IS IT TRUE it looks like ECHO Corp is planning boondoggle project located at 101 North Garvin Street in Evansville, Indiana?…if the old Safe House on the Westside was not enough of a waste of our taxpayer dollars this new project should infuriate taxpayers given the value received for the tax money being spent?…this old office-warehouse building is being converted into 27 one bedroom apartments for the homeless at an eye popping price of $6.1 Million dollars?…this works out to $225,000 per one bedroom apartment?…unless these apartments are going to rent for $1,750 per month the taxpayers of the United States, Indiana, and Evansville are getting hosed in a big way?…given that such apartments will likely be in the Section 8 pool of properties the rent for a one bedroom apartment will not exceed about $550 making the maximum defensible price from an investment perspective is $70,000?…the reality is that the City of Evansville could have easily bought finished units in buildings that are on the market for well under $50,000 each since the local market is in the tank for low income rental properties?…it is no wonder the infrastructure of the country is falling apart if spending $225,000 for a one bedroom apartment that is worth no more than $70,000 on a cash flow basis is how things are done when government money is involved?…until this sort of nonsense is stopped, the City and the rest of the country will continue to come up short on sewers, sidewalks, water pipes, and yes these idiotic $225,000 one bedroom apartments?  …we wonder how the homeless and economically disadvantaged are going to pay their rent and utilities once they move into these very nice one bedroom apartments?

IS IT TRUE we wonder how many  two bedrooms Habitat type homes that ECHO could had built with this $6 million dollars State grant earmarked for providing housing for the homeless and economically disadvantaged?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if anyone can tell us who are the Board of Director members of the Evansville ECHO-Housing Board of Directors because we can’t locate them?

IS IT TRUE In the legals section ( page 3C ) of yesterdays ( 2-27-17 ) Courier and Press that  the City of Evansville and its component units  published its 2016 Annual Financial Report of the Civil City of Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana?  …the most interesting revelations is the fact that about $44. million dollars has already been DISBURSED for the IU Medical School?   …if you drive around the area you will see the beginnings of a steel framed building being erected so far to show for the $44. million disbursement?  …we wonder If it cost that much just to clear the area, prep it for construction and erect a steel frame building?   …we wonder what will the final cost of this project be?

IS IT TRUE that the Ford Center has a competitor when it comes to under achieving with respect to the consultant projections for profits?…the ARK Encounter in Grant County, Kentucky is the latest tax incentive driven boondoggle to fall short of expectations?…the ARK Encounter is coming up so short of promises that the near bankrupt county is contemplating a tax increase?…there is nothing like a 2% tax increase to insult a group of taxpayers who were willing to do something unconventional to lift them out of the economic doldrums?…while the ARK Encounter may have violated the separation of church and state, both the ARK and the Ford Center are so under water with respect to the consultants projections that it would be easy to conclude that the consultants on these projects were either delusional or paid to paint a picture that is rosy enough to be a darn lie?…it is amazing the extent to which politicians will go to put their signature on delusional financial failures while shaking down the construction companies for campaign contributions?

IS IT TRUE we recently read that the former Democratic Party Chairman of Vanderburgh County Mark Owen feels that the party should maintain a full time staffed office?  …that soon to be named Vanderburgh County Democratic party Chairman Scott Danks strongly disagrees with Mr. Owen?  …wasn’t Mr.Owen the party Chairman when when the party signed a long term lease and moved the party headquarters to the old Welborn Hospital building owned by the Kunkel Group?  …that the present party Chairmen has allegedly signed an extension to the current lease knowingly that the owner of the property is owed around $50,000 back rent?  …we wonder why a landlord would allow anyone to sign an extension to the current lease when they owe around $50,000 in back rent?  …its looks like Mr. Danks is spot on and is sending a strong signal to local Democrats that the future decisions of the Democratic party of Vanderburgh County shall be based on sound business principals?

IS IT TRUE last Saturday afternoon, food, floats and family fun took over West Franklin street area for an annual Mardi Gras parade?  …many hundred of families lined the street with their kids that scooped up food, candy and colorful beads.  …our hats are off to the West Franklin Street Business Association for putting on yet another family friendly event for the people of this community?

FOOTNOTE: Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you think that the taxpayers should pay $225,000 per one bedroom apartment to house the homeless?


  1. Off topic. I’M told that that Lt. Molinet was not included in the the alleged beating of a homeless man investigation because he is not a “yes man”. I”m also told instead of including Lt. Molinet, the highest ranking officer on scene, as a part of the investigation, Chief Billy Bolin bypassed him and selected Sgt. Cullum, a personal friend, who is not in the direct chain of command of the involved officers. Chief Bolin continually testified that his primary concern was public support and perception. It’s obvious that the Chief needs to practice what he preaches.

  2. In my world you can build a 3 bedroom home with several acres of ground for $225,000.00 ,,,,were getting hose again by some crooked ass politicians

  3. I believe E’ville has reached a strong A++ rating in the “Good Place To Be From” category and will continue it’s strong movement in political corruption and taxpayer screwing for many years to come. And the Aces will continue to suck.

  4. Renting Lincoln Bedroom

    More than 800 people stayed overnight in the Lincoln bedroom of the White House during President Bill Clinton’s tenure. At least $5.4 million in campaign contributions from many of those guests went into Clinton’s re-election effort. Among the paying guests were movie producer Steven Spielberg, Dreamworks SKG head David Geffen and long-time Hollywood powerhouse Lew Wasserman.

    Two of the Lincoln Bedroom’s renters — Linda Thomason and actress Markie Post — are pictured here trashing the bed by treating it like a trampoline. The mattress was eventually replaced through online provider

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    And leftists want to act shocked and appalled that Kellyanne Conway put her feet on the couch in the oval office? Get real.

    • Dems are despicable. They had no problem with Monica pleasuring Bill there. The 99% fact free News Media didn’t either.

    • Does a “Lewinsky” happening in the Oval Office stir the tweeter’s memory? That wasn’t a disrespecting action was it? I wonder what it was called when Kennedy was the tenant? A “Monroe”?

  5. $6,000,000 State grant to ECHO and the legislature is substantially raising the gas tax?
    $44,000,000 disbursed to build IU Med School(?) resulting only in a giant traffic barrier?
    Sometimes it’s understandable for some to think there’s no difference in the two parties.

    • The Senate quarters aren’t 3 months. I believe a quarter refers to a quarter of a 2 year meeting of Congress or some such nonsense. Don’t expect words to mean things when dealing with career politicians.

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