IS IT TRUE? February 4, 2012
that Indiana Secretary of State Charlie White has been found guilty of multiple instances of voter fraud with respect to his address?…that it is going to be interesting to see if justice plays itself out and Secretary White is removed from office for this conviction?…that in the event of his removal it will be equally interesting to see if his replacement will be his Democrat challenger Vop Osili or if the Republicans will get to appoint his successor?…that there is also the possibility that he will continue to serve and pay a fine?…that while this news should attract more interest than it does it seems as though when a politician is convicted anymore that many people just shrug their shoulders and accept it as the way of the world?
IS IT TRUE we are wondering when VenuWorks will decide to put the City County Observer on their Media list …that the last time we checked, VenuWorks is heavily subsidized by the local taxpayers and should adhere to public access laws?
IS IT TRUE that the Murray State Racers just keep on winning and are now sitting at 22 – 0 as the only undefeated college basketball team in the nation?…that in 6 regular season games and a bracket buster matchup against 22nd ranked St. Mary’s we shall know if the Racers will be entering the Ohio Valley Conference tournament with a perfect 29 – 0 record?…that they could very well be heading to the NCAA with a 32 – 0 record and a #2 seed if they can pull this season out?…that the Racers are this year’s inspiration for little guys everywhere?
IS IT TRUE that last weekend the Union County Braves wrestling team won the Kentucky State Duels for the first time?…that for those who don’t know Union County High is located in Morganfield in a county of only 15,000 or so people?…that wrestling in Kentucky does not have class distinction so UCHS has to go up against giant schools like Louisville Trinity (enrollment 4,000) at the state level?…that the Braves now have 7 outright state titles and 3 class A titles in the trophy case just in wrestling?…that they are favored to add another team title at the state meet in mid February?…that this makes the CCO the only Evansville based publication to report this?
The council members have a right to assemble as does any other group of citizens. The issue is the intent of the gathering. If it is social, according to counsel for the Hoosier Press Associaton, the gathering is legit. If they want to gather to have a meal, go to a parade, attend church, or go to a party, they can do it so long as they don’t discuss official business. The gathering was in the open, at a bar, not behind closed doors. As many moles as the CCO has, I am sure you can task one to follow the council members around to sit close to them when they lawfully gather in a public place to make sure they don’t discuss official business.
If the City Councilpersons in question had exercised a little common sense they would have avoided scandal. For instance, meeting in City Council President Connie Robinson’s living room (which is no long drive from the City Council Chambers) would have been a more appropriate venue for their “social gathering.” The fact is that the Democrats have ruled this town for so long that they are comfortable doing what they want to do, and when they want to do it, merely because the voters were not paying attention, with the Courier and Press playing the role of enabler-in-chief.
Hopefully the 90,000-plus registered (ha-ha) voters of Evansville have learned their lesson.
“…that unfortunately with her title of President comes the responsibility to teach adult elected officials what the right thing is and to do everything within her power to get them to do the right thing?…”
I must admit, I laughed out loud at this one.
You DO know her, right?
You’re asking her to do the right thing and get the others to do the same? Yeah, good luck with that.
I would like to hear more about the young men wrestling at Union County High in Morganfield. Would like to see them have a dual meet with Mater Dei, maybe hold it in Owensboro ?
They have met in tournaments before. I think Mater Dei has won most of the matches that have been very competitive. The cross state meets are not always encouraged for a duel meet. The reason is so Mater Dei and UCHS do not injure each other so they can both bring home state championships. Both teams have great traditions of winning.
Charlie White: He is a total embarrassment. He should have resigned a long time ago.
What about councilwoman Connie Robinson, is she an embarrassment?
Who says Connie Robinson hasn’t learned a lesson?
The people of Evansville elected a mayor who requested for the sneaky backdoor homestead credit meeting.
If the voters and taxpayers rewarded the current mayor for that type of behavior by electing him to office, and let’s face it Robinson ASKED the voters to reward him for that kind of behavior when she endorsed him, why should she not conduct city council business any differently? YOU GET WHAT YOU VOTE FOR!
Go Racers!
We have seen copious coverage on the Charlie White investigation, but this investigation:
seems to have gone nowhere. Wonder why that is?
Union County? That is thoroughly impressive-and the teachers and coaches should be loudly applauded-they are working doubly hard to give those kids the drive to make the distinction!
There’s not really a lot to offer in that county, but they fight the good fight against meth, and prescrption drugs. And now they are distinguishing themselves by excelling in sports? That’s great!
It is my opinion the charges against Charlie White will be reduced to misdemeanors, meaning he will be able to continue to serve in his capacity as Secretary of State. If he were going to resign, he would have already done so.
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