IS IT TRUE that there are several citizens of the City of Evansville who are fed up with the pettiness and sneaky way that things happen and are putting their money where their mouth is to teach the anonymous tattle tale a lesson over the embarrassing fiasco that the efforts to smear David Garrett have become?…the City County Observer has been authorized by the contributions of these citizens to increase the informant fee that leads to the identity of the anonymous caller to $1,500?…that maybe this latest politically motivated playground stunt will be exposed, the perpetrator disgraced, and some semblance of peace and cognizant behavior can begin within the Evansville City Council?…the bar to get this $1,500 is set at the level of a criminal trial described as “beyond a reasonable doubtâ€?…a preponderance of evidence may result in an award but these people want the anonymous caller exposed in a way that the consequences are such that things like this will not happen again in our memory?
IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Sheriff Eric Williams last week put in an official request for past Sheriff Department employee, Stuart Mosby to receive final payment for past employment with the County? …that Sheriff Williams submitted a “out to process final pay” form request was for exactly for $21,493.47 to the County Auditor for payment for Mr. Mosby? …that this request for payment is the talk of the Civic Center since the issue of alleged “ghost employment” by Mr. Mosby is presently being investigated by the State and Federal agencies? …we hope that the County Auditor and County Council will not approve Sheriff Williams’ request until the State and Federal agencies have made an official determination if Mr. Mosby has any repayment liability to repay them for his alleged “Ghost employment” with the county? …we hope that Sheriff Williams have alerted the State and Federal agencies about his $21,493.47 request the county to pay Mr. Mosby his final pay check so they can attach this check until this matter is resolved?…if Sheriff Williams didn’t make these agencies aware of his request we urge the County Auditor and County Council to do so?…we also we wonder why Sheriff Williams just didn’t lay off Mr. Mosby without pay until the State and Federal agencies resolved this issue?
IS IT TRUE that the Fire Department liaisons from the Evansville City Council Al Lindsey and Dr. H. Dan Adams have asked Chief Connelly if he can possibly expedite two things for the EFD?…the first is to justify a need for the Deaconess Pre-Trauma course for the firefighters at an approximate cost of $80,000?…the second is the actual installation of the hard-fought-for extractors and dryers at a costs of $165,000?…they would like to report back to the City Council on the updated status of these two issues?
IS IT TRUE the CCO has obtained an email dated October 19, 2012 that was sent to the entire Evansville City Council regarding the qualifications of David Garrett?…attached to this email is Mr. Garrett’s resume’ that clearly states that all financial licenses such as CPA are PRIOR CERTIFICATIONS and that these licenses are not current?…that not a single member of the Evansville City Council including Jonathan Weaver and Missy Mosby who have lead the charge against Mr. Garrett questioned one thing about the fact that the licenses were not current?…the email makes it clear that Mr. Garrett never in any way mislead any member of the City Council about his licenses and that all of them including Finance Chairman John Friend, CPA had the opportunity to VET this prior to awarding the $20,000 contract to Mr. Garrett?…the way this act of cognizant oversight has been turned into a theatrical drama is a disgrace to the City of Evansville, the local mainstream media, and even the people of Evansville who by their abject silence in the voting booth sanction such actions?
It seems reasonable to assume Weaver was behind the call to the state regarding Garrett given his recent slanderous statements.
This type of pettiness gives politics a bad name.
You have no facts that indicate Weaver made the call to the State. Are you being slanderous?
Is that you Jonathan?
I doubt he has the guts to have made the call, but put someone else up to it…yeah I’m sure he and Ms Mosby are behind the call being made, it’s their brand of petty BS that we all know and love from our city council.
BLANGER…you’re always on here badmouthing Missy and making accusations under an anonymous name….You’re no better!
LOL….thank you Ma’am
Blanger….is that just your honest opinion or are you spreading rumors????
Oh and BTW it’s “Humble” opinion…..
Humble??? Your remarks are a far cry from being humble! More like your humble way of spreading rumors.
Editor, did you see the article in the C&P (on-line yesterday, not sure when it was in print) that said a consultant recommended that IU’s new medical school be located downtown? I wonder who paid for that study? It wasn’t clear to me in the article.
I definitely wouldn’t vote for Williams now. If this dirty cop gets paid that money it’s shameful.
You are only seeing the TIP of the iceberg.
The sheriff is on the ballot again in 2014 – next year – and there are going to be lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of issues that are going to be discussed by the candidates.
Of those “lots” mentioned above, about 85% of them are going to make the sheriff look really, really, really, really, really bad.
I agree. I know of people who are waiting in the eaves to reveal some crap about Wedding. Just waiting for the right moment. :}
Just curious how this figure ($21,493.47) is arrived at? How often are Deputies paid?
I think it includes all of his accumulated vacation, sick, personal and comp time he had on the books. I’m told he had “a lot” of comp time.
I don’t know if they can legally withold his pay; but, I’d sure like to see some type of lein placed against him pending this investigation. If he did actually claim that he worked 100+ hours that he didn’t, that could sure eat up a lot of that $21,493.
The other day there was a listing in The Evansville Courier & Press, of how much each Vanderburgh County ememployee was paid last year. So we know that the information is not marked “confidential.”
If the total is public record, the makeup of that amount should also be public record.
Just curious, do you remember what day this was in the paper?
“attached to this email is Mr. Garrett’s resume’ that clearly states that all financial licenses such as CPA are PRIOR CERTIFICATIONS and that these licenses are not current?”
And yet Councilman Friend still made the claim that Garrett was a CPA during his sales pitch in the Council meeting and didn’t see the need to mention that expired status. We, the public did not get that email, so we, the bill payers were misled. Responsible behavior on his part?
Many of our local politico figures D & R makes no diff have been very irresponsible with tax payer monies , these people need to be held accountable
The key word mad is “was”. Come on dude, Garrett “was” a CPA in 1990-something. Friend did not lie. Every council member had the resume’ and the task doesn’t require a CPA anyway. What is with the personal vendetta against Friend. You are sounding like Weaver did on TV the other night with his personal vendetta against Garrett.
No, please, I’ll express undying admiration if you’ll take back the comparison to Weaver and Mosby. (8-)
I just fear that people are being drawn in by someone who failed as Finance Chair and now is using tax money to spin and elevate his stock for a run for Mayor. He is no worse than many before him, but it won’t discourage me from trying to keep him as honest as possible for someone in the political realm.
If I’m wrong so be it, and honestly, I hope I am if he is headed for a Mayoral run.
Okay you are off the hook. May I pull a Lloyd Bentsen and say I know Weaver and you are no Weaver. That is a good thing. You sound like a decent person with a bone to pick with Friend over playing a little loose with the truth. It is not the first time and it won’t be the last. Please pick it when the time comes to make it worth picking. For now lets try to rid Evansville of the scourge of Weaver and Mosby. They are an embarrassment to all that is good and decent in Evansville, IN.
John Friend miss-spoke, I do not think he intentionally lied. He is the one has over reacted and stirred this thing up by making statements that were not correct. He is the one who needs to apologize for all this mess.
When does the public EVER get the email?
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