IS IT TRUE that we have been informed by our Civic Center “MOLE” the proposed new downtown Convention Hotel with all of the side businesses and required infrastructure is going to be costing around $73 Million dollars?…that proposed $73 million dollar figure covers the new Hotel, parking garage, luxury rental units and retail space?…we also been informed all of this shall cost the taxpayers additional $13.5 millions of dollars? …this additional $13.5 Million of taxpayer’s dollars covers parking garage, three (3) pedestrian walkways to Hotel, Arena and Center, rerouting the streets and storage area for the Ford Center?…this is additional to the previous estimate of incentives for the Convention Hotel and a full 10 year tax abatement?…the government welfare associated with bringing what amounts to three different retail businesses is now sure to be between $40 Million and $50 Million?…that we wonder why hasn’t the Mayor added the total cost of the land that this project shall be built on?… is IT REALLY TRUE that the real costs for this entire project when completed shall cost the taxpayers of Evansville the grand total of $86.5 million of dollars?…that the Mayor wants the City Council to give the County about $1 million plus to make updates to the “The Centre”?
IS IT TRUE that a writer named John Lucas for the Courier Press wrote a couple of years about a “pall†that seems to be over the City of Evansville?…this so called “pall†does not seem to extend much beyond the city limits?…there is some merit to the “pall theory†some of which is explainable and some of which is not?…it is unexplainable why Evansville has a suicide rate and an arson rate that are well above national averages while the counties that border Vanderburgh do not?…the “pall†is explainable with things like a looming sewer repair bill of over $500 Million, parks that are in disrepair, crumbling roads, dilapidated houses, and a local government that can’t seem to gain much respect?…Mr. Lucas’ “pall theory†would put Evansville into the “Joe Bispick†of cities with a lingering cloud over its head?…if common sense sayings like “what goes around comes aroundâ€, “a penny saved is a penny earnedâ€, and “stupid is as stupid does†have a shred of truth to them, the calamities of today are a direct result of poor decisions made in the past?…leaving the parks to become weed patches for drug dealers, borrowing to build temples to sport instead of sewers, and supplementing one business with the efforts and earnings of its competitors are the basis for the “pall†over Evansville?…just as many of the poor get poorer because the keep repeating the mistakes of the past, poor cities that keep doing the same things that made them into mini-Detroits keep looking more and more like Detroit?…it is time for the Evansville City Council to wake up and start actually thinking things through?…taking from one innkeeper, restaurant owner, or retail merchant to subsidize another is a poor choice that will distort free markets and darken the “pall†that Mr. Lucas first wrote about?…it will be a conscious choice by our City government that extends and darkens the “pall†of poor decisions?
IS IT TRUE that the Kunkel Group has announced its intentions for the McCurdy and we have really come full circle with the classic old hotel after 5 years of meddling by the City of Evansville?…the McCurdy will once again be an old folks home like it was before the Weinzapfel Administration got headlines in their eyes and ran an existing old folks home out of the building in favor of a crony developer from Indianapolis who never could get the luxury apartments funded?…after committing to an $800,000 plus direct incentive, paying over $600,000 for a parking lot, and five years of jerking around we are now looking at a deteriorating building that may someday become an old folks home after a 5 year circle of negativity?…it really seems like everything the government of Evansville touches becomes a money sink for the taxpayers?…the Kunkel Group is fine in this saga, they are just taking what the brainless gift horse of government is handing out?…see the paragraph above about bad decisions breeding a “pall†in the City of Evansville if you want some clue as to why the McCurdy is abandoned, has been vandalized, and is now dependent on loans and government subsidies to become what it was before the hand of government stirred the pot?
IS IT TRUE that Jim Tucker, a candidate for Vanderburgh County sheriff in 2014, has engaged the services of a lawyer to help him deal with the media firestorm of the last couple of weeks?…the City County Observer will monitor this situation and as always will make our website available to Mr. Tucker or his attorney to publish whatever they wish to without edit, opinion, or bias?
From where will the money for the incentive package come? I am assuming that there will be a bond issue involved, so what revenue will be pledged this time around to service the bonds? Is there any revenue left available that does not already support in some degree existing debt?
What kind of special idiot would it take to invest in Evansville bonds at this point?
We know that TIF, as it is used in this city, is a hoax perpetrated on the taxpayers. It allows city government to issue bonds on projected increases in tax revenue from the TIF, which in this case will be limited to the hotel. The same hotel that will be receiving a long term tax abatement or phase in.
The current downtown TIF has fallen short of its projected tax revenue and as a result the debt service on the arena bonds had to be supplemented by other means sufficient to meet the shortfall.
I feel very confident that regardless of what the city identifies at this point in time as revenue sources to service this new bond debt, in the future it will come up short of the amount needed to service the new bonds, just like the arena.
This stuff is not rocket science. Anyone who has ever had to live on a budget knows what I am talking about here. Robbing Peter to Pay Paul does NOT work.
The saddest and most disturbing part of this whole process is that the normal mandated functions of government must go on, while the city dabbles in experiments in private enterprise, and the taxes needed to support those functions must come from the here and now, not from some projected future date where the figures may or may not match the projections.
I challenge Russ, John, and the two State Board Auditors to present documentation to the Council meeting tonight that all of you are indeed CPAs like you say you are.
Dear Editors
Did you know your “poll” adds up to 280%. The correct numbers should be:
O’Daniel 6%
McGinn 2%
Adams 4%
Mosby 27%
Lindsey 7%
Robinson 14%
Weaver 25%
Friend 9%
Brinkerhoff-Riley 7%
Even your total is innacurate.
Time for a new web programmer
Each person can vote for up to 3. Some only picked 1 or 2. That is the source of the differences in your totals and the reported totals. The poll widget in WordPress is a stand alone app that works and counts fine when one knows what they are looking at.
OK, the vote total aspect is believable, but the percentages should still work right. Last time I checked, poll’s should add up to 100%. Algebra works fine when one knows what they are looking at.
Each Council member’s percentage represents the percentage of the total number of poll participants who voted for them. Plus, it’s a pick three, so the percentages will not add up.
My guess is, with math skills such as these that CCO_TruthSquad must be from the Mayor’s office. 😛
Just checked it dude. There are 220 voters so a total of 660 possible votes. Only 640 votes have been recorded meaning 20 votes that could have been cast were not. In the past polls that have not added up to 100% were just a result of rounding errors. Like I said earlier, our polls are canned widgets. We did not do the programming. If this is all you have to do with your time then knock yourself out. Perhaps you can file a complaint with WordPress.
With respect to the percentages they are correct with respect to how many of the voters cast a vote for each council member. For instance with Councilwoman Riley she shows 43 votes from 220 voters at 5:10 CST on Monday. That calculates to 19.54% which rounds up to 20% as the poll reports. Check them all if you wish. That is how the algorithm works and I agree with that choice. Algebra is a flawless tool for those who know how to use it.
Amazing (Not really) how when the numbers do not add up on YOUR site it is somebody elses fault, but when you decide to go on your rantings about government you are the “watchdog” for Evansville. ANd of course your troll Linzy gets in on it.
The FACT is that you have an idiotic poll with a percentage that does not add up to 100%, and all you do is deflect blame.
Hypocrisy as usual for you
Sounds like you are angry because you do not understand basic arithmetic. See second paragraph of last comment.
CCOFruitSquad wants new Obama math where there are no wrong answers, only credit for trying. Could be Della from C and P, but likely just an apologist for the old Administration. Ignore them real CCO, they only waste your time as they only have slogans and talking points.
WOW. I was joking when I said this guy must be doing the City books. Now he has removed all doubt.
Try to follow along. I’ll go slowly.
222 people have voted so far.
Out of those 222 people who have voted, 169 have voted for Missy Mosby, or instance. Expressed another way this is
169/222 = 76/100
or roughly 76% of poll respondents voted for Missy Mosby.
Now, what is that 76% telling us? It’s telling us that Missy Mosby is highly unpopular with CCO readers, to the tune of over 3/4 saying they would kick her off the Council. This is the only way these figures could be broken down in any meaningful way. You have to be smarter than the stats, dude.
Brad…maybe you have the math right, but do you realize that Missy won by over 60% in the last election? This poll is ridiculous just like all the other polls the CCO has conducted in the past.
Was she running against a hobo?
she was running against Lon Walters who got virtually no help from the Republicans, in a ward that is highly Democratic.
jbird, I know. I was just being a jackass.
My point was her circumstances in the last election has zero to do with her popularity today among CCO frequenters. I don’t think any CCO poll claims to be the end all be all of statistical analysis for Evansville. They are what ANY poll is or has ever been – a snapshot taken under select circumstances. How could one look at that poll and not see that clearly from the date that poll started to this that Mosby, Weaver, Robinson and Friend are the least popular Council members among CCO readership?
Are you and the editor both math flunk-outs? Really? Talk about a lack of credibility.
Let me make it plain for you. You CANNOT have a percentage as a subset of the overall total. Well, if you want to be accurate, which is pretty much beyond normal CCO standards.
So, to make it “reasonable” for you two, we should pretend that 1,000 people “vote” on a subjective “poll”.
800 of them say that the editor is an idiot
200 of them think Brad Linzy is a moron
999 are sure the CCO is a sham
747 think you are incapable of not looking like hypocrits.
Using your twisted (and erroneous) “mathmatics”, that would mean
80% voted the editor is an idiot
20% voted Brad Linzy is a moron
99.9 voted that the CCO is a sham
74.7 voted you are hypocrites
A percentage of a percentage is NOT and never will be statistically valid.
Case closed!
Haha. This is so going to hurt you tomorrow when you wake up with your hangover and realize you tried to debate mathematics on the CCO. 😀
Given your numbers,
2746 total people would have voted in your hypothetical survey. That would mean the following:
29% of them say that the editor is an idiot
7% of them think Brad Linzy is a moron
36% are sure the CCO is a sham
27% think you are incapable of not looking like hypocrits.
You really are as dumb as they say, aren’t you?
Read what I said again
…..we should pretend that 1,000 people “vote†on a subjective “poll .
See, I have CLEARLY posted that the survey sample was 1,000 people.
You have proven my point, but I doubt you will ever understand it.
No, you have proven that you believe 1000 people equals 2746.
But the percentage of people voting a certain way is indeed a percentage and that is precisely how the calculation is done. You are wrong on this one TruthSquad. What is confusing you is the fact that people can vote for three but are not required to. It works just like the at large totals for the city council voting.
For instance if 5 people run and 1,000 people vote in the election each casting 3 votes and the outcome is as follows:
Candidate A: 550 votes (55% of voters, 18.3% of al votes cast)
Candidate B: 650 votes (65% of voters, 21.7% of all votes cast)
Candidate C: 500 votes (50% of voters, 16.7% of all votes cast)
Candidate D: 700 votes (70% of voters, 23.3% of all votes cast)
Candidate E: 600 votes (60% of voters, 20% of all votes cast)
Candidates B, D, and E will be declared the winners and the percentages add up to 300 that corresponds to every voter making 3 selections
Now in the case above the real accurate representation of the will of the people is given by the % of voters who cast a ballot for a particular candidate not the nebulus derivative percentage of all votes cast which makes all of the candidates look unwanted.
I think you have a mental block on the simple arithmetic TruthSquad. You are really spinning without a clue.
TruthSquad, you are 100% wrong on this one.
Brad and editor. Stop arguing with that moron CCO Truthsquad. Even gallagher understands you guys have the math right. With that kind of math CCO Truthsquad is either Missy, Weaver, or maybe Lindsey but I think Lindsey is smart enough to leave this one alone. One thing is for sure, CCO Truthsquad is not a CPA or could play one for the city council.
Yoda, agree 100%. Debating CCOFruitSquad is like wresting a pig at the county fair, you get all dirty and they like it. No point, just ignore from now on.
Usually I might agree, but this was too entertaining to pass up. Maybe next week we could challenge Euclidian geometric premises like lines and points on a plane, also I hear Newton’s principles of gravity could use a good revamping. It has been over 500 years after all. Anything that old has gotta need a rethink.
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