IS IT TRUE? February 14, 2012


IS IT TRUE? February 14, 2012

IS IT TRUE that today is Valentine’s Day and that we encourage all of our readers to express their emotions to that special person that you love to celebrate?…that even goes for those among you who have fallen for the charms of Lifestyle Lil who is also the siren who sang to seven husbands?…that even if no one else loves you that Lil will?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council passed by a vote of 7 – 2 last night a nearly comprehensive smoking ban that will take effect on April 1, 2012?…that there is literally not one land based building in Evansville where people are employed that will allow smoking after that date?…that the only exception is the gaming area of Casino Aztar and that all of that floats?…that there has been some question raised recently as to whether the boat is in the city or the county or even in Kentucky but that is all moot at this point for enforcement purposes?…that Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley gets the badge of courage last night for voting against the exemption for Aztar because she truly believes that a comprehensive ban is the right thing to do?…that Councilwoman Mosby as expected opposed the ban based on what she thinks her constituents in the second ward want?…that if there is one thing that we can say for Missy is that she has been the most consistent of the nine members of the City Council through this whole multiyear process?

IS IT TRUE that the most puzzling vote of the night was cast by Councilman Jonathan Weaver who cast the other NO vote?…that Councilman Weaver was elected to represent the community at large which has consistently supported a smoking ban by a 4 to 1 majority for several years now?…that Councilman Weaver may want to review who he works for as his title is Councilman at-large as opposed to Councilman at-the-bar?

IS IT TRUE that two weeks ago when this whole dust up over the January 23rd booze fest attended by six Democrat City Council members came up that the City County Observer raised the issue of such meetings violating OPEN DOOR LAWS?…that we were dismissed and scoffed at with even attorneys who should know parsing words and expressing opinions to the contrary?…that now former City Council member Wendy Bredhold has been reported to confirm that these after council meeting gatherings have been going on for a number of years?…that the Monday night gatherings of Democrats have been described as “tradition”?…that to her credit Ms. Bredhold had the good sense to realize that such gatherings do not pass the smell test and rarely attended?…that Evansville’s 3rd Ward seems to have become a consistent source of principled City Council members having elected now County Commissioner Steve Melcher, Ms. Bredhold, and current Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley?…that the CCO thanks the 3rd Ward for electing people who can be counted on to do what is right to the Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE that the whole OPEN DOOR LAW issue is quite likely to raise its ugly head on the heels of the January 23rd alcohol fueled gathering of Democrat City Council members?…that it would take incredible naiveté, denial, or an outright lie for anyone to believe that a majority of the Democrat members of the City Council could meet weekly after council meetings for a 3+ year period and not talk about the people’s business?…that there may just be a real investigation in the making to expose whatever goes on at these gatherings?…that there will be lots of egg on lots of faces and maybe even some consequences when the fallout from the January 23rd Bacchanalian BoozeFest of the Democrats has completely been made public?


  1. Local Dems need to show some love this day. Even if only for themselves. The WaterMain Gate story is disturbing at many levels. Please continue to post the truth CCO. The truth is out there.

  2. Is it true that Aztar now knows for sure that it owns Evansville? Is it true that if they want something done, a threat will get it done? Is it true that at least one council member makes a living off the prosperity of the boat? Is it true that that would make it hard for them to be unbiased?

  3. Several years ago an anonymous individual on the Courier web site admitted that a substantial portion of the income from Connie Robinson’s minority set aside contract with Casino Aztar has been donated to the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party. This share the wealth plan continues to this day. So it really doesn’t matter who voted for the smoking ban and who voted against it. If Casino Aztar wants smoking on the boat, there will be smoking on the boat, by God! The future of the Democratic Party depends on it.

    And if that arrangement doesn’t suit a person’s sensibilities, they can always support the Republicans. Evansville will never get better (i.e., become 100 percent smoke-free) unless and until Evansvillians change their politics.

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