IS IT TRUE the question has been raised about just what it would take for David Garrett to have his CPA license activated?…the City County Observer has been advised that the actions needing to be taken for Mr. Garrett to be able to put the letters CPA behind his name is 120 hours of approved continuing education credits and a request for activation would get it done?…this training can be taken online so within a month without missing a day of work Mr. Garrett could have his license back?…the one of the beautiful things about being an American is that in some areas we can still make a choice and Mr. Garrett made his years ago not to take the courses to keep the license active and it is his choice to become active again?…that CEU based classes do not have tests and really just indicate attendance or being logged on?…state controlled credentials are an industry in themselves and it often seems as though the real beneficiaries are the CEU credit mills as opposed to the buying public?…having sat through many such CEU classes at stiff fees this writer can attest that one can also choose to learn something new or sit in attendance like a bump on a log and still get the CEUs faxed to the license grantors?
IS IT TRUE we just heard from our facebook “Moles” that City Councilman, Weaver posted on his facebook the Courier and Press editorial concerning City Council members, Connie Robinson and John Friend, CPA, the alledged “Voice of Reason”, Russ LLoyd, Jr. and others? …that Councilman, Weaver made reference on his facebook post suggesting that hiring Mr. Garrett was a waste of taxpayers money? …we must remind our readers that Mr. Weaver lobbied and voted for the proposed $5 million dollar “Earthcare” deal? …we wonder if Mr. Weaver thinks his support of the proposed Earthcare project was not a waste of tax payers dollars?
IS IT TRUE that last week the article that was written back in the Spring of 2012 by City Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley and published by the CCO regarding her findings when doing the legal research on Earthcare Energy got 450 pageviews out of the blue?…this article was of course heavily read back when it was published by was off the radar for 8 months before this high interest level rose last week for two days?…there are only a couple of reasons for such an interest?…one would be if another city was considering making a deal with Earthcare Energy LLC and sought to leverage the legal work that Councilwoman Riley did pro-bono as part of her duties as an elected official?…the other possibility is that Earthcare Energy LLC that strongly asserted that they were in compliance with the contract signed by Mayor Winnecke is having some legal research done in preparation for a lawsuit?…at the time the Earthcare assertion that they were terminated while being in compliance had strong merit?…there had to be a reason for Earthcare Energy LLC to have kept making the interest payments on the $200,000 loan that the Winnecke Administration snuck to Earthcare without a City Council vote?…we may find out soon?
IS IT TRUE the social network Facebook had a picture of former Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel speaking at a gathering with a caption that read “future Congressmanâ€?…there were many comments of which some were supportive and others were mentioning things like SNEGAL grab for the Homestead Tax Credit, the McCurdy debacle, the Executive Inn dilemma, and the last minute Johnson Controls deal?…if the former mayor comes out of his political retirement to seek elected office again it will be quite interesting just how much a future opponent will go after him for some of the large messes he left the people of Evansville?…the CCO will expect record readership of our archives much like the Earthcare interest of last week if Weinzapfel’s hat is ever tossed back into the ring?
IS IT TRUE that the case brought by the VFW and others in an attempt to overturn the anti-smoking ordinance passed in 2012 by the Evansville City Council is now history?…this case was dismissed last month and now the appeal of that ruling has been denied as well?…the CCO wishes the people who brought this case well in their business endeavors?…the reality is that this case was not even a long shot from the start as overturning such ordinances has been tried for 20 years without success?…the money spent on this case without a prayer would have been better allocated to marketing efforts to attract non-smokers to these businesses?…we have heard from some businesses that claim to be suffering because of the ordinance and others that are finally seeing increases in business?…we wish all of these businesses success in the new and modern world?
If the Editor of the Courier and Press thinks that city council women, Connie Robinson using the he– word in public was wrong, he needs to read Weaver’s e-mails sent to Adams and Lindsey. A friend of mine has read these e-mails and says that they are horrorible.
In fact, I hope that someone would mail them to the Courier and Press and the CCO editors a copy of his e-mails. Let’s see if they will post Mr. Weavers e-mail laced with threating, insulting and vulgar remarks towards Linsdey and Adams.
Didn’t Weaver vote to give the Mayor’s 11 political appointees and buddies a 9% to 21% pay raise in this years budget? Also, didn’t Weaver voted to give the other 1200 plus city employees a 2% or 3% raise for 2013?
Looks like he’s should be the last one to talk about wasteing taxpayers money.
Any form of licensure is a racket designed to generate revenue for the State or organizations requiring them. Possessing a license to do something does not reflect competence, nor does the lack thereof reflect incompetence. One look at the sheer number of mouth-breathers possessing licenses to operate a motor vehicle without even knowing how to use their indicators is one good example. The only thing licensure does with any regularity is ensure the cost of services requiring licensure are increased greatly.
Concur to a point. Membership in and ‘certification’ by a professional organization which has reviewable consensus standards and examination procedures is the gold standard to measure competency sight unseen. However, membeship in one of those professional organizations doesn’t necessarily relfect competence either. I’m not sure if you’re advocating a complete lack of any system to protect consumers by giving them basic information about professional qualifications or not, but it does seem that a combination of licensure and certifications at least provides some assurance that a person is qualified to provide a service or practice a trade or skill.
It should be market based, plain and simple. There are, for instance, hundreds of procedures a licensed physician performs that could easily be done by a one-trick muppet without a license. Part of the reason healthcare is so expensive is due to licensure and the careful control of competition in that field.
A license is no assurance of quality. It drives up prices, but fails in the one area it’s supposed to benefit us. The sheer number of medical malpractice cases and the over-prescribing of certain medications by some licensed doctors blows a hole in the theory that a license is some kind of assurance of quality. The only assurance of quality is one that is market based.
There is no reason consumers shouldn’t be allowed to decide for themselves whether a service provider is worthwhile in the absence of a license. Then, Adam Smith has a say in whether or not a service provider will survive.
For a broader discussion on why medical licensure is a bad idea, see Milton Friedman’s take on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6t-R3pWrRw
The CEU credits are not necessarily automatic. It depends upon the accrediting agency. Some webinars do check, periodically, to determine whether the person who is logged on is awake and attentive.
And then the person seeking reinstatement must fill out the paperwork – one or two pages – and pay the fee.
News flash….one of my political buddies has forwarded to me some disgusting and vulgar emails from Weaver to Councilmen Adams and Lindsey. Why would any elected official EVER send such deplorable and mean-spirited messages. And, the Editor of the Courier & Press calls out Connie Robinsen for using the H E–double hockey sticks word. Sainthood is got to be in Ms Robinson’s future compared to Weaver vulgar language. These trouble emails have been forwarded to the CCO Editor. Wish they could post, but, an “X” rated disclaimer would have to precede the posting. BTW, how much has the city receive from the Earthcare loan of $200,000 which Weaver supported and vote for? Great use of the taxpayer’s money. Garrett = $20,000 Earthcase = $200,000, hopefully, Garrett will keep the Administration honest, what has the city gotten for the $200,000?
Thank you for the emails. We indeed will not post them as the language is pretty raw and personal. The CCO will not publish such things and we have a policy to publish nearly everything. Let’s just say that publishing personal attacks that rhyme with “sum-in-a-witch”, “rather-trucker”, and plain old “truck” are out of bounds.
You should post them with the swear words edited out, or you should simply post them with the disclaimer. I prefer the latter. Publishing official communications from one elected official to another about public business should be a primary goal of the CCO. If an elected official feels the need to use profanity and invectives in their official communication, that’s insight into their personality and fitness to serve which voters should be allowed to see.
This publication has sunk to an all time low. Start reporting the news rather than create it. You are becoming more and more like Topix everyday!
Does you last name start with W and end in R?
Sure doesn’t
I agree!!!!! They only report on stuff
That other people tell them about who has revenenge on the person they are reporting on
If I were you I wouldn’t be complaining about the cco not releasing the email. They are doing Weaver a service by not publishing that mess. I can why your side never hates the cco, you were having too much fun destroying the town before they came along.
Sending inflammatory emails to another Council member does not carry with it a reasonable expectation of privacy. I agree if you have such emails, you should publish them, but you should also publish all other such emails you are asked to publish by other Council Members if you do that.
It could get messy, but that’s politics for ya. It’s a messy, ugly business. Now let’s see some laundry, CCO.
To the Editor….what are the dates on the emails?
December 22, 2012: 2:41 pm & 1:41 pm are the most recent ones we have been provided. Pretty darn nasty.
If the CCO has received these emails they are in the public domain. As such, they should be published or otherwise made available to the public. Especially since you have reported on their alleged content. Perhaps you could use the Mole Hotline section of this site to allow readers to send you their email address for forwarding the referenced emails.
The bottom line with Weaver is this: He can’t defend any of his positions. He has never explained his vote for earthcare, he has never explained, much less proven, why he think someone stole his sign, and he will never be able to explain his vote for the 2013 budget. It would seem to me that if you felt like you did the right thing you should at least be able to explain your position.
This goes back to the fact that the democratic party here (the rep party is the same) has lost complete control of their party because they refuse to hold their members accountable, they refuse to abolish their good ole boy system, and they refuse to act in what’s best for the city and their personal career.
I know it’s just wishful thinking at this point in time but I sure would like to see someone like Danks take over the reins of the local democratic party. We need people on both sides of the aisle willing to take the city in a drastically and completely different direction.
I completely agree with the above statement. If Jordan and I agree on something, chances are good there’s something to it.
I would just add to the end of that statement that rather than “both sides of the aisle”, we also make room for a viable Libertarian Party to showcase its best ideas.
I don’t care what party you fancy. I don’t think local politics should have political party affiliations. We are too small and party politics just poisons the real goals of an otherwise good community. With that said, it does not matter what party Weaver belonged too, I would vote against him too. Everyone sees his puppet strings.
By Edward Krudy
NEW YORK | Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:28pm EST
(Reuters) – U.S. stocks rose on Tuesday as this year’s ongoing surge in merger activity suggested investors were still finding value in the market even as indexes closed in on all-time highs.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Do mergers and acquisitions (M&A) create value in the Market?:
It looks more like media hype causes a little bump for about 36 months in some acquisition cases.
Hardly anything Obama can hang his hat on. That is unless he was personally responsible for talking Teresa Heinz Kerry into selling out to Warren Buffett.
The real winners are the attorneys.
Don’t forget that Weaver cost the county several thousand dollars when he was sued by people he fired.
What a menace.
I wish I could vote against him, but I don’t live anywhere near the dolt.
I think he’s at large but I guess you live out of Evanshell. I’m more appalled that somebody like Mosby is on the council but that’s name recognition.
Taken down by Editor because statement was off subject.
“IS IT TRUE the social network Facebook had a picture of former Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel speaking at a gathering with a caption that read “future Congressmanâ€?”
Maybe for Illinois.
Thanks for raising this topic. I am not so aware with this. Good that i get to check your blog and got this various informations.
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