Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE February 20, 2013

IS IT TRUE February 20, 2013


The Mole #??
The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE February 20, 2013

IS IT TRUE the Purdue University Technical Assistance Program established a staffed field office in Evansville’s Innovation Pointe Building soon after it opened in 2007?…that during late 2011 the powers that be up in West Lafayette decided to close that office which served a multitude of counties in SW Indiana for “financial” reasons?…yesterday an email went out from the Purdue TAP program claiming to have provided an economic impact of $35 Million to Dubois County (Jasper) alone during the term from 2007 to 2012?…as that happened when a paid staffer was on the payroll making things happen it is unlikely that results like this will be sustainable with the magic invisible hand from West Lafayette managing things in SW Indiana?…that closing an office that could not have been costing much more than $100,000 per year over money and then claiming to have made a $35 Million impact sounds more like the antics of a politician than an academic institution?…if one of the initiatives of Purdue is to impact all of Indiana that field offices is the only way to do so?…the closing of a regional field office that created the impact that Purdue claims in a single county is one colossal mistake if Purdue really wants to impact economies?…claiming such success after closing the office is unbelievably disingenuous?

IS IT TRUE that the mental giant aka Vice President Joe Biden is in the news again for suggesting that a shotgun blast or two is what is needed for Americans to protect their lives and property?…such a correct opinion from the “trial balloon floater” for the Obama Administration is both welcome and unexpected?…the federal marketing plan for shotguns started a couple of weeks ago with President Obama releasing a photo of himself shooting at skeet?…that photo op and Biden’s yesterday while they made sense in the words chosen also seem to have an undertone aimed at tinkering with the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution as both events have promoted shotguns but made it clear that so called assault weapons are not needed?…while it is comforting to know that shotguns are in vogue in Washington that does not change the fact that there is a concerted effort to alter away or interpret away traditional interpretations of the 2nd Amendment?…President and Vice President Shotgun have one thing wrong?…with a shotgun cocking it is usually enough to send an intruder scurrying for the door and no blast is needed?…the one downfall of a shotgun is however the shot pattern which can easily pepper the bodies of two people standing next to each other?…if the intruder has a hold of your spouse and you come to protect them with a shotgun blast as Shotgun Biden has suggested there is a high probability that you will shoot your spouse too?…a pistol or a rifle will not come with that problem?…we must ask “say it ain’t so Joe, we need pistols and rifles too”?

IS IT TRUE that the editorial by the Courier and Press on Sunday where City Council President Connie Robinson was lightly chastised for implying that rude or childish behavior by other council members in her own words can “go to hell”?…while Robinson’s frustration with the recent dust up over the credentials of David Garrett may have gotten the best of her the real firestorm that the both the CCO and the Courier have been recently provided is how two members of the City Council use foul language on each other in email exchanges?…the editor of the CCO responded to a comment yesterday with rhyming words with some of the garbage we have seen that has gone back and forth between council members when discussing official business?…there are even words designed to intimidate other council members into resigning?…President Robinson’s words were absolutely a breath of fresh air compared to what we have been provided by multiple sources between other City Council members?…we are still choosing to refrain from publishing this foul exchange of emails but do reserve the right to do so at some future point if it becomes a continual problem between council members with each other or certain council members and other people?…we hope that all 9 of our City Council members learn to exercise restraint and civility in carrying out their duty to run our city?…if they do not and if crude language and intimidation tactics continue it may very well be appropriate to release the emails of the offending elected officials?


  1. I’ve been hearing some strange things from my friends that are still in the democrat party here… I heard some of the exact words Weaver said in his email… Pretty disrespectful if you ask me… I also heard that Mark Owen got mad at someone for their comments about him on the cco here… I don’t know who it was but I heard they gave it back to him so whoever it was good for you… I was never a fan of Owen taking the reins of the party… I knew it would end up like this… Editor do you have any moles telling you the same thing or is this all rumor?

    • From what I’ve been told it was just Mark Owen being Mark Owen. There’s a lot of people struggling to be relevant these days. It would do Mark some good to stay out of the limelight until the party can repair itself.

  2. “…exercise restraint and civility…”. How about dishonesty? Such as portraying someone to be a CPA during the public meeting to award a tax supported contract, after emailing credentials to the contrary? No?

    Ahh? The bromance between the CCO editor and Friend/Garrett continues.
    Nice gift/distraction from the issue provided by Robinson by using foul language? And if the title “CPA” has such little meaning, why does Friend regularly remind the Council of his credentials?
    Note all the question marks? That means I can’t be accused of slander as they were only questions, not statements?

  3. Unfortunately at the recent City Council meeting Connie Robinson lost it by behaving in the same manner as people she was criticizing when she used the expression “……To hxxx with them” or something close to that. Her public behavior was rather shocking. There is a big difference in exchanging emails than using inappropriate words in a televised public meeting

    Good News: Very shortly thereafter Connie recognized her mistake and apologized for her statement/behavior. Now I have more respect for her than I ever had before.

    • I attended that meeting and yes Connie did apologize , that is when she made her mistake because she was stating the truth, several of the council members have been acting like mischievous two year olds.

  4. If saying “to Hell with them” qualifies as a shocker in a Council Meeting, I reckon it’s a damn good thing I’m not a Council Member. If we’re splitting hairs, “Hell” wouldn’t technically be a cuss or “curse word” at all, even in this context. The entire phrase “to hell with them”, would be a curse, admonishment or command to remove oneself to that fictional, mythical netherworld told of in Biblical doctrine, but the word “Hell” itself is just the name of a place, albeit one Connie Robinson thinks some of her colleagues should visit. And who knows, maybe they’ll get the opportunity one day.

    Some of you people need to seriously lighten up. This isn’t Sesame Street. We’re all adults here. I’m not saying everyone should go around dropping f-bombs all the time, but a good cuss word feels good every now and then, like a tall glass of water, an afternoon in a nudist colony, or an Ayahuasca trip with Brazilian natives. It can carry across or purge an energy and actually sometimes be quite life affirming. If you can managed to unclench your anuses, I recommend some of you try it sometime.

    • Didnt you used to be a Republican committeeman? How did that work out for you ?

      • Obviously it wasn’t the best fit under the circumstances, the circumstances being a Chairman who wanted 100% participation in supporting Mitt Romney, which for reasons I laid out in detail in my resignation letter to him, I could not in good conscience do.

        Regardless, the GOP is moving my way, whether we all realize it or not now, the slow, creeping slither our Party has taken over the decades toward the left-of-center will be rolled back, or our Party will face irrelevance as true conservative voters get hemmoraged to increasingly more relevant third party, principled candidates.

        • Tucker wasn’t the best fit “under the circumstances” either. It is all starting to make sense now.

      • I didn’t have the fortune of seeing your “insulting” comment before it was removed, but I suspect the reason mine wasn’t removed is because I was careful about context… For instance, the word “anus” can be found in any medical book alongside words such as “penis” as a proper, medical name for a part of the human anatomy. Indeed, the word “anal”, the adjective form, is used extensively in serious studies of early psychoanalysts like Freud and, to a lesser extent, Jung. This is my intended context, and my guess is, the CCO Editor, being a man of some considerable education, understood the context.

        It’s similar to the way I could say the phrase “little bitch” at a dog show, yet if I used it to describe, say, you, it would surely be edited from the high-mined, erudite confines of CCO.

          • It’s a good thing Brad has two hands then. There is still one available for you to hold. Smiley face with a wink.

    • Since you brought the Sheriff’s candidates into it, Mr. Wedding curses like a sailor, at least over the phone. I won’t repeat his favorite words here as there is really no way to disguise them in an acceptable context.

      …and when are you going to learn, I’m not a Tucker supporter. As a Republican, I won’t even be voting in the Democratic primary. How can I possibly be supporting him at this early stage?

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