IS IT TRUE February 25, 2015


IS IT TRUE the Welborn Foundation was the first organization to publish the state of greater Evansville with respect to health and well being in 2008 in one of the first public meetings held in the Media Room in Innovation Pointe?…this writer was in attendance and congratulated Kevin Bain who was relatively new to his job as Executive Director of the Welborn Baptist Foundation at the time, for producing a well designed study that had the courage to point out obvious needs for improvement among the populace?…this study was published before the Gallup organization had ever placed Evansville on the “Miserable Places” list or national designations for “The Obesity Capital of America” had come to be?…having lived in Evansville after many years in California gave me a different view of Evansville and two of the most obvious to the naked eye were obesity and smoking?…it is hard to miss such things when one has spent lots of time in places that had smoking bans in place for years and a higher concern for maintaining a healthy weight?…it was easy to surmise through mainstream media outlets (this was before my CCO days) that there were drug use and alcohol abuse problems that were higher than other places?…it was even easy to run the numbers with respect to suicide that would easily lead to a conclusion that there were mental health issues that were either endemic to the population or unmitigated by the mental health community?…having a strong belief based on observations the 2008 Welborn Study and it’s frank conclusions were sufficient to make this writer optimistic that things would change in Evansville as a result of the scientific nature of the study and the courage exhibited by Welborn to make the study public?

IS IT TRUE many of my friends and co-workers at the time who did not have the benefit of having lived elsewhere were mostly indignant about the 2008 Welborn Study and dismissed it as wrong and irrelevant?…a few years later when the Obesity Capital and the Misery Index started hitting the airwaves some people started to believe the statistics?…even with the Welborn Study and the numerous awards for poor lifestyle, there are many among us who scoff at the ugly reality that these studies have thrown on the table?…Mayor Winnecke even made a youtube video of an exercise dance to try and inspire some positive activity, while scoffing at the Obesity Capital designation as though it “couldn’t be true”?…DENIAL of statistical facts does not make them any less true?…it will be interesting to see if the latest Welborn Study will fall on deaf ears again?

IS IT TRUE to summarize the 2015 Welborn Study there are several things that are called out as problems that were called out in the 2008 Study that are covered in the statement in the Executive Summary that states, “Nevertheless, the same concerns and strengths observed in the last survey still prevail?”…when one delves into the depth of the study greater Evansville is still performing poorly relative to other places by smoking more, abusing drugs and alcohol, letting ourselves get obese, and eating unhealthy diets?…we are even specifically called out for feeding our children so poorly that pre-school childhood obesity here is 220% higher than the national average?…that translates into 32% of our pre-school kids being so fat that it is a health problem?…when the numbers were tallied adults with substance abuse problems in greater Evansville are DOUBLE the national average?…adult smoking is 26% higher than the national average?…these are all preventable conditions and are enough to just perplex the daylights out of an outside observer?…it makes one wonder if the bulk of the population is disinterested or indifferent to their own health and the health of their children?…it has been 7 years since the first Welborn study and the clear conclusion is that NOT A DAMN BIT OF POSITIVE CHANGE HAS COME OF IT?

IS IT TRUE this is sufficient to help one accept the fact that the elected officials have failed to pass a smoking ban, failed to prioritize the repair of the decrepit sewer system that continues to spread feces and disease, while funding every fun and games suggestion that comes along?…if there were a country song written about Evansville it would be along the lines of the Willie Nelson classic stating “there’s more old drunks than there are old doctors, so I guess we better have another round”?…it makes one wonder if the heavy metals in the soils of Jacobsville have contaminated the minds of the people of Evansville to the point that as a whole they are incapable of connecting cause and effect?…it is disappointing to say the least to watch a fully capable population ignore the explicit warnings of the professionals at Welborn?…we must ask ourselves “if I wanted to start a business or raise a family, would I do that in Evansville knowing all of this?”…to many the answer is a quiet polite NO, as they pack their bags for other places or ignore what opportunities that Evansville may offer?

IS IT TRUE the only good news in the Welborn study is that Evansville people seem to do a good job of looking after their teeth and their rear ends, with good statistics on visiting the dentist and getting a colonoscopy?…in all seriousness if we as a people are going to smoke, abuse drugs and alcohol, and get so fat that we have an epidemic of suicides, arthritis, high blood pressure, asthma, and diabetes despite repeated warnings by Welborn, Gallup, and others, we had just as well tap another keg and take the ride across the River Styx together, or better yet maybe the 40% or so that are creating these terrible statistics will snap out of their booze and cheetohs comas and take their own lives seriously?

IS IT TRUE that if you liked the fact that the CVB Board of Directors was outed for spending over $4,000 on dinner for 14 at the Opus One Cafe’ you can thank Ron Cosby for having the courage to publish it?…that was the first day that the CCO ever had 1,000 pageviews?…the tip for the story along with the receipt for the dinner was handed to the CCO by a reporter at the Courier & Press who was pushed not to say a thing?…the rest is history and the board was substantially replaced?


  1. After I finish my smoke I am hitting donut bank. A doctor gave my ninety year old dad a lecture about his smoking two years ago. The doctor died last year running a marathon Dads still doing fine. Sorry our PERSONAL habits offend you so much. Maybe the city should worry about there sewers and finances not my PERSONAL habits.

    • ….this is the future, and it should be. You want to be smoke, take your addiction elsewhere.

      USA Today, Opinion, January, 2012
      CLEVELAND CLINIC Health System

      Tobacco is addictive, damaging and deadly, causing 450,000 deaths — one in every five — each year in the U.S., often from early heart attacks, chronic lung diseases and cancers. As a health care institution, whose inherent mission is healing the sick and cultivating a healthier community, does it make sense to support a habit that leads to disease, disability and death?

      At Cleveland Clinic, we don’t believe so. That’s why we adopted a smoke-free campus in 2005 and why, in 2007, we went further, deciding to no longer hire smokers. Job candidates are told that the offer is subject to a nicotine-free urine test. If a candidate tests positive for nicotine, the offer is rescinded, and he or she is offered a free tobacco- cessation program and may reapply in 90 days.

      You smoke, we will not hire you.

      • And the Donut Bank may be a top choice for Stonedreamer too. Just don’t expect too many visits to the Donut Bank to keep you on your job in the future as well. The day is coming when RIGHT TO WORK laws “fully empower the EMPLOYER” to hire and fire as it sees fit, in all areas not covered by civil rights laws: no unions, no smoking, no obesity.

        You are obese, we will not hire you. And we have the right to fire you…for being obese.

      • Hiring/firing because of nicotine in the blood was news to me. I now see that it is a state by state
        issue. I can see this type of hiring morph into diabetes, meat/veg eater, past family history, female
        reproduction problems, etc. Can not this not be dealt with thru added cost of insurance for that employee instead? Sounds like this sites much “HATED” Obama care be the answer to this type of hiring issues?

      • The smoking of Tobacco as a Nicotine delivery system is now migrating to a different deliver system for the Nicotine addict. At this point Nicotine in the body isn’t necessarily a result of Smoking, yet still presents a Health issue to be dealt with by our Society,
        — and how do we stop the addiction to the , if you will, “Dirty Money”, from tobacco taxes, and political contributions from the “Dealers”(tobacco companys) that the Politicos love and wallow in.

        Obesity?–Bloomberg(former mayor of NYC) wanted to stop the sale of Large soft drinks, –at some point in the Future– the THX 1138(movie) story will be the Reality—to keep us all “inline with acceptable behavior”.

      • Indiana has long been an “At-will” state. Basically, that means that unless there is a union agreement that prevents it, an employer can fire you because he/she doesn’t like your hair color.
        That being said, I wonder if recognition for being a fat, heavy-smoking, substance abusing, depressed, and poorly-educated place might not discourage some cutting-edge employers from locating here. It’s probably what drew EarthCare to Evansville, though.

      • Most smokers are low income, poorly educated and most are on welfare so employment is not an issue. Did I mention democrats. What does the boat run by highly intelligent individuals want to keep it smoking, refer to first sentence. I personal think not working is the leading cause of death because you have plenty of time to do the things that are unhealthy and none of the things that are healthy like burning energy. I think the most unhealthy people in this country are people sitting at home, smoking, snacking, doping, watching the view and complaining about the white powers to be that are holding them down. Damn the MAN.

        • ” I think the most unhealthy people in this country are people sitting at home, smoking, snacking, doping, watching the view and complaining about the white powers to be that are holding them down. Damn the MAN.”

          You think, really?? You have a right to your thoughts, but voicing them truly shows you to be a bigot. If you want your ideas respected, maybe you should form them more carefully.

          ” What does the boat run by highly intelligent individuals want to keep it smoking, refer to first sentence. I personal think not working is the leading cause of death because you have plenty of time to do the things that are unhealthy and none of the things that are healthy like burning energy. ”

          You do know that you’ve pretty much stopped making any sense, don’t you??

          • Damn right pov has a right to his opinion and furthermore he has the right to say it. You must admit that his characterization have to be spot on for many people blatantly exploiting the government, thus they are exploiting the tax payers because out tax dollars are the number 1 source of revenue that the government in turn hands out – They get their money from taxes and fines, It is just not politically correct to call anyone out because we might offend them. Whaaaaa! You folks just refuse to call bad behavior by it’s name whether it’s Islamic terrorism or simply voting for a living. Blinders abound.

          • Dagny….you remind me of Sarah Palin. You spew crap, it is all over the place, and none of it is related. And in your disorganization, no one has any idea what you are trying to say. It leaves the impression you are unstable.

  2. “IS IT TRUE that if you liked the fact that the CVB Board of Directors was outed for spending over $4,000 on dinner for 14 at the Opus One Cafe’ you can thank Ron Cosby for having the courage to publish it?”

    ~b~ Thanks Ron … for this … and for all you do for our community … and ultimately
    … do for us …
    Stay strong brother. …

    • C&P is like The Great OZ … behind a curtain of untruths … generating sounds, lights and falsehoods
      which sustain .. and are the very essence
      of The Machine. …

      • Indiana-Enoch….The Koch brothers. The Koch brothers want to put and keep Republicans in local offices, and they have been highly effective in funding, financing and advertising with any institution that help achieve their objectives to keep Republicans in local office. The Koch brothers support the C&P’s effort to help the Mayor of Evansville stay in Republican hands. That’s what is in it for the C&P.

        • Does the name George Soros ring a bell? He funds Demos all the time and you don’t complain about his funding financing and advertising he does to control this nation.
          Don’t ask for proof just google his name if you need it.

        • No one helped put the mayor of Evansville in republican hands as much as the local democrat party. If the democrat party had supported the primary winner Winnecke would not be the mayor. No one is more responsible for Winnecke being mayor than Connie Robinson, Eric Williams and Steve Bagby. If the citizens really cared about Evansville we would be in a better position, This is a democrat controlled town and will be buried by democrats. How soon we forget, “sewers before stadiums”. Winzapfel would be the mayor if Ron had not exposed him and the homestead exemption theft. Winzapfel was so powerful that he did not have a viable opponent during his second run.

  3. Ron’s surgery was a success. He was chatting with friends and feeling much better by early evening yesterday. He’ll be on his feet walking today and likely on his way home by Friday. He sends his thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers.

    • Good news. I’m glad he is doing better. It’s surprising how quickly the Physical Therapists and Doctors get patients back up on their feet to rehab and get better.

    • Thanks for the update, Councilwoman! Ron’s a Timex. He takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin’!

    • Councilor Riley:

      I greatly appreciate your observations in the C&P this morning re: the Mayor’s State of the City address yesterday. I was enlightened (and shocked) that out of $ 20 Million in December 2014 property tax receipts, all but $ 300,000 was ‘spoken for’ on bills already received ? I shake my head in disbelief that this city is now ‘leveraged’ just to run day-to-day operations.


      • This city is going to miss Mrs. Brinkerhoff-Riley’s dedication to its citizens. We can only hope that her expertise isn’t lost to us for long.

          • More particularly:

            The financial statement of the City was prepared from information entered by the City into the Gateway Annual Financial Report. The City’s beginning balances, receipts and disbursements, as originally reported in the Annual Financial Report, did not reflect t
            he actual activity of the City.

            Therefore, the financial statement presented for audit was not reflective of the financial activity of the City. Subsequent audit adjustments were proposed, accepted by the City, and made to the financial statement presented in this report in order to more accurately reflect the financial activity of the City.

            * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

            That last sentence is about as innocuous a way to describe “THE PLUG IN” as anyone could devise in print.


        • Pressanykey,

          I was at the Rotary Meeting. When the 2013 Supplemental Audit came up, Winnecke looked at his watch and said ” Anywho, I ‘ve kept all of you far too long already . . . .Thank You for your support !”

      • 10-4, That tax money was 2014 tax money. Why wouldn’t it be spent in that year ? Perhaps the legislature should put tax collections and disbursements on a quarterly basis.

        • Cowboy, you are missing the point.

          The City no longer has any Cash ! We are making spending commitments without the cash in the bank. We are borrowing on a line-of-credit from ONB, both in anticipation of property tax receipts. What if we get a big surprise on property tax receipts for one of our 6-month installments ? This is unsound fiscal management, and this is not the way local government should set itself up. We basically have no cushion. We are out ahead of the cash, and any blip will put us into a hole we can’t escape from. When we hear that police cars are having to delay oil changes due to the dearth of cash, then we know its dysfunctional for the city as a whole.

          • 10-4, I thought the deal that got everyones shorts in a bind was because they were using money out of accounts that didn’t need it at the time and paid it back when they got their tax money. It shouldn’t be but cities do run like that. I know i read where Mt. Vernon routinely asks the county for an advance on their taxes. They could be going through a period of adjustment. They lost some of the Boat funds either last year or the year before and they are trying to take some more of them. With the increase in property taxes the last two years we should see an increase in revenue coming in. They also are way overdue for some annexation. As far as the oil changes that is bogus. Shut down those take home cars. Especially the ones who live out of the county. 50 miles round trip X 4 days a week =200. If they get 15 MPG that would be 13 gal per wk. At $3.00 i’ts $39.00. I bet they don’t pay that for the use of it.

        • 10-4 is correct, the city is actually 6 months behind on their funds. What they collected last
          June should had paid the bills up until December. Then last December funds should take them
          up to this June, when the next money comes in.

          Either they are borrowing up to that 20 million from the bank on a 6 month cycle, are they
          are robbing from the city workers pension/and/or not paying into the cities pension but
          twice a year (six months behind).

          • The Pain of the “Plug” is biting the City in the Ass.
            Hard to believe that something Criminal did not figure into this ongoing “drawer shortage”.
            The continuous flips, and back flips, now being employed –to disguise what looks like
            the City’s headlong plunge into insolvency, suggests the population is be held hostage to Lies, Damn Lies, and Subterfuge, until the Next Mayoral election.

            Gail–you got a Mell of a Hess to try and fix to get the Good Ship Evansville righted. This will be your time,–your opportunity, to “Stand-up” for the future of Evansville, –and generations to come,–it will be your enduring Legacy,– lasting long after the bright lights and Fame fade as you travel life’s journey to it’s conclusion.

            I’m not up to bat,– your are,– and This Old Man will Pray for your success.
            Hit it out of the Park!

      • It would be nice if SBR told the full story. Winnecke is taking care of daily bills created by the former mayor and the daily bills are so great that we can’t prepare for the future, sort of like low income. Sbr tell the folks that the public sector has outgrown the ability of the local tax payers to support them. Tell how the democrats lied about the school bond and we ended up voting a mandatory tax on ourselves. Tell how you and the rest of the CC cowered before the union boss and voted for the water meter hoax that will effect the middleclass working people. The low income will be taken care of. The elected officials of this city are a disgrace but fully supported by local parasites.

  4. This whole thing basically describes the Republican response to any scientific research. Dismiss it as some damn commie liberal conspiracy. They’re too stupid to make it through college so they write off anyone with a college degree as a stupid brainwashed liberal. Hopefully in about 30 years the vast majority of religious conservatives will be dead or out of politics and we can rise from our misery.

    • Ghost –I now understand your position as an Atheist,–If there was a God he wouldn’t let any Republicans, or Conservatives be born right?–Your a warped dude Ghost, doomed to misery by your own hand(closed mind).

      • Huh? I’m severely agnostic not full blown atheist. I’ve seen no evidence of a god so therefore I have serious doubts one exists. Eben if there was one, how do I know I’m worshipping the right one? Best just to live life. You can save all your cliché faith analogies. I’ve heard them all. By the way, it’s you’re not your.

        • Wrong Ghost,– As used in the first sentence– it’s your– (possessive adj.), as in you own it (the position)
          –and not– you’re—that’s a a contraction of you are.

          • Ghost–you might consider reading the book “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis for thoughts to ponder about God’s existence or not.

          • Yes. Hopefully within a year. I’ll still check in here to call bs on your lies.

          • Great, when Ghost and LKB leave the percentage of mental health issues will decline on the Welborn report.

    • Ghost – It was you, as is usually the case, that brought religion into the discussion today. Believers in Christ may well be gone in 30 years. Watching the news tells us that Christian genocide is increasing. Reading the scriptures tell us that we haven’t seen anything yet. Non-believers hate the Israel because of the fact that Israel is, sitting in the midst of her enemies, proof that God is. Jesus is hated because he overcame death and the grave and he lives.
      If I, as a believer, am wrong, so what? If you are wrong…eternity is a long time to be totally and completely alone. Ghost, I’m going to pray that laborers cross your path and sew seeds of belief in your spirit. Other laborers will water those seeds and they will germinate and grow…in Jesus’ name. God’s word will not return to him void. It will serve it’s intended purpose. God bless you Ghost.

      • More victim card Christian genocide shit. Grow up Ellen, you are not being persecuted. There’s a Christian church on every block. You’re free to practice whatever religion you want, just keep it the hell out or government. Same goes for the Muslims.

        • It’s a big world Ghost. I am not being persecuted but have you seen the news in the middle east? Last week 21 Coptic Christians were beheaded by ISIS. This week Isis captured upwards of 100 Christians after they destroyed ancient relics in a town in Syria. That’s persecution Ghost.

          • Yes, and they are being executed by OTHER RELIGIOUS RIGHT WINGERS that just happen to worship a different god. You’re making my case for separation of church and state.

          • May the peace of the Lord God Jehovah rule your heart and your mind Ghost. Peace that passes understanding.

  5. I go to Hong Kong several times a year for business they smoke like it is the 1950s. They eat good but seem to not get fat. My point is their PERSONAL habits have not held the town down. Get your house in order before you tell me how to run mine.

    • Fast food may be the link. Those carbonated drinks pack on the pounds. It took two years, but by going from five
      can soda’s to one a day, I took off 40 lbs without changing my eating habits.

    • I don’t think those studies address any individual’s personal habits impact on the community. In the aggregate the inclinations and personal choices the scores reflect do affect the health of the population as well as the scenery. It is valid information, one piece among many (utility rates, recreational opportunities, number of dog parks, responsiveness of government, etc.) that can be used when deciding whether or not to move to or stay in an area.


    Here’s a link to a hilarious editorial on this. The writer says “Gallup’s efforts are about as scientific as a papier-mache volcano and as useful as that smug puppy.” and goes on to suggest that the city take it’s own survey “Hire a few interns and have them survey a swath of YMCA fitness instructors, TV morning show hosts and those chipper demons in coffee shops who bleat “smile!” to complete strangers. You won’t find them saying anything negative.”
    Isn’t this the same skewed sampling he’s accusing Gallup of?

    • That writer is terrible. He’s a delusional, pompous ass. He pounds out biased crap. He might as well work for the National Enquirer or Winnecke.

        • He’s a stone leprechaun, perfectly reflective of what that paper has become. He writes what’s expected of him.

          Those ‘chipper demons in coffee shops’ should be summarily tased if they even crack a smile.

  7. Based off of the IIT today, the town of Evansville must had vanish. Fortunate, the news media said otherwise!

    Sunday liquor sale, mayor state of the city address, SBR rebuttal, etc.

      • Mayor claims they spent 5 million less then budget.
        SBR claims their was no 5 million dollars to be saved, it never existed.

        • Both are correct. Municipal budgets when approved grant the authority to spend at the approved level while trusting the revenue estimate. I believe it is true that Winnecke spent $5M less than was approved. I also believe that revenue was down by at least $5M making Riley’s statement correct. The problem with cities is that they often do not correct for revenue shortfalls before it is too late.

          Take San Bernardino, CA as an example. They also spent to a budget only to see tax revenues fall 20% short forcing them to seek bankruptcy protection. The true measure of good management on Winnecke’s part would have been spending $5M to $10M less that was collected to replenish he reserves that have been depleted by habitually spending more than was collected.

          You see, the budget from a spending perspective is irrelevant when it come to successful management. Successful management is accomplished by forecasting revenue correctly and spending less than is taken in.

          • Here is more thing on spending budgets. It is common with sneaky politicians to over budget on the spend side so they can come back next year and claim to have saved the taxpayers money. The reality is that the Winnecke Administration put the line items in the budget that they decided not to spend. Now they are taking credit for being thrifty when what they really did is create a talking point by gaming the budget process.

            It sort of like those commercials that are hawking a car with an MSRP of $30,000 and trying to convince you that you saved $2,000 by negotiating them down to $28,000. The truth is you don’t save a thing and are $28,000 in debt. It is the same trick from the same mindset.

          • Also, if Dec. 2014 Property Tax was $ 20 Million .. . .and we get that again in June 2015 that’s $ 40 MIllion. Didn’t the CCO take the Administration to school for putting something north of $ 50 Million into the current budget for property tax receipts ?

        • Five million dollars, that’s chicken feed. The last mayor claimed if we spent 140 million on the arena someone would come to town and build us a 100 million dollar hotel. He also claimed the arena would turn a profit and be fully self supporting. It cost the tax payers over $600,000 last year. A lot of credibility SBR has, she bowed to the union bosses and burdened the citizens of this with a 50 million dollar debt attached to our water bill, this is basically a deal of pay the debt or get your water shut off.

  8. According to the Mayor the city’s finances are A OK. Does anyone else doubt that the city really had “Clean Audits”?

    • Only people who can do basic arithmetic and care enough to apply it to the City’s finances.

  9. Is it true that Rudy’s comments have struck a nerve, and have caused many Americans to wake up to some hard facts? Here is a Fox News interview with Rudy about his comments. If you are expecting him to back away from his position, you may not want to watch.

    Rudy’s February 13th comments have gone viral and, as evidenced by the response to it in today’s Evansville Courier&Press Editorial section, have gained enough traction to elicit an all out damage control effort by it and other similar liberal media.

  10. ANALYSIS/OPINION from February 24, 2015 WASHINGTON TIMES
    (You want whining by Tea Party types? The W-T can’t figure out Obama WON, twice. President ’til 2017)

    We thought his policies and his party were thoroughly denounced in the midterm elections last year. Rush Limbaugh told us that. Wrong. Instead of respecting the election and listening to voters, Mr. Obama bestowed executive amnesty upon millions of illegal aliens living illegally in the U.S. We had some help though. A GOP judge in the Texas federal courts — temporarily halted the amnesty program. Thank goodness voters settled this dispute by sending a strong GOP majority to Congress.

    Now comes the great statesman and wise parliamentarian Senate Majority “Leader” Mitch McConnell. The Zen master of Senate denizens has spent all the decades of his political career in preparation for “leading” the world’s most deliberative body, whatever the hell that means. So the House whipped up a bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security — minus the illegal parts granting amnesty to millions of illegals living in the United States illegally. The bill passed the House and went to the Senate. In the Senate, Democrats filibustered the bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security.

    Somehow, magically, this was blamed entirely on Republicans. Republicans wanted to shut down the Department of Homeland Security. To the rescue comes Senator Yoda, wearing his hooded cloak and wielding his magic wand. Surrender. Blink, Capitulate. Run the white flag up the Senate flagpole and then use said flagpole to shaft the American people.

    I mean, what is it with all this surrendering and blinking? Here is the Senate’s great parliamentarian Yoda up against President Obama. Now, in the most important political battle of the past five years, Yoda gets completely outmaneuvered and outmatched by the President. And, once again, the American people are left with no choice but to close their eyes and accept the treachery.

    • Republicans got blamed, and rightfully so, not because McConnell surrendered or got outmaneuvered, but because republican politicians and strategists cooked up this spiteful harebrained idea to shutdown the DHS. Then they said it OUTLOUD at press conferences and the like. This has nothing to do with d treachery. The crazy nutbag R’s climbed out on the limb themselves and began sawing.

      These nuts would burn the country to the ground to spite Obama and all the proof you need of their blind hatred, derangement, vitriol and racism is to read the comments from the tealoons here on this blog.

  11. ….The Washington Times is not the only one who can’t figure out Obama is not up for re-election either.

    JOE-BIDEN every day clicks his keyboard and posts another item (written by Breitbart or Bill O’Reilly from Fox News, of course) that tries to castigate Obama.

    Hey Joe, he won twice. It’s over. Why are you obsessed with something already decided? You can’t vote again….

    • Think about Dinesh D’Sousa’s epic film, “Obama 2016”, and you may answer your own question.

  12. Evidently Rudy’s February 13th comments have struck a chord with the American people, as the video has gone viral, and the liberal media is scrambling to do damage control, an example of which is on the editorial page of the Evansville Courier&Press this morning.

    • Wait a minute PRESSANYKEY.

      Is the C&P liberal? Which is it? The C&P is in the bag for the Republican Winnecke? Or the C&P is liberal?

      • I think a lot of the to-do is about reasonable Republicans trying to do damage control. What Guiliani did was stir up the fringe and that isn’t a good thing. David Axelrod said something about Rudy being a politician whose light was fading, so he set himself on fire. I think he’s right.

    • No, that’s not how it is. Moderate repubs are trying to undo the damage America’s Mayor did them. Liberals are just laughing about it.

    • The liberal media is shocked that a politician would be this honest. Rudy has had a colorful and productive career, he was probably the most successful mayor NYC has ever had. He said something that most democrats and republicans believe but felt it was best left unsaid. The typical liberal does not love this country and are so hung up on class envy and living in a make believe world that they’re unable to get out of their pity pot and be grateful for being an American. Americans that love this country will most likely have a decent life, for the American hating liberals your die is cast. You will grow old like EKB and BB, look back over your life, be unhappy as you have always been, be a grouch and spend the remainder of your years playing woulda, coulda, shoulda. Obama was raised by and associated with people who hate this country and is a product of his environment, his nurture was questionable but not his nature. Living in the here and now is not a liberal virtue but class envy is.

      • Sorry POV. What you wrote essentially comes down to this…in other words, what you really AREN’T saying is this:

        “We got our ass kicked the last two Presidential elections. And because we lost, the other guy is doing what he wants, and more than that, he is doing what he said he would do, and it drives me f’n nuts! I STILL CAN’T F’N BELIEVE WE LOST! So, I’m gonna say crap like “He hates America, and the liberals don’t care about America,” and other things that demean the winner because I DON’T HAVE ANY RECOURSE OTHER THAN TO SAY THE WINNING GUY IS NOT A REAL AMERICAN!”

        Cause POV, that’s the position you put yourself in when your guy didn’t win. This IS America, and he won.

        What you REALLY are afraid to say is, “Look. Presidential elections have consequences unlike any other branch of government. And I hate it, but the fact is, this guy kicked our ass twice and won. So, as much as I don’t like it, this is the way it works, and he is indeed The President. Next time, I’ll make sure my guy wins. Because clearly, I know firsthand what happens when you lose.”

        POV, this crap from you that Obama hates America is a bunch of sorry ass whining and looks foolish and pathetic. You’re just reminding people you lost is all your doing.

    • Does the liberal media have enough left to do damage control? It appears even the liberal media is disgusted with Obama. Who in the liberal media has enough credibility left to be believed?

  13. DAGNY TAGGART wrote this today:

    “Believers in Christ may well be gone in 30 years. Watching the news tells us that Christian genocide is increasing.”

    …..which just goes to show, some people don’t understand logic.

    ISIS killed more people this week. Some of them were Christian. And D-T takes the leap to say “we’re in the midst of a Christian genocide.”


    (I know some Jewish people who would gladly slap you over that one D-T.)

    Here’s another one from D-T….”I was driving by a field, and I saw a cow with three legs. So, I”m here to report that all cows have three legs because of what I saw. Those rumors of cows having four legs? Lies, all lies!”

    SOMETIMES WE READ WHAT D-T writes, and it is so dimwitted and so idiotic that you stare at the screen in disbelief. More from D-T:
    ……D-T claims she is named after an Ayn Rand book character. Ayn Rand wasn’t even Christian. Now THAT is what I call low-information spin at work. At least get it right D-T!

    • Ayn Rand was very openly scornful of people like this version of “Dagny Taggart.” She’s probably spinning in her grave over this perversion of her heroine of “Atlas Shrugged.”

      • Here’s a visual on south western Indiana ‘s Dagny Taggart. That stuff inside that little head isn’t one half inch close to being actually viable EKB, stay tuned we’ll stay on the crud. usually with that type the out is a screen name change , as observed. So. Once a bag always a bag. “The CCo’s Dagney is a straight shot stupid ole ugly bag. ” Those usually come with acrylic mirrors, the glass would surely burst to pieces.

  14. WEHT web site has it going on. Elpers+stolen equipment+ Union County, Kentucky officials+E&E service= FBI
    investigation and jail time eventually. But,,but…but we don’t want the federal government involved in our little
    corner of our world!

    • I’m not really seeing the name Elpers splashed about like you think it would be. I suppose they don’t want anyone to associate that name with their boy Elpers running in the 5th ward.

    • Sound like de Mohrenschildt might have missed his de target. I mean, when O’Reilly knocks on your door the first thing you do is grab your shotgun and order him to drop his loofa. Everybody knows that. Just more de schildt from de Lyin’ Billō.

      • Okay, O’Reilly lied about being in the Falklands, he lied about his college football career, and he lied about this. To top it all off, he then threatened a female reporter that he would come after her “with all he has.” Did he happen to have a loofa in his hand when he said that?

  15. Just in the case of anyone didn’t understand @bandana’ s comment here’s the “dishing on it ” connection”

    Not bad , however all the CCO’s political licking today is kind of looking off focus. It looks diversionary due your actual communities needs and purposing in the solution based progressions. Its your town, and your county, that’s the very core in the point of questionable political cronyism that’s drives the change needed there. So, we’d just suggest honing in on the target zone a tad CCO.
    Its downtown evansville’s ongoing black hole vacuum all those locals see their tax revenues tossed at in the decades old “cronies bailout schemes.”
    And in your case of study, that’s the little circle of fail called “downtown” Evansville Indiana.

    r/. 1. the center of interest or activity.
    “this generation has made the environment a focus of attention”
    synonyms: center, focal point, central point, center of attention, hub, pivot, nucleus, heart, core, cornerstone, linchpin, cynosure
    “schools are a focus of community life”
    an act of concentrating interest or activity on something.
    “our focus on the customer’s requirements”
    synonyms: emphasis, accent, priority, attention, concentration More
    the point of origin of an new Madrid zone earthquake.
    the principal site of an infection or other disease. “Such as combined sewers overflows and the affects on the localized endocrine medicine”
    the part of a sentence given prominence, usually for emphasis or contrast, e.g., Bob in it was Bob who came, not Bill because Bill doesn’t care, his basement id full of sanitary sewers overflow.
    r/. 2. the state or quality of having or producing clear visual definition.
    “his face is rather out of focus” as well as the local political blog.”

    synonyms: focal point, point of convergence,
    another term for focal point.
    the point at which an object must be situated with respect to a lens or mirror for an image of it to be well defined or recorded for testing.
    a device on a lens that can be adjusted to produce a clear image. ” the over head has pin point chromatic accuracy “.
    one of the fixed points from which the distances to any point of a given curve, such as an ellipse or parabola, are connected by a linear relation. Exactly in line.
    verb: focus; 3rd person present: focuses; past tense: focused; past participle: focused; gerund or present participle: focusing; 3rd person present: focusses; past tense: focussed; past participle: focussed; gerund or present participle: focussing
    r/. 1.
    (of a person or their eyes) adapt to the prevailing level of light and become able to see clearly.
    “try to focus on a stationary object”
    cause (one’s eyes) to focus.
    “trying to focus his bleary eyes on the real subject”
    adjust the focus of (a telescope, camera, or other instrument).
    “they were focusing a scope on an idiot”
    synonyms: bring into focus;
    (of rays or waves) meet at a single point.
    concentrate (light, radio waves, or energy) into a sharp beam.

    r/.2. pay particular attention to.
    “the study will apply pin point focus on a number of areas in the CSO sections of Evansville”

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