IS IT TRUE? February 5, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 5, 2011

IS IT TRUE that 2nd Ward City Councilwoman, Missy Mosby brags about spending her money with business located in the 2nd Ward that she serves?….that she lists six (6) 2nd Ward businesses that she claims to patronize on her Facebook Wall? ….that 4 of the 6 businesses listed on her Facebook Wall are not located in the 2nd Ward as she claims?….the following 4 business that are not located in the 2nd Ward are Buehler’s Buy Low, Rick’s Sports Bar, Don’s Marathon and Frank Jr’s BBQ? …..before Miss Mosby starts to actively campaign for re-election to the Evansville City Council she better look at her 2nd Ward map? ….all we have to say about this is—WOW?

IS IT TRUE that in the debate that was sparked by the introduction of a strengthening of the smokefree workplace ordinance for the City of Evansville in March of 2010 that Councilwoman Mosby was adamant that she had spoken with many of her 2nd Ward constituents on the issue?…that Councilwoman Mosby also carried some petition like documents to the City Council meeting with her and added them as evidence that smoking is just fine in public places?…that Councilwoman Mosby was a member of Team Weinzapfel and a defender of the “right” to smoke in public?…that no case about smoking has ever prevailed on the basis of the Bill of Rights?…that Miss Mosby could use a lesson on both the geographic boundaries of her own 2nd Ward and on the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution?…that we wonder if the signatures that she carried with her were really gathered in the 2nd Ward where she lives or in some other of the other wards where she obviously goes to spend her money?

IS IT TRUE that recently defeated candidate for Vanderburgh County Commissioner Troy Tornatta made a little pre-announcement that he would be making a statement in 48 hours regarding his immediate political future?…that was more than 48 hours ago that he made that statement?…that missing your first self imposed deadline is no way to start a campaign?…that Mr. Tornatta in his first significant act as president of the Vanderburgh County Commissioners aggressively led a 2 – 1 party line vote to reverse a smoking restriction ordinance?…that action put Vanderburgh County into a very small and exclusive fraternity of places that have reversed a smoking restriction?…that if Team Troy is forming to make a run at the office of Mayor of Evansville that it may include the other members of the Evansville City Council who voted NO on strengthening the smoking ordinance?…that if Team Troy forms that it will most likely include Missy Mosby, B. J. Watts, John Friend, and Don Walker, the other incumbent Democrats who staked their position and took their stand AGAINST progressive smokefree workplace laws in 2010?

IS IT TRUE that 4th Ward Evansville City Councilwoman Connie Robinson broke from the pack in 2010 and made a most passionate testimonial before her affirmative vote for the smokefree workplace resolution?…that Councilwoman Robinson surprised everyone in the room with her resolute position when she exclaimed “I AM MY BROTHER’S KEEPER”, I vote yes?…that Councilwoman Robinson earned the respect of many people with that speech and that vote?…that it will be interesting to see if Councilwoman Robinson joins her former members of Team Weinzapfel on what may be a soon to be formed Team Troy or if she maintains her newfound independent spirit?…that Councilwoman Robinson will be the overwhelming favorite to retain her City Council seat in the 4th Ward with or without a team affiliation as her many years of service are recognized by her constituents?

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Commissioners will be starting the process to pass a comprehensive smokefree workplace resolution on Tuesday night February 8th?…that this will undo the damage done by the 2009 vote to overturn the old smoking ordinance?…that the world will not recognize this for a couple of more years?…that the only uncertainly is whether Commissioner Melcher will join Commissioners Winnecke and Abell in voting yes?…that a unanimous vote on such an important public health and economic development issue would send a strong message to the City of Evansville and even the State of Indiana that there is at least one elected body in SW Indiana that is dedicated to bringing their area of governance into the modern world?

IS IT TRUE that in his kick off speech yesterday at the Civic Center that Brent Grafton, local entrepreneur and candidate for the Republican nomination for Evansville City Council from the 5th Ward was asked a question about his position on a comprehensive smokefree workplace ordinance?…that he answered that he supports this action?…that if the vote from the 5th Ward was the vote that shot down the smoking ordinance of 2010?…that a survey of the 5th Ward conducted last summer indicated that 80% of the constituents support a smokefree workplace ordinance?…that if Mr. Grafton would have been a sitting Councilman last year that Evansville would already have a stronger smokefree workplace law?

IS IT TRUE that Mr. Grafton also spoke to the subject of jobs, Roberts Stadium, and on the general state of the local economy?…that he surprised everyone with a simple yet achievable idea to leverage the skills and work ethic of the people of Evansville to redirect the use of Roberts Stadium in a way that the people of Evansville who wish to add to their incomes and increase their prosperity may choose to do so?…that details shall be forthcoming?


  1. I think if you check around you’ll find out that Don Walker has been making his famous fudge for the Rick Davis campaign committee

  2. Don Walker is a great maker of fudge, a good guy, but not a very good councilman. Doesn’t know what he’s voting on half the time. Way to close to JFK club .
    Is it true that the JFK club doesn’t file a political finance report.

  3. Missy probably can’t find Rick’s or much else in the 2nd ward, because, if you believe her Facebook page, she spends most of her time at Bar Louie or the Timeout Bar

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