder why Sheriff Williams didn’t hand the results of this investigation to the County Prosecuting Attorney for a second opinion before being forced to do so by the law he has sworn to uphold and defend?
IS IT TRUE that we have commented in this column several times in the last several months that we are pleased to have noticed that the daily activity reports of the EPD have been smaller than in 2011 and before?…that should be an indicator that Evansville is finally experiencing the drop in crime that the nation as a whole outside of Chicago, Evansville, and a few other places have enjoyed for several years now?…we are beginning to see the size of the reports creep back up to the levels they had been in the past?…we are crossing our fingers and respectfully encouraging those who may be thinking of committing a crime to make the right choice and do not do that?
IS IT TRUE that this week the largest Clean Technology Investment Summit in the World is being held in Indian Wells, CA?…this writer has the privilege of attending and is pleased to report that the attitude and the acceptance of reality of this group is at an all time high?…this is the case even with investment levels off by one-third from previous years to roughly $6 Billion in private dollars?…attendees include cabinet level officials, CEO’s, entrepreneurs, government lab directors, and of course several planes full of managing directors of venture capital firms?…the overriding theme is how “great†it is to be in a business climate that is not driven by government meddling in markets?…2013 looks to be the first years since 2007 that investment decisions are being made solely on the basis of the business models of the prospects without the distraction of poorly placed large sums of government money?…that $6 Billion invested into sound business models without the dependence on government handouts is anticipated to do more good and pay more dividends than having to deal with the unlevel playing field and psychotic decision criteria of markets tainted by crony capitalism?…it was summed up by Bill Watkins, CEO of Bridgelux when he was asked about government subsidies and his answer was “government subsidies seem to do more harm than good every time they dabble in private investment marketsâ€?
IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville has finally changed the look of the bills sent out by the Department of Water and Sewer for the first time in memory?…the ink is a little brighter but other than that the bills still resemble water bills from the turn of the century?…there is no mention of how to pay your bill online, how to call in a credit card, or place an automatic payment method on file?…there is the same old instruction on how to mail your payment in to the Civic Center or to a PO Box but that is it here in 20th Century Evansville?…every utility bill, revolving account, or even charitable donation solicitation comes with clear instruction on how to pay online to avoid late fees and the uncertainty of delivery dates for mailed payments?…this is just one more example of Evansville leading from the 50’s?…the City of Evansville governance needs to appoint a person reporting to the Mayor whose sole function is to ask whether or not any actions by government are archaic and need to be modernized or if Evansville is practicing state of the art cost effective processes?…someday soon if Mayor Winnecke gets his way with the Johnson Controls deal that Mayor Weinzapfel snuck through in his final hour the City will be able to monitor your water use through the internet but you will still have to mail your payment in the old fashioned way?…Boss Hogg and his brigade of turn of the 20th Century City Council re-enactors would be proud?
GASP! Ghost employees at the Sheriff’s Dept?
I wonder if any of them would be willing to answer my simple, slam dunk hypothetical question. Maybe this is what Mr. Tucker was talking about when he mentioned streamlining things in the Dept if elected… Could me as easy as bringing in the Ghostbusters.
Mosby= motor patrol to prisoner transport to resigned
Tucker= motor patrol to prisoner transport to “retired”
The only difference in the two is Tucker had been on long enough to take an early retirement at a lower payout than if he had been able to stay until he was 50.
Again Mr. Linzy, your support of Tucker based only on one issue does not do anything to help your cause.
IF there are ghost employees running around in the Sheriff’s Office, the only people who would be aware of them would be the higher ups. I’ll give you three guesses who might be more hurt by this if it’s true – a Chief Deputy or a retired Officer. Not sure an embezzlement scandal would really be helpful to anyone in a high position in that office right now, particularly if they are seeking election to a higher office. Could it be that Mr. Tucker was simply “replaced” as it were?
You see how this smear stuff works? The mere suggestion of impropriety should not condemn someone, yet human psychology is a funny thing like that.
…and yet again, I’m not a supporter of Mr. Tucker. I am an increasingly interested observer.
It sounds like the higher ups learned about the issue and took care of it. Are you saying someone should have done something different? As a person who does not appear to have a job that requires you to keep track of over 100 deputes and civilian workers, you can’t have any real world knowledge of what you are talking about. But hey, that has never stopped you from giving your expert opinion before.
And you may not call yourself a Tucker supporter, but as long as you keep spewing your anti-establishment comments, you might as well be sitting in Tucker’s lap while you are typing it.
BLO (Brad Linzy Observer) we are waiting with baited breath on your answer?????
Did the SHERIFF and Merit Board take care of the situation when they learned about it?????
Looks like it
Isn’t ghost employment a criminal offense? If it is not, it should be.
But then, maybe the Prosecutor is not finished with this case.
The point of my comment was to show how information can be twisted and allegations made without any specific merit or evidence. The mere appearance of impropriety can soil someone’s reputation in the public eye even where there is no proof of anything.
Of course in this case Williams and Wedding have done absolutely nothing wrong. If any of you have specific information against Mr. Tucker, I’m challenging you to write it down in detail and submit it to the CCO Editor for publication, otherwise stop making innuendos and allegations you either cannot or are unwilling to exercise to back up.
BLO, wow!!!!!! What great twists you have my dear. The election is far away. PLEASE, I’m begging you to have that coffee date with Mr. Tucker. See and hear for yourself what makes him a good candidate for Sheriff. The comparison between Chief Wedding and Jimmy Tucker is like comparing apples to rotten potatoes.
P.S. The Sheriff and Merit Board make such decisions, NOT the Chief Deputy. So instead of throwing BLO remarks and suggestions in, get your facts straight PLEASE
Troll Patrol, that might be so, but it is dishonorable of you, Inquiring Mind, and others to make vague, non-specific accusations on a website while hiding behind a username like a bunch of back biters and cowards.
Either do the honorable thing and write down the specifics of your accusations and submit them for peer review or move on. Sh*t or get off the pot, as they say. You say I’m tarnishing someone I don’t even claim to support, yet you DO claim to support Mr. Wedding, and you are conducting yourselves like a pack of hyenas. This kind of politics is a discredit to the Office of Sheriff.
Remember BLO, dont post angry
Taken down by Editor because of insulting and unfounded remarks.
I need to change the name on the water bill at my business. We were told it will take $45 and a trip downtown. Why?
It’s surprising he wasn’t given his standard punishment of a week paid vacation, told not to do it again, and this was all swept under the rug.
Man, that post sounds familiar. Oh yeah, I read it 42 times on the C&P.
Sorry, officer. If it weren’t so prevalent I wouldn’t mention it.
name names..
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